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Am I just being a bit stupid, or has Doc just partnered with a gambling site, and it advertising that it is OK for everyone to get involved?
submitted by crossworfprime to DrDisrespectLive [link] [comments]

UK gambling laws review to consider ban on sports sponsorship

UK gambling laws review to consider ban on sports sponsorship submitted by tipodecinta to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

Is xposed sponsorship with Roobet legal?

I work at a casino in Canada. I know most of the ins and outs on what’s allowed and what isn’t. However I’m not a lawyer, so I am genuinely curious to how the “howiedeals” are legal.
In my eyes, Roobet is essentially laundering money or committing fraud through the guise of “sponsorship.” They are winning their own jackpots through streamers and defrauding customers in the process.
Can someone explain how these deals aren’t money laundering/fraud?
submitted by Big-Link4821 to gambling [link] [comments]

Ludwig teaches stream how to play blackjack

Ludwig teaches stream how to play blackjack submitted by Marcurial to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

My story and start.

(22 M)This is hard. It’s been hard. I know in my heart gambling has done nothing but rip me to shreds mentally and ruin a good chunk of my life, but some how quitting has a stronger feeling than losing a long term friend or disappointing a loved one. Between 19-22 I have lost over $240,000 and counting. My entire life I have been stingy about cash and never spent a nickel on anything for myself, until I found gambling. Prior to gambling I was a happy, self made 19 year old working from home as a live streamer with a large platform I built for myself making more money than 90% of people my age with a hefty savings to show for it, had a girlfriend that I loved to death and wanted to make a real life with. Then it happened. Roughly 3 years ago I discovered online casinos and realized I only had to be 18 instead of 21 like my local casino so I decided to try it. Deposited $50 and turned it into $200, loved the feeling. Lost a deposit or two not long after, then the worst thing that has ever happened in my life occurred. I deposited my usual $50 and over the course of 10 hours playing online blackjack/roulette turned it into $30,000. At 20 years old I was sitting in front of a computer doing $500 spins on black while most people my age where splitting apartments so they could afford $500 for rent. That night I lost all conception of what money truly means and is. The same night I proceeded to lose the entire balance at the crack of dawn with my girlfriend sleeping 5 feet away from me. No words and actions could describe the shame and guilt I felt when I looked to my right. Not even an hour before that I could have stopped and woke her up to the news that I made $30,000 and it would’ve made a massive change in our life. Instead I blew it and was too ashamed to tell her or anyone for that matter. But now something clicked in my head and my brain said “you can win that again, you just need to deposit and take your time”. this mindset turned to a boiling rage, soon my deposits went from $50 to $200, to $500. Until my (joint)bank account was dry. I had gone completely broke at age 21 after being one of the most on track kids I knew at 19. The shame and anger I still feel now is like being forced to do a naked halftime show at the super bowl. After losing all the money I became enthralled in making more money so I could play. I slowly started to lose interest in everything around me that wasn’t gambling. Starting with my job (which I fucking loved and was so blessed to have) then my hobbies (lost interest in anything that costs money since that would be taking away my ability to gamble said money) and finally my love life. My girlfriend would invite me to do things and I’d blow it off so I could stay home and blow all my money or drive to the casino with my entire weeks pay to blow it at the tables and drive home furious to the only thing (which I didn’t see at the time) that mattered or cared about me, my girlfriend. Seeing the disappointment in her eyes as I blew everything we had and eagerly waited for the next sum of money to come from a paycheck or selling something I didn’t use anymore was the worst of it. The only person who ever truly cared for me and loved me, and instead of seeing that I was blinded in the fog of rushing to the atm to slip in my debit card like a junkie stabbing a needle in their arm. I am disgusted at the sheer thought of what my life could’ve been if I had never deposited that initial $50, but it’s something I now have to live with. And if I ever want to have a different version of a happy life aside from the one I missed this gambling shit has to stop. 4 months ago that same girlfriend left me (much later than she should have) and it crushed me more than a big loss at the casino ever could. The hardest part in my head to this day is I never got to find closure in my guilt or shame, and to my actions I don’t deserve it. Last month I didn’t have enough money in my account to pay for my dentist appointment up front so I lied to the receptionist about calling my bank, stood in the lobby and deposited the $25 I had into pokerstars, ripped it into $100 and withdrew to pay for my appointment. How sick and pathetic is that? What the fuck is screwed wrong in my brain and how do I change it? I honestly don’t know why I’m posting this, maybe I think I’ll find closure maybe I just want someone else to read my experience so they don’t make the same mistakes, maybe I just need it off my chest so I can stop living this guilt and shame. But I need to quit and I need help, I’m fearful to do it alone and I can’t figure out why. I feel a fear stronger than any fear I’ve felt before and it’s crippling me, it feels like gambling is my only true friend. I want to stop now. Thanks for reading I apologize for the length but I don’t have anyone in my life I can tell my story too comfortably so maybe the Internet can be that person. Please, don’t gamble.
submitted by Zach_6868 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

PSA, Public Harasser and Online "Influencer" Ruins Support Group Meeting(s?)

Hey I wasn't sure where I should post this, I had to look this guy up online, and thought the best way to warn people of what he's doing was to post on this subreddit (why is there a subreddit about this guy anyway? Is he causing that much of a problem for other people?)
My brother has been going to gambling addict support group meetings for the past few years, but the place he usually goes to recently canceled on him, so he had to start going to a place located a bit farther. He gets a bit anxious meeting people for the first time, so I agreed to attend the first meeting with him. It was a basement underneath a local church with a bunch of gray metal fold-out chairs placed in a circle, the usual deal for these types of meetings. There was a half dozen other attendees, excluding my brother, myself, and the group leader (let's call him Randy) . Randy starts the meeting by introducing himself and the nature of the support group meetings for recovering gambling addicts he hosts, then he asks everyone to go around and introduce themselves. Everyone there was pretty standard for the kind of people who attend these kinds of meetings, except this one guy. He was pretty normal for the most part, kind of slim, (around?) average height. When it was his turn to introduce himself, he just sort of paused and looked at Randy. Then he broke out into a grin and started chuckling nervously "You're kidding right? You guys...tell him who I am guys," looking at the rest of the attendees collectively. None of us knew who this guy was and we were all pretty confused.
"Really guys? You really don't recognize me? Remember me? Funny streamer, comedian, haha 'woah what am I gonna do next? Uh, dress up as a clown and drive a clown car and wear clown shoes? OH NO, I'm being dunked in a water tank, fuckin' uhhh...I have a HUGE ASS!' Remember that guys?"
He was very animated and kept on reiterating that he was some kind of online influencer (I still don't really know what that means) and insisting that we should all know who he was because he "risked it all for 'this' (still don't know what he meant by that, either). Randy, who had previously explained that he worked with developmentally challenged addicts and otherwise substance-related addicts, dealt with this situation quite patiently. "I'm sorry, I don't think anyone here knows you. I've certainly never seen you before. You can share what's been going on in your life first, if you'd like." Randy's response really put this guy off for whatever reason, then he angrily stomped his feet, leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "I didn't even make this t-shirt dude. Someone online made this, FOR ME." Then he tugged on the shirt and showed it off to all of us. This is the shirt he was wearing:,slim_fit_t_shirt,flatlay,fafafa:ca443f4786,front,wide_portrait,750x1000-bg,f8f8f8.u4.jpg.
Randy just decided to move on from that and had others start sharing what was going on with them. The first to go was a middle-aged woman who looked pretty worn down. The moment she opened her mouth to speak, the guy with the t-shirt whipped out the largest bag of Cheez-Its you've ever seen. There was a spot on the packaging that said "Share Sized!" that this guy had taken a sharpie to and crossed out. He started munching on them very obnoxiously, but everyone in the group was so tired that they just tried to ignore him. Apparently the group leader refrained from telling him to calm himself down, under the pretense that everyone handles stress differently, and that he might have personal problems like family stress or money issues. He then started wheezing louder and louder as more people shared their stories. I thought it was some kind of respiratory condition at first, but then I realized he was increasingly laughing to the point where he couldn't breathe. Sicko. By the time it was his turn, he was laughing so hard tears were streaming down his face. When he began to "share," all I could gather from his muffled speech (because of all the Cheez-Its stuffed in his face) was that he was trying to make a joke about the tears streaming down his face, "just like him" because he's a "streamer". I don't really play or watch video games so I had to learn all of this second hand afterwards. I was especially shocked to find out like millions of people watch this guy, regularly. Is there something I'm missing? Either way, everyone was just so worn out, mostly from their own troubles from being gambling addicts and also this guy now, that they just started leaving. Randy tried to get them to stay, but this guy "Jerma 985" ne called himself, kept on asking we wanted to play "Among Us" on his phone with him.
The whole experience really just confused and upset me and my brother. After the meeting ended, I approached this guy and asked him what was the point of all that. He turned around and asked me if I saw the movie Fight Club (which I haven't) then before I could answer he said "AW DUDE REMEMBER TYLER DURDEN? HE PUNCHED THAT GUY IN THE FUCKIN FACE DUDE!!" and then he started smacking his fist into his other hand repeatedly, right in front of my face. He then went on for another 5 minutes about how a plot point of the movie was that the main character would go to support groups to "get more badass and famous," and then he said "oops almost forgot" and then he hugged me and started crying heavily into my shoulder (had to look that up too, apparently he thought he needed to do that as well). I was completely dumbfounded and actually let him hug me out of the state of confusion I was in. I also felt kind of bad for him, but mostly just disturbed.
His phone buzzed a notification, and he immediately broke away from me and looked at it. "What the fuck?" He then started typing on his phone and talking out loud. "What-the-fuck-are-you-saying? Don't-you-EVER-unsub-from-my-channel. FUCK-YOU-DUDE, guys-you-NEED-to-doxx-this-guy, how-else-will-I-ever-escape-all-this-debt???"
I just left after that and tried to stop thinking about it for the most part. My brother never even got his turn. Is this something this guy is just known to go around and do? It really upsets me to think this support group and I were just victims of a random incident of public harassment of this magnitude. Thanks for reading.
submitted by TheStrongestMan to jerma985 [link] [comments]

My time to stop

I've gambled in various online casinos the last year, until it totally escalated the last weeks with deposits of 1-2k per day. On friday i hit a 40k win and lost 10 of it the next day in a few hours. Locked out myself with the withdrawals in process. Now I am in around 20k profit. I don't want to end like so many people, I know I have a problem. This is my chance to quit without damages beside my brain and emotions doing a constant rollercoster with me. Me doing 1k spins like nothing vs. the person in real life, saving every little buck for my family and our future. Now I finally know see the addiction, it's madness what gambling does to your brain. I really hope I can make it, but to be hones there is little hope. Damn you youtubers and twitch streamers.
submitted by sr77777 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Corporation Doing A Raffle; Illegal? Where to Report?

So recently I noticed a gaming chair company doing a "raffle" where if you buy a chair in a certain small time frame, you'll be entered to win their "raffle" for a variety of big prizes while partnering with big name streamers.
Noticing they used the word Raffle... I immediately searched for a "no purchase necessary" and as expected, there was a lack of it.
It was my understanding that Raffles are reserved for Non-Profit Organizations and not allowed for businesses to run, and in which this should instead fall into a "sweepstakes" that lacks an option for no purchase necessary, requiring the participants to pay upwards of about $300 to enter for a chance to win.
Am I misunderstanding or isn't this incredibly illegal under gambling laws online? I thought a form with the Ic3 but, It seemed they'd require to you to first become a victim of it and there's no way I'm supporting a business that's doing this.
(Location; United States. Worldwide raffle with the business being located somewhere in the USA.
Assumingly California based though the company hasn’t listed anywhere any exact state, just United States.)
submitted by GaysicallyWindow to legaladvice [link] [comments]

What's your excuse for the fact that this game is unplayable online?

Switching from FIFA to PES this year was a big mistake. While FIFA may have it's own flaws none of them are on the level of PES.
First let's start with the absolute dead community. If you live in middle Europe and want to play you have queues up to 30 minutes to find a single game. This game is only """"""playable""""" during Matchday time. And this brings us to the second point.
The absolute shitfest that is Matchday. The game is dead (PC) to the point where PES doesn't let you filter people with bad internet connections. (the funny thing you have this option in Ranked Match mode but 3 bar connection doesn't mean shit, the game is a pure lagfest) Before some of you shills come out and say yes PC is pretty dead but it's good on Playstation, why are you lying? I picked up some PES streamers and 10-15 minutes queues on a Saturday evening during the Corona pandemic are not good. The game is near dead. Period.
In a bad connection the """"polished"""" gameplay that PES offers is non existent. Players like Neymar and Messi with perfect dribbling stats can't take one good touch, the game sometimes doesn't even register your inputs, you can't even turn your player, let alone dribble. The worst thing is the passing. If you pass under bad connections paired with the horrible passing assistant system of PES the passes absolutely fuck up. You can't pass a 2m pass to the next man. This makes it impossible for people that play possession based football.
The collision system in this game is pure PURE garbage. People fall over each other, tackles are weird as fuck I saw the craziest thing happened on the pitch. Stuff like 3-4 players falling each other. Now if you add some bad connection to this you need some good opiates to stay calm. In bad connection this game COMPLETLY breaks down.
"OMG THE PES BALL PHYSICS". How often did I hear this shit during my FIFA time. Yes, if you play offline the game has some crazy issues but the ball physics are good. Once you go online the Ball turns into a teleporting magnet. The absolute craziest fucking bounces happen, not even Einstein could explain what the fuck is happening on the pitch.
There are plenty of known bugs that completely break the games AI. And high level players make use of them. Stuff like putting a CF as your CB in a 5 man def formation and going all red. The players that switches from CB to Forward becomes Prime Pele. The defensive AI simply ignores him. Longball spammers that no matter what you do, if you are in a bad connection and the enemy CF is fast and strong the game WILL fuck up for once. You can mark him, set up deep defensive line, go all blue, run back with your CBs. Once in a time he WILL score. I saw so many of these going in.
The game IS Pay 2 Win. Is it as P2W as Fifa? No, but it is no matter what. Viera is the best example for this. There is not ONE DMF at his level, you can look for people with similar stats or frame, there is none. No one can match him. And the higher you go in rank you realize that 99% of high rank players have him. Add the other classics such as R10, IM Puyol, IM Gullit, Beckenbauer, Rummenigge. The players I just listed are almost in 99% of all high level teams. Jokes to the people telling FIFA players how diverse the game is and that everything is viable. Viable in your low level rank or offline mode? Tbh I'm shocked on how addicted some lads here are. I always had the impression that players that spend monthly 200-500 bucks where a Fifa problem. How wrong I was. After I picked the game up I wanted to learn more about it gameplay wise and oh god. All these PES Youtubers with their spins. "I got the newest 3 IMs in 40 spins" (40 bucks) And this goes on weekly. I see them dropping 10k myclub coins on spins, the next week it's again full with 20-25k coins. This game is no different in that regard to Fifa. Fifa has a bigger playerbase that's why there are more gambling addicts. Simple math.
Cheating is rampant. I already posted here once, what's up with all those fucking GIANT players? I matched against 3 different people with this hack enabled. Players turning into Giants, walking faster than Usain Bolt, winning every tackle. I play Fifa since 2014 ONLINE and NEVER have I seen this shit. The worst are the shitty void cheaters and I used to laugh at the people that talked about connection cheaters but now I know better. I had games leading 3-4:0 and after 70 minutes the connection drops to 1 bar and the lag becomes extreme. It usually ends in a voided match and I'm sure I got ddossed.
I could keep listening up issues this post would never end. I made some research about this game issues, old Posts from the last 3-4 years. Almost NOTHING got fixed. The sad thing is the idiotic "muh pes against fifa" mindset. I know that football games are played mainly by children, but they seem to attract manchildren of the worst sort. I feel bad for spending 28 bucks on this garbage, you simply can't play it. Good connection people are extremely rare. Now come out with your apologizes, "but next year new engine new that hihih", you sound like every 0815 Fifa player that says they maybe will fix it next time.
submitted by 3D2Y_Blackbeard to WEPES [link] [comments]

Thoughts on the "duelbits" casino? more details in post... as best as I can tell:
My questions:
submitted by igraph to onlinegambling [link] [comments]

$DOYU - Another China Scammer?

New report out:… We believe $DOYU has been involved with illegal online gambling on their platform. Our research indicates that not only is $DOYU hosting these illegal activities, but they are actively encouraging their users to gamble on their platform.

DOYU – Massive Risk with Suspected Online Gambling Business and Industry-Wide Reform

Grizzly Research January 14, 2021

Read the Full Report Here

Read the Full Report Here

If you understand Chinese >

submitted by BuZZemPat to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Why modern society is still strongly neofeudal.

The media is one of the Five Eyes (Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four) of the state, or should we say the predatory capitalist elite and their corporate legal entities veiling their legal persons; and feudalism is alive and well expressed in more colour than ever - advertising and marketing, consolidation of power (purchasing of smaller corporations, producing monstrous shady entities like Tencent), incredibly hawkish startups like Fiverr, UbeLyft, Cameo where the company in question barely even does anything; the right wing "think tanks" that sing the hymn of freemarket fundamentalism, the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama absurdly won (Nobel Prize - mentioned in that Living Color song), the odd yet uncontested way that some TV shows put in more right wing guests than left (BBCQT inviting establishment stooges like Kate Andrews (IEA / Adam Smith Institute) and Isabel Oakeshott), the open neofeudal style by which bosses can fire staff and make up a reason without it necessarily being taken to court (the UK govt played with removing funding for wrongful dismissal cases), the initial turning down of the proposed uk law to make homes fit for human habitation (now finally here for 2020); the general trend of corporations shoving all the risk on the consumer and leaning as much as possible on socialized support thanks to the calculating thinkers working for corporations; the fact that truly left-leaning (not liberal) narrative is never referenced on space-age TV, the likes of which span hundreds of potential channels continuously each day; the fact that we are over 50 years into space-age technology and yet everything beyond computer hardware is firmly chokeheld by private interests seeking to impose an alien power over others for personal gain; the fact that everyone is affected by the way that the popular crowd is drawn to celebrity influence (neofeudalism by any other name, and the cult of personality); the fact that jobs are gated by even subtle presumptive aspects like your accent in what we call in the UK the "glass ceiling"; the irresponsible flooding and underinvesting of the job market by governments that can only see as far as their kickback pay packet; the extent to which music and video game media can be financially elevated without legal restraint (unlike gambling which is at least in the formal/technical sense regulated); the attitudes from product pushers being that they should be immune to criticism or shake it off at every turn, under the river of praise from MBTI Sensing-Perceiving types (artwork and memes and mythos mind a la suspense of disbelief rather than logos thought a la conscious self-awareness and critical evaluation) and by "online reputation management"; the open overt acceptance of power being held over everyone by corporate overlords in the movie industry, video game industry and so on - are we to include then the academic and scientific establishments, and the education institution?; the way that the rich siphoning up wealth from the poor divested communities in greater and greater speed ("money is a means to get wealth - not the wealth itself" —Akala) inherently and invariably means they are accruing more power to embarrass the poor when they encounter them and encumber them systemically and indirectly and take on more sex acts with greater choice by selection (the free market); the fact that the powerful go psychologically and sociologically unchallenged by the common people each day; the fact that figures like this "Jeff Bezos makes 2219 dollars in one second which is double what the average person makes in one week. In one minute Mr. Bezos makes 2219x60=133140 dollars. In one hour Mr. Bezos makes 133140x60=7998400 dollars)." go unconsidered and unchecked and unresearched by most; the fact that there are no interactive programming tools to trace, map and prove the linkage between wealth disparity and all social ills; the lack of people like Jaque Fresco in our world (If memory serves right he had a sit down with the power elite, who would have promptly denied him anything truly leftist in vision); the implicit neofeudal psychological programming that IS advertising; the borrowing and corrupting of natural world semantic meanings for selfish neofeudal aims and means; the direct pipeline from education to military and the mandatory military service which still exists in some countries; the fact that returning a product inherently throws the customer (slave) into suspicion by the seller (master - legal power holder); the very idea of a court system ran by the state and not a jury of 3rd party independent people; the lack of a "fairness and welfare supervisor" in every workplace and the presence of "compliance officer"s; the very "free market" in free market fundamentalism which inevitably and invariably defers to which/whoever market force has the most power (today - money - working capital); the fact that being poor and working in a low pay job literally makes you poorer as you work (in real terms); the predatory and inexcusable nature of gambling; the predatory and inexcusable principle of landlords making money off other poorer humans (it should be the state which intervenes if the state is truly a good state, which we can surmise every government is implicitly claiming of itself by holding power); the lack of naming and shaming of social ills like the Nestle CEO who said water access shouldn't be a human right (God I fucking hate Snopes); the trends of people trying to make money off other people via various scams and the likes of BlackHatWorld and WarriorForum, which are innately neofeudalistic in their function, pointing to a giant pyramid scheme that drags along with the rest of modern capitalism; the innate respect given to media moguls and politicians when they are nothing special; the disrespect and disrepute given to the left wing health services of every nation; the blind acceptance of imposing imagery, themes and connotations left dirtying our minds which we call advertisements; the implicit fraud in denying people growing their own food indoors; that concepts like treason do not for most people extend to The People as an interest group; the incredibly rare use of the justification "For the public interest" and "For the public record"; the fact that the French Revolution is not associated for us in school as the birth of the first human rights (surely a non-feudal society would have no qualms or problems with teaching this truth of human history and progress); being frank about racism being too hot for school; the fact kids are now accessing hardcore pornography but not radical and sometimes dangerous ideologies and thinking; the intellectual and spiritual poverty of our age, and the lack of conscious awareness of what we are doing to ourselves with our time and the mental contents surrounding us (a wise man once said.. you will become what you surround yourself with); the mess of the Internet operated by the modern robber-barons of advertising and web traffic conversion and "upselling"; the open betrayal of the people by governments which can be exposed even in form of statistics and hard truths and evidences; the great silence of modern "intellectuals" and losers like self-help gurus (THE MODERN COURT JESTERS), who couldn't begin to address choice quotes of the great intellectual giants of human history; the platforming of celebrities and people with certain types of contours over their face that are pleasing to look at from every angle, over those humans who are better in substance, expertise, spirituality, etc.; the preservation of neofeudal lord roles in the workplace (the boss), the home (the landlord), the Internet (the website owner or advertisers), the land, parks and golf courses (the land holder or owner), and even the family (the wealth-holder parent(s) you are dependent upon); the appeal to authority; the way a poor person under free market fundamentalism must always choose the product most poorly produced i.e. the most likely to break or malfunction and cause them to lose more money, generally kept within reasonable losses or sunk costs as per investment brokers' "portfolios"; the way that moral and ethical wrong cannot by most people be pinned on day traders, Goldman Sachs starving poor people etc. by the inherent flow of the market, which will always favor the most production of immaterial and material wealth by abstraction. (In other words - although we can't fully know and intuit what will be best to produce in any given scenario, we can actually fundamentally and systemically rule out what will be bad and harmful for society - but not for the market which is the concern of free market fundamentalists); the rise of unpaid internships (strongly neofeudal i.e. the local "lord", the company owner, is "giving you an opportunity" and that's how they see it); the propaganda of war producing poor peoples' children dying for the rich few who control the military-industrial complex and massive amounts of money flowing around for rich interests, e.g. soldiers firing missiles that individually cost more than they earn per year, of course ultimately tied up as a capitalistic move/plot/bid to win more cheap oil; the way that companies are literally designed to offer minimal guarantees, insurances or protections for their workers yet they are keen to take with them each working day most of the material gain produced by each worker (remember I said corporations lean on society?); the protection of "limited liability" companies to lose money, versus the individual people who are enslaved by means of debt they cannot easily erase (this bleeds into a general distrust of the independent person compared to the corporate entity, when the people actually are in earnest and wanting to help one another, except for the psychopathic in society who can be known and traced by their behaviour and early signs in school); the fact that healthcare is not free in all countries despite the common people CONSTANTLY working to uphold the corporate masters and the endlessly rich, some of whom donate money to Internet streamers for a laugh at the shock; the mathematical intuitive rational incompetence of the science establishment, which seems to have no backbone when it comes to neofeudalism and major social issues and ills (they don't even speak up against gambling! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SCIENTIFIC ESTABLISHMENT DOING AND WHY DO WE NOT PUBLICALLY SHAME THEM AS FRAUDULENT PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS - FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE PUBLIC GOOD?) and rather, they seem to be the lapdogs of the elite, continuing to produce inventions which can easily be taken advantage of by the right wing interests - tear gas and rubber bullets for example; the lack of public awareness of state interference in a negative way; the arrival of private police forces; the hierarchy of control of the Internet based on what they call "authority sites" - prioritized by search engines.
(I apologize for the formatting but this was a train of thought.)
submitted by trueseeker2 to DebateCommunism [link] [comments]

Game over again.

What to say. Im 34. Been an addict since 18. Went broke couple times. Live with parents. Zero savings. Debt. Pissed off. Had zero euro in 2017. Made 500.000 euro in 2018 with just holing crypto. That crashed to 30k. Gambled the 30k. If i did nothing i would have had 500k again. But every coin, every bitcoin, every euro is gone. Lost forever. Im a loser. And a coward for not killing myself. Im toxic. Liar. Manipulator. And so pissed off about how slots can always be so bad. On twitch, youtube, all those online streamers douchebags have x1000 bonuswins.. even 10000x wins. Honestly... every bonus here 4 the last year was always between 1 and 30x. And i also played every fucking day like those cunts. Ik excluded almost everywhere. But theres always a new site. Now even bitcoin anonymous sites whete you can keep making new accounts. I installed gamban a kazillion times. But when you format pc or hard reset phone, you can play again. Its honestly all so fucking useless. Im always in regret with my crypto now. I failed at life. Once a loser, always a loser. The signs were always there. Fucked in childhood is fucked in life.
submitted by Low_Beach_722 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

I am trying to gather all hobby like things that can be done either on PC or with a usage of PC that can also let you earn some money or make good CV entry. Please check out what I managed to gather and let me know about ones that I didn't know about.

Hi, as stated in the title. Here it comes:
  1. 3D Graphic for real time / gamedev
  2. 3D Graphic for rendering / archwiz
  3. 3D Animation
  4. 2D Graphic / Concept Art
  5. 2D Animation
  6. Creating games
  7. Creating modifications for games
  8. Video Realization / Postproduction
  9. Writing a blog
  10. Creating web page / webdesign / webdevelopment
  11. Making photos
  12. Making stock photos to sell them online
  13. Making videos
  14. Making stock videos
  15. Recording sounds to sell them for movie/games production
  16. Photo manipulation with photoshop
  17. Programming desktop applications
  18. Programming smartphone apps
  19. Data scraping
  20. Programming AI/ML
  21. Writing both articles and creative writing
  22. Teaching people stuff that you are good at.
  23. Making tutorials
  24. Creating music
  25. Voice acting
  26. Selling your voice for ads and working as a lector
  27. Building robots with LEGO / other partially prebuilt elements
  28. Robotics with arduino or rasperry pi
  29. Starting your e commerce shop
  30. Dropshipping
  31. Professional esports
  32. Proffesional playing in games like chess
  33. Building / Selecting parts for PCs
  34. Restoring old photos/videos
  35. Creating youtube channel
  36. Becoming influencer with social medias.
  37. Becoming a streamer with twitch or similar
  38. Making beer money or surveys and similar
  39. Playing on stock market
  40. Online gambling
  41. Gaming
  42. Helping people on various boards and communities
  43. Playing in MMORPGs
  44. 3D Printing
Anyone have some others?
submitted by Ganmak to Hobbies [link] [comments]

Day 0: I absolutely hate myself right now. I really just need to vent this out right now

Wow, I feel like such an idiot and a hypocrite. Lately I got into online gambling after I started watching streamers and youtubers play. I've been playing a little bit here and there but I never really minded the losses because I've read many people's advice online saying to assume you're gonna lose the money and that you're paying for the entertainment only. I thought I knew better. Last night, I got a big hit on an online slot(for the amount I bought in and was playing) while my friends watched. I won about $900. I played it down to about $700 trying to break the 1k mark but told myself to cut my losses. Well after I went to bed, all I could think about was how I lost some of my winnings. I watched gambling videos all night barely even sleeping. Well this morning, I played with the $700 I had and managed to get it up to $1000 like I wanted. I even texted a picture of the $1k to my friend saying "FINALLY! Not touching this now". But I kept going... thinking I could get to $2k now.

"That was easy money! this betting strategy is foolproof"
"there's no way I could lose baccarat [x] times in a row"
"baccarat is as close to a coin flip as you can get in gambling. I cant possibly lose this many times in a row"

and now its all gone. I was so close to putting more money in to attempt to win the $1000 back. But all I could think about was a youtube video I watched last night of a streamer going from $10 to $3000, then losing it all.
"that guy is such an idiot. he doesn't know when to stop"
is what I thought when I watched the video. Now here I am, a couple clicks away from diving into a downward spiral of chasing my losses. The only way I think I can prevent myself from going any deeper is if I quit gambling permanently. Today I take the first step
submitted by bdo7boi to problemgambling [link] [comments]

Cleanup Day

Finally took the leap to close all of my online accounts and unfollowed all the blackjack and slot Twitch streamers that got me to lapse back into gambling. Part of me knew this had to be done but I was hesitant to close the door completely until now. Looking forward to the new year and starting with a blank slate to rebuild and save.
If you haven't already cut those triggers and avenues to gambling out of your life. Best to everyone out there fighting this addiction
submitted by restartbutton2 to problemgambling [link] [comments]

The resin system and what it truly means

I will lay it down right here. I spent close to $200 (Less, but close). While I do think the resin is on the low side, I still support the stamina system.
This is going to be a long post, and this is what I want to say to everyone here. This is mostly my own opinion, and I am not suggesting that what I am going to say is 100% correct/useful.
1. Quick info on gacha games in general.
There are people here that are new to gacha games in general, so I will try to introduce some aspects of it. The genre basically takes on a free to play model, with microtransactions that will lock specific things (characters, weapons, etc - depends on the specific game in question) with premium currency that you can buy with real money or slowly obtain them through gameplay. These will need to be 'rolled' - you spend the premium currency to get a chance to get them.
Is it gambling? Well, mostly yes. If you have noticed in Genshin Impact, a specific character has a chance associated with it during a 'roll' - that is, you are not guaranteed to get a specific character that you want if you wish to roll (ignoring pity system). This means that you are effectively gambling away premium currency in the hopes of getting what you want.
2. The stamina system is effectively gatekeeping my progression...
This might come as a surprise to those that do not play gacha games, but almost all successful gacha games have a stamina system on them. And the reason for that is exactly what you think it does - it acts as a soft gatekeeping for progression. You must understand that while being able to endlessly farm and progress is amazing for players, it is disastrous for MiHoYo.
The most glaring problem is that fact that mora, enhancement materials and artifacts become endless. But isn't that okay? This is mostly a single player game anyway, and the actual problem is to obtain characters to play with which is something to do with primogems instead? And that is the crux of the problem: primogems are more than just rolling for characters or weapons.
When all these resources become endless, the only thing primogems are used for becomes rolling for characters/weapons. That means that MiHoYo can only rely on people rolling on characters/weapons as their source of revenue. And that is extremely dangerous for any gacha game. It means that for MiHoYo to continue earning money, they must keep creating new characters and weapons constantly. Even worse is every new character or weapon that they create needs to catch players' interest - either they must be very unique, or they are powercrept and are obviously stronger than the rest or else people will not want to get them. Obviously, this will spiral out of control the longer it goes.
Importantly, primogems are also used to buy stamina - which in turn lets you obtain more AR xp, mora, enhancement mats, exp cards and artifacts. (Also a small point - you get starglittestardust which you can use to purchase these as well (except AR xp, of course). Without a stamina system, these become obsolete)
By gatekeeping progression using a stamina system, MiHoYo gets another way to get people to buy gems.
3. But the resin amount per day is just too low...
I actually agree that the resin they give is on the low side. A lot of gacha games give out free stamina on a daily basis/ have a daily login bonus (Aside from daily commissions). The intention of this post is to point out why the resin system is needed, not that it isnt currently a problem.
My personal opinion: Give 50 primogems as a daily login reward. 50 primogems lets you save about 1500 in a month, along with 60 primogems from daily commissions daily to reach a total of about 3300 in a month. This means as a F2P you are at least guaranteed to get 20x rolls every month. On the other hand, you can also choose to spend the 50 primogems to get 60 resin to speed up progression.
4. Okay, but the drops rates are really bad as well...
Yes, these aren't the best drop rates around, that much I can admit. I really don't want to compare the gacha rates of different gacha games with one another because they are a lot of factors to consider.
The thing is, currently MiHoYo doesn't have another obvious way of getting revenue. I've played Azur Lane, which boasts an incredible 7% SR rate (equivalent of 5* in Genshin) and multiple ways of getting ships (selling unused ships for medals to buy 5*, construction etc.). However, they can afford to do that because they also sell two more items: Skins and wedding rings. (Yes, wedding rings.) Want to buy that Lunar New Year skin for your cute sleepy bunny loli? (I bought it, no regrets) Gotta pay gems. Want to oath your ship? (Oath system: Basically, you get to 'marry' a ship using a ring, and if applicable gives you a wedding dress skin and unique voicelines as well as increasing the max stat cap) You only get one for free. Want more? Gotta pay gems as well. And while getting SRs are easy, getting gems is notoriously hard. Like, really, really, really, really hard.
If you're experienced in the gacha community, then the next one is probably one of the largest, if not the largest gacha game out there. Yes, its Fate Grand Order. And you will probably know of how notoriously bad its rates are. Ignoring craft essence (which are important, but definitely not as important as characters.), these are the rates for characters on a normal banner:
5* : 1% 4* : 3% 3* : 40%
Rates for getting a rate-up character in a rate-up banner:
5* : 0.8% 4* : 1.5% 3* : 4%
All rolls do not have a pity system. Similar to Genshin as well in that you get a lot of summons in the beginning but it starts to thin out into daily events as you progress.
5. The rates aren't the worst, but the purchases also give so few summons for their price...
Yes, individual characters are more expensive in Genshin Impact than other gacha games. But here's the thing: they are in fact worth more.
Unlike all the other mobile gacha games, you get a character that is voiced in four different languages. You get a 3D, fully modeled character with a lot of unique voice lines and most importantly, able to interact with the world uniquely, in full 3D glory. Genshin is an open world game, and thats what makes it vastly superior to other gacha games. In Genshin, I can run around with different characters all over the world, with different interactions with different objects in the world, with their own unique animations. In Azur Lane I get to move my ships on a 2D plane, watch as they automatically shoot a whopping total variety of 3 different ammos and the highly interactive ability of launching torpedos by pressing a button. Not trying to insult or downplay the game; but the fact is that the production costs of every character in Genshin is obviously magnitudes higher than that of a normal gacha game. And it is only reasonable that it results in a higher price.
6. It still feels horrible. Why are we getting punished for wanting to play the game more? Isn't it good for MiHoYo that we are spending more time in-game?
The truth is that a lot of people will not be playing the game for what it is.
This is a beautiful game. Like, truly beautiful. The music is stellar. The visuals are stunning. The numerous secret chests spread throughout the world, the storybooks you find along the way. The anemoculus you see in the distance that you're scratching your head trying to get to. The small talks you make with the NPCs in your journey that are sometimes hilarious, sometimes sad, sometimes insightful. The exhausting series of climbs through the numerous mountains in Liyue to find a pitiful common chest. For me, at least, that is what made this game as interesting as it is for me.
If you truly think about it: if the stamina system was removed and there is no limit to farming domains, leylines and bosses. What do you think a large portion of players will do? Do you truly believe that the majority will not spam these just to get max AR? But why does it matter? Its mostly a single player game what if others have no life and spam all the way to max AR? I'll just farm at my own pace.
Another hard pill to swallow. You do care about how far others have progressed. I'm not ashamed to admit it either; when I watch videos of streamers. When I look at reddit posts. I want the heroes they have. I want to reach AR 40+ like them. If you truly had no care about about how far others have progressed, why are you in a rush to reach high AR? The game is incomplete. We only have 2 regions available. We only have limited number of characters. The main story ends at AR 30+. Why are you following daily chest routes? Why are you rushing through the main story quests, jumping from one quest to another without stopping? Why are you reading up tier lists and watching videos of people explaining them?
Maybe, just maybe at the back of your mind. You don't want to be left out. Left behind by others.
7. About influencers.
I myself, have watched guides and tips about Genshin. I'm not saying that its a bad thing. I've personally marked a few spots in my map for farming artifacts. I've read up on maps to locate the anemoculus and geoculus locations. I've also located all those pesky shrines in Liyue. But you must understand... a lot of "f2p" guides and tips. A lot of "THIS CHARACTER IS OP! INSANE DPS!!! ONE SHOT BOSS IN ONE ROTATION!!!HOW TO MAXIMIZE YOUR BUILD!!!" videos and guides restrict you in some form or another. Is it better, resource-wise, to keep your fragile resin for AR40? Yes, you need them to farm 5* artifacts. Is it better to save your primogems for purely rolls? Sure, especially as a f2p you really need them. Is it good to upgrade low-tier characters like Amber? No, they are really bad.
The thing is, all these start to become a chore. When I was trying to read the map, running around the anemoculus and geoculus locations, I felt terrible. Like, really terrible. It was so insanely boring that I had to take breaks in between, especially for the geoculus locations. (Liyue is so huge, and to start geoculus hunting from scratch...) I even tried to start daily chest runs with a planned route I read up online. Luckily, I stopped after a few minutes because I could feel it sucking the fun away from the game.
I am not saying that you can't have fun grinding, or following these guides. Yes, there are people who find the grind enjoyable. There are those who are patient enough to follow through the guides...But you need to understand that they do not account for something far more important. And that is your own enjoyment.
I'm missing a talent book for my Fishcl. If I just clear the domain one more time, I'll get to upgrade Fishcl's talent. But I'm out of resin and its far better to keep my fragile resin when I reach AR 40. Especially because I'm a f2p... i need all the resin I can get for the endgame content. I guess I'll just wait three days for the next opening.
Amber is really cute. I think she's my type: she's really pretty with a tomboyish attitude. But I know she's pretty much trash tier right now... I mean, from what I've watched she's really the worst character in game right now...she's pretty much just a torch lighter. I guess I'll just ignore her until hopefully she gets a buff or something.
When you start to play this game with your own perceived restrictions, you need to ask yourself if you're truly enjoying the game.
Yes, I saved my fragile resin. But I went to sleep feeling a little upset because I was just a single crystal away from upgrading my Barbara. Yes, I completed the daily chest run. But it was mentally tiring...I'm still going to make it a daily routine because I need to progress ASAP.
Honestly, it sounds so cliche. It sounds very overused. But really, try to enjoy the game at a pace you find the most comfortable.
And always, waifu > tier lists. :D
submitted by Legitimate_Purple_1 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

Why modern society is still strongly neofeudal.

The media is one of the Five Eyes (Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four) of the state, or should we say the predatory capitalist elite and their corporate legal entities veiling their legal persons; and feudalism is alive and well expressed in more colour than ever - advertising and marketing, consolidation of power (purchasing of smaller corporations, producing monstrous shady entities like Tencent), incredibly hawkish startups like Fiverr, UbeLyft, Cameo where the company in question barely even does anything; the right wing "think tanks" that sing the hymn of freemarket fundamentalism, the Nobel Peace Prize that Obama absurdly won (Nobel Prize - mentioned in that Living Color song), the odd yet uncontested way that some TV shows put in more right wing guests than left (BBCQT inviting establishment stooges like Kate Andrews (IEA / Adam Smith Institute) and Isabel Oakeshott), the open neofeudal style by which bosses can fire staff and make up a reason without it necessarily being taken to court (the UK govt played with removing funding for wrongful dismissal cases), the initial turning down of the proposed uk law to make homes fit for human habitation (now finally here for 2020); the general trend of corporations shoving all the risk on the consumer and leaning as much as possible on socialized support thanks to the calculating thinkers working for corporations; the fact that truly left-leaning (not liberal) narrative is never referenced on space-age TV, the likes of which span hundreds of potential channels continuously each day; the fact that we are over 50 years into space-age technology and yet everything beyond computer hardware is firmly chokeheld by private interests seeking to impose an alien power over others for personal gain; the fact that everyone is affected by the way that the popular crowd is drawn to celebrity influence (neofeudalism by any other name, and the cult of personality); the fact that jobs are gated by even subtle presumptive aspects like your accent in what we call in the UK the "glass ceiling"; the irresponsible flooding and underinvesting of the job market by governments that can only see as far as their kickback pay packet; the extent to which music and video game media can be financially elevated without legal restraint (unlike gambling which is at least in the formal/technical sense regulated); the attitudes from product pushers being that they should be immune to criticism or shake it off at every turn, under the river of praise from MBTI Sensing-Perceiving types (artwork and memes and mythos mind a la suspense of disbelief rather than logos thought a la conscious self-awareness and critical evaluation) and by "online reputation management"; the open overt acceptance of power being held over everyone by corporate overlords in the movie industry, video game industry and so on - are we to include then the academic and scientific establishments, and the education institution?; the way that the rich siphoning up wealth from the poor divested communities in greater and greater speed ("money is a means to get wealth - not the wealth itself" —Akala) inherently and invariably means they are accruing more power to embarrass the poor when they encounter them and encumber them systemically and indirectly and take on more sex acts with greater choice by selection (the free market); the fact that the powerful go psychologically and sociologically unchallenged by the common people each day; the fact that figures like this "Jeff Bezos makes 2219 dollars in one second which is double what the average person makes in one week. In one minute Mr. Bezos makes 2219x60=133140 dollars. In one hour Mr. Bezos makes 133140x60=7998400 dollars)." go unconsidered and unchecked and unresearched by most; the fact that there are no interactive programming tools to trace, map and prove the linkage between wealth disparity and all social ills; the lack of people like Jaque Fresco in our world (If memory serves right he had a sit down with the power elite, who would have promptly denied him anything truly leftist in vision); the implicit neofeudal psychological programming that IS advertising; the borrowing and corrupting of natural world semantic meanings for selfish neofeudal aims and means; the direct pipeline from education to military and the mandatory military service which still exists in some countries; the fact that returning a product inherently throws the customer (slave) into suspicion by the seller (master - legal power holder); the very idea of a court system ran by the state and not a jury of 3rd party independent people; the lack of a "fairness and welfare supervisor" in every workplace and the presence of "compliance officer"s; the very "free market" in free market fundamentalism which inevitably and invariably defers to which/whoever market force has the most power (today - money - working capital); the fact that being poor and working in a low pay job literally makes you poorer as you work (in real terms); the predatory and inexcusable nature of gambling; the predatory and inexcusable principle of landlords making money off other poorer humans (it should be the state which intervenes if the state is truly a good state, which we can surmise every government is implicitly claiming of itself by holding power); the lack of naming and shaming of social ills like the Nestle CEO who said water access shouldn't be a human right (God I fucking hate Snopes); the trends of people trying to make money off other people via various scams and the likes of BlackHatWorld and WarriorForum, which are innately neofeudalistic in their function, pointing to a giant pyramid scheme that drags along with the rest of modern capitalism; the innate respect given to media moguls and politicians when they are nothing special; the disrespect and disrepute given to the left wing health services of every nation; the blind acceptance of imposing imagery, themes and connotations left dirtying our minds which we call advertisements; the implicit fraud in denying people growing their own food indoors; that concepts like treason do not for most people extend to The People as an interest group; the incredibly rare use of the justification "For the public interest" and "For the public record"; the fact that the French Revolution is not associated for us in school as the birth of the first human rights (surely a non-feudal society would have no qualms or problems with teaching this truth of human history and progress); being frank about racism being too hot for school; the fact kids are now accessing hardcore pornography but not radical and sometimes dangerous ideologies and thinking; the intellectual and spiritual poverty of our age, and the lack of conscious awareness of what we are doing to ourselves with our time and the mental contents surrounding us (a wise man once said.. you will become what you surround yourself with); the mess of the Internet operated by the modern robber-barons of advertising and web traffic conversion and "upselling"; the open betrayal of the people by governments which can be exposed even in form of statistics and hard truths and evidences; the great silence of modern "intellectuals" and losers like self-help gurus (THE MODERN COURT JESTERS), who couldn't begin to address choice quotes of the great intellectual giants of human history; the platforming of celebrities and people with certain types of contours over their face that are pleasing to look at from every angle, over those humans who are better in substance, expertise, spirituality, etc.; the preservation of neofeudal lord roles in the workplace (the boss), the home (the landlord), the Internet (the website owner or advertisers), the land, parks and golf courses (the land holder or owner), and even the family (the wealth-holder parent(s) you are dependent upon); the appeal to authority; the way a poor person under free market fundamentalism must always choose the product most poorly produced i.e. the most likely to break or malfunction and cause them to lose more money, generally kept within reasonable losses or sunk costs as per investment brokers' "portfolios"; the way that moral and ethical wrong cannot by most people be pinned on day traders, Goldman Sachs starving poor people etc. by the inherent flow of the market, which will always favor the most production of immaterial and material wealth by abstraction. (In other words - although we can't fully know and intuit what will be best to produce in any given scenario, we can actually fundamentally and systemically rule out what will be bad and harmful for society - but not for the market which is the concern of free market fundamentalists); the rise of unpaid internships (strongly neofeudal i.e. the local "lord", the company owner, is "giving you an opportunity" and that's how they see it); the propaganda of war producing poor peoples' children dying for the rich few who control the military-industrial complex and massive amounts of money flowing around for rich interests, e.g. soldiers firing missiles that individually cost more than they earn per year, of course ultimately tied up as a capitalistic move/plot/bid to win more cheap oil; the way that companies are literally designed to offer minimal guarantees, insurances or protections for their workers yet they are keen to take with them each working day most of the material gain produced by each worker (remember I said corporations lean on society?); the protection of "limited liability" companies to lose money, versus the individual people who are enslaved by means of debt they cannot easily erase (this bleeds into a general distrust of the independent person compared to the corporate entity, when the people actually are in earnest and wanting to help one another, except for the psychopathic in society who can be known and traced by their behaviour and early signs in school); the fact that healthcare is not free in all countries despite the common people CONSTANTLY working to uphold the corporate masters and the endlessly rich, some of whom donate money to Internet streamers for a laugh at the shock; the mathematical intuitive rational incompetence of the science establishment, which seems to have no backbone when it comes to neofeudalism and major social issues and ills (they don't even speak up against gambling! WHAT THE FUCK IS THE SCIENTIFIC ESTABLISHMENT DOING AND WHY DO WE NOT PUBLICALLY SHAME THEM AS FRAUDULENT PUBLIC INTELLECTUALS - FOR THE PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE PUBLIC GOOD?) and rather, they seem to be the lapdogs of the elite, continuing to produce inventions which can easily be taken advantage of by the right wing interests - tear gas and rubber bullets for example; the lack of public awareness of state interference in a negative way; the arrival of private police forces; the hierarchy of control of the Internet based on what they call "authority sites" - prioritized by search engines.
(I apologize for the formatting but this was a train of thought.)
submitted by trueseeker2 to sendinthetanks [link] [comments]

Gambling/slots should be removed on twitch.

All those slots streamers are baiting their viewers to put money on those fake/scam casinos. srsly its bad..
submitted by SaitRush to Twitch [link] [comments]

Streamer/YouTuber F2P movement and the state of the gachas in the game.

I've been seeing a lot of YouTubers and Streamers talking about and switching to free to play accounts because of the gacha system and the negative issues that arise from gacha game systems for their subscribers. Gacha systems are practically gambling and I know a lot of countries are filing law suits against game companies that use the loot box systems or systems very much like mobile gacha models. I apologize for the novel sized post!
Mihiyo has gotten quite predatory with this game. A game that honestly should not be a gacha game at all. If they want to pave the way for a newer genre of mobile cross platform games then maybe they should change the game model away from Gacha and move more in to something that is less like gambling. Something like you can save your in game premium currency to out right buy a unit/character and/or weapon you want, kind of like League of Legends pay model for champion purchase. I know they have to make money but instead of being predatory and targeting people with gambling issues, especially with the awful gatcha rates and pity system, they can find a new different route that if someone wants to spend money on the game, it can be done so without the random rolls and the person can get what they actually want instead of risking it on gacha gambling and have a high chance to not receive the summon they actually wanted. Or if the consumer wishes to be free to play then at least make every bit of the content still accessible and farmable, it'll just take more time for them to get it. For example, character pieces and weapon pieces to make all characters and all weapons available that will also use the Resin resource to farm (which Resin also still needs work but that is a totally different post). It is outrageous to hear people spending THOUSANDS on this game. Ive even heard of a $15000 account. Thats just insane. Even for content creators who can write it off as part of their job. That is absolutely ridiculous and I don't know any gaming company that should ever allow that much spending on their game. It's unethical and Mihiyo should be ashamed for allowing someone to even go that far. No game is ever worth that, for any consumer, I don't care how much they love the game.
Don't get me wrong. I love the game. I love the story, the art, the gameplay, pretty much just about everything in the game. Just not this gacha system. Why ruin such a beautiful game with such an ugly predatory system when there are so many more ways they can make money off the game without this type of feature? If they are worried about the longevity of the game and revenue from it, with as much work as they have put in it, they could have found a better alternative to make money off of it than a gacha system. I know I'd proably buy more premium currency if I was guaranteed to get what I'm purchasing and not on some random chance roll. No one has said you have to spend money to play the game but who wants to only access a small part of the game when characters and such are so prevalent throughout it? I have no problem supporting a game I like, even a free to play one but not on gachas. They are just not worth it. Come on Mihiyo. Pave the way for this game in a better light than just targeting people's gambling addiction and childrens' lack of restraint for purchasing online content. If you want monetary support find a less predatory avenue to do so. That includes both your gacha system and the content that can not be farmed.
We need to get this message across about changing their pay model for this game. Wouldn't you rather spend your premium currency on something you know you will actually receive as opposed to taking a chance and just being disappointed by abysmal chance rates? The pity system is is a joke too. 90 rolls for a guaranteed 5 star, that's not including banner summons that can possibly take up to 180 rolls to get the banner character once. And it's not just the rates but for those who have a problem with restraint when it comes to gachas and gambling. To them that's just a further justification for the consumer to keep rolling. "Aw man I didn't get them this time but I'm guaranteed to get them the next 90!"
I like this game and I would like to see it go in a direction that keeps it around for a long time and still be able to access all parts of the game without it being behind a random chance gacha system. I know it all comes down to choice to pay or not but some people find it hard to resist the choice to roll on gachas. Especially when its a character you love. You shouldn't have to break your bank trying to randomly roll for a character you want. We should have better access to all the content without having to bet on a chance to get a character or weapon.
For Mihiyo:
Mihiyo, I thought you were the "Tech Otakus Save the World" but this gacha model is more detrimental than it is beneficial. You're not saving anyone with that model nor are you even living up to your own slogan by harming those who have issues with gambling by using gacha models. You did not have to go with a gacha model to "pay for love" when the consumer could "pay for love" by paying and making sure they absolutely receive what they love and receiving exactly what they are paying for instead of a random chance to do so. If what your co-founder Cai Haoyu is saying that they too are an Otaku, wouldn't you want the Otakus who love and play your games have easier access to the characters they love and want to play with rather than some abysmal random chance to get them? You're harming Otakus more than helping them. Your company is worth over $298 million dollars and you made $60 million off Genshin Impact alone in the first week from this ridiculous gacha system. I think you can afford to find find a less predatory means of making money off your games and still be quite successful. Gachas are a negative way to "pay for love" by taking advantage of the consumer. Loot box, capsule-toy vending machine mechanics need to go.
submitted by CastoffRogue to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

BitLife ideas V.6

School update: - Get diplomas and certificates once you finish high school and college. - Increased amount of classmates depending on grade. - have Ap and IB classes as an option
Teacher career interaction:
-Date your student illegally and or convince your student to do a inappropriate interaction to bring their grade up. -students can report you to the principal and get you fired. -choose to teach private or general school -Choose to be a teacher for and be able to pick the subject: - preschool - Elementary - Middle school - High school - College
Principal career new interactions - Suspend kids - Talk to their parents - Hire teachers - Fire teachers - Principal and teacher conference
In the farmer career you can now own a farm and the amount of animals you can buy increases including new animals you can adopt.
Make a garden and sell your crops at high prices depending on their quality.
Body features: - remove the very dark blue eyes - Face tattoos - Nose rings
New school clubs:
Out of order:
New social media:
In the business update include:
New crime/crimes to include update: - Get arrested for setting fires on buildings - Kidnap people in your basement - Driving under drugs - Vandalism - Disorderly conduct/gambling etc. - Perjury - Embezzlement - Animal cruelty
submitted by verywack to BitLifeApp [link] [comments]

Want to become clean!

Hello guys,
After I just lost another 300 Euro i finally came to the point where I just quit my online banking and no longer have any possibilites to gamble. No Banking, No Credit Cards
Im only 19 years old and probably lost 10-15k gambling since the last year and corona had a huge impact on this. I could not meet many friends, had no job etc. So all I did was play Casino mostly all day. Had some huge wins, but more losses. Gladly I did never take any credits or loans for this shit.
Hopefully I will now become clean and learn to be careful with money again. I noticed my addiction when I had thousands of euro in my bank account but didnt want to spend 100 euro some clothes, but spend 500 euro for casinos...
I also have some friends who are into gambling but I think not that deep like me. I mostly came to gambling because of these youtubers/streamers who also won thousands of euro. I can't blame them for my faults, but Youtube/Twitch should change their guidelines for this type of entertainment as it can trigger many people and I think I'm not the only one who ended up addicted.
Gambling seems fun the first times you do it, but if you are chasing your losses or more wins it exhausts you like a fulltime-job. After winning much money you loose motivation to work and do other stuff, because it feels to easy to get money. When you loose much money you feel depressed and still don't have any motivation.
And foreveryone who is reading this, that is also addicted: Spend money for family, friends, make them presents. Spend it on nice Food or clothes. Smoke so much weed/cigarettes you want, drink so much alcohol you want (Only with your friends :D), go on adventures, visit the world (after corona xD).
But don't just throw your money in the trash (Oc's). You can throw money in the bin, but after the 3rd or 4th dollaeuro note you will feel dumb and will stop. That's the way how you should think about gambling not how they promote it with big bonus and wins yadiyada.

submitted by flashbanggfx to GamblingAddiction [link] [comments]

online gambling streamers video

Big Win 2021 - online casino (TOP 5 Streamers Biggest Wins ... Streamers Biggest Wins – #29 / 2019 Casino Big Win Online ™ Huge Win Streamers / Casino Big ... Online Casino Big Win ★ Top 5 Casino Streamers Of 2021 ... Big Win 2021 ( TOP 5 Streamers Biggest Wins, online casino ...

On Twitch, Online Casino Streamers Promote Gambling to Their Audience While Taking on Little Risk. By Nicolas Perez | December 21, 2020 | 11:30am. Photo from Unsplash Games Features Twitch. Share We are 100% behind responsible gambling and are here to help or advice anyone who feels online gambling is getting too much. Do Streamers Play with Real Money? You had asked whether casinos rig games for streamers, and we said no. But here’s something we can admit. We have an edge due to the casinos giving us better bonuses than regular

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