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[BATTLE] TIMELINE: Come, Sweet Death

CSIS | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Ranked #1 Think Tank in North America by Global Go To Think Tank Index
 REPORT ~ Credit to King_of_anything for formatting 

TIMELINE: Come, Sweet Death

"In the ashes of the Atom there has been no rebirth, no Phoenix rising above the smoldering remains. Only the lingering tears of a mother's sacrifice, knowing it was all for naught."

November 13th, 2023
Anthony H. Cordesman
Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy
"The best laid plans of mice and men often fall awry when the soldier's heart no longer exists."
 -Clive Hamilton 

Clipping the Silver Wings

The ceasefire which had been so easily signed in the aftermath of the war - would be just as easily broken as West Coast Collective (WC) fighter planes found themselves once more surging across into Salt Lake air-space following the breakdown of peace talks (due to SLFR belligerence). However, the air-assault would be far less successful than expected. Simultaneous calls for surrender and orders to attack by the WC had led to confusion on the Salt Lake side and ultimately ended any chance at a non-violent resolution.
SLFR airwings, still in disarray from the effects of nuclear strikes on their logistical chain and major airfields - would despite a well-planned counter-attack, be unable to fully thwart WC strikes. However, the uncoordinated WC plan - issued from the WC High Command without regard to recommendations from the Vice Admirals in-charge of carrier aviation would see large numbers of WC aircraft taken out by land-based anti-air systems in the lead-up to the strike on Creech. While Creech and Hill AFB would both ultimately be destroyed due to the sheer-quantity of aircraft sent by the WC - the unnecessary losses taken by WC air-assets would begin to reignite dissent which had already existed but had been tempered among the WC Military branches.
These tensions would only be further inflamed as WC Military High Command had outright forgotten about Edwards AFB which was recently seized by the SLFR during the prior campaigns. SLFR counter-strikes from this Air Force Base while limited due to a lack of additional munitions for resupply - would nonetheless be devastating on the WC aircraft returning from their strike missions. These losses - wholly unnecessary and avoidable would form the first fractures in the war to come, as WC trust among military leadership began to shatter.
Yet while a valiant stand - the reality of the Atom was only beginning to set in for the SLFR.

Forward No More

SLFR Military Commanders and Political Leaders along the front-lines of the war had expected two things following the cease-fire and aftermath of the nuclear strikes by the WC. They, expected that 1. the SLFR would begin an immediate withdrawal to the mountains - or even further inland followed by a peace-agreement and 2. that all available civil and military resources would be dedicated to the clean-up operations in honor of the near half-million dead. And as front-line Commanders received their orders and political leaders their talking points - it was clear that the complete opposite was planned.
The SLFR High Command - or what was left of it had elected to devote all remaining resources to continuing the war against the WC. Yet as calls home by the SLFR soldiers on the front-line continued to go straight to voice-mail, and all media reports showed a complete lack of significant action domestically in the face of the nuclear crisis - dissension had begun to build among the ranks. This led local commanders on the ground to begin planning out their own operations - refusing to recognize orders issued from the Cheyenne Mountain Complex. None willing to continue fighting in the largely urban-hellscape that was Western America, commanders of forces operating in the Cascades began a total withdrawal, giving up the hard-won coastal gains in favor of retaking a solid defense in the mountains. At the same time - local Pacific North-west politicians including Loren Culp would begin denouncing what they called "Moronic" orders from a non-existent capital.
In California - forces would be more eager to continue fighting - desperate to retain the gains made. Yet despite being only miles away from both Los Angeles and San Francisco - the commanding officers on the ground began to realize the dire situation, receiving little in the way of logistical support from the just-nuked SLFR heartland, Emperor Norton and the remaining SLFR forces would withdraw into the Californian Mountain ranges.
However, while no gains had been managed against the entrenched WC forces - a startling harassment free withdrawal had SLFR forces puzzled as they withdrew with near impunity. Some scouts had even reported that it would take the WC forces hours - even days to move into vacated SLFR positions, leaving WC forces well outside the initiative and under almost constant artillery bombardment. SLFR scouts in the later-period of the campaign would also begin reporting a noted lack of Marines on the WC frontlines, with forces more and more being of Army or National guard nature.
Yet these slight advantages would materialize into nothing, as the SLFR would finally push its population one step to far.

Sweet Death

Continue the war, avenge the fallen, words now ubiquitous with the SLFR Central Government. Yet the final straw would be a statement given late into the second-campaign, "give everything you have to give" - followed by confirmation that the SLFR High Command had approved a possible nuclear strike on the West Coast. The SLFR population had already given everything it had to give and in return? They had received nothing, the SLFR Central Government was more interested in continuing war and blundering peace-talks, rather than attempting to take the initiative in domestic clean-up and repair.
The SLFR populace had needed only look to Canada, which had launched extensive campaigns to repair the damages wrought by the WC nuclear strikes. While at the same time, SLFR civilians found themselves bombarded by pro-war Propaganda, and "low-level promises" of a future if they would only support the war a little longer. In July, the SLFR Central Government would lose the carrot and the stick.
Earlier orders to launch nuclear strikes on the WC had already been ignored - a signal of the coming disaster of SLFR policy. Yet the first notice that control of the nation was rapidly shifting would come when the cities of Reno and Carson would announce themselves as The Free Cities of Tahoe - nominally aligned with the WC. The Mayor of Reno would later be seen on TV, formally accepting the offer to surrender by the WC. And while the first, it would not be the last.
The next to follow, would be the numerous Native Reservations that dotted the SLFR landscape. All highly militant and declaring "neutrality" in the WC-SLFR war, they are supported by a strong-backbone of native veterans from all walks of the former USA Armed Forces. The largest of these "self-declared nation-states" is the Great Navajo Nation and Hualapai Indian Alliance located across formerly SLFR controlled Arizona and New Mexico. The Great Navajo Nation would quickly be followed by The Salt Lake Nation and Great Plains Confederation, one made up of the Uintah and Ouray Nations, the other a confederation of a number of reservations across the SLFR. The final major reservation to declare itself a nation-state would be the Nez Perce Reservation in Idaho.
Perhaps most critical, however, was a daring raid led by former Navajo SPECOP veterans and pilots on the previously planned for export F-15EX facility. Leading to a total of 16 F-15EX aircraft stolen and the rest scuttled followed by the destruction of the facility itself. SLFR Forces wouldn't be alerted to the raid until a transmission - presumed to be from the Navajo Nation was received and stated "Thanks for the Flying Horses."
The SLFR Central Government in the face of the collapse, was quick to muster local defense forces while demanding the withdrawal of forces along the WC-SLFR frontline. Yet both were met with silence as Loren Culp - a noted political leader in Eastern Washington and Idaho following the collapse of the USA would in tandem with Brad Little (Idaho Senator) announce the formation of the Free Cascadian Republic a culmination of former SLFR forces and locals to the Eastern Washington/Oregon and Western Idaho region. Declaring total independence, it is rumored that Brad Little and Loren Culp have reached out to the USA Republican Party and specifically Donald J. Trump who continues to campaign as a politician.
In California - the SLFR would face similar hardship as Emperor Norton - in an act of treason declared the Republic of California as led by himself. Supported by a number of now-former SLFR Forces, he declared immediate neutrality in the war - stating that his forces would defend the Republic but nothing more. Emperor Norton was not however universally supported - resulting in the formation of the nominally SLFR aligned Republic of Northern California - formed by militant SLFR forces no longer willing to give any more ground, but wholly unable to continue the war outside of the Californian mountains.
Facing the total collapse of the SLFR - the Central Government would move to enact large-scale lockdowns across the nation. Yet as Shrek once said "you and what army". The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints would be the last to announce its separation from the SLFR Central Government. Having already grown as a leading community organization across the SLFR in the wake of the nuclear-crisis and as one of the last remaining major independent financiers, the LDS would under the leadership of Russell M. Nelson announce the LDS's separation and newfound existence as a Nation-State working with but not under the SLFR Central Government. Claiming all existing Temples both within the SLFR and beyond (although SLFR only has meta control over those in SLFR) - the LDS has explicitly stated it has no intention of continuing or supporting the war between the WC and SLFR - instead it intends to marshal the power and pride of SLFR natives in healing the nation at home.
The LDS has the support of the majority of the SLFR population, with only about 20-30% of the remaining SLFR population supportive of the Central Government. However, of what remains of the SLFR military, the LDS maintains very little control. Nonetheless, all hopes at continuing a war have vanished.
And while the SLFR fractured into a thousand pieces, those watching the crisis unfold were left to wonder why the WC had not struck while the iron was hot. What they didn't know was that the SLFR was not the only American Successor with assets going dark across the country.

Endless Madness on the Golden Coast

It would later be revealed that Retired General James "Mad Dog" Mattis, a resident of Washington State, had stormed into the Californian High Command despite his retirement demanding to know why "the Marines hadn't moved an inch, instead choosing to sit with a foot up their dick, as SLFR forces fled." While perhaps a soldiers-myth, it becoming the Marine-legend that it is, is telling of the true state of WC Military Command.
Yet to encapsulate the sheer incompetence of WC Military Commanders would be a task in its own right. Failure to launch a ground-campaign while relying on the surrender and subsequent secession of SLFR states does however get you pretty close. And when combined with a completely "over-confident" air-operation accompanied by the complete neglect of operational SLFR air-force bases which had just previously been under your control - it is no surprise the events which followed the collapse of the SLFR.
WC High Command would turn to panic as communications with the First and Third Fleets dropped off the map, followed by simultaneous ground-reports of Marine forces withdrawing from the front-lines while at the same time Army Officers commenced their own self-planned operations in an attempt to retake the lost initiative. In the coming chaos - WC forces would constantly find themselves two steps behind the retreating SLFR forces, which meant they found themselves under constant bombardment - greatly increasing casualty rates.
Additionally - WC air-sorties quickly began to slow, as the disappearance of both the First and Third Fleets became all too apparent. And while in normal circumstances this may have spelled the end of the WC military capabilities - the ongoing SLFR collapse had once again acted as a saving grace. And despite a population rapidly beginning to feel the full effects of an extended war of choice against the SLFR, the WC chose to press on.
This would however come to an end, as only three days after the WC had lost contact with the First and Third Fleets, the Third Fleet led by CVN-70 Carl Vinson would be reported by Canadian Arctic Rangers on patrol - passing through the Northwest Passage. The gravity of the situation quickly becoming clear would force the WC to put forward a cease-fire with the SLFR who at this point was more than welcoming of such an agreement. And as the cease-fire was being signed, intercepted radio-communications would reveal the WC High Command's worst fears.

Worst Case Scenario: The Mad Dog

 INTERCEPTED TRANMISSION - WC EYES ONLY CONVERSATION BETWEEN TRAITOR Ret.GEN MATTIS, REAR ADMIRAL KIRK, & VICE ADMIRAL MERZ MERZ: We'll see you on the other side. MATTIS: Those Chinese Bastards will have another thing coming. KIRK: Reports confirm that no attempt to pursue has been made. The WC is completely unaware. MATTIS: Marines in the Pacific are already ready. We'll be arriving to open arms. KIRK: Roger that. Good luck Merz. MERZ: And to you two as well, we'll be back together soon enough. MATTIS: End comms. Now. 
TOP STORIES | Local | Opinion | World | Finance | Politics
 Boston, New England 

"China's Worst Case Scenario: Defection of the West Coast Navy"

"Merz, Hero of the Atlantic! Free American Forces a signal for change? Alliance with New England confirmed?

BOSTON DAILY | Issued on 2024 - 12:00 | Boston, New England
BOSTON - The First and Third Carrier Strike Groups along with former PACOM Marines have defected, as confirmed by former Vice-Admiral of the WC, William R. Merz, retired Marine General Jim Mattis, and Rear Admiral James Kirk. The Carrier Strike Groups which had reportedly fallen off of West Coast communications networks had been reported as being possibly as far north as the North-west Passage, with other rumors having sprung up pinning them in the Pacific Ocean stopping near Pearl Harbor. One particular incident which was initially denied by the Canadian government - involved several former Alaskan servicemembers now serving with the Canadian Navy apparently defecting from Canada when their patrol boat came into contact with the Third Fleet. While no confirmation has been provided, its alleged by members of parliament that three names had been redacted from Canadian Naval Service records.
As it has been revealed, following a statement televised by General Mattis, both rumors are true as the First Carrier Group now finds itself in Japan having arrived at the tail-end of the opening phases of the Taiwan conflict. In his statement, General Mattis declared the beginning of the Free American Forces - consisting of former West Coast Marines and Naval personnel now dedicated to upholding the prior beliefs of America - tarnished by the USA and then by the subsequent successors. At the same time, Vice Admiral Merz and commander of the Third Carrier Strike Group has confirmed the fleet's defection to New England - maintaining alignment with the Free American Forces broadly speaking.
General Mattis would also state that "incompetence had wasted the lives of thousands unnecessarily" with the Free American Forces declaring their intentions to preserve life and operate under the sound judgment of competent leadership - hinting towards a possible partnership with New England while declaring "Japan to be a critical ally" and stating full intent to work with Pacific allies.
Meanwhile, Vice Admiral Merz stated the following upon arriving off the coast of Boston, "The Third Fleet is dedicated to upholding the beliefs of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And we stand in support of the Free American Forces and will not hesitate to come to their aid. However, we believe just as much good can be done on the Atlantic.
The resulting chaos which now sees the First Carrier Group docked in Japan and working with Japan and other regional allies, alongside former WC Marines has thrown a major wrench into the Chinese plans. And while too late to prevent the inevitable, General Mattis has ensured regional allies in the Pacific - that the Free American Forces would never allow the tragedy in Taiwan to happen again.
Official reports place current Free American Forces at the following amounts and locations,
  • Japan
    • 34,000 former WC Marines+Equipment (20,000 originally in Japan, 14,000 additional defections)
    • 5,400 former WC Marines in Korea
    • CVN-68 Nimitz (5x E-2 Hawkeyes, 12x F-35C II, 42 FA-18E/F Super Hornets, 2x P-3 Orions, 6x EA-18G Growlers)
    • 4x Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
    • 1x Ticonderoga Class Cruiser
    • 1x Wasp Class AAS (2x P-8 Poseidon, 18x MH-60 Seahawks)
    • 1x San Antonio Class Support Ship (2x MH-60 Seahawks)
    • 2x Los Angeles SSN
Meanwhile, the following have been seen off the coast of Boston.
  • Off the Coast of New England
    • CVN-70 (5x E-2 Hawkeyes, 12x F-35C II, 42 FA-18E/F Super Hornets, 2x P-3 Orions, 6x EA-18G Growlers)
    • 4x Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
    • 1x Virginia SSN
With another uneasy cease-fire declared, it has yet to be seen how the defections will force negotiations to proceed.


  • SLFR (SLFR has meta control)
    • The SLFR split was done to provide the SLFR creative freedom in how they approach their claim. If they revert to hand-wavy reunification - all factions (minus the Central Gov) are liable to become Unclaimable NPCs.
    • SLFR Central Government led by Mitt Romney and radicalizing Mormon LDS factions supported by Mr. Nelson have relatively little control of the SLFR as a whole.
    • LDS is politically favored by the broader SLFR population - in affect granting power to the Central Government. The LDS's main goal is to repair and heal the SLFR domestically. Secretly it plans to continue an asymmetric war of terror.
    • The SLFR Central Gov maintains full control of what nuclear assets still exist.
    • The SLFR Central Gov and Republic of Northern California are reliant on each-other for defense and economic support (defense provided by NC and economic support by Central Gov) - the NC is a distinctly separate entity.
  • Broader SLFR (SLFR has meta control of these splinters)
    • The varying indigenous self-declared nation states are highly militant supported by a strong backbone of native veterans. Their goal is simply the preservation of their independence.
    • The Republic of California (Norton) is non-aligned, seeking to maintain its independence only.
    • ALL Factions of the Indigenous/Norton demand independence or to a far lesser degree, autonomy. Failure to adequately address this will result in them becoming non-claimable NPCs.
  • Broader SLFR (No meta control for any party)
    • The Free Cascadian Republic has declared itself an independent state- reaching out to campaigning former American President Trump/the Maryland MIC for support. Nominally they are also allied with the SLFR and seek to preserve independence of Cascadia.
    • This entity is now considered a non-claimable NPC.
  • WC Aligned (Former SLFR - now WC meta control)
    • The Free Cities of Tahoe have aligned themselves to the WC
    • Las Vegas/Clark County continue to remain WC aligned.
    • Denver remains WC aligned.
    • Slab City has declared independence but is willing to work with the WC.
    • Ground: 7%
    • Air: 16%
    • Ground: 12%
    • Air: 11%
    • Naval: Defections


SLFR Factions + MAP
  • SLFR or SLFR Aligned Factions
    • The Salt Lake Federal Republic
    • Maintains all equipment not listed below - land as shown on the map (retaining its original eastern borders).
    • The Land of New Zion
    • Has declared St. George, Utah its capital, controls all LDS Temples and 70% (roughly) of the non-fractured SLFR population.
    • No military assets
    • The Republic of Northern California (Homeless vets)
    • Is primarily supported by local populations and 22,000 Regular Army Personnel, 5,000 National Guard Personnel, and appropriate equipment.
  • SLFR (meta-control) but non-aligned
    • The Great Navajo Nation+Hualapai Indian Alliance
    • Population = to the Reserve populations.
    • 16x F-15EX - otherwise no military vehicles.
    • Heavily armed and irregular force.
    • The Great Plains Confederation
    • Population = to the Reserve populations.
    • Heavily armed and irregular force.
    • The Republic of California
    • Is primarily supported by local populations and 13,000 Regular Army Personnel, 2,000 Army Reserve and appropriate equipment.
    • The Salt Lake Nation
    • Population = to the Reserve populations.
    • Heavily armed and irregular force.
    • The Nez Perce Nation
    • Population = to the Reserve populations.
    • Heavily armed and irregular force.
  • WC Aligned (WC Meta Control)
    • Slab City
    • Its Slab City.
    • The Free Cities of Tahoe
    • Much like Denver and Vegas - supported primarily by the populations of Reno/Carson City.
    • The Free Cascadian Republic
    • Supported by local population - estimated around 2-3 million.
    • 25,000 regular army personnel
    • 5,000 National Guard
    • 400 M113 APCs
    • 63 M1A1
    • 20 M1A2SEPv2
    • 43 F-16 Fighting Falcons
    • 30x M270
    • 20x MIM-104
    • 4x Lockheed AC-130s
    • 20x A-10 Warthogs
At the same time, the following have defected from the WC.
  • Japan
    • 34,000 former WC Marines+Equipment (20,000 originally in Japan, 14,000 additional defections)
    • 5,400 former WC Marines in Korea
    • CVN-68 Nimitz (5x E-2 Hawkeyes, 12x F-35C II, 42 FA-18E/F Super Hornets, 2x P-3 Orions, 6x EA-18G Growlers)
    • 4x Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
    • 1x Ticonderoga Class Cruiser
    • 1x Wasp Class AAS (2x P-8 Poseidon, 18x MH-60 Seahawks, 6x F/A-18E/F)
    • 1x San Antonio Class Support Ship (2x MH-60 Seahawks)
    • 2x Los Angeles SSN
  • Off the Coast of New England
    • CVN-70 (5x E-2 Hawkeyes, 12x F-35C II, 42 FA-18E/F Super Hornets, 2x P-3 Orions, 6x EA-18G Growlers)
    • 4x Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers
    • 1x Virginia SSN
submitted by Diotoiren to worldpowers [link] [comments]

Why China can overtake the US and become a Global Superpower

Why China can overtake the US and become a Global Superpower

This is a response to this post by Arly, this post will make more sense if you read their post first.
This is my first effort post I hope you like it.
Epistemological Status: Low but Sincere, I'm not an expert, I spent two days writing this up.
Thesis: I do not believe that China will certainly overtake the US, or even that there is a greater than 50% chance it will happen, however, I believe China will be a great power competitor on parr with the USSR, with the potential to overtake the US.

Why China is not a threat

In this section I summarize Arly argument and provide my interpretations.
I take Arly argument to be primarily about finance. Arguing that, like Japan in the '80s, China's leverage and demographics will prevent it from developing a robust consumer economy. China will be unable to overtake the US economically and thus will not be able to become the dominant power. I have several contentions where I believe we are nowhere near sure of this and Arly historical parallel does not have the predictive power they claim it to have. However, even conceding China's economic inferiority I will argue that China can be a serious threat to US hegemony.
The first section deals with how China has over-leverage itself and like Japan in the '80s will likely suffer long term economic stagnation as a result. A comparison is drawn between the amount of private credit china has taken on compared to other developed nations. China has increased its private credit 20 fold since 2000, compared to doubling in the US and tripling in Europe. By over-leveraging, China is taking out debt to pay citizens to engage in unproductive labor, such as bridges to nowhere and ghost cities. This debt will drag on its economy causing either a financial crisis or the proliferation of zombie companies.
Besides anecdotes about ghost cities, this is supported by China's high Incremental capital-output ratio. Incremental capital-output ratio is investment over GDP growth, if it is high then each unit of investment produces very little GDP growth. A higher Incremental capital-output ratio is not necessarily bad, it is simply the result of high investment because as more investment is available less profitable projects can get funded.
We have been promised a collapse in Chinese markets since I've been paying attention, it has yet to materialize. Obviously, this doesn't mean it won't, never short a bubble and all, but it makes me suspicious. Relevant to this is the fact of China's high gross savings rate of 45%.
China has one of the world highest saving rates, nearly 45% of the nation's income is saved, compared to 27% in Germany, 21% in Canada, 17% in the US, 17% in Portugal.
Nations with comparable saving rates include Ireland, Qatar, UAE, Luxembourg, Republic of Congo(not to be confused with the larger Democratic Republic of Congo). These fall into 2 categories: Oil exporters with large sovereign wealth funds Qatar, UAE, ROC, and foreign corporate tax havens Ireland, Luxembourg. The Soviet Union likely had a similar savings rate reaching 52% in 1990, however, this was the result of widespread shortages related to the collapse of its command and control economy. Japan was not comparable to China, at the start of the 70s Japan had gross national savings of only 25% and it only decreased through the 80s.
Arly makes it seem that Japan grew too fast and entered a bubble due to over-borrowing however if you overlay Arly graph of Japanese private credit with Japanese GDP growth we see that credit did not start to expand rapidly until 1985. Japanese growth began to stall drastically in 1988. The dramatic growth experienced by Japan was not a result of debt, however, Japan tried to extend its period of rapid growth by assuming large debts.
How did Japan do this while reducing national savings, the central bank imposed credit growth quotas on national banks via window guidance. This effectively led to continuous monetary expansion disconnected from the underlying reserves. This did not affect national savings and thus was structurally different from how China has achieved its credit expansion.
In fact, China can not engage window guidance or traditional monetary expansion. In economics, there exists something we call the impossible trinity in which a nation can control 2 of the following 3: capital flows, exchange rate, and monetary policy. China has chosen to control its exchange rate and engage in capital controls. Thus they have attempted to generate novel and awkward methods to drive credit creation.
To achieve China's credit expansion the Communist party artificially depresses wages allowing higher profits. These profits are owned by either institutions or the ultra-wealthy. Both consume a far smaller percentage of their income in comparison to the working and middle classes. In addition, capital controls force this wealth to be invested in China or on Chinese controlled projects. Yes, a significant amount finds its way abroad but far more would without China's capital controls. This gives China's financial sector the monetary base to provide far more leverage to projects of questionable productivity.
This is why China has been able to continue its debt-driven expansion longer than Japan, by relying on depressed consumption rather than central bank purchases. Will it continue indefinitely? Nobody knows, however, this is structurally different than Japan's asset bubble, it has lasted much longer and we have no reason to believe that it is not indefinitely sustainable. Ultimately this is not relevant to my main argument as I will argue that even an economically crippled China is a serious threat.
Arly demographic argument sounds as follows. China has a sharply aging population. As more people age out of the workforce they consume less. Thus, as domestic consumption shrinks, larger sections of the Chinese economy must become export-oriented. This dooms any attempt for the Chinese to develop a robust consumer economy and leaves them dependent on international trade for economic growth. Arly shows several counties that have similar demographic profiles and how they are export-oriented economies.
I dislike how Arly structured their rendition of this argument, they claimed that people engage in more saving but
This is contradicted by life-cycle and permanent income theories, however, while providing value these theories are contradicted by numerous empirical studies and by just looking at BLS data 1 2 3.
A cursory glance some charts shows the aging of Japan seems roughly correlated with the percent export industries. This does not correspond to a current account surplus which I at first assumed it would.
However correlation does not imply causation and Japan is a sample size of 1, I can't find anything on the internet that supports this claim. Arly used the fact that savings increase in aging populations but, on the contrary, savings actually fall because retires spend down savings. The above link also claims that aging economies should experience current account declines. This claims that the aging populations of East Asia are opportunities for US exporters as retirees spend down savings on imports. None of these point to aging populations leading to dependence on exports. If there are better arguments I'd be interested in reading them.
If the argument is true china is limited because a great power must be free to act. A large export sector makes the Chinese government beholden to international interests and unfree to pursue its national interests. The US is not dependent on exports or imports and does most of its trade with Canada and Mexico which are staunch allies. This gives the US broad latitude to act. The US has many other advantages, such as the world reserve currency and centrality in International institutions.
I argue that the CCP has demonstrated a willingness to trade growth for national pride and internal control. While slower growth will result in internal descent China is not a democratic or authoritarian state, it is a totalitarian state. Totalitarian states can immiserate their populations for government directives far more than other states. China has the state capacity to eliminate and contain dissenting elements, it can maintain the industries necessary for a 21st-century military without civilian equivalent industries.

History does not repeat, but it does rhyme

I'm not a huge fan of historical parallels, the entirety of history informs modernity but nothing is a carbon copy. While obvious, seeing current events as a copy of historical events seeps into analysis that overuses history with insufficient rigor. However, it makes good rhetoric and can help communicate intuitively what may need books to understand deeply. I will make an argument from historical parallels in this section, take it for what it is.
I believe that the correct historical parallel for China is not Japan but Nazi Germany. A large, technologically advanced, debt-saddled, shaky economy ruled by a nationalistic, expansionistic, personality cult.
There exists a common false belief that nazi policy was successful at spurring economic growth after the failures of the Weimar Republic. This is untrue, the average living standard of German families fell during their control pre-war. Partly this is the result of propaganda, however, they did succeed in reducing unemployment, and increasing weekly earnings. This was accomplished [primarily] via a deficit-financed military build-up.
Separate from the economic ravages of the First World War and the Great Depression, Germany had a massive industrial capacity. Germany had a large well-educated population, 61 million in 1930. For context, France had only 41 million. As the Nazi Party centralized political control they both stopped being dependent on public goodwill and were more adept at manufacturing it with propaganda. Thus the German economy shifted from a consumer economy to an economy oriented around military production. Throughout the war German living standards fell, this did not weaken the regime.
The German regime managed to disconnect power from the well being of the population, this allowed them to act internationally without caring how it affected their economy. The was one exception to this, oil. Until the Molotov Ribbentrop pact, German war planners were extremely concerned with the lack of oil deposits within axis lands. It could be argued that the invasion of the Soviet Union could not have proceeded without access to the Romanian oil fields. When the wartime economy of the German Reich began collapsing towards the end of the war it was not from financial crashes or the grinding misery of the population, it was because allies were destroying factories and resource extraction facilities. The German war economy continued to its high output of r&d because research centers were not targeted by allied bombing. Germans were the only power to use jet aircraft in the Second World War, and the V2 rockets were not replicated by the allied powers.
Arly and many others contend that major powers must have a strong economy to support power projections. This is an old Anglo-American fallacy, repeated about every global competitor since the Kaiser. Germany was defeated twice by men on the field of battle. The Soviet Union collapsed when political liberalization and democratization showed everyone hated the regime. The Soviet Union did not need to liberalize, they could have become a massive North Korea and we would still be in a nuclear standoff with them.
If the CCP manages to disconnect their political power from popular support China only needs industrial capacity and technological strength in certain relevant arias. The Chinese government understands this. This is why they are pushing so hard to create their dystopian surveillance state and investing in unprofitable port infrastructure. They are not completely disconnected from popular support yet, the genocide in Xinjiang is absorbing a large amount of state capacity at the moment. But when they do they will have a massive highly educated population they can dedicate to military and paramilitary operations. Just like the 3rd Reich, they will possess the capacity to surpass the established powers.
Perhaps I have focused too much on the military aspect of being a world power, perhaps in the modern world soft power is more important. I believe that the same arguments around the production of military equipment apply to soft power. Paying for allies, production of propaganda, technical advisors can all be produced by dedicated programs. China will be at a disadvantage if they need to produce these with widespread immiseration but it is well within the range of possibilities.
Some people believe the axis could not have won the Second World War, I disagree. If Germany had not invaded the USSR or the Soviet government had collapsed like the tsar the allies did not have the stomach to absorb the millions of casualties that invading mainland Europe would have taken. Just look at the size of the battles on the eastern front. Even as the allies marched through France the majority of the, now wrecked, German army was deployed against the Soviets. But that's a different post.
China is not 1980's Japan. China isn't exactly anything we have seen but it is useful to compare it to Nazi Germany. The CCP is creating a totalitarian state where government power is disconnected from the popular well being. A large well-educated population can be directed to military and technological efforts and place the CCP on equal footing as the US regardless of economic contraction or the suffering of the Chinese people. This is comparable to the 3rd Reich that engaged in similar policies. While Nazi Germany lost world war 2 it was, by any reasonable definition, a peer competitor. We should not underestimate the CCP, they have the potential to surpass the US.


I have presented counterpoints against Arly arguments that china cannot sustain growth. China has financed its growth via different mechanisms than Japan did and will not necessarily follow the same path. While old people do consume less, aging nations have lower savings than the equivalent younger nation. I was unable to find literature that supported Arly claims about aging nations being forced to develop export sectors.
I do believe that the balance of probabilities is on the side of China heading towards some sort of long term economic weakness. Most likely from having to support an aging population with either a social safety net or with informal transfers from children to parents. I think the Chinese baking system will likely create and has created zombie companies but we don't know this yet. Even if China were to enter stagnation at the GDP per capita of Japan their economy would be double the size of the US economy(40 trillion USD). China is not doomed to economic weakness versus the US.
Even if China is economically weak compared to the US they can still be a peer threat because they are a totalitarian state. Totalitarian states can sacrifice the well being of their population and orient large sections of their economy to great power competition whatever form it may take. This allows the CCP to engage far above its economic weight in international competition.
submitted by iron_and_carbon to neoliberal [link] [comments]

Goodyear and the Hidden EV Play for Biden’s Presidency - Epic DD

Goodyear and the Hidden EV Play for Biden’s Presidency - Epic DD
Ticker: GT
Rating: BUY
EOY 2021 Target: 17 (conservative)
Feb. 2021 Target: 12.5

Positions I’m Considering

Naked Pre-earnings Play: 10c exp. 02/12/21
Long Call Spread: BUY 7c, SELL 15p exp. 02/12/21
LEAP: 11c exp. 4/16/21
Thesis 1: Air and land travel will increase in 2021 as global economies recover from the pandemic. Goodyear will be a beneficiary of this recovery.
Catalyst 1: According to CNN, US air travel hit its highest level since mid-March (2020) over the (thanksgiving) holiday and millions of Americans still traveled by car to join family and friends.
TSA said it screened 1.17 million people on Sunday when many Americans were heading home from their Thanksgiving travels. That was 41% of the 2.9 million people screened by TSA on the same day in 2019. Thanksgiving 2019 set a TSA record.
That means more than 9.4 million people have been screened in the Thanksgiving travel window, which began on the Friday before the holiday.
According to NBC news, TSA data showed that 1,191,123 travelers passed through airport checkpoints nationwide Wednesday, the most since March 16.
From Friday to Sunday, a combined 3.2 million people boarded planes, according to agency data — more than 1 million a day.
Thesis 2: Goodyear will benefit in 2021 because of Biden’s energy initiative..
Catalyst 2: Biden has stated that he wants to position the U.S. Auto Industry to Win the 21st Century with technology invented in America.
Biden will use all the levers of the federal government, from purchasing power, R&D, tax, trade, and investment policies to reverse this trend and position America to be the global leader in the manufacture of electric vehicles and their input materials and parts.
Biden will spur an expansion of factory floors and a re-tool of existing manufacturing capacity, and create 1 million new jobs in auto manufacturing, auto supply chains, and auto infrastructure
America must accelerate its own R&D with a focus on developing the domestic supply chain for electric vehicles. A specific focus of Biden’s historic R&D and procurement commitments will be on battery technology – for use in electric vehicles and on our grid, as a complement to technologies like solar and wind – increasing durability, reducing waste, and lowering costs, all while advancing new chemistries and approaches. And Biden will ensure that these batteries are built in the United States by American workers in good, union jobs.

About Goodyear

Goodyear is one of the world's leading tire companies with operations in most regions of the world and one of the most recognized brand names. Together with its U.S. and international subsidiaries, Goodyear develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes tires for most applications.
Goodyear is one of the world's largest suppliers of aviation tires for commercial, military and general aviation aircraft. Operating a global business from its Akron, Ohio headquarters, Goodyear manufactures aviation tires and retreads in the United States, Thailand, Brazil, and The Netherlands.
Goodyear Segmentation: Automobile industries
Goodyear Target Market: Racing cars, heavy duty vehicles, passenger cars, bikes, industrial equipment-like forklifts, bulldozers, cranes, airplanes, etc.
Goodyear Positioning: Excellent product quality maintained over decades with continual improvement.
SWOT Analysis
  1. With the turnover of over $22 billion they are one of the world’s leading tire makers with no.1 position in North America & Latin America and second position in Europe.
  2. It has a Global Footprint with operations at 54 sites spread over 22 countries.
  3. Innovation centers at Ohio and Luxembourg provide them with a competitive edge in technology.
  4. Excellent management team with over 70,000 employees globally
  5. Company has established a strong brand identity and customer loyalty.
  6. Most successful tire supplier in Formula 1.
Potential Weaknesses
  1. Penetration level in Asian emerging economies is less
  2. Intense competition in the tire industry makes market share constant
  3. Studies reveal it company produces high amount of air pollution
Potential Opportunities
  1. Emerging markets need to be capitalized on (EV in particular)
  2. Tie-ups with Automobile manufacturing giants may go a long way.
  3. Innovative and catchy advertising campaigns
Potential Threats (not including the ongoing Covid pandemic)
  1. Volatility in raw material prices.
  2. Low priced substitutes
  3. Stiff competition both from national and international companies.
  4. Government Policies - export duties, import duties, tax levied on automobile industries and economic condition of the nations as it determines the sale of automobiles.
  5. Introduction of other transport facilities like metro, monorails and local trains keeping pollution hazards caused by combustion of automobile fuels.
  6. Fluctuations in exchange rates

Facilities in the United States

Environmental Responsibility

A Few Goodyear Competitors

Current Tire Market (

Smithers published the Future of Global Tires to 2024 report, which sized the tire market at over 2.36 billion units in 2019, with topline volume growth expected to continue at a 3.1% compound annual rate from 2019 through 2024. In 2024, total global industry tire volume was expected to reach 2.75 billion units. The 2019 market value of $239 billion was expected rise to $280 billion in 2024, for a 3.2% compound annual growth rate. Considering the impact of COVID-19 on the global tires market, Smithers sees little recovery in 2020-2021, with real recovery starting in 2022 and 2019 tire volume not being reached again until 2023.
As part of its Global Tires report refresh that accounts for the impact of COVID-19 on the industry, Smithers estimates volume growth over the next couple of years will fall significantly with market conditions prolonging the status quo in technology. The market adjustment will slow the adoption of electric vehicles and delay ride sharing, as well as drive supply chain consolidation and other disruptions.
Although COVID-19 will significantly impact 2020 tire sales, the tire market in Asia is forecast to pick up and grow on average by 3.6% until 2025.
General tires will continue to make up the majority (84.2% share) of the total Asia tires market by 2025, but significant stronger growth is forecasted in aircraft, specialty and OTR tires.
The high-performance passenger calight goods vehicle segment is the largest in volume and value for specialty tires and is growing rapidly, driven by the growth of CUV, SUV and pickup truck segments in Asia.
Current tire technology in China is focused on low rolling resistance (LRR) tires, driven by pressure from the government to reduce CO2 emissions and the establishment of the China Rubber Industry Association (CRIA) tire labeling system.
List of the Top Key Players of Low Rolling Resistance Tire Market:
  1. Apollo Tyres Ltd
  2. Bridgestone Corp
  3. Continental AG
  4. Cooper Tire and Rubber Co
  5. Hankook Tire and Technology Co Ltd
  6. Michelin Group
  7. Pirelli and C Spa
  8. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co
  9. The Yokohama Rubber Co Ltd
China is, and will continue to be, the biggest EV market, and its progress in the segment will influence the rest of the world. This is due to government policies designed to reduce pollution in cities and dependence on imported oil. The government also desires to dominate this growth industry. In Asia, the electric bus market is expected to be dominated by China and India in size and to be predominantly BEVs (Battery Electric Vehicles). Japan and South Korea will also invest significantly in electric buses, as will the Southeast Asia region led by Singapore.
List of major players operating in the South East Asian tire market include PT Gajah Tunggal TBK, PT Suryaraya Rubberindo Industries, Bridgestone Corporation, Compagnie Generale des Etablissements Michelin, Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Continental AG, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Deestone Corporation Limited, Toyo Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd, The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., etc.

South East Asia Rubber Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2023 (

Asia accounts for 93% of the world natural rubber production with Thailand being the largest producer followed by Indonesia and Vietnam. Other large rubber producers in the region include India, China and Malaysia.
In 2019, the global natural rubber production stood at 13.804 million tonnes. It is expected that in 2020, the production will increase 2.7% to 14.177 million tonnes. The first two months of 2020 have recorded an annualized fall of 5.2% in global natural rubber production. The global synthetic rubber market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.1% in the period 2015-2023 and be worth USD 45,767.1 million.
Economic downturn being experienced by China which is globally the largest importer of rubber is keeping rubber prices balanced in a scenario where supply outstrips demand. The oversupply situation persists even though the three largest producers of rubber, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand are reducing the output of the material used in manufacturing of a range of products from gloves to car tires. China is also the world's largest consumer of natural rubber followed by India and the United States. The slowdown in the Chinese economy remains a concern for the global rubber industry. The Coronavirus global outbreak is expected to have long-reaching hampering effects on the Chinese as well as the global economy.
Goodyear does not own any rubber tree plantations, but they have taken actions as a purchaser of natural rubber with Goodyear Orient Company. Goodyear Orient Company (Private) Limited (GOCPL) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company (GTRC) and has been around since 1917.

Goodyear and Some EV News

Goodyear And TuSimple Collaborate On Autonomous Vehicle Freight Operations - prnewswire - 11/20/20
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (NASDAQ: GT) announced today a strategic relationship with TuSimple, a global autonomous trucking technology company, to provide tires and tire management solutions to TuSimple's Autonomous Freight Network (AFN).
Goodyear will provide products and repair services to enhance the safety and operation of autonomous trucks. Additionally, Goodyear and TuSimple will conduct wear studies designed to understand how autonomous trucks and tires can help better predict maintenance, understand tire longevity and reduce the carbon impact of fleets.
Collected data from the study will also deliver insights into the difference between an autonomous and human driver with respect to the tires.
"With our leadership in products, fleet support and advanced innovations, Goodyear is applying knowledge to help deliver performance and safety with autonomous vehicles," according to Erin Spring, Goodyear's director, new ventures.
The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company today announced a new pilot program with Envoy Technologies, a provider of shared on-demand, community-based electric vehicles (EVs). The pilot, which launched early this year, is testing services aimed at minimizing operational downtime for vehicle fleets
Goodyear’s unique predictive tire servicing solution for connected fleets is being used to forecast and automatically schedule needed tire maintenance and replacement. Envoy’s fleet managers can see its fleet’s status, schedule maintenance needs and update appointments with Goodyear’s on-demand scheduling program, helping to keep its vehicles operational and avoid the typically unforeseen issues that might suddenly force a shared vehicle to be pulled from service.
To do this, Goodyear gathers secure, anonymized data from Envoy’s connected vehicles and uses it to predict and schedule service needs. Goodyear then utilizes its network of outlets and mobile vans to provide service to the vehicles. The mobile vans can install tires on-site at their charging stations, maintaining vehicle safety with minimal time required by Envoy staff.
“With on-demand car sharing and ride hailing services on the rise, Goodyear is extending its fleet services business model to shared mobility providers to improve urban fleet operations,” said Chris Helsel, Goodyear’s chief technology officer.
Envoy provides shared, community-based electric vehicles where people live, work and stay, with a significant percentage of its fleet dedicated to deployment in disadvantaged communities. The two-year-old company recently passed a milestone of more than 100 vehicles deployed at partner sites with a pipeline of 1,800 vehicles to be launched in major metropolitan areas across the nation, including Portland, Seattle, Austin, Chicago, New York, Boston, Miami and Washington, D.C.
Goodyear’s effort with Envoy builds on a successful test program with Tesloop, a city-to-city mobility service that exclusively used Tesla electric vehicles, and the commercialization of Goodyear Proactive Solutions for truck fleets, using advanced telematics and predictive analytics technology to allow fleet operators to optimize fuel efficiency and precisely identify and resolve tire-related issues before they happen.
Goodyear Partners with Lexus to Shape the Future of Electric Mobility - - 3/5/20
Lexus LF-30 Electrified concept was originally presented sitting on four bespoke Goodyear concept tires at the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show. It was presented again on Tuesday, March 3rd at Lexus’ live press conference during the Virtual Press Day of the 2020 Geneva International Motor Show.
Goodyear’s concept tires are tailor-made to benefit the modern, sleek and sporty design of the Lexus. They support EV motors and are designed to improve the overall comfort and performance of the car.
The LF-30 Electrified concept tire includes several innovative features:
EV motor cooling: Drawing on Goodyear’s expertise in aerodynamics, the concept tires are designed to improve the cooling of the EV motors. Cool air enters through the front bumper intake and fins on the tires drive the flow towards the electric motor positioned behind each wheel. The hot air produced by the EV motor is then expelled towards the outer edge of the rim of the LF-30 Electrified.
Reduced aerodynamic drag: The tire design along with the outer tire shape would improve the Lexus’ aerodynamics by reducing drag, resulting in higher efficiency and battery range.
Noise reduction through biomimicry: Goodyear found inspiration in nature when designing the concept tires. The leading edges of the cooling fins are covered with fine velvet like on the wings of an owl, which enables the predator to silently catch their prey at night. Through this biomimetic solution, the rolling noise of the tire would be reduced to a minimum.
Goodyear’s concept tire for the Lexus LF-30 Electrified concept comes in a 285/35R24 size.
Goodyear touts mileage gains in 2nd-gen EfficientGrip EV tires - - 3/3/20
Goodyear is preparing to launch later this year the second generation of its EfficientGrip Performance electric-vehicle tire line, promising the new version will deliver 50% longer life than the first generation, which launched in 2018.
Goodyear held a video press conference from its European headquarters office in Brussels to launch the EfficientGrip Performance 2 and unveil its latest concept design, the Goodyear reCharge, which features a self-regenerating tread.
Goodyer claims the EfficientGrip Performance 2 offers 20% more tread life than the "next best tested" competitor, while continuing to outperform the competition wet and dry braking, according to Mike Rytokoski, chief marketing officer, consumer Europe.
Mr. Rytokoski said half of all the new tires Goodyear has designed now are for electric vehicles, which require bespoke EV tires because they are heavier, due to weight of the batteries, and deliver extra torque.
As for future generations of EV tires, Goodyear said industry figures show 57% of all passenger vehicle sales, and over 30% of the global passenger vehicle fleet, will be electric by 2040.
Goodyear's vision of a next-generation tire for EVs is the reCharge, a non-pneumatic design that features a self-regenerating tread based on the use of biodegradable liquid.
To regenerate the tread, the vehicle owner inserts a capsule containing the liquid into the hub, where it mates up with the tubes. The centrifugal force of the rolling tire/wheel distributes the liquid up to the base of the tread elements, Goodyear showed in a video.
The tread compound also would be reinforced with fibers inspired by spider silk, Goodyear said.
The tire maker did not elaborate on what materials it envisions for the reCharge's wheel or how the tread elements would renew if supplied with a liquid from underneath but did say it envisions the liquid could be engineered to allow the vehicle owner to customize the tire tread to climatic or environmental changes.

Goodyear and Biden Connection - - 08/19/20

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden defended Goodyear tires after President Trump urged Americans to boycott its products after he claimed the company announced a “ban” on his campaign’s “Make America Great Again” attire.
“Goodyear employs thousands of American workers, including in Ohio where it is headquartered. To President Trump, those workers and their jobs aren't a source of pride, just collateral damage in yet another one of his political attacks,” Biden said in a statement. “President Trump doesn’t have a clue about the dignity and worth that comes with good-paying union jobs at places like Goodyear — jobs that can support a family and sustain a community.”

Electric Vehicle Outlook ( (added 2/2/21)

Automakers are accelerating their EV launch plans, partly to comply with increasingly stringent regulations in Europe and China. COVID-19 will delay some of these, but by 2022 there will be over 500 different EV models available globally
Passenger EV sales jumped from 450,000 in 2015 to 2.1 million in 2019. They will drop in 2020 before continuing to rise as battery prices fall, energy density improves, more charging infrastructure is built, and sales spread to new markets.
By 2040, over half of all passenger vehicles sold will be electric. Markets like China and parts of Europe achieve much higher penetrations, but lower adoption in emerging markets reduces the global average.
Despite the rapid growth, there will be 1.4 billion passenger vehicles on the road in 2030 and EVs account for just 8% of these. This rises to 31% by 2040 as the fleet slowly changes over.
Number of countries that have announced plans to phase out sales of internal combustion vehicles.
Looking beyond passenger cars, several ‘killer apps’ are emerging for electrification. Two-wheeled vehicles (scooters, mopeds, motorcycles) and municipal buses are already going electric quickly and accelerate further in the next ten years. Delivery vans are the next segments to cross the tipping point.

09/30/20 10k SEC Filing


Bullish Statements
Net sales in the third quarter of 2020 were $3,465 million, compared to $3,802 million in the third quarter of 2019. Net sales decreased in the third quarter of 2020 primarily due to lower global tire volume, unfavorable foreign currency translation, primarily in Americas, and lower sales in other tire-related businesses, primarily due to lower aviation sales globally and a decrease in third-party sales of chemical products in Americas. These decreases were partially offset by improvements in price and product mix, primarily in EMEA and Americas.
Europe, Middle East and Africa: In the third quarter of 2020, Goodyear net loss was $2 million, or $0.01 per share, compared to net income of $88 million, or $0.38 per share, in the third quarter of 2019. The change in Goodyear net income (loss) was driven by lower segment operating income, partially offset by lower income tax expense.
Net sales in the third quarter of 2020 were $1,156 million, decreasing $49 million, or 4.1%, from $1,205 million in the third quarter of 2019. Net sales decreased primarily due to lower tire volume of $97 million. This decrease was partially offset by improvements in price and product mix of $40 million, driven by higher proportionate sales of commercial tires, and favorable foreign currency translation of $5 million, driven by the strengthening of the euro.
Bearish Statements
Worldwide tire unit sales in the third quarter of 2020 were 36.6 million units, decreasing 3.7 million units, or 9.1%, from 40.3 million units in the third quarter of 2019.
Net sales decreased in the first nine months of 2020 primarily due to lower global tire volume, lower sales in other tire-related businesses, primarily due to a decrease in third-party sales of chemical products in Americas and lower aviation sales globally, and unfavorable foreign currency translation.
Net sales decreased in the third quarter of 2020, primarily due to lower global tire volume of $295 million, unfavorable foreign currency translation of $56 million, primarily in Americas, and lower sales in other tire-related businesses of $48 million, primarily due to lower aviation sales globally and a decrease in third-party sales of chemical products in Americas.
Europe, Middle East and Africa: Net sales in the third quarter of 2020 were $1,156 million, decreasing $49 million, or 4.1%, from $1,205 million in the third quarter of 2019. Net sales decreased primarily due to lower tire volume of $97 million. This decrease was partially offset by improvements in price and product mix of $40 million, driven by higher proportionate sales of commercial tires, and favorable foreign currency translation of $5 million, driven by the strengthening of the euro.
Europe, Middle East and Africa unit sales in the third quarter of 2020 decreased 1.3 million units, or 8.9%, to 13.2 million units. Replacement tire volume decreased 1.0 million units, or 8.2%, primarily in our consumer business, reflecting decreased industry demand as a result of the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and expected declines resulting from our initiative to align distribution in Europe. OE tire volume decreased 0.3 million units, or 11.3%, primarily in our consumer business, driven by lower vehicle production as a result of ongoing pandemic-related impacts at major OE manufacturers and our continued exit of declining, less profitable market segments.
Europe, Middle East and Africa unit sales in the first nine months of 2020 decreased 10.0 million units, or 23.8%, to 32.1 million units. Replacement tire volume decreased 6.4 million units, or 20.5%, primarily in our consumer business, reflecting decreased industry demand as a result of the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and expected declines resulting from our initiative to align distribution in Europe.
America: Net sales in the third quarter of 2020 were $1,823 million, decreasing $226 million, or 11.0%, from $2,049 million in the third quarter of 2019. The decrease in net sales was driven by lower tire volume of $155 million, unfavorable foreign currency translation of $58 million, primarily related to the Brazilian real, and lower sales in other tire-related businesses of $42 million, primarily due to a decrease in third-party sales of chemical products and lower aviation sales.
Asia Specific: Net sales in the first nine months of 2020 were $1,208 million, decreasing $361 million, or 23.0%, from $1,569 million in the first nine months of 2019. Net sales decreased due to lower tire volume of $320 million, unfavorable foreign currency translation of $27 million, primarily related to the weakening of the Indian rupee and Australian dollar, and lower sales in other tire-related businesses of $26 million, primarily due to lower aviation and retail sales.
Asia Specific: Replacement tire volume decreased 2.1 million units, or 15.3%, primarily in our consumer business, reflecting decreased industry demand as a result of the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Net sales in the third quarter of 2020 were $486 million, decreasing $62 million, or 11.3%, from $548 million in the third quarter of 2019. Net sales decreased due to lower tire volume of $43 million, unfavorable price and product mix of $9 million, and lower sales in other tire-related businesses of $8 million, primarily due to lower aviation sales.
We expect our liquidity to remain strong through the remainder of the year. However, the borrowing base under our first lien revolving credit facility is dependent, in significant part, on our eligible accounts receivable and inventory, which have declined as a result of our lower sales and production levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Bullish Statements
The change in Goodyear net income (loss) was driven by lower segment operating income, partially offset by lower income tax expense.
Our earnings and forecasts of future profitability, taking into consideration recent trends, along with three significant sources of foreign income provide us sufficient positive evidence that we will be able to utilize our remaining foreign tax credits that expire between 2025 and 2030.
Bearish Statements
Earnings in other tire-related businesses decreased by $25 million, primarily due to lower aviation and motorcycle sales.
Additionally, on April 17, 2020, we reached a tentative bargaining agreement, which was ratified on May 1, 2020, and subsequently permanently closed our Gadsden, Alabama manufacturing facility (“Gadsden”) as part of our continuing strategy to strengthen the competitiveness of our manufacturing footprint by curtailing production of tires for declining, less profitable segments of the tire market.


Bullish Statements
These negative impacts were partially offset by cost savings of approximately $76 million, including raw material cost saving measures of approximately $6 million.
These decreases were partially offset by a $24 million increase in expense related to potentially uncollectible accounts receivable, primarily in EMEA and Americas.
Interest expense in the first nine months of 2020 was $246 million, decreasing $15 million, or 5.7%, from $261 million in the first nine months of 2019.
SAG decreased primarily due to lower global travel-related expenses of $8 million and lower product liability costs of $5 million in Americas.
We have taken, and will continue to take, other actions to reduce costs and preserve cash in order to successfully navigate the current economic environment, including limiting capital expenditures to no more than $700 million for the full year and reducing discretionary spending, including other selling, administrative and general expenses (“SAG”), which, in total, decreased by $17 million and $118 million in the three and nine months ended September 30, 2020, respectively.
These decreases were partially offset by improvements in price and product mix, primarily in EMEA and Americas. In the third quarter of 2020, Goodyear net loss was $2 million, or $0.01 per share, compared to net income of $88 million, or $0.38 per share, in the third quarter of 2019. The change in Goodyear net income (loss) was driven by lower segment operating income, partially offset by lower income tax expense.
Europe, Middle East and Africa: These decreases were partially offset by lower raw material costs of $11 million and improvements in price and product mix of $10 million.


Bearish Statements
We are actively monitoring our liquidity and have taken a number of actions aimed at mitigating the negative consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on our cash flows and liquidity, such as suspending production at most of our manufacturing facilities during parts of the first half of 2020, reducing our second quarter payroll costs through a combination of furloughs, temporary salary reductions and salary deferrals, refinancing our first lien revolving credit facility to extend its maturity and increase its borrowing base, issuing $800 million of 9.5% senior notes due 2025, temporarily suspending the quarterly dividend on our common stock, reducing capital expenditures and discretionary spending, and using governmental relief efforts to defer payroll and other tax payments globally.


Bearish Statements
In addition to our previous financing activities, we may seek to undertake additional financing actions which could include restructuring bank debt or capital markets transactions, possibly including the issuance of additional debt or equity. Given the inherent uncertainty of market conditions, access to the capital markets cannot be assured.

Technical Analysis

Leap PT: 17
Medium (Earnings Run) PT: 12.5

Option Order Flow

Dec. Dark Pool Prints
Rating: BUY
EOY 2021 Target: 17 (conservative)
Feb. 2021 Target: 12.5

Positions I’m Considering

Naked Pre-earnings Play: 10c exp. 02/12/21
Long Call Spread: BUY 7c, SELL 15p exp. 02/12/21
LEAP: 11c exp. 4/16/21
submitted by jjd1226 to PocketAnalysts [link] [comments]

Amazon Customer care NuMBer 𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳 Amazon Customer care NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>

Amazon Customer care NuMBer 𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳 Amazon Customer care NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>
Amazonian’s idea requires yet another new institutional skill, we’re flexible enough and patient enough to learn it.
Keep inventing, and don’t despair when at first the idea looks crazy. Remember to wander. Let curiosity be your compass. It remains Day 1.
Jeff today announced that its Great Republic Day sale received an encouraging response from Small and Medium Business (SMBs) sellers. During the recently concluded Great Republic Day Sale, hosted from January 20 – 23, 2021, close to 88,000 SMBs, artisans, weavers and women entrepreneurs received orders from customers in over 5,000 pin codes across the country. 65% of these sellers were from non-metro cities like Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), Tinsukia (Assam), Medak (Telangana), and Rajsamand (Rajasthan). Over 10,700 sellers received their highest-ever single day sales during the shopping event. Artisans and weavers who sell their unique handmade collection through Amazon Karigar and women entrepreneurs from Saheli program witnessed a growth of 1.2X respectively over their average daily sales. Start-ups and brands under the Launchpad program witnessed a growth of 1.12X over average daily sales. Customers from over 700 pin codes ordered on from their trusted local shops and neighbourhood stores in their cities. 79 offline stores as part of the Local Shops program on Amazon crossed sales of INR 1,00,000 during the Great Republic Day Sale. Some of the most bought products included Orthopedic Mattresses, Organic Tea, DTH connections and Tubular Batteries.
Manish Tiwary, Vice President, Amazon India said, “We are excited to witness the success of our sellers during the Great Republic Day sale and are committed to support the community of over 7 lakh sellers associated with We will continue to focus our efforts to empower many more sellers across the country and enable them to accelerate their growth in 2021.”
“The Great Republic Day Sale has been great for our business. Our sales have increased by 1.6X over average daily sales. We are extremely grateful for the support provided by Amazon Launchpad to ensure sale readiness from our end. The continuous efforts from Amazon to make our sale experience the best has helped us be well prepared for the spike in our business.” said Yeshwanth Kumar Goturu & Meghana Rao, Super Healthy
In 2020, over 10 lakh small and medium businesses that work with Amazon in India have witnessed tremendous growth and success. Amazon offers them various opportunities to build and grow their business by enabling them to sell their products online on, exporting ‘Made in India’ products globally, running delivery and logistics companies, using the cloud to launch and scale their businesses, creating voice apps, or publishing their own books. Amazon has pledged to invest USD 1 billion to digitise 10 million SMBs, enable e-commerce exports worth USD 10 billion and create 1 million incremental jobs – by 2025.
In keeping with the changing times and a growing need for flexible work options, especially for women, Amazon had adapted to the future of work with its Virtual Customer Service (VCS) programme back in 2017. When working from home took centre stage during the pandemic, Amazon’s CS team had only to step up what it had already begun years earlier, by helping people with fulfilling work opportunities from the comfort of their homes. Recently, the team has taken a step further by launching its first all-women VCS Centre in Bangalore.
Recognising the versatility of the remote working concept, Amazon had initially introduced its VCS program to create employment prospects for skilled candidates seeking more flexible work opportunities. In the last 3 years, the programme has allowed Amazon to reach out to a wider talent pool, ensuring greater diversity while also roping in talent who might not have been able to physically attend regular office due to various reasons.
For a lot of women, flexible options of working from home (WFH) stand for ‘opportunity’. There are many reasons why women find it difficult to join the workforce or are compelled to drop out early. Especially in India, the reasons could be anything from societal pressure to working late hours, leaving their hometown to work in metro cities, or managing a life–work balance.
For new mothers, caregivers and homemakers to stay-at-home parents, VCS is a flexible employment opportunity. As an employer of choice, Amazon has always believed in opening up diverse channels of employment to people and this programme has helped many, especially women, resume their careers once more.
With the launch of the first all-women Amazon VCS Centre in India, we bring you the inspiring stories of women across the country who have benefitted from the programme.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
Having previously held several jobs requiring her to be physically present at an office, Parul was used to the traditional in-office work life, but had never experienced working from home. She came across this WFH opportunity with Amazon while looking through a job website.
“Before I joined Amazon, I was commuting for almost 4 hours every day to get to work. It was very draining and didn’t seem like a sustainable employment option for me. It has already been two years since I joined the VCS programme and I have learned so much,” she shares.
Parul adds, “I was not really sure of how I would manage the technical aspects, if any, as I am not a very tech savvy person, but when I learnt more about the programme, my fears dissolved. Everything, right from my internet connection to the devices I use, is provided by Amazon. The company even provides training to ensure that I am well equipped to handle anything on the job.”
Hailing from a village in Himachal Pradesh, Parul had initially struggled to help her parents understand the WFH concept. Today when Parul is a group manager in charge of a large team, they love it that she gets more time to herself and can also look after the homeAmazon
Amazon Prime Video Support Amazon Prime Video Support by Experts Prime Video is an American internet video on-demand service that is owned, developed and operated by Amazon that’s why it is also marketed as Amazon prime video. It provides films and television shows for rent. Amazon’s Prime subscription includes a range of amazon studios actual content and licensed acquisitions. Prime Video is launched in 2006 in US as amazon unbox, the service increased with its expanding library, and added membership for prime video with the development of prime. Prime video launched worldwide in 2016 except for Cuba, North Korea, Mainland China, Syria. In Germany, UK, Sweden, Austria and US, access to prime video is also present via a video-only membership that doesn’t need a full prime subscription. On the other side, prime video additionally provides Amazon channels in some countries that permit the users to subscribe to other suppliers’ content, such as HBO in the United States. There are several amazing features of amazon prime video app as we have described below.
Features of Amazon prime video application:amazon prime video phone number
Download TV shows and movies over cellular or wifi to watch anytime, anywhere. Stream the first episode of choose TV shows for free. First episode free videos comprise advertising during and before your videos. Watch IMDb data about the songs, actors, and trivia regarding your videos at the time of playback with the x-ray. With amazon channels, prime members can subscribe to over 100 specialty and premium channels such as Starz, HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime. Just pay for channels you wish to watch, no cable needed, cancel anytime. (This service is not offered in all countries). Enjoy amazon prime video in over 200 countries and territories around the world! Apart from all these amazing features, amazon prime video also offers support services to its users. Most of the people face several issues while using amazon prime video such as Amazon prime video download issue, Amazon prime video sign in issue, how to download Amazon prime video app for smart tv, etc. Amazon prime video help team can resolve this issue without any hassles. So, you just need to call the Amazon prime video customer service phone number. If you are seeking a phone number for prime video, then visit the official site of amazon prime video and get verified contact information of Amazon video phone number. Whether you face any kind of issue, Amazon video help number can fix your issue instantly whenever you call them.
Amazon Prime Video Help >> How to fix Amazon prime video login problems If you are facing this amazon prime video login issue, then you need to follow this section properly. There are several reasons behind why encounter an issue while logging into your account. But we have come here with effective and helpful tips that can fix this issue completely.
Registration code: While you sign in to your amazon prime video account utilizing just your password on several devices, some prompt you to utilize the registration code procedure to associate to the prime video service. Not to mention, the registration code is not similar to your prime video pin. To get into your amazon prime video account, you do not require learning the registration code sign in procedure. Simply, perform the instructions shown on the screen and you will be signed in to your account. Hope, this trick can help you to resolve this Amazon prime video login issue successfully. In case, this trick does not work, then you can take help of Amazon prime video contact number. The Amazon prime video help team will deliver you the best fixes to solve this issue prime video customer service number
Check account information: If your login attempt fails, then check your amazon prime video sign in credentials you entered. Ensure you have provided the information linked with your account. Your password should be caps and case sensitive. After you check your prime video account details and password, try signing into your prime video account again. If this method does not work, then you should call Amazon prime video number for the best guidance. You can easily get this phone number for prime video on the official support page where you can obtain all contact information of verified Amazon video phone number.
Check registered devices: If the above tips don’t work, then try to check your registered devices in your Amazon video settings. Launch your internet browser and go to your prime video settings. Choose registered devices and check if the system you are signed in with is registered on the list or not. In case, the device is not registered here, then you have to add your device to the list. When you have completed that, see if this Amazon prime video sign in issue persists. In case, the issue does not fix, calling Amazon prime video contact number is the best way to get an effective solution. The Amazon prime video support team will help you to get rid of this issue within less time.
Amazon Prime Video Support Numbers – Official: If you are looking for the official Amazon video customer service phone number, then you need to visit the official site where you may not get verified phone number for prime video. You may find several other options to contact prime video support teams such as various Amazon video contact numbers of third parties, email services and chat support. Using any option, you can directly connect with official support team and talk with them to provide the best troubleshooting ideas. Since there is no official Amazon video customer service number available as per the resources available on the internet, you should visit these links mention below to get official assistance regarding your queries. Or, you can also dial our support phone number shown on this webpage in order to connect with the best independent third-party Amazon video help number.
Amazon Prime Video Support LinkAmazon Video Official Support Amazon Prime Video Help Center Prime Video Support >> How to install Amazon prime video on Windows 10amazon video help For installing amazon prime video on windows 10 devices, you have to install the blue stacks android emulator on your system. Through this emulator application, you will be capable to play amazon prime video into your windows 10, 8, 7 devices.
We have come here with the best installation process of amazon prime video on windows 10. If you follow these steps carefully, then you don’t need to face any trouble while installing the amazon prime video on windows device. However, if any issue happens while utilizing this method, then you need to contact the Amazon prime video customer service number for the best guidance. Amazon has a division that manufactures tables which are oriented towards book readers. This division is known as Amazon Kindle. Kindle devices are famous for their e-paper based displays which are marketed as the best readable displays of the modern era most suited for reading books, magazines, news, etc. The first Kindle was released on 19th of November 2007. As of March 2018 surveys, Kindle has more than 6 million eBooks that are currently available in its library. Amazon Kindle, being backed up by such a successful and gargantuan company, has got its own issues in the product. In order to tackle the problems faced by Amazon Kindle users, Amazon provides its Kindle consumers with Amazon Kindle customer service phone number. Alongside this, Amazon also provided a 24*7 available Amazon Kindle customer service 800 number which is the toll free version of getting Kindle fire help. The response received by the customers on the other end of the Amazon Kindle help phone number is very polite and overwhelming. Visiting Amazon com Kindle support section on the official website will help you find every Amazon Kindle contact that you might need while using kindle device. But, being such a huge company means it has a larger customer base, meaning more in-hand devices and more in-hand devices mean increased number of minor issues faced by the customers, thereby congesting the telephone lines. It is in these kinds of situations where you can dial the customer support number mentioned on top of this website and get assistance. Dialing this will get your call transferred to an available independent 3rd party Kindle contact number to get you assisted. amazon kindle phone number
submitted by Phone_Great_Amazon to u/Phone_Great_Amazon [link] [comments]

Amazon Refund NuMBer ☤𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳♔ Amazon Customer SuPPort NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>

Amazon Refund NuMBer ☤𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳♔ Amazon Customer SuPPort NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>
Amazonian’s idea requires yet another new institutional skill, we’re flexible enough and patient enough to learn it.
Keep inventing, and don’t despair when at first the idea looks crazy. Remember to wander. Let curiosity be your compass. It remains Day 1.
Jeff today announced that its Great Republic Day sale received an encouraging response from Small and Medium Business (SMBs) sellers. During the recently concluded Great Republic Day Sale, hosted from January 20 – 23, 2021, close to 88,000 SMBs, artisans, weavers and women entrepreneurs received orders from customers in over 5,000 pin codes across the country. 65% of these sellers were from non-metro cities like Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), Tinsukia (Assam), Medak (Telangana), and Rajsamand (Rajasthan). Over 10,700 sellers received their highest-ever single day sales during the shopping event. Artisans and weavers who sell their unique handmade collection through Amazon Karigar and women entrepreneurs from Saheli program witnessed a growth of 1.2X respectively over their average daily sales. Start-ups and brands under the Launchpad program witnessed a growth of 1.12X over average daily sales. Customers from over 700 pin codes ordered on from their trusted local shops and neighbourhood stores in their cities. 79 offline stores as part of the Local Shops program on Amazon crossed sales of INR 1,00,000 during the Great Republic Day Sale. Some of the most bought products included Orthopedic Mattresses, Organic Tea, DTH connections and Tubular Batteries.
Manish Tiwary, Vice President, Amazon India said, “We are excited to witness the success of our sellers during the Great Republic Day sale and are committed to support the community of over 7 lakh sellers associated with We will continue to focus our efforts to empower many more sellers across the country and enable them to accelerate their growth in 2021.”
“The Great Republic Day Sale has been great for our business. Our sales have increased by 1.6X over average daily sales. We are extremely grateful for the support provided by Amazon Launchpad to ensure sale readiness from our end. The continuous efforts from Amazon to make our sale experience the best has helped us be well prepared for the spike in our business.” said Yeshwanth Kumar Goturu & Meghana Rao, Super Healthy
In 2020, over 10 lakh small and medium businesses that work with Amazon in India have witnessed tremendous growth and success. Amazon offers them various opportunities to build and grow their business by enabling them to sell their products online on, exporting ‘Made in India’ products globally, running delivery and logistics companies, using the cloud to launch and scale their businesses, creating voice apps, or publishing their own books. Amazon has pledged to invest USD 1 billion to digitise 10 million SMBs, enable e-commerce exports worth USD 10 billion and create 1 million incremental jobs – by 2025.
In keeping with the changing times and a growing need for flexible work options, especially for women, Amazon had adapted to the future of work with its Virtual Customer Service (VCS) programme back in 2017. When working from home took centre stage during the pandemic, Amazon’s CS team had only to step up what it had already begun years earlier, by helping people with fulfilling work opportunities from the comfort of their homes. Recently, the team has taken a step further by launching its first all-women VCS Centre in Bangalore.
Recognising the versatility of the remote working concept, Amazon had initially introduced its VCS program to create employment prospects for skilled candidates seeking more flexible work opportunities. In the last 3 years, the programme has allowed Amazon to reach out to a wider talent pool, ensuring greater diversity while also roping in talent who might not have been able to physically attend regular office due to various reasons.
For a lot of women, flexible options of working from home (WFH) stand for ‘opportunity’. There are many reasons why women find it difficult to join the workforce or are compelled to drop out early. Especially in India, the reasons could be anything from societal pressure to working late hours, leaving their hometown to work in metro cities, or managing a life–work balance.
For new mothers, caregivers and homemakers to stay-at-home parents, VCS is a flexible employment opportunity. As an employer of choice, Amazon has always believed in opening up diverse channels of employment to people and this programme has helped many, especially women, resume their careers once more.
With the launch of the first all-women Amazon VCS Centre in India, we bring you the inspiring stories of women across the country who have benefitted from the programme.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
Having previously held several jobs requiring her to be physically present at an office, Parul was used to the traditional in-office work life, but had never experienced working from home. She came across this WFH opportunity with Amazon while looking through a job website.
“Before I joined Amazon, I was commuting for almost 4 hours every day to get to work. It was very draining and didn’t seem like a sustainable employment option for me. It has already been two years since I joined the VCS programme and I have learned so much,” she shares.
Parul adds, “I was not really sure of how I would manage the technical aspects, if any, as I am not a very tech savvy person, but when I learnt more about the programme, my fears dissolved. Everything, right from my internet connection to the devices I use, is provided by Amazon. The company even provides training to ensure that I am well equipped to handle anything on the job.”
Hailing from a village in Himachal Pradesh, Parul had initially struggled to help her parents understand the WFH concept. Today when Parul is a group manager in charge of a large team, they love it that she gets more time to herself and can also look after the homeAmazon
Amazon Prime Video Support Amazon Prime Video Support by Experts Prime Video is an American internet video on-demand service that is owned, developed and operated by Amazon that’s why it is also marketed as Amazon prime video. It provides films and television shows for rent. Amazon’s Prime subscription includes a range of amazon studios actual content and licensed acquisitions. Prime Video is launched in 2006 in US as amazon unbox, the service increased with its expanding library, and added membership for prime video with the development of prime. Prime video launched worldwide in 2016 except for Cuba, North Korea, Mainland China, Syria. In Germany, UK, Sweden, Austria and US, access to prime video is also present via a video-only membership that doesn’t need a full prime subscription. On the other side, prime video additionally provides Amazon channels in some countries that permit the users to subscribe to other suppliers’ content, such as HBO in the United States. There are several amazing features of amazon prime video app as we have described below.
Features of Amazon prime video application:amazon prime video phone number
Download TV shows and movies over cellular or wifi to watch anytime, anywhere. Stream the first episode of choose TV shows for free. First episode free videos comprise advertising during and before your videos. Watch IMDb data about the songs, actors, and trivia regarding your videos at the time of playback with the x-ray. With amazon channels, prime members can subscribe to over 100 specialty and premium channels such as Starz, HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime. Just pay for channels you wish to watch, no cable needed, cancel anytime. (This service is not offered in all countries). Enjoy amazon prime video in over 200 countries and territories around the world! Apart from all these amazing features, amazon prime video also offers support services to its users. Most of the people face several issues while using amazon prime video such as Amazon prime video download issue, Amazon prime video sign in issue, how to download Amazon prime video app for smart tv, etc. Amazon prime video help team can resolve this issue without any hassles. So, you just need to call the Amazon prime video customer service phone number. If you are seeking a phone number for prime video, then visit the official site of amazon prime video and get verified contact information of Amazon video phone number. Whether you face any kind of issue, Amazon video help number can fix your issue instantly whenever you call them.
Amazon Prime Video Help >> How to fix Amazon prime video login problems If you are facing this amazon prime video login issue, then you need to follow this section properly. There are several reasons behind why encounter an issue while logging into your account. But we have come here with effective and helpful tips that can fix this issue completely.
Registration code: While you sign in to your amazon prime video account utilizing just your password on several devices, some prompt you to utilize the registration code procedure to associate to the prime video service. Not to mention, the registration code is not similar to your prime video pin. To get into your amazon prime video account, you do not require learning the registration code sign in procedure. Simply, perform the instructions shown on the screen and you will be signed in to your account. Hope, this trick can help you to resolve this Amazon prime video login issue successfully. In case, this trick does not work, then you can take help of Amazon prime video contact number. The Amazon prime video help team will deliver you the best fixes to solve this issue prime video customer service number
Check account information: If your login attempt fails, then check your amazon prime video sign in credentials you entered. Ensure you have provided the information linked with your account. Your password should be caps and case sensitive. After you check your prime video account details and password, try signing into your prime video account again. If this method does not work, then you should call Amazon prime video number for the best guidance. You can easily get this phone number for prime video on the official support page where you can obtain all contact information of verified Amazon video phone number.
Check registered devices: If the above tips don’t work, then try to check your registered devices in your Amazon video settings. Launch your internet browser and go to your prime video settings. Choose registered devices and check if the system you are signed in with is registered on the list or not. In case, the device is not registered here, then you have to add your device to the list. When you have completed that, see if this Amazon prime video sign in issue persists. In case, the issue does not fix, calling Amazon prime video contact number is the best way to get an effective solution. The Amazon prime video support team will help you to get rid of this issue within less time.
Amazon Prime Video Support Numbers – Official: If you are looking for the official Amazon video customer service phone number, then you need to visit the official site where you may not get verified phone number for prime video. You may find several other options to contact prime video support teams such as various Amazon video contact numbers of third parties, email services and chat support. Using any option, you can directly connect with official support team and talk with them to provide the best troubleshooting ideas. Since there is no official Amazon video customer service number available as per the resources available on the internet, you should visit these links mention below to get official assistance regarding your queries. Or, you can also dial our support phone number shown on this webpage in order to connect with the best independent third-party Amazon video help number.
Amazon Prime Video Support LinkAmazon Video Official Support Amazon Prime Video Help Center Prime Video Support >> How to install Amazon prime video on Windows 10amazon video help For installing amazon prime video on windows 10 devices, you have to install the blue stacks android emulator on your system. Through this emulator application, you will be capable to play amazon prime video into your windows 10, 8, 7 devices.
We have come here with the best installation process of amazon prime video on windows 10. If you follow these steps carefully, then you don’t need to face any trouble while installing the amazon prime video on windows device. However, if any issue happens while utilizing this method, then you need to contact the Amazon prime video customer service number for the best guidance. Amazon has a division that manufactures tables which are oriented towards book readers. This division is known as Amazon Kindle. Kindle devices are famous for their e-paper based displays which are marketed as the best readable displays of the modern era most suited for reading books, magazines, news, etc. The first Kindle was released on 19th of November 2007. As of March 2018 surveys, Kindle has more than 6 million eBooks that are currently available in its library. Amazon Kindle, being backed up by such a successful and gargantuan company, has got its own issues in the product. In order to tackle the problems faced by Amazon Kindle users, Amazon provides its Kindle consumers with Amazon Kindle customer service phone number. Alongside this, Amazon also provided a 24*7 available Amazon Kindle customer service 800 number which is the toll free version of getting Kindle fire help. The response received by the customers on the other end of the Amazon Kindle help phone number is very polite and overwhelming. Visiting Amazon com Kindle support section on the official website will help you find every Amazon Kindle contact that you might need while using kindle device. But, being such a huge company means it has a larger customer base, meaning more in-hand devices and more in-hand devices mean increased number of minor issues faced by the customers, thereby congesting the telephone lines. It is in these kinds of situations where you can dial the customer support number mentioned on top of this website and get assistance. Dialing this will get your call transferred to an available independent 3rd party Kindle contact number to get you assisted. amazon kindle phone number
submitted by Phone_Great_Amazon to u/Phone_Great_Amazon [link] [comments]

Amazon Customer care NuMBer 𝟴𝟱𝟬𝟳𝟱𝟳𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳 Amazon Customer care NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>

Amazon Customer care NuMBer 𝟴𝟱𝟬𝟳𝟱𝟳𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳 Amazon Customer care NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>
Amazonian’s idea requires yet another new institutional skill, we’re flexible enough and patient enough to learn it.
Keep inventing, and don’t despair when at first the idea looks crazy. Remember to wander. Let curiosity be your compass. It remains Day 1.
Jeff today announced that its Great Republic Day sale received an encouraging response from Small and Medium Business (SMBs) sellers. During the recently concluded Great Republic Day Sale, hosted from January 20 – 23, 2021, close to 88,000 SMBs, artisans, weavers and women entrepreneurs received orders from customers in over 5,000 pin codes across the country. 65% of these sellers were from non-metro cities like Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), Tinsukia (Assam), Medak (Telangana), and Rajsamand (Rajasthan). Over 10,700 sellers received their highest-ever single day sales during the shopping event. Artisans and weavers who sell their unique handmade collection through Amazon Karigar and women entrepreneurs from Saheli program witnessed a growth of 1.2X respectively over their average daily sales. Start-ups and brands under the Launchpad program witnessed a growth of 1.12X over average daily sales. Customers from over 700 pin codes ordered on from their trusted local shops and neighbourhood stores in their cities. 79 offline stores as part of the Local Shops program on Amazon crossed sales of INR 1,00,000 during the Great Republic Day Sale. Some of the most bought products included Orthopedic Mattresses, Organic Tea, DTH connections and Tubular Batteries.
Manish Tiwary, Vice President, Amazon India said, “We are excited to witness the success of our sellers during the Great Republic Day sale and are committed to support the community of over 7 lakh sellers associated with We will continue to focus our efforts to empower many more sellers across the country and enable them to accelerate their growth in 2021.”
“The Great Republic Day Sale has been great for our business. Our sales have increased by 1.6X over average daily sales. We are extremely grateful for the support provided by Amazon Launchpad to ensure sale readiness from our end. The continuous efforts from Amazon to make our sale experience the best has helped us be well prepared for the spike in our business.” said Yeshwanth Kumar Goturu & Meghana Rao, Super Healthy
In 2020, over 10 lakh small and medium businesses that work with Amazon in India have witnessed tremendous growth and success. Amazon offers them various opportunities to build and grow their business by enabling them to sell their products online on, exporting ‘Made in India’ products globally, running delivery and logistics companies, using the cloud to launch and scale their businesses, creating voice apps, or publishing their own books. Amazon has pledged to invest USD 1 billion to digitise 10 million SMBs, enable e-commerce exports worth USD 10 billion and create 1 million incremental jobs – by 2025.
In keeping with the changing times and a growing need for flexible work options, especially for women, Amazon had adapted to the future of work with its Virtual Customer Service (VCS) programme back in 2017. When working from home took centre stage during the pandemic, Amazon’s CS team had only to step up what it had already begun years earlier, by helping people with fulfilling work opportunities from the comfort of their homes. Recently, the team has taken a step further by launching its first all-women VCS Centre in Bangalore.
Recognising the versatility of the remote working concept, Amazon had initially introduced its VCS program to create employment prospects for skilled candidates seeking more flexible work opportunities. In the last 3 years, the programme has allowed Amazon to reach out to a wider talent pool, ensuring greater diversity while also roping in talent who might not have been able to physically attend regular office due to various reasons.
For a lot of women, flexible options of working from home (WFH) stand for ‘opportunity’. There are many reasons why women find it difficult to join the workforce or are compelled to drop out early. Especially in India, the reasons could be anything from societal pressure to working late hours, leaving their hometown to work in metro cities, or managing a life–work balance.
For new mothers, caregivers and homemakers to stay-at-home parents, VCS is a flexible employment opportunity. As an employer of choice, Amazon has always believed in opening up diverse channels of employment to people and this programme has helped many, especially women, resume their careers once more.
With the launch of the first all-women Amazon VCS Centre in India, we bring you the inspiring stories of women across the country who have benefitted from the programme.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
Having previously held several jobs requiring her to be physically present at an office, Parul was used to the traditional in-office work life, but had never experienced working from home. She came across this WFH opportunity with Amazon while looking through a job website.
“Before I joined Amazon, I was commuting for almost 4 hours every day to get to work. It was very draining and didn’t seem like a sustainable employment option for me. It has already been two years since I joined the VCS programme and I have learned so much,” she shares.
Parul adds, “I was not really sure of how I would manage the technical aspects, if any, as I am not a very tech savvy person, but when I learnt more about the programme, my fears dissolved. Everything, right from my internet connection to the devices I use, is provided by Amazon. The company even provides training to ensure that I am well equipped to handle anything on the job.”
Hailing from a village in Himachal Pradesh, Parul had initially struggled to help her parents understand the WFH concept. Today when Parul is a group manager in charge of a large team, they love it that she gets more time to herself and can also look after the homeAmazon
Amazon Prime Video Support Amazon Prime Video Support by Experts Prime Video is an American internet video on-demand service that is owned, developed and operated by Amazon that’s why it is also marketed as Amazon prime video. It provides films and television shows for rent. Amazon’s Prime subscription includes a range of amazon studios actual content and licensed acquisitions. Prime Video is launched in 2006 in US as amazon unbox, the service increased with its expanding library, and added membership for prime video with the development of prime. Prime video launched worldwide in 2016 except for Cuba, North Korea, Mainland China, Syria. In Germany, UK, Sweden, Austria and US, access to prime video is also present via a video-only membership that doesn’t need a full prime subscription. On the other side, prime video additionally provides Amazon channels in some countries that permit the users to subscribe to other suppliers’ content, such as HBO in the United States. There are several amazing features of amazon prime video app as we have described below.
Features of Amazon prime video application:amazon prime video phone number
Download TV shows and movies over cellular or wifi to watch anytime, anywhere. Stream the first episode of choose TV shows for free. First episode free videos comprise advertising during and before your videos. Watch IMDb data about the songs, actors, and trivia regarding your videos at the time of playback with the x-ray. With amazon channels, prime members can subscribe to over 100 specialty and premium channels such as Starz, HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime. Just pay for channels you wish to watch, no cable needed, cancel anytime. (This service is not offered in all countries). Enjoy amazon prime video in over 200 countries and territories around the world! Apart from all these amazing features, amazon prime video also offers support services to its users. Most of the people face several issues while using amazon prime video such as Amazon prime video download issue, Amazon prime video sign in issue, how to download Amazon prime video app for smart tv, etc. Amazon prime video help team can resolve this issue without any hassles. So, you just need to call the Amazon prime video customer service phone number. If you are seeking a phone number for prime video, then visit the official site of amazon prime video and get verified contact information of Amazon video phone number. Whether you face any kind of issue, Amazon video help number can fix your issue instantly whenever you call them.
Amazon Prime Video Help >> How to fix Amazon prime video login problems If you are facing this amazon prime video login issue, then you need to follow this section properly. There are several reasons behind why encounter an issue while logging into your account. But we have come here with effective and helpful tips that can fix this issue completely.
Registration code: While you sign in to your amazon prime video account utilizing just your password on several devices, some prompt you to utilize the registration code procedure to associate to the prime video service. Not to mention, the registration code is not similar to your prime video pin. To get into your amazon prime video account, you do not require learning the registration code sign in procedure. Simply, perform the instructions shown on the screen and you will be signed in to your account. Hope, this trick can help you to resolve this Amazon prime video login issue successfully. In case, this trick does not work, then you can take help of Amazon prime video contact number. The Amazon prime video help team will deliver you the best fixes to solve this issue prime video customer service number
Check account information: If your login attempt fails, then check your amazon prime video sign in credentials you entered. Ensure you have provided the information linked with your account. Your password should be caps and case sensitive. After you check your prime video account details and password, try signing into your prime video account again. If this method does not work, then you should call Amazon prime video number for the best guidance. You can easily get this phone number for prime video on the official support page where you can obtain all contact information of verified Amazon video phone number.
Check registered devices: If the above tips don’t work, then try to check your registered devices in your Amazon video settings. Launch your internet browser and go to your prime video settings. Choose registered devices and check if the system you are signed in with is registered on the list or not. In case, the device is not registered here, then you have to add your device to the list. When you have completed that, see if this Amazon prime video sign in issue persists. In case, the issue does not fix, calling Amazon prime video contact number is the best way to get an effective solution. The Amazon prime video support team will help you to get rid of this issue within less time.
Amazon Prime Video Support Numbers – Official: If you are looking for the official Amazon video customer service phone number, then you need to visit the official site where you may not get verified phone number for prime video. You may find several other options to contact prime video support teams such as various Amazon video contact numbers of third parties, email services and chat support. Using any option, you can directly connect with official support team and talk with them to provide the best troubleshooting ideas. Since there is no official Amazon video customer service number available as per the resources available on the internet, you should visit these links mention below to get official assistance regarding your queries. Or, you can also dial our support phone number shown on this webpage in order to connect with the best independent third-party Amazon video help number.
Amazon Prime Video Support LinkAmazon Video Official Support Amazon Prime Video Help Center Prime Video Support >> How to install Amazon prime video on Windows 10amazon video help For installing amazon prime video on windows 10 devices, you have to install the blue stacks android emulator on your system. Through this emulator application, you will be capable to play amazon prime video into your windows 10, 8, 7 devices.
We have come here with the best installation process of amazon prime video on windows 10. If you follow these steps carefully, then you don’t need to face any trouble while installing the amazon prime video on windows device. However, if any issue happens while utilizing this method, then you need to contact the Amazon prime video customer service number for the best guidance. Amazon has a division that manufactures tables which are oriented towards book readers. This division is known as Amazon Kindle. Kindle devices are famous for their e-paper based displays which are marketed as the best readable displays of the modern era most suited for reading books, magazines, news, etc. The first Kindle was released on 19th of November 2007. As of March 2018 surveys, Kindle has more than 6 million eBooks that are currently available in its library. Amazon Kindle, being backed up by such a successful and gargantuan company, has got its own issues in the product. In order to tackle the problems faced by Amazon Kindle users, Amazon provides its Kindle consumers with Amazon Kindle customer service phone number. Alongside this, Amazon also provided a 24*7 available Amazon Kindle customer service 800 number which is the toll free version of getting Kindle fire help. The response received by the customers on the other end of the Amazon Kindle help phone number is very polite and overwhelming. Visiting Amazon com Kindle support section on the official website will help you find every Amazon Kindle contact that you might need while using kindle device. But, being such a huge company means it has a larger customer base, meaning more in-hand devices and more in-hand devices mean increased number of minor issues faced by the customers, thereby congesting the telephone lines. It is in these kinds of situations where you can dial the customer support number mentioned on top of this website and get assistance. Dialing this will get your call transferred to an available independent 3rd party Kindle contact number to get you assisted. amazon kindle phone number
submitted by Cautious_Ad_6452 to u/Cautious_Ad_6452 [link] [comments]

Amazon Customer service NuMBer 𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳♔ Amazon Customer service NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>

Amazon Customer service NuMBer 𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳♔ Amazon Customer service NuMBer USA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>
Amazonian’s idea requires yet another new institutional skill, we’re flexible enough and patient enough to learn it.
Keep inventing, and don’t despair when at first the idea looks crazy. Remember to wander. Let curiosity be your compass. It remains Day 1.
Jeff today announced that its Great Republic Day sale received an encouraging response from Small and Medium Business (SMBs) sellers. During the recently concluded Great Republic Day Sale, hosted from January 20 – 23, 2021, close to 88,000 SMBs, artisans, weavers and women entrepreneurs received orders from customers in over 5,000 pin codes across the country. 65% of these sellers were from non-metro cities like Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), Tinsukia (Assam), Medak (Telangana), and Rajsamand (Rajasthan). Over 10,700 sellers received their highest-ever single day sales during the shopping event. Artisans and weavers who sell their unique handmade collection through Amazon Karigar and women entrepreneurs from Saheli program witnessed a growth of 1.2X respectively over their average daily sales. Start-ups and brands under the Launchpad program witnessed a growth of 1.12X over average daily sales. Customers from over 700 pin codes ordered on from their trusted local shops and neighbourhood stores in their cities. 79 offline stores as part of the Local Shops program on Amazon crossed sales of INR 1,00,000 during the Great Republic Day Sale. Some of the most bought products included Orthopedic Mattresses, Organic Tea, DTH connections and Tubular Batteries.
Manish Tiwary, Vice President, Amazon India said, “We are excited to witness the success of our sellers during the Great Republic Day sale and are committed to support the community of over 7 lakh sellers associated with We will continue to focus our efforts to empower many more sellers across the country and enable them to accelerate their growth in 2021.”
“The Great Republic Day Sale has been great for our business. Our sales have increased by 1.6X over average daily sales. We are extremely grateful for the support provided by Amazon Launchpad to ensure sale readiness from our end. The continuous efforts from Amazon to make our sale experience the best has helped us be well prepared for the spike in our business.” said Yeshwanth Kumar Goturu & Meghana Rao, Super Healthy
In 2020, over 10 lakh small and medium businesses that work with Amazon in India have witnessed tremendous growth and success. Amazon offers them various opportunities to build and grow their business by enabling them to sell their products online on, exporting ‘Made in India’ products globally, running delivery and logistics companies, using the cloud to launch and scale their businesses, creating voice apps, or publishing their own books. Amazon has pledged to invest USD 1 billion to digitise 10 million SMBs, enable e-commerce exports worth USD 10 billion and create 1 million incremental jobs – by 2025.
In keeping with the changing times and a growing need for flexible work options, especially for women, Amazon had adapted to the future of work with its Virtual Customer Service (VCS) programme back in 2017. When working from home took centre stage during the pandemic, Amazon’s CS team had only to step up what it had already begun years earlier, by helping people with fulfilling work opportunities from the comfort of their homes. Recently, the team has taken a step further by launching its first all-women VCS Centre in Bangalore.
Recognising the versatility of the remote working concept, Amazon had initially introduced its VCS program to create employment prospects for skilled candidates seeking more flexible work opportunities. In the last 3 years, the programme has allowed Amazon to reach out to a wider talent pool, ensuring greater diversity while also roping in talent who might not have been able to physically attend regular office due to various reasons.
For a lot of women, flexible options of working from home (WFH) stand for ‘opportunity’. There are many reasons why women find it difficult to join the workforce or are compelled to drop out early. Especially in India, the reasons could be anything from societal pressure to working late hours, leaving their hometown to work in metro cities, or managing a life–work balance.
For new mothers, caregivers and homemakers to stay-at-home parents, VCS is a flexible employment opportunity. As an employer of choice, Amazon has always believed in opening up diverse channels of employment to people and this programme has helped many, especially women, resume their careers once more.
With the launch of the first all-women Amazon VCS Centre in India, we bring you the inspiring stories of women across the country who have benefitted from the programme.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
Having previously held several jobs requiring her to be physically present at an office, Parul was used to the traditional in-office work life, but had never experienced working from home. She came across this WFH opportunity with Amazon while looking through a job website.
“Before I joined Amazon, I was commuting for almost 4 hours every day to get to work. It was very draining and didn’t seem like a sustainable employment option for me. It has already been two years since I joined the VCS programme and I have learned so much,” she shares.
Parul adds, “I was not really sure of how I would manage the technical aspects, if any, as I am not a very tech savvy person, but when I learnt more about the programme, my fears dissolved. Everything, right from my internet connection to the devices I use, is provided by Amazon. The company even provides training to ensure that I am well equipped to handle anything on the job.”
Hailing from a village in Himachal Pradesh, Parul had initially struggled to help her parents understand the WFH concept. Today when Parul is a group manager in charge of a large team, they love it that she gets more time to herself and can also look after the homeAmazon
Amazon Prime Video Support Amazon Prime Video Support by Experts Prime Video is an American internet video on-demand service that is owned, developed and operated by Amazon that’s why it is also marketed as Amazon prime video. It provides films and television shows for rent. Amazon’s Prime subscription includes a range of amazon studios actual content and licensed acquisitions. Prime Video is launched in 2006 in US as amazon unbox, the service increased with its expanding library, and added membership for prime video with the development of prime. Prime video launched worldwide in 2016 except for Cuba, North Korea, Mainland China, Syria. In Germany, UK, Sweden, Austria and US, access to prime video is also present via a video-only membership that doesn’t need a full prime subscription. On the other side, prime video additionally provides Amazon channels in some countries that permit the users to subscribe to other suppliers’ content, such as HBO in the United States. There are several amazing features of amazon prime video app as we have described below.
Features of Amazon prime video application:amazon prime video phone number
Download TV shows and movies over cellular or wifi to watch anytime, anywhere. Stream the first episode of choose TV shows for free. First episode free videos comprise advertising during and before your videos. Watch IMDb data about the songs, actors, and trivia regarding your videos at the time of playback with the x-ray. With amazon channels, prime members can subscribe to over 100 specialty and premium channels such as Starz, HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime. Just pay for channels you wish to watch, no cable needed, cancel anytime. (This service is not offered in all countries). Enjoy amazon prime video in over 200 countries and territories around the world! Apart from all these amazing features, amazon prime video also offers support services to its users. Most of the people face several issues while using amazon prime video such as Amazon prime video download issue, Amazon prime video sign in issue, how to download Amazon prime video app for smart tv, etc. Amazon prime video help team can resolve this issue without any hassles. So, you just need to call the Amazon prime video customer service phone number. If you are seeking a phone number for prime video, then visit the official site of amazon prime video and get verified contact information of Amazon video phone number. Whether you face any kind of issue, Amazon video help number can fix your issue instantly whenever you call them.
Amazon Prime Video Help >> How to fix Amazon prime video login problems If you are facing this amazon prime video login issue, then you need to follow this section properly. There are several reasons behind why encounter an issue while logging into your account. But we have come here with effective and helpful tips that can fix this issue completely.
Registration code: While you sign in to your amazon prime video account utilizing just your password on several devices, some prompt you to utilize the registration code procedure to associate to the prime video service. Not to mention, the registration code is not similar to your prime video pin. To get into your amazon prime video account, you do not require learning the registration code sign in procedure. Simply, perform the instructions shown on the screen and you will be signed in to your account. Hope, this trick can help you to resolve this Amazon prime video login issue successfully. In case, this trick does not work, then you can take help of Amazon prime video contact number. The Amazon prime video help team will deliver you the best fixes to solve this issue prime video customer service number
Check account information: If your login attempt fails, then check your amazon prime video sign in credentials you entered. Ensure you have provided the information linked with your account. Your password should be caps and case sensitive. After you check your prime video account details and password, try signing into your prime video account again. If this method does not work, then you should call Amazon prime video number for the best guidance. You can easily get this phone number for prime video on the official support page where you can obtain all contact information of verified Amazon video phone number.
Check registered devices: If the above tips don’t work, then try to check your registered devices in your Amazon video settings. Launch your internet browser and go to your prime video settings. Choose registered devices and check if the system you are signed in with is registered on the list or not. In case, the device is not registered here, then you have to add your device to the list. When you have completed that, see if this Amazon prime video sign in issue persists. In case, the issue does not fix, calling Amazon prime video contact number is the best way to get an effective solution. The Amazon prime video support team will help you to get rid of this issue within less time.
Amazon Prime Video Support Numbers – Official: If you are looking for the official Amazon video customer service phone number, then you need to visit the official site where you may not get verified phone number for prime video. You may find several other options to contact prime video support teams such as various Amazon video contact numbers of third parties, email services and chat support. Using any option, you can directly connect with official support team and talk with them to provide the best troubleshooting ideas. Since there is no official Amazon video customer service number available as per the resources available on the internet, you should visit these links mention below to get official assistance regarding your queries. Or, you can also dial our support phone number shown on this webpage in order to connect with the best independent third-party Amazon video help number.
Amazon Prime Video Support LinkAmazon Video Official Support Amazon Prime Video Help Center Prime Video Support >> How to install Amazon prime video on Windows 10amazon video help For installing amazon prime video on windows 10 devices, you have to install the blue stacks android emulator on your system. Through this emulator application, you will be capable to play amazon prime video into your windows 10, 8, 7 devices.
We have come here with the best installation process of amazon prime video on windows 10. If you follow these steps carefully, then you don’t need to face any trouble while installing the amazon prime video on windows device. However, if any issue happens while utilizing this method, then you need to contact the Amazon prime video customer service number for the best guidance. Amazon has a division that manufactures tables which are oriented towards book readers. This division is known as Amazon Kindle. Kindle devices are famous for their e-paper based displays which are marketed as the best readable displays of the modern era most suited for reading books, magazines, news, etc. The first Kindle was released on 19th of November 2007. As of March 2018 surveys, Kindle has more than 6 million eBooks that are currently available in its library. Amazon Kindle, being backed up by such a successful and gargantuan company, has got its own issues in the product. In order to tackle the problems faced by Amazon Kindle users, Amazon provides its Kindle consumers with Amazon Kindle customer service phone number. Alongside this, Amazon also provided a 24*7 available Amazon Kindle customer service 800 number which is the toll free version of getting Kindle fire help. The response received by the customers on the other end of the Amazon Kindle help phone number is very polite and overwhelming. Visiting Amazon com Kindle support section on the official website will help you find every Amazon Kindle contact that you might need while using kindle device. But, being such a huge company means it has a larger customer base, meaning more in-hand devices and more in-hand devices mean increased number of minor issues faced by the customers, thereby congesting the telephone lines. It is in these kinds of situations where you can dial the customer support number mentioned on top of this website and get assistance. Dialing this will get your call transferred to an available independent 3rd party Kindle contact number to get you assisted. amazon kindle phone number
submitted by Phone_Great_Amazon to u/Phone_Great_Amazon [link] [comments]

Amazon SuPPort NuMBer ☤𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳♔ Amazon SuPPort NuMBerUSA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>

Amazon SuPPort NuMBer ☤𝟴𝟱𝟬✜𝟳𝟱𝟳✜𝟰𝟰𝟵𝟳♔ Amazon SuPPort NuMBerUSA CANADA $#2021@#&#@",>>
Amazonian’s idea requires yet another new institutional skill, we’re flexible enough and patient enough to learn it.
Keep inventing, and don’t despair when at first the idea looks crazy. Remember to wander. Let curiosity be your compass. It remains Day 1.
Jeff today announced that its Great Republic Day sale received an encouraging response from Small and Medium Business (SMBs) sellers. During the recently concluded Great Republic Day Sale, hosted from January 20 – 23, 2021, close to 88,000 SMBs, artisans, weavers and women entrepreneurs received orders from customers in over 5,000 pin codes across the country. 65% of these sellers were from non-metro cities like Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh), Tinsukia (Assam), Medak (Telangana), and Rajsamand (Rajasthan). Over 10,700 sellers received their highest-ever single day sales during the shopping event. Artisans and weavers who sell their unique handmade collection through Amazon Karigar and women entrepreneurs from Saheli program witnessed a growth of 1.2X respectively over their average daily sales. Start-ups and brands under the Launchpad program witnessed a growth of 1.12X over average daily sales. Customers from over 700 pin codes ordered on from their trusted local shops and neighbourhood stores in their cities. 79 offline stores as part of the Local Shops program on Amazon crossed sales of INR 1,00,000 during the Great Republic Day Sale. Some of the most bought products included Orthopedic Mattresses, Organic Tea, DTH connections and Tubular Batteries.
Manish Tiwary, Vice President, Amazon India said, “We are excited to witness the success of our sellers during the Great Republic Day sale and are committed to support the community of over 7 lakh sellers associated with We will continue to focus our efforts to empower many more sellers across the country and enable them to accelerate their growth in 2021.”
“The Great Republic Day Sale has been great for our business. Our sales have increased by 1.6X over average daily sales. We are extremely grateful for the support provided by Amazon Launchpad to ensure sale readiness from our end. The continuous efforts from Amazon to make our sale experience the best has helped us be well prepared for the spike in our business.” said Yeshwanth Kumar Goturu & Meghana Rao, Super Healthy
In 2020, over 10 lakh small and medium businesses that work with Amazon in India have witnessed tremendous growth and success. Amazon offers them various opportunities to build and grow their business by enabling them to sell their products online on, exporting ‘Made in India’ products globally, running delivery and logistics companies, using the cloud to launch and scale their businesses, creating voice apps, or publishing their own books. Amazon has pledged to invest USD 1 billion to digitise 10 million SMBs, enable e-commerce exports worth USD 10 billion and create 1 million incremental jobs – by 2025.
In keeping with the changing times and a growing need for flexible work options, especially for women, Amazon had adapted to the future of work with its Virtual Customer Service (VCS) programme back in 2017. When working from home took centre stage during the pandemic, Amazon’s CS team had only to step up what it had already begun years earlier, by helping people with fulfilling work opportunities from the comfort of their homes. Recently, the team has taken a step further by launching its first all-women VCS Centre in Bangalore.
Recognising the versatility of the remote working concept, Amazon had initially introduced its VCS program to create employment prospects for skilled candidates seeking more flexible work opportunities. In the last 3 years, the programme has allowed Amazon to reach out to a wider talent pool, ensuring greater diversity while also roping in talent who might not have been able to physically attend regular office due to various reasons.
For a lot of women, flexible options of working from home (WFH) stand for ‘opportunity’. There are many reasons why women find it difficult to join the workforce or are compelled to drop out early. Especially in India, the reasons could be anything from societal pressure to working late hours, leaving their hometown to work in metro cities, or managing a life–work balance.
For new mothers, caregivers and homemakers to stay-at-home parents, VCS is a flexible employment opportunity. As an employer of choice, Amazon has always believed in opening up diverse channels of employment to people and this programme has helped many, especially women, resume their careers once more.
With the launch of the first all-women Amazon VCS Centre in India, we bring you the inspiring stories of women across the country who have benefitted from the programme.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
I’ve been working for over 20 years, and have always had to travel for my jobs. Being a mother, I hoped for a job that would allow me the flexibility and financial security to support my family. Ever since I enrolled into Amazon’s VCS programme, I’ve been rid of the stress of travelling and the constant struggle of managing work and home,” says Sanjana.
Having heard from her LinkedIn connections about the VCS programme, this was Sanjana’s first ‘work from home’ experience. She adds, “Though this was a new experience, I was able to learn quickly with the constant support and guidance from my assigned buddy, my manager and the team. The on boarding process was smooth and I was also offered several online training and certification courses, to help me understand the processes better.”
Sanjana is delighted that she gets to spend more time with her daughter, something she missed when she worked on site. Happy with the experience, she has now referred her friends to the VCS program and was delighted when a few joined for the program.
“I really don’t know how I would have managed working during this pandemic period. The thought of leaving the house and risking my family’s health wasn’t a choice. I am grateful for the opportunity to make a living while keeping my family safe,” she concludes.
Having previously held several jobs requiring her to be physically present at an office, Parul was used to the traditional in-office work life, but had never experienced working from home. She came across this WFH opportunity with Amazon while looking through a job website.
“Before I joined Amazon, I was commuting for almost 4 hours every day to get to work. It was very draining and didn’t seem like a sustainable employment option for me. It has already been two years since I joined the VCS programme and I have learned so much,” she shares.
Parul adds, “I was not really sure of how I would manage the technical aspects, if any, as I am not a very tech savvy person, but when I learnt more about the programme, my fears dissolved. Everything, right from my internet connection to the devices I use, is provided by Amazon. The company even provides training to ensure that I am well equipped to handle anything on the job.”
Hailing from a village in Himachal Pradesh, Parul had initially struggled to help her parents understand the WFH concept. Today when Parul is a group manager in charge of a large team, they love it that she gets more time to herself and can also look after the homeAmazon
Amazon Prime Video Support Amazon Prime Video Support by Experts Prime Video is an American internet video on-demand service that is owned, developed and operated by Amazon that’s why it is also marketed as Amazon prime video. It provides films and television shows for rent. Amazon’s Prime subscription includes a range of amazon studios actual content and licensed acquisitions. Prime Video is launched in 2006 in US as amazon unbox, the service increased with its expanding library, and added membership for prime video with the development of prime. Prime video launched worldwide in 2016 except for Cuba, North Korea, Mainland China, Syria. In Germany, UK, Sweden, Austria and US, access to prime video is also present via a video-only membership that doesn’t need a full prime subscription. On the other side, prime video additionally provides Amazon channels in some countries that permit the users to subscribe to other suppliers’ content, such as HBO in the United States. There are several amazing features of amazon prime video app as we have described below.
Features of Amazon prime video application:amazon prime video phone number
Download TV shows and movies over cellular or wifi to watch anytime, anywhere. Stream the first episode of choose TV shows for free. First episode free videos comprise advertising during and before your videos. Watch IMDb data about the songs, actors, and trivia regarding your videos at the time of playback with the x-ray. With amazon channels, prime members can subscribe to over 100 specialty and premium channels such as Starz, HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime. Just pay for channels you wish to watch, no cable needed, cancel anytime. (This service is not offered in all countries). Enjoy amazon prime video in over 200 countries and territories around the world! Apart from all these amazing features, amazon prime video also offers support services to its users. Most of the people face several issues while using amazon prime video such as Amazon prime video download issue, Amazon prime video sign in issue, how to download Amazon prime video app for smart tv, etc. Amazon prime video help team can resolve this issue without any hassles. So, you just need to call the Amazon prime video customer service phone number. If you are seeking a phone number for prime video, then visit the official site of amazon prime video and get verified contact information of Amazon video phone number. Whether you face any kind of issue, Amazon video help number can fix your issue instantly whenever you call them.
Amazon Prime Video Help >> How to fix Amazon prime video login problems If you are facing this amazon prime video login issue, then you need to follow this section properly. There are several reasons behind why encounter an issue while logging into your account. But we have come here with effective and helpful tips that can fix this issue completely.
Registration code: While you sign in to your amazon prime video account utilizing just your password on several devices, some prompt you to utilize the registration code procedure to associate to the prime video service. Not to mention, the registration code is not similar to your prime video pin. To get into your amazon prime video account, you do not require learning the registration code sign in procedure. Simply, perform the instructions shown on the screen and you will be signed in to your account. Hope, this trick can help you to resolve this Amazon prime video login issue successfully. In case, this trick does not work, then you can take help of Amazon prime video contact number. The Amazon prime video help team will deliver you the best fixes to solve this issue prime video customer service number
Check account information: If your login attempt fails, then check your amazon prime video sign in credentials you entered. Ensure you have provided the information linked with your account. Your password should be caps and case sensitive. After you check your prime video account details and password, try signing into your prime video account again. If this method does not work, then you should call Amazon prime video number for the best guidance. You can easily get this phone number for prime video on the official support page where you can obtain all contact information of verified Amazon video phone number.
Check registered devices: If the above tips don’t work, then try to check your registered devices in your Amazon video settings. Launch your internet browser and go to your prime video settings. Choose registered devices and check if the system you are signed in with is registered on the list or not. In case, the device is not registered here, then you have to add your device to the list. When you have completed that, see if this Amazon prime video sign in issue persists. In case, the issue does not fix, calling Amazon prime video contact number is the best way to get an effective solution. The Amazon prime video support team will help you to get rid of this issue within less time.
Amazon Prime Video Support Numbers – Official: If you are looking for the official Amazon video customer service phone number, then you need to visit the official site where you may not get verified phone number for prime video. You may find several other options to contact prime video support teams such as various Amazon video contact numbers of third parties, email services and chat support. Using any option, you can directly connect with official support team and talk with them to provide the best troubleshooting ideas. Since there is no official Amazon video customer service number available as per the resources available on the internet, you should visit these links mention below to get official assistance regarding your queries. Or, you can also dial our support phone number shown on this webpage in order to connect with the best independent third-party Amazon video help number.
Amazon Prime Video Support LinkAmazon Video Official Support Amazon Prime Video Help Center Prime Video Support >> How to install Amazon prime video on Windows 10amazon video help For installing amazon prime video on windows 10 devices, you have to install the blue stacks android emulator on your system. Through this emulator application, you will be capable to play amazon prime video into your windows 10, 8, 7 devices.
We have come here with the best installation process of amazon prime video on windows 10. If you follow these steps carefully, then you don’t need to face any trouble while installing the amazon prime video on windows device. However, if any issue happens while utilizing this method, then you need to contact the Amazon prime video customer service number for the best guidance. Amazon has a division that manufactures tables which are oriented towards book readers. This division is known as Amazon Kindle. Kindle devices are famous for their e-paper based displays which are marketed as the best readable displays of the modern era most suited for reading books, magazines, news, etc. The first Kindle was released on 19th of November 2007. As of March 2018 surveys, Kindle has more than 6 million eBooks that are currently available in its library. Amazon Kindle, being backed up by such a successful and gargantuan company, has got its own issues in the product. In order to tackle the problems faced by Amazon Kindle users, Amazon provides its Kindle consumers with Amazon Kindle customer service phone number. Alongside this, Amazon also provided a 24*7 available Amazon Kindle customer service 800 number which is the toll free version of getting Kindle fire help. The response received by the customers on the other end of the Amazon Kindle help phone number is very polite and overwhelming. Visiting Amazon com Kindle support section on the official website will help you find every Amazon Kindle contact that you might need while using kindle device. But, being such a huge company means it has a larger customer base, meaning more in-hand devices and more in-hand devices mean increased number of minor issues faced by the customers, thereby congesting the telephone lines. It is in these kinds of situations where you can dial the customer support number mentioned on top of this website and get assistance. Dialing this will get your call transferred to an available independent 3rd party Kindle contact number to get you assisted. amazon kindle phone number
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what is north korea's top export video

This is what it's like to go undercover in North Korea ... North Korea may be behind world's biggest cryptocurrency heist in South Korea - TomoNews On the Green Carpet (North Korea) North Korea's Top 15 Export Destination Countries in ... K-POP and North Korea Report: North Korea earned $200 million from banned exports North Korea’s Major Exports Are Fake $20 Bills & Viagra ... North Korea's New Push to Export Its Propaganda  WSJ ... Top 10 Countries that Hate North Korea🇰🇵  Enemies Of ... UN report finds North Korea carried out US$200 mil. of illegal exports

North Korea's new ICBM, produced in a year of great struggle, is a message to the world not to underestimate the state, its leader, or the technological ability of its people. North Korea’s main export products in 2017 were textiles (coats and suits worth US$434 million), coal briquettes (worth US$368 million) and molluscs worth US$138 million. Published by Statista Research Department, Dec 31, 2016 This statistic shows the percentage of North Korea's top ten exported goods in 2015, by category. Among top ten categories in 2015, fuel... The report draws on twenty interviews with North Koreans involved as laborers or administrators in North Korea’s labor export system. Based on these interviews, NKDB estimates that the DPRK has Probably the most audacious North Korean export has been an attempt to build a fully functioning nuclear reactor for Syria at Al-Kibar, which Israel bombed in 2007. North Korea patterned the reactor on its own gas-graphite one. As this type of reactor is not very complex, North Korea could have and probably did supply most of the parts itself. The North Koreans apparently modeled the building almost exactly on Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s top export is coffee, shipping nearly $1 billion alone in 2018. Similarly, off the east coast, Madagascar is the world’s largest producer of vanilla. Asia. While petroleum is also a dominant export across many countries in Asia, the region’s export landscape is a lot more tech-focused. The export of this bold, direct, firmly authoritarian style began in the early 1980s as a diplomatic gift to socialist or non-aligned countries, from their North Korean brothers. Fruits and nuts was the fastest-growing among the top 10 export categories, up by 54.9% from 2016 to 2017. In second place for improving export sales was the salt, sulphur, stone and cement category which rose 13.2% led by natural graphite and quartz. North Korea’s exported iron and steel posted the third-fastest gain in value up by 9.5%. Exports: The top exports of North Korea are Watch Movements ($31.1M), Ferroalloys ($27.7M), Fake Hair ($22.4M), Rubberworking Machinery ($19.1M), and Tungsten Ore ($18.5M), exporting mostly to China ($182M), Zambia ($20M), Mozambique ($7.81M), Saudi Arabia ($7.21M), and Pakistan ($7.05M). Never Take Their Photos: Tracking the Commandos, North Korea’s Secret Export Uganda said it cut all military ties to North Korea. A closer look shows otherwise. Vidas Engineering Services, with

what is north korea's top export top

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This is what it's like to go undercover in North Korea ...

North Korea's Top 15 Export Destination Countries in Millions of Dollars, 2000-2018North KoreaNorth Korean EconomyNorth Korea ExportsNorth Korea trading part... Are sanctions having any impact? Lt. Col. Daniel Davis provides insight. FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service dedicated to deliv... SEOUL — Someone managed to pull off the world's biggest cryptocurrency heist last month, and surprise, surprise, the North Koreans might be involved. Subscri... Bryan Suits on 8/29/2017 on the “Gary and Shannon Show” on KFI640am in Los Angeles joins the show to break down the implications of North Korea firing a test... A far cry from hawkish newscasts and displays of the regime’s weapons arsenal, North Korea’s vloggers showcase a softer side of life in Pyongyang. Here’s how... 북, 시리아•미얀마에 탄도미사일•화학무기 관련품목 수출 A UN report has revealed that North Korea earned nearly 200 million U.S. dollars in illegal exports last year ... For six months, Suki Kim worked as an English teacher at an elite school for North Korea's future leaders — while writing a book on one of the world's most r... North Korea uses several methods to acquire ... The Chosen Soren has among other activities an ongoing effort to acquire and export advanced technology to North Korea. ... Top Trending Recommended ... north korea defector top ranking official breaks silence and tells all to the americans congress - duration: 2:16:30. SavileInfo2012 Recommended for you 2:16:30 My Instagram : Dailymotion Channel:

what is north korea's top export

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