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The Guide to How I Actually Got a 528

I’m the kid who got the 528. A lot of you asked me to do a write up because of that, but honestly, I’m just happy everything happened this way. If I (of all people) can get a 528, you can totally succeed too. I really want to help you succeed. I spent so much mental energy trying to understand this horrible, horrible test and so I’m really glad my score gives me a platform to pass that knowledge on. Feel free to message me with any questions at all. I’m also a student at BYU Provo I can meet up with you sometime this next year to tutor or talk strategy. Just message me privately.
So we all know this, but let me just preface this by saying that my advice does not hold any more weight than others. Ask your friends. Ask others besides just listening to me. I just happened to get really lucky. On my test day, I guessed on questions. I googled a question right after finishing to find out that I missed it. It’s normal. I’m normal. I just happen to be a statistical outlier. But that being said, I put hundreds of hours studying and trying to understand the MCAT. So, I have some advice. I hope that I clearly differentiate in this write-up between what I happened to do and what I recommend for you all. It blurs a lot, but if I say I recommend something, then I mean it. Take any of my other statements with a grain of salt. I’m not trying to sell you anything, but I want to tell you honestly about what I really believe to be true. I’ll talk about the resources I used, my trajectory in FLE’s, how I tried to simulate the actual test, and my experience on test day. I will also include pro tips like getting the video speed controller chrome extension, the right way to format your window for taking FLEs, and many more nuggets.
Ok you neurotic freaks, let’s get after it.
Starting Out
The first question that you need to ask yourself is: will I use a prep program or will I self-study? To answer this, you need to dig deep. Are you self-motivated? Do you hold yourself accountable? The question isn’t “am I driven?”, but how do I learn best? Most people will say… If you are self-motivated then you should self-study, but this (IMO) isn’t true. This isn’t even a black and white question. I, for one, am self-motivated but I need structure too. So I chose a hybrid method of studying--a prep program that gives you structure but lets you customize through self-study. It was perfect for me. And the best part? It’s completely FREE.
The second and final question that you need to ask yourself is: how much time am I willing to dedicate to this beast? As hundreds of thousands of premeds will tell you, once you start studying, the MCAT will hang over you like a cloud. You’ll guilt trip yourself for not studying when you could be and for not studying while you’ve scheduled time for it. This doesn’t mean that you have to hate your life during the process, but it can and should stretch you as no test has ever done before. So the question remains… How many hours? How many months? For me, I studied 500-600 hours over 5 months. I wouldn’t recommend anything longer than 6 months because let’s be real, you won’t remember what you studied 8 months before. If you are studying during the semester (as I did) plan it out as early as possible to deliberately make that semester as light as possible. You want to do mainly content until you are one month away from the test date, and then the final month should be primarily devoted to taking full-lengths. Whatever you do, I would highly recommend devoting at least 2-3 weeks before the test to do nothing but MCAT. I took 4 weeks of full-time study (50 hours a week). I did 3-4 FLEs each week and the other days I just reviewed what I missed and other weak areas. All those FLEs back to back gives you stamina. The 8-hour test should feel like a 2-hour test by test day. Not a breeze, but it shouldn’t leave you mentally drained. That’s your goal.
Resources Overview If you take one thing from this section, understand that there are only 2 gold standards for the MCAT. AAMC and Khan Academy. AAMC actually paid Khan Academy to make official prep videos for the MCAT, so everything on those videos is fair game. They’re not comprehensive, but they are as close to AAMC material as you will get for content. Everything else (PR, Kaplan, Altius, etc) is great but only supplementary at the end of the day.
Here are the resources that I used in order of importance.
1. MCAT Self Prep
I stumbled upon this program because I go to BYU and one of my friends was a tutor with them. It was an ABSOLUTE GODSEND. Exactly what I needed. MSP combined everything and since I didn’t have thousands of bucks to drop it was perfect. I’m the king of cheap (lol MrK) and I think I only spent $100 on their stuff and got the equivalent of thousands of dollars worth of service. I wouldn’t sing its praises, except I think it’s exactly what us cheapo reddit users are looking for. It’s completely free to do their entire course with because it’s essentially just a website where the creator compiled Youtube playlists of all the Khan Academy videos (and others) on a given subject. I would watch the videos (only the Khan Academy ones) and make Anki flashcards of only terms that I didn’t know (more on that later). There are 12 subjects for each module and 6 modules in total. At the end of the 12 subjects, you will review all of your flashcards and take mini-tests using AAMC material. The mini-tests were incredibly helpful for keeping me updated on my progress without having to take FLEs all the time. MSP uses Quizlets (you can buy thousands of premade cards for a few dozen bucks which I did) but I also made my own Anki cards too. TBH I didn’t love their cards but I used them all and they were helpful. You can also buy an incredible spreadsheet to track your hours, scores and trajectory which costs like $10. I would highly recommend buying this regardless of which program you ultimately choose to do. So.. check it out, mainly because it’s free. You can totally customize your journey - for example, I didn’t do any Ochem review because I was a TA for it but spent more time on P/S. They don’t care about what resources you use, which I liked, and they focused on Khan and AAMC material. Genius. You can subscribe to their unlimited tutoring service on a monthly basis if you want too. I didn’t but then again, I’m a freak.
A word on tutors-- For those of you trying to score 520+, understand that your tutor at a big prep company might have scored lower than you will eventually do. I know that they all seem like gods, but nobody thinks as you do. This doesn’t mean that they can’t help you (don’t get that impression) but the goal is to work smarter and not harder. The last thing you want to be doing is to be mentally checked out in a group session where someone is teaching you a concept that you’ve already mastered. THAT IS WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME. I can’t vouch for a specific program, but you NEED a tutor who scored within the range of your goal score (and if they did better than your goal score that is obviously a huge plus). If a big company that you are looking at forces you to choose from 1, 2, 5, 20 sessions at the start (which IMO they should be flogged and jailed for because nobody knows how much help they need and they’re making soooooo much money off your fears) stick with the lower option. This isn’t for everyone, but I would choose between 10 and 20 hours to maximize the value of those hours. If you’re cheap like me, just use those sessions to ask for their overall strategy tips. Have them teach you to fish, not give you fish. If you have specific problems that you are stuck on, just come to reddit and get answers for free. Bottom line: if you are going to get tutoring help, make sure the company that you choose has tutors that score 99th percentile or more (or ask a friend who you know killed it)
2. Anki
Anki. Another beautiful gift. It’s too complicated to explain over text, but it’s basically like Quizlet except with spaced repetition to put info into your long term memory. Spaced repetition is king for storing large amounts of info learned over a long period of time (cough cough med school) so most med students use it now. Put the time in to learn it now. I would say that this is the way of the future for medical school going forward. You can start some great Youtube tutorials because Anki is hard to figure out at first but the videos helped me a lot. Watch a ton of videos on it. Definitely figure out how to use image occlusion and close deletions. That’s all I used for card types. But here is the list of addons that I ended up using. Customize your keyboard too to go faster. MAKE YOUR OWN CARDS. Don’t ask me for my decks because I won’t give them to you. They are all the terms that I personally didn’t understand. Half of them wouldn’t make sense to you anyway because I did them in a shorthand that only makes sense to ME. Your time is much better spent trying to build your own deck instead of spending a million hours grinding through someone else’s cards.
I, contrary to popular opinion, made multiple decks. A deck for C/P questions that I missed, one for B/B, one for P/S and one for each of the content sections of MCAT Self Prep (Orgo, GenChem, Biochem, Physics, P/S, etc). I gradually merged them into 3 decks (CP, BB, PS) for the final month. I really liked this method. I wouldn’t say everyone should do it, but it made a lot of sense to me because I could practice getting in the C/P mindset and then switch over to the P/S headspace. It wasn’t just one big jumble of facts, but different states of mind. Please, don’t make a deck for CARS. If you want to improve your vocab, just read higher quality writing like the New Yorker or something. Or just do more passages. But trying to memorize big words is silly and I can almost guarantee you that they won’t show up on the actual test. Super low yield. But yeah… Anki is clutch. I did about 16k reviews in total. It sucked but you develop the discipline if you keep it up.
3. AAMC Material and Khan Academy
I cannot recommend strongly enough that you buy all of the AAMC material. You’ll need to if you end up using MCAT Self Prep. It’s worth every penny. MSP integrates it in, but if you don’t use MSP, save your 4 AAMC FLEs until your last month of studying. Take your first three official FLEs 3, 2, and 1 week away. The order doesn’t matter. Then take your last AAMC FLE (one of the scored ones) three days before test day. 2 days before - review it and any flashcards. The day before - rest. Then... it’s game time. AAMC has given us the opportunity to take thousands of prepared, official questions. Make sure you do them all. The FLEs are incredibly close to the actual test. FLE 1 - 521 FLE 2 - 521 FLE 3 - 524 (You can see that I wasn’t scoring 528s. Again, I just got lucky.)
Khan Academy was great (and free!). I got a chrome extension called video speed controller so you can watch them at over 2x speed (I would watch them up to 3.5x speed on subjects I understood well) to save me hundreds of hours. This was YUGE for me. I would make anki cards as I went which was a perfect system for me. They also have great CARS passages but I will talk about them lower down.
4. FLEs
I took a FLE every 3-4 weeks during the content phase and then 3-4 tests per week during the final month of practice. I bought the 10 tests from Altius. They were great because they sucked. They were really hard. Some of the questions were so specific and stupid that nobody would ever get them. But overall it was noticeably harder than the actual thing which is what I needed. It was like training with ankle weights on so when it came to the AAMC FLE’s, I felt very confident. I also took 2 PR FLEs and those were next level impossible. Honestly, they’re not worth your time. Too hard to be helpful. In total, that means I did 16 FLEs. Most of the top scorers will say that doing FLEs is the best way to prepare for the MCAT. I agree. Especially for the month before test day.
Altius FLE range of scores - between 512 and 519 PR scores were 509 and 514
5. Jack Westin
If you don’t already know about our homie JW, look up the Jack Westin website. I used the daily passages and did them as much as I wanted throughout the 5 months of study. They were great because they’re in the MCAT format and show you the percentage of people who get a question right. So that way you know if you missed an easy question (where 90% get it right) or an impossible question (where less than 20% get it right). If you miss questions that less than 30% get right, don’t even worry about it. It was probably just a bad question. JW also has all of the Khan Academy passages in MCAT form which ROCKS. I would say the JW passages are similar in difficulty to the MCAT (maybe a bit harder) and Khan Academy passages are considerably easier than the real deal. But I’d be curious to hear what others think.
6. Books
Honestly the least helpful thing for me. I bought the PR books because they have more detailed info than is normally covered on the MCAT. If you are aiming for the 100th %ile then I would strongly consider buying them because they teach you a lot of the low-yield things to get you over the final hump, but they don’t have many pictures and are dense. Probably a 7/10 in terms of helpfulness for everything but CARS. Their CARS book is COMPLETE TRASH. Terrible suggestions. I was also given the Kaplan books but never used them. I skimmed one and it seemed very unhelpful. I also stopped reading books altogether after about 2 months of study. But hey, some people swear by it. For me, I learned much quicker from Khan Academy videos at 2.5x speed, FLEs and Anki.
If you have the resources, find an Illuminati study group. They will just edit your score to be a 528 which is what I did. If I were you, I would also start making blood sacrifices to the lizard people in your local area as soon as possible. You really want to keep them happy or else they may wear your skin to take the test for you. You don’t want that. Lizard people really suck at CARS.
Simulating the Test
For your diagnostic test (an FLE to see your starting point that people take within your first week or two of studying), you want to just have fun with it. You’re going to bomb it. Don’t worry. Get a feel for the timing. Take longer breaks if you need to. It should be enjoyable. But as you get closer, your objective with practice tests is to try to recreate the environment of the actual test as best as possible. Progressively start stressing yourself out. I would purposefully show up late and in a rush to where I took them. Start telling yourself that your future is riding on this. Take the tests in a quiet environment on a DESKTOP COMPUTER. Pro tip: the dimensions of the screen on the actual exam are not full screen but it’s more squared with blacked-out margins. This throws some people off because the CARS passage seem longer because you have to scroll longer. So start practicing with a squared screen window. As you get closer, start taking the actual allotment of break time. You don’t have to be a Nazi, but get closer as you go. They give you the option of earplugs at the testing center, and so consider buying some to practice if it works for you. You should be experimenting with testing conditions every time. Experiment with what you eat and drink. Experiment with your timing. Experiment with earplugs. Experimentation is your friend.
In this section, I have no hard-and-fast recommendations. This is all just what worked for me. I tried to take harder tests (so not the Next Step tests which people say are closer to AAMC) which was frustrating at times, but that way I could build a bigger Anki deck of missed questions. Especially if you are shooting for 520+, I think taking harder FLEs really helps. For my strategy, I generally tried to find the least-wrong answer instead of the correct answer. The AAMC loves throwing in question and answer stems with one critical word that is not quite right. If the answer stem is perfect but there is one word that is technically wrong, it’s wrong. There are great examples of this, but often the right answer isn’t obviously right, it’s just not wrong.
I was terrible at flagging. It seemed like I would always flag questions that I got right in the first place and not flag the questions that I missed. So when I went back through to review them at the end, more often than not I was changing my right answers and not looking at the questions that I should’ve. Over time, I personally came to mistrust my own flagging and started flagging fewer and fewer questions. When I tried to limit myself to only flagging 4-8 questions that I knew I was shaky on, then the percentage of incorrect questions that I correctly flagged went up.
My only real piece of advice with this is... if you need more time on a question, DO NOT flag it and then come back to it later. You already put over a minute into the question right there, your mind is actively grinding it out, and so don’t break up your mental concentration by coming back to it in 45 minutes. Grind it out until you feel good about your choice, or just give up. If you give up, you can still flag it and come back hoping that your subconscious made some progress in the meantime.
Highlighting is a total preference. I completely switched it up all the time and eventually found out a system that worked for me. Feel free to try it out, but find out what works for you. My only piece of advice that I think everyone and their grandma should do is this: HIGHLIGHT WHENEVER YOU SEE A NOT OR NEGATIVE MODIFIER IN THE QUESTION STEM. They are usually capitalized, but there were so many times that I forgot it was a not question because I spent so much time looking at the answer choices. HIGHLIGHT THEM AND WHEN REVIEWING, REVIEW IF YOU EVER MISSED HIGHLIGHTING A NOT/NEGATIVE MODIFIER. Here is what I did…
CARS: I highlighted nothing. Never. Not even important names or anything. I’ll talk about my strategy for CARS later, but the highlighter just caught my eye and I couldn’t skim the passage when searching for an answer as effectively. I would, however, highlight important words in the question and answer stems to keep my tired brain focused.
C/P, B/B, P/S: I highlighted everything. Well, not the whole passage, but every important word. Every term. Everything that you think they could possibly test you on. In the same way, when you highlight a ton, it doesn’t catch your eye as much when reviewing the passage, but it does help you locate that term faster. I would also highlight anytime it talked about a correlation/causation/feedback loop/relationship. Anything and everything that you think is important. And of course… I would highlight important phrases in the question and answer stems.
I only would use this for answer choices when I was having a harder time eliminating options. I would strike through the worst option first, the next worst option next until I was left with the least worst option.
For me, the whiteboard was YUGE. Especially when looking at relationships in B/B. I would use arrows to show correlation (up arrow) sugar (down arrow) glucagon, and show pathways Protein A → Protein B ---| Receptor X → Disease C. The arrow with the flat end would tell me that protein B is inhibiting receptor X. This way, the whiteboard helped me a bunch for questions on what the effect of a change in a system would be. And of course… it helps to do math. I think the highest yield thing you can do for C/P is get really good at dimensional analysis.
Your goal when taking FLEs is to get your timing down so that it feels like second nature. Feel the rhythm of each section. For me, I tried to finish with 5-10 minutes extra to review in C/P and B/B, no extra time in CARS and I always finished with at least 30 minutes to review in P/S. Just find what works for you
C/P - No special strategy here. But I did really well in physics and TA’ed for gen and ochem so maybe that’s just me. If you can get good at quickly doing dimensional analysis and rounding, this will open up enough time for you. I found myself rushing through the first 20 questions because I was nervous, then getting complacent during the middle 20 and spending too much time thinking things over, and then needing to rush on the last 20 questions. Ochem is very minimal. Mainly just Ochem lab stuff and Ochem in biochem. Gen chem is big. Physics 1 is more important than electricity and magnetism, but it does come up sometimes. Honestly, I felt like half of my actual test in C/P was just more biochem.
CARS - When I started CARS I would always run out of time. EVERY TIME. This originally was because I read in the PR books that you should pre-read the questions before the passage. I would read them, then go back to the passage now pressed for time, had to read faster than I was comfortable with because I was behind, then go BACK to the questions (by this time I had already forgotten them) and then because I read the passage too quickly I would need to go BACK to the passage to find the answer again! This was horrible for me in every way.
Then I heard from my altius friends that you should try to do a passage in X many minutes. They said to spend more time on the questions to really understand them (their tutors even suggested practicing writing their own questions) to be confident in their choices. This is, I believe, the fundamental reason why most people do poorly on CARS. We are taught to spend time combing the questions and answers, going back to the passage to double-check our answers and identify the specific question type/flavosubcategory etc. Trust me, my friends. This will only add to hatred of CARS if you try to psychoanalyze the questions.
Take. Your. Motha. Flippin. Time. Read carefully. If you’re a slow reader, read at your normal pace. If you are a fast reader, you may even need to slow down. For my final FLE’s I would think to myself “woah I am spending too much time reading this passage” but then have a private LOLOLOL moment as I blew through the questions. Try this. It may take a dozen passages to retrain your brain, but I hope it changes your life. The reason being is because every enshrined med student god or test prep money drain will tell you “iT’s aLL aBoUt ThE mAIn IdEA” but it’s really not. Reading slowly helps you digest their subtle arguments. You miss questions right now because the AAMC throws in subtle differences in answer choices. Reading fast will leave you pissed off at the question because AAGAGGAHAHH TWO OF THEM ARE RIGHT!! Reading slow? You will have a good laugh with me when you don’t even need to read the options twice. You’ll be like lol I bet everyone else will fall for that trick answer. Again this isn’t fool proof, but message me in two weeks when your scores start climbing.
I learned this from u/dmonsta and he made a great comment a while back that you will still run into two types of passages #1 - the passage arguement is so dense and complex and uses language from 14th century Finnish thesauruses or #2 - where it is so BORING and you are half asleep reading about the dust on a painting of some Russian architecture in 1672.
u/dmonsta’s advice for #2 is genius. If you are bored to tears... take a 5 second break and let your eyes have a rest. Look at the wall in front of you. Don’t even focus your eyes. Clear your head. These 5 second pauses were huge for me. I would do them every time I ended a passage. Not only would it give me a microbreak, but it allowed myself to let go of all that pointless info that I just learned about Portuguese literature under Napoleon. It didn’t carry over and I would stop worrying about it.
For #1 (the dense and complex), the strategy is to chill out. If you find yourself thinking “wtf does this word/sentence mean?” just chill out. Every premed who has ever read this sentence/word is thinking the same thing. That’s THE POINT. You aren’t supposed to know what it means. Just get any piece of info that any normal person could get from it and move on. Only worry about a hard word if the question specifically asks you for it. If they ask you, that guarantees that a normal person would be able to make a reasonable inference from context to the correct definition. DON’T TRY TO BUILD YOUR VOCAB. THAT’S A WASTE OF TIME. Everyone else will get hung up by these insane sentences, and AAMC actually WANTS you to get stuck too. Move on. I can almost promise you that you won’t be tested on understanding that insanely complex sentence on the actual test (some prep FLEs will but they're just sadistic). Let AAMC get rekt.
For CARS questions. Before you get there, have a rough idea of what is going on. You don’t need to write anything down (I never did for CARS), but have a one-sentence summary floating around. If the passage was too complicated to be summarized in one sentence, that’s fine. It doesn’t work for every passage. You also want to have a good idea of the author. You don’t need to picture in your head what they look like, but that type of thinking goes a long way. Are they a judgmental jerk? Are they a wooey hippy who loves the expression of emotions through bodily dance? Would they vote as a libertarian or a progressive? As we all know, CARS answers are the crappiest in terms of how vague the right answer can be. So you don’t need to form a perfect image of them. Allow some room for ambiguity.
When I first started and would get destroyed by CARS, I would lose confidence in myself and need to go back to the passage for every question to make sure I was right. This blows. It also sucks time away and only adds to your stress. By the end of my studying, I would only go back to the passage for one question each passage. Again, it would mostly be because I was nervous and didn’t trust myself because I would rarely need to change my answer. The most important part is understanding the author. The AAMC rarely asks you about what was in the passage, more like what the author would think if A, B or C happened. Often times you will need to embody the author's views that are totally contradictory to your own. Maybe they love eugenics. Maybe they think it’s awesome that the Nazi’s killed babies. Maybe they’re a republican and you’re a democrat. What they would think about X is the right answer, what you’d think about it will be the wrong answer.
Again as this redditor explains, if you read slow and focus on the author, 90% of questions will be so clear to you. You’ll have a good laugh with us because CARS actually is manageable. CARS is still a piece of crap and deserves to be burned at the stake, but at least it’s not impossible. You should be thinking about the answers like... "no, A is the opposite of what he said, B is irrelevant, C is kinda weird but not necessarily wrong, D is the opposite of what the author said. Must be C" Feel free to comment with more suggestions.
B/B - Whiteboard was king for B/B. In addition to blasting passages with my highlighter, I would also take the time to write down the order of pathways because lets be real here… there are SOOO many abbreviations. Sometimes knowing too much about a subject hurts you here. I am a neuro major and so I could always make the case that it could be option A or C brain area that could be causing the problem etc. But just stick with what they would’ve taught you in BIO 101. Content is also king for B/B. They can ask you about so many topics from so many angles, and so it’s worth just making a trazillion flashcards and going hard. By your last month, don’t focus on memorizing even more intricate details about a topic, but work on synthesizing them all together. How does cortisol relate to insulin or to mitotic division? Stuff like that.
P/S - Again, content, content, content. I actually went too deep into content by the end and would overthink things in the final weeks. I felt like I knew so much about the most random psych terms that I found myself overthinking and opting for more complicated answers too much. So my P/S scores suffered. On the day of the test, I had to actively tell myself to just trust my studying and pick the obvious answer. It worked I guess, but it’s sort of a crap shoot. I would say stick to the KA videos or the pages. I watched all the KA videos twice and that worked great. You can try Uworld and question sets from other companies, but honestly the AAMC question banks are perfect for figuring out the level of detail that you are expected to know.
My Actual Test Day
Either the actual test day is the most stressful moment of your life or you are a legit sociopath. I was FREAKING OUT, PEOPLE. I drove to check out the testing center the day before. Straight up nerves. I tend to have a hard time sleeping, but the MCAT was another experience entirely. I took melatonin to try to get some rest, but for the two nights before I did not sleep. Like I could honestly account for every hour of the night. Not falling asleep just led to me stressing more so it was even harder to fall asleep. Horrible. But it’s ok! Even if you’re tired, it won’t make your mind forget all the content that you learned. For game day, your goal is just to get excited. It’s finally going to be over. Be confident. You put in hundreds of hours. TRUST YOUR STUDIES. If you come to a question and you are unsure, go with your gut. You may have remembered subconsciously. Poop and pee beforehand. Multiple times. It should be totally flushed out down there. Get hyped. When you get to the center, they start checking you in right away. Even if you’re early. Be early. But you don’t have to take a number right away. Wait until you’re ready. They scanned our palms for security which was weird. They offer you earplugs. When you sit down after a break, they start you immediately--even if you still had 2 minutes left of your break. If you run a bit over your break, don’t worry. They give you ~2 minutes to just read the info start screen of each section so your time will only be deducted from that. If you have that time, use it to calm yourself before starting. Don’t rush yourself. Breathe.
Since I got no sleep, I took a ton of caffeine over the course of the test. About 20-50 mg before and during every break. I crashed like a zombie after it was all done, but I never felt sleepy or crashed during the test. A friend, the one and only T-money, suggested that I do push-ups during the break to keep the blood flowing. That rocked. Your breaks are shorter than you remember, but you should eat sometime during every break or else you will crash. When taking FLEs, find out what sustains you best. Don’t eat sugary trash. Eat protein bars and real food. Eat like you would eat if running a marathon, small but consistent so you don’t hit a food coma either. After each section, you want to get in the mental space of feeling relief. You will never have to do that section again. Did the last section not go that well? Don’t let it bleed into the next section. Let it go. You should be getting more and more excited, more and more relaxed as the day progresses. If you feel the opposite, tell yourself to let it go. Let it all go from your head. Your mental appraisal is very important to doing well. In the end, if your computer didn’t malfunction and if you didn’t throw up on yourself, don’t void your test. Even if you don’t feel confident, score it. Don’t spend more than 15 seconds on that page. Let it all go. You did it.
Well, you all are beautiful humans. I spent quite a few hours on this, because it would’ve been exactly what I wanted at the start of all of this. Feel free to share this with anyone else that you know who is struggling with the MCAT. We all have to help each other out because at the end of the day you aren’t competing with anyone. There are tens of thousands of applicants. It’s not ORM vs URM. You are only competing against yourself.
EDIT - If you are interested in having me tutor you one-on-one just PM me
My Trajectory
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Evo Guide - Jan 12th

So hey, sorry for creating another discussion on the same topic, but it was to make it cleaner, I finished all the EVO cards, so here it goes !
Which EVO card I should acquire? How's that EVO card? Those are questions we see a lot, and I decided to create a little guide that could help you. In this guide, I will attribute a grade on 10. The higher the grade is, better the card is investment wise.
I warn you, I'm pretty hard on cards that are higher than 350K. I can't see those card being good investment. They might me safe investment, but you invest a lot of your capital in one card when you could invest it in 2-3-4 cards with similar upsides.
I evaluate the investment grade on the money you could get by re-selling the card AND on the potential of the card as a usable player on your squade.
I will try to update the list once a week, but I won't update all the EVO. The updates will be written in bold. Because of that, some cards like Ovechkin or Guentzel might have the same description for months... and there is a reason for that.
For the price of the cards, I'm using brianstormed Auction House Prices (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fMfRLGawWMxTBn4lznogNV08ko0W-xKzMTvlaXucjiA/edit#gid=1260050322), a pretty usefull tool if you don't already use it.
I'm not an expert, I took bad decision in the past when it comes to EVO. You will probably disagree with a lot of things, don't hesitate to comment so we can have a discussion, I will try to help you the best I can.
Also, I didn't bother doing the goaltender. The Vezina race for me is not clear and I'm an awful analyst for goaltenders... maybe later... but here's a tip: never spend too much money on a goaltender.
LW - A. Ovechkin - 97OVR - 900K - 0/10
Ovechkin is already 97 of overall with most of his important stats maxed out. If you need his synergies, I could see why you would aquire him, but there is definitely better options out there. His informs are way cheaper and will give you a similar result. So even when he'll reach 99OVR, I don't see him getting that much better and I don't see his value increasing that much, meaning that from an investing point of view, at that price, it's not worth it.
C - C. McDavid - 95OVR - 980K - 0/10
The poster boy will reach 99OVR eventually and he's already a beast of a card. But like Ovi, his auction house price is way too high to get a great return if you sell him back. If what you want is investing on a potential 99OVR player, he could be an option, but there is cheaper options out there, although more risky. In fact, for few 100k more, you could get Jagr or Iginla so... I would say to stay away from him.
C - S. Crosby - 95OVR - 850K - 2/10
I could write almost the same thing I wrote for McDavid, the exception being he's a little bit cheaper. Also, because his stats are a little bit more well distributed, he's an all-around better player so he's potentially the best option for an 99OVR outside of Brodeur, Iginla and Jagr. And that's coming from a big hater of the guy. So I guess, if you're rich... it's okay to acquire him but again, very expensive, informs will always be cheaper.
C - N. MacKinnon - 95OVR - 600k - 5/10
Nathan MacKinnon woke up and he's tearing everything up! If he continues like that, the potential of him getting 99OVR is real and make his card interesting for 600K. Personnaly, I still believe it's still too expensive, but at 600K, it's still and interesting investment. If he gets one more upgrade, I could see his value jump heavily and therefore, you could make a very interesting profit. If your plan is to keep the players, again, there is cheaper options out there.
RD - E. Karlsson - 95OVR - 950K - 0/10
Karlsson will definitely be the best defenseman in the game, he's physicality being the only point where he won't be awsome, but still higher than average. 950k is too expensive though to make a profit when you re-sell and informs are way cheaper for a similar result.
RW - N. Kucherov - 95OVR - 965K - 0/10
Kucherov already has most of his important stats maxed out. In fact, his 94 ICE card is already overpowered for a fraction of the price. And it goes without saying that 950k is too expensive to make any profit on re-selling the card.
C - S. Stamkos - 94OVR - 730K - 0/10
Even if Stamkos is almost a lock for a team of the year and therefore, will probably be 99OVR, like Kucherov, most of his important stats are maxed out. In fact, his 94 ICE card is already overpowered for a fraction of the price. And opposed to MacKinnon situation, 730K is too expensive to make any significant profit on re-selling the card.
LD - V. Hedman - 94OVR - 650K - 2/5
Hedman is a beast defensively and a very capable offensive defenseman if needed. EA loves him so far so I wouldn't be scared to bet money on his odds of making a team of the year. With his injury, his value dropped significantly so wait a week or two and buy when it's pretty low. Even by missing 6 weeks, I'm confident he'll have upgrades and he's already a fantastic player at 94.
RW - P. Kane - 94OVR - 750K - 0/10
I know that I'm repeating myself, but 750K is too expensive to make any significant profit on re-selling the card. Informs will do.
C - J. Tavares - 93OVR - 540K - 5/10
540K is expensive, but for a 93OVR player that has the potential to have a high OVR in a team of the year, it's almost cheap. He's on a good pace and if he continues like this, this card will be very interesting. The reason why this card is so cheap is probably due to Tavares' speed. 89 of speed and acceleration is pretty sad for a high end card. So if he reached a high overall, don't expect his card to be worth 1M, but I still beleive profit can be made out of this card. The problem is that the card is not that awsome and depending of your team, he will probably sit on your 3rd or 4th line for now, so it's still a lot of money for a bottom six center.
LW - B. Marchand - 93OVR - 245K - 10/10
Don't waste your time reading this, just go on the auction house and buy one before it's too late. I can't understand why he's so cheap. I thought after jumping at 93OVR, his price would jump violently, but no... for now. It's only a question of time before is goes up so you'll be able to cash in. And if you simply want to have a good player, it works too. He's a well rounded player, a lock on a team of the year... no, really, Marchand is a no brainer at that price.
LW - J. Gaudreau - 93OVR - 265K - 8/10
I was also suprised to see Gaudreau so low. I don't know what his price was months ago, my theory is that he slowed down a little bit as a player... but he's still a top scorer in the league and going at it recently. A player like Gaudreau can get a Prime Time card every game, you just never know. There's also potential for a team of the year. Of course, he's also a very good card, although he's very week and can be destroyed easily if you're not careful... but you can use that at your advantage. The reason why he's not a 10/10 is that he's not neceserly a lock for a team of the year and that his ICE card has most of his important stats maxed up so it's a cheap alternative if all you're looking for is a good winger.
RW - B. Wheeler - 93OVR - 290K - 10/10
Again, a head scrather here. Like Marchand, jump on the auction house and buy him as soon as possible. You can get him for less than 300K and he's amongsts the point leaders right now, if he continues like this, I don't see him not getting a team of the year nod. The only explanations I have for his low price is the fact he didn't receive an inform since his ICE card and that his stats don't look that sexy. But Wheeler is a well-rounder player and everytime he'll upgrade, he'll become and even more complete player. Also, he's a huge guy, flawless defensively... again, if you have the money, it's a no brainer.
C - M. Scheifele - 92OVR - 180K - 4/10
Interesting case here. Sheifele was a point-per-game player before his injury, which is good. But because of his injury, his price dramaticaly dropped. 180K for a 92 EVO card is pretty good. He's suppose to come back in February where he could rack some points but with Wheeler getting a team of the year nod and Ehlers potentially getting a young guns team of the year, I don't see Scheifeler increasing a lot. That being said, he could receive special cards during the playoffs and Prime Time is not out of question, after all, the price is cheap! But you will have to wait a lot.
C - P. Bergeron - 92OVR - 500K - 7/10
Usually, I don't give 3s when the card is higher than 350K but in Bergeron's case, I'm happy to make an exception. He is a lock for the defensive team of the year. Also, his stats are well distributed which means that his advanced stats are juicy and makes him a well-rounder player. But even more importantly, he's a centerman with a killer faceoff rating.
RD - D. Doughty - 92OVR - 650K - 5/10
Doughty is having a good season and his card is really good, so it explains the price. That being said, it's pretty expensive. Profit can be made out of this, but it's a lot of money. But if you want to keep him in your line-up, he's a beast, so it won't hurt you to be patient.
RD - P.K. Subban - 92OVR - 350K - 9/10
He's not as a no brainer as Wheeler and Marchand, but he's pretty close. Subban is a popular player, if you don't act soon, his price will raise significantly. After a slow start, Subban is amongst the best pointer on the blue line. With his popularity, I could see him getting a nod for offensive team of the year. He's not the best defenseman, but his stats are well rounded so he has the potential to be unstoppable. If you have the money, I think it's a safe bet!
RW - V. Tarasenko - 92OVR - 300K - 8/10
I love Tarasenko, I'm a huge Blues fan and this card is killer. He's on pace to have the best year of his career and he got a team of the year nod for less than that last year. The Blues have a hard time right now, so his productions is not as great, but it's still there. When Schwartz will be back though... I could see him being snobbed, but I believe. I'm biased though, him being my favourite player.
C - Claude Giroux - 92OVR - 650K - 5/10
Claude is an amazing card. But his price is ridiculous. But like Bergeron, if you want to wait and get a stronge centerman at the dot, you won't be disapointed but you will pay the price. If investing is what you're looking for, it could be an interesting option, I see that card gaining value, but again, it's very expensive.
RD - B. Burns - 92OVR - 370K - 7/10
Burns is roaring back, EA loves him, he's getting more informs now... this guy is going nowhere but up. The price is not too high. The only problem with Burns, is that his Master Collectible Player is so good, that I don't see using his EVO card until he reached 95-96OVR. Ok, I might be exagerating here, but that's how much good that card is. But, if what you're looking for is making a profit, I think it will pay off eventually.
C - A. Kopitar - 92OVR - 270K - 6/10
Kopitar is having a killer year. This card is a cheaper version of Tavares and could see a similar increase in rate and price. But like Tavares, Kopitar is very slow and because of that, I could see him not gaining that much value. But at 270K, it's definitely worth it, I don't see him losing value anytime soon. But if you only have 350K to invest, Kopitar is not the first card I would work on.
C - J. Eichel - 92OVR - 190K - 9/10
Eichel's card is money, litteraly and figuratively. Such a great card. He's so cheap, it's ridicoulus. Playing on the Sabres roster, his stats are suffering. But it's almost a miracle that he's almost a point-per-game player right now. I can't say I'm 100% sure he'll be on a team of the year roster, but he's young, so we never know. At that price, I don't see why you wouldn't take this tiny chance. Also, he's right handed... you never have enough of those.
C - Tyler Seguin - 92OVR - 380K - 5/10
People might disagree, but I don't think we'll see many upgrades for Seguin in the future. He's having a good year though, so I'm probably wrong. His card is amazing though, but you can always use informs if needed. The price is definitely high for a card that I consider not having that much upside, but I must be the only one to think that so don't take my word for it.
RD - J. Klingberg - 92OVR - 400K - 6/10
He just got out and he's pretty expensive. He's the best pointer at the blue line, he seems to be a lock for offensive team of the year. 400K, while it's a lot, could give you way more enventually because that card will get better, much better.
LW - J. Benn - 91OVR - 200K - 5/10
Benn is a good card, well-rounded. Also, he received his fair share of love from EA with some team of the week informs here and there. He definitely has the upside to receive some other informs, but being under a point-per-game, I don't see him getting a team of the year nod. The price is fair, the value is solid, but in terms of investment, it's not the best deal.
C - E. Malkin - 91OVR - 220K - 6/10
Ah, Malkin. I wanted to get him since he's released. But he kind of has a weird season. Right now, he's over a point-per-game and he's usually a lock for offensive team of the year, but I'm still not convinced. But it's Malkin... the guy can get a 5 points game anytime soon. His upside, for me, is interesting and he's not that expensive. It's a gamble, but I'd do it.
C - A. Barkov - 91OVR - 140K - 8/10
Barkov is almost a point-per-game, he's only 22 and a really gifted player offensively and defensively. I have a lot of faith in that card for all those reasons. No so long ago, he was under 100k, his price got higher recently... I'd go for it.
RW - B. Schenn - 91OVR - 150K - 4/10
I'm a Blues fan and I can't still believe his season. Since Schwartz injury, he slowed down. He was comfortably over a point-per-game no so long ago and now, he's dangerously declining. The price is defintely appealing but I see him having a hard second part of the year. He's not the first one I would invest in, but you never know.
C - L. Draisaitl - 91OVR - 110K - 5/10
It all depends on how EA will decide Young Guns Team Of The Year. Two years ago, it was U23. Last year, it was entry-level contract (which explains Panarin). Draisailt is young, but he's at his second professional contract. The Oilers are having a bad time and I'm afraid Draisaitl won't get that much love for the rest of the year and trust me, I wish I am wrong. He's the kind of card that you can hold onto if you already have it, but don't bother buying him if you don't have him.
C - A. Matthews - 91OVR - 260K - 8/10
Matthews can explode at any giving time. He's almost a lock for a team of the year. He could be cheaper I presume, but unless he gets injured again, I see a lot of potential in that card.
RW - P. Laine - 91OVR - 200K - 6/10
I'm getting insecure about that card. There's too many good players on the Jets roster, they won't be able to all get a spot on a team of the year. He's not having a bad season, but not the one we were expecting and last time I checked, he doesn't play with the best linemates. But he's crazy young on an entry-level contract so he's not a bad bet and like Matthews, he can have a crazy night that will help him a lot. His upsides are bigger than his downside, hold onto this card if you have it and considere acquiring it if you already have all the other cards I suggested.
RW - J. Voracek - 91OVR - 190K - 7/10
He's so close to receive a 8/10. The reason why is because I think EA will upgrade Giroux and won't give much love to Voracek, which is sad because he's such a good player. I mean, he's 8th right now in scoring in the NHL, that should mean something but I simply have a bad feeling because he's not as sexy as a Kane, Taranseko, Benn, all players producing less. But it's a coin flip and could very much be a terrific investment. Definitely consider it.
RW - P. Kessel - 91OVR - 350OVR - 8/10
What a year for Phil "Berger" The Thrill. In front of Crosby AND Maklin in points, his card is also sexy as hell RIGHT NOW. His price is fair and should be a good fit on your squad as of today, imagine with any upgrades and trust me, he'll receive his share.
LW - T. Hall - 90OVR - 180K - 8/10
What a card! He doesn't feel like a 90OVR at all. He's fast and can shoot from everywhere! Also, he's leading the Devils in points over a point-per-game, on pace to have his best season. Some players are doing better than him but I still believe that if he continue like this, he'll get on a team of the year. At this price, there is not much to lose.
LD - R. Josi - 90OVR - 200K - 2/10
Who doesn't like Josi? He's a great defenseman. EA always liked Josi. But right now, it's not his best season and I think Subban will get most of the love. I don't see so many infors for him, maybe for defensive team of the year? I don't know. I sold mine recently because I was not confident. There is so much better options out there.
C - W. Karlsson - 90OVR - 160K - 4/10
I still have to pinch myself when I look at the Golden Knights and the standing. Same goes with Karlsson. He's on pace for 72 points, way more than what I would have expecting him to get. But this pace, while being amazing for him and the Knights, is not that amazing compared to other players. Team of the year is not like the all-star games, they don't need one person from every team and if it was the case, it would be Marchessault. I could see him getting some Prime Time here and there, but starting at 90 is not that amazing. He's cheap though, but wouldn't be my priority.
C - N. Backstrom - 90OVR - 250K - 4/10
I love Backstrom, such an underated player. Statisticly though, he's having a sub-par season. I could see him getting a nod for defensive team of the year, but maybe not... 250K is a lot to pay for so little "guarantee".
C - D. Larkin - 89OVR - 90K - 4/10
Yes, he skates fast. That's about it. 90K is still expensive for his upsides. The only reason why he's not a 1/5 is the fact that the kid is only 21 years old, we never know, could be in Young Guns Team Of The Year! But there is so many kids doing better right now... I don't see it happening.
LD - S. Gostisbehere - 89OVR - 90K - 9/10
You don't have Ghost? Buy him now. And then, buy him again. And if you can, buy him three times. The guy is second in point-per-game ratio on the blue line and doesn't show any signs of fatigue. If he doesn't slow down significantly, he's a lock for Offensive Team Of The Year. Seriously, get him, at least once, for this price, it really is a joke.
LD - O. Ekman-Larsson - 89OVR - 90K - 0/10
What a sad season for the Coyotes, and that included Ekman-Larsson. He doesn't even crack the top 40 when it comes for point by defensmen. I don't see anything coming for him.
RW - J. Marchessault - 88OVR - 90K - 6/10
Marchessault is definitely an intriguing option. Over a point-per-game, he could be Vegas representative on a team of the year... even if there is not such a thing. The only thing I worry about when it comes to Marchessault is his consistency. Will he be able to keep the pace? I doubt it. But if he does, good things will happend to this card and for 90K, it's not a big gamble.
C - J. Toews - 88OVR - 85K - 1/10
I can't believe Toews received an inform. Terrible season. I've given him a 1/10 because I see EA putting him on Defensive Team Of The Year because, you know... EA.
RW - B. Boeser - 88OVR - 240K - 10/10
Boeser is the front runner for the Calder. Of course, there is still a lot of hockey to play, but he seems to be a lock for Young Guns Team Of The Year. He's also a well-rounded card, although not especially strong defensively. Nonetheless, if you get one, I think you'll be very happy.
D - Z. Werenski - 88OVR - 50K - 7/10
A sophomore slump for Werenski? Hmm, maybe a little bit, but he's still the best goal scorer at the blue line! Under 23 years old, he's defintely amongst the top 10. That could not be enough to be on the Young Guns Team Of The Year, but I'm willing to take the bet for only 50K.
C - R. Rakell - 88OVR - 45K - 0/10
Not much to say... good player, but not good enough to get significant upgrades, and he'll need a lof of them to be relevent. 45K might not be a lot, but there is not enough upside to even care.
C - R. Getzlaf - 87OVR - 100K - 6/10
Back from injury, Getzlaf is dominating, over a point-per-game and I don't see him slowing down. His price indicates that I'm not the only one noticing this, pretty expensive for a 87. The only problem, is that he starting from far at 87 and will need a lot of upgrades to be relevant. I still think you can cash in on the hype after 2 or 3 upgrades, but I wouldn't wait to long to sell back.
LD - R. McDonagh - 87OVR - 30K - 1/10
This card is not worth much for a reason. I don't see a lot of upsides. McDonagh is still very capable defensively so I guess he could be on a Defensive Team Of The Year? It's a long shot though.
LW - S. Aho - 87OVR - 30K - 8/10
The price is very low and Aho is currently having a very good stretch and if he's keeping the pace, I easily see him on the Young Guns Team Of The Year and at this price, only buying one should not hurt you.
Lw - J. Drouin - 87OVR - 20K - 0/10
The Habs are having a terrible year and so is Drouin. He won't be good enough to have a stint at Young Guns Team Of The Year, don't waste your money.
C - William Nylander - 87OVR - 110K - 3/10
I think it won't be a popular opinion because people love Nylander, but I don't think Nylander has a lot of upsides. Sure, he's young and he's having good moments right now, but I doubt he will have so many upgrades and like Getzlaf, he starting from 87 so it will take a lot of upgrades to become worth it.
C - J. Guentzel - 86OVR - 20K - 0/10
Underwhelming season for Guentzel to say the least. Only one upgrade and it was during pre-season if I recall... hey... don't bother.
submitted by Thierry98 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

The Evo Guide - Jan 20th

Which EVO card I should acquire? How's that EVO card? Those are questions we see a lot, and I decided to create a little guide that could help you. In this guide, I will attribute a grade on 10. The higher the grade is, better the card is investment wise.
I warn you, I'm pretty hard on cards that are higher than 350K. I can't see those card being good investment. They might me safe investment, but you invest a lot of your capital in one card when you could invest it in 2-3-4 cards with similar upsides.
I evaluate the investment grade on the money you could get by re-selling the card AND on the potential of the card as a usable player on your squade.
I will try to update the list once a week, but I won't update all the EVO. The updates will be written in bold. Because of that, some cards like Ovechkin or Guentzel might have the same description for months... and there is a reason for that.
For the price of the cards, I'm using brianstormed Auction House Prices, a pretty usefull tool if you don't already use it. Take a look at his youtube channel, it's simply the best.
I'm not an expert, I took bad decision in the past when it comes to EVO. You will probably disagree with a lot of things, don't hesitate to comment so we can have a discussion, I will try to help you the best I can. I use those discussions to update the list.
Also, I didn't bother doing the goaltender. The Vezina race for me is not clear and I'm an awful analyst for goaltenders... maybe later... but here's a tip: never spend too much money on a goaltender.
LW - A. Ovechkin - 97OVR - 1M - 0/10
Ovechkin is already 97 of overall with most of his important stats maxed out. If you need his synergies, I could see why you would aquire him, but there is definitely better options out there. His informs are way cheaper and will give you a similar result. So even when he'll reach 99OVR, I don't see him getting that much better and I don't see his value increasing that much, meaning that from an investing point of view, at that price, it's not worth it.
C - C. McDavid - 96OVR - 1.2M - 0/10
The poster boy will reach 99OVR eventually and he's already a beast of a card. But like Ovi, his auction house price is way too high to get a great return if you sell him back. If what you want is investing on a potential 99OVR player, he could be an option, but there is cheaper options out there, although more risky.
C - S. Crosby - 95OVR - 950K - 2/10
I could write almost the same thing I wrote for McDavid, the exception being he's a little bit cheaper. Also, because his stats are a little bit more well distributed, he's an all-around better player so he's potentially the best option for an 99OVR outside of Brodeur, Iginla and Jagr. And that's coming from a big hater of the guy. So I guess, if you're rich... it's okay to acquire him but again, very expensive, informs will always be cheaper.
C - N. MacKinnon - 95OVR - 700k - 0/10
Nathan MacKinnon woke up and he's tearing everything up! If he continues like that, the potential of him getting 99OVR is real... but 700K is a lot to invest in one player. Personnaly, I still believe it's still too expensive. MacKinnon is a very good card, but he's also very tiny, I don't see him getting so much more in value. If you love the guy, invest in informs.
RD - E. Karlsson - 85OVR - 950K - 0/10
Karlsson will definitely be the best defenseman in the game, he's physicality being the only point where he won't be awsome, but still higher than average. 950k is too expensive though to make a profit when you re-sell and informs are way cheaper for a similar result.
RW - N. Kucherov - 95OVR - 1.150M - 0/10
Kucherov already has most of his important stats maxed out. In fact, his 94 ICE card is already overpowered for a fraction of the price. And it goes without saying that 950k is too expensive to make any profit on re-selling the card.
C - S. Stamkos - 94OVR - 950K - 0/10
Even if Stamkos is almost a lock for a team of the year and therefore, will probably be 99OVR, like Kucherov, most of his important stats are maxed out. In fact, his 94 ICE card is already overpowered for a fraction of the price. And opposed to MacKinnon situation, 950K is too expensive to make any significant profit on re-selling the card.
LD - V. Hedman - 94OVR - 650K - 4/10
After a week, Hedman's injury didn't affect his value yet. 650K is a lot to pay for an injured player. Hedman is a beast defensively and a very capable offensive defenseman if needed. Even by missing 6 weeks, I'm confident he'll have upgrades and he's already a fantastic player at 94, so if his price goes down to around 500K, I'd jump on him.
RW - P. Kane - 94OVR - 720K - 0/10
I know that I'm repeating myself, but 750K is too expensive to make any significant profit on re-selling the card. Informs will do.
LW - J. Gaudreau - 94OVR - 350K - 8/10
I was also suprised to see Gaudreau so low. I don't know what his price was months ago, my theory is that he slowed down a little bit as a player... but he's still a top scorer in the league and going at it recently. A player like Gaudreau can get a Prime Time card every game, you just never know. The reason why he's not a 10/10 is that he can get destroyed quite easily because of his size and because of that, his price will never be that high. Also, his ICE card has most of his important stats maxed up so it's a cheap alternative if all you're looking for is a good winger. But 350K for a 94 EVO? That's quite cheap.
C - J. Tavares - 93OVR - 475K - 6/10
Tavares' price dropped of almost 100K. 475K is not that expensive for one of the league leader in points and an almost lock for OTOTY. He's on a good pace and if he continues like this, this card will be very interesting. The reason why this card is so cheap is probably due to Tavares' speed. 89 of speed and acceleration is pretty sad for a high end card. So if he reached a high overall, don't expect his card to gain that much value. The problem is that the card is not that awsome and depending of your team, he will probably sit on your 3rd or 4th line for now, so it's still a lot of money for a bottom six center.
LW - B. Marchand - 93OVR - 350K - 10/10
Don't waste your time reading this, just go on the auction house and buy one before it's too late. Marchand is a polarizing player, everyone loves him... or loves to hate him. And because of his relatively small size, his price is not expensive. Even if I agree is no Wheeler when it comes to size, he's no Gaudreau either and is a very well-rounded player. After jumping at 93OVR, his price would jump a good 100K... so it shows there's a profit possible in the future. It's only a question of time before is goes up again. And if you simply want to have a good player, it works too. He's a well rounded player, a lock on a team of the year... no, really, Marchand is a no brainer at that price.
RW - B. Wheeler - 93OVR - 350K - 10/10
Again, a head scrather here. Like Marchand, jump on the auction house and buy him as soon as possible. He's amongsts the point leaders right now, if he continues like this, I don't see him not getting a team of the year nod. The only explanations I have for his low price is the fact he didn't receive an inform since his ICE card and that his stats don't look that sexy. But Wheeler is a well-rounder player and everytime he'll upgrade, he'll become and even more complete player. Also, he's a huge guy, flawless defensively... again, if you have the money, it's a no brainer.
RD - B. Burns - 93OVR - 470K - 6/10
Burns is roaring back, EA loves him, he's getting more informs now... this guy is going nowhere but up. He got an upgrade recently which makes him qui pricy. The problem is that the other EVO RD are quite good as well. Karlsson, Subban, Doughty, Klingberg and Pietrangelo... they all have a shot at a TOTY, and some of them are cheaper than Burns.
RW - P. Kessel - 93OVR - 550K - 3/10
A week ago, his value was 350K, he was 91OVR and I told you to buy him. I hope you did, because now he's 93OVR and he cost 200K more which makes him less appealing. Kessel won't stop gettting better, but at that price, informs are actually more interesting. Not a great investment.
C - Tyler Seguin - 93OVR - 550K - 3/10
God, was I wrong... I said I didn't see a lot of upside and then BANG, prime time and 150K increase in price. Seguin is a killer card, is decent at the dot... but his "real life" stats are not that groundbreaking, which make his 550K price quite expensive for a player that might live on informs without a shot at a TOTY. But hey, I've been wrong about him before...
RD - P.K. Subban - 93OVR - 400K - 8/10
Subban is a popular player, if you don't act soon, his price will raise significantly. After a slow start, Subban is amongst the best pointer on the blue line. With his popularity, I could see him getting a nod for offensive team of the year. He's not the best defenseman, but his stats are well rounded so he has the potential to be unstoppable. If you have the money, I think it's a safe bet!
C - M. Scheifele - 92OVR - 170K - 4/10
Interesting case here. Sheifele was a point-per-game player before his injury, which is good. But because of his injury, his price dramaticaly dropped. 180K for a 92 EVO card is pretty good. He's suppose to come back in February where he could rack some points but with Wheeler getting a team of the year nod and Ehlers potentially getting a young guns team of the year, I don't see Scheifeler increasing a lot. That being said, he could receive special cards during the playoffs and Prime Time is not out of question, after all, the price is cheap! But you will have to wait a lot.
C - J. Thornton - 92OVR - 240K - 7/10
The Milestone fest is not over for Thorton. He's close to reach four other significant Milstones, two all time leader (assist and points) along with games played and goals scored. It means he could get to 96 sooner than you think. That being said, Thornton is pretty slow, which tend to hit a player's value but I can't see him getting some at 96. There's is definitely money to do here. Thanks to Quinlan74 for the heads up.
C - P. Bergeron - 92OVR - 610K - 6/10
He is a lock for the defensive team of the year. Also, his stats are well distributed which means that his advanced stats are juicy and makes him a well-rounder player. But even more importantly, he's a centerman with a killer faceoff rating. 610K starts to be a lot to pay for an EVO though, but you'll get what your paying for. Not a so good investment to re-sell in a near future, sold investment for your squad in the long run.
RD - D. Doughty - 92OVR - 630K - 5/10
Doughty is having a good season and his card is really good, so it explains the price. That being said, it's pretty expensive. Profit can be made out of this, but it's a lot of money. But if you want to keep him in your line-up, he's a beast, so it won't hurt you to be patient. If what you are looking for is a RD, maybe there is cheaper options with similar upsides on the market, like Subban, Klingberg and Pietrangelo
RD - A. Pietrangelo - 92OVR - 260K - 7/10
Pietrangelo is having a career year. In fact, at the begining of the year, people were even talking about the Norris trophy. Since then, Klingber, Burns and Subban woke up and are having killer seasons as well. They have something else in common with Pietrangelo... they are all RD EVO players. Nevertheless, Pietrangelo is consistant right now and if he's not on the OTOTY, I could easily see him on the DTOTY. His 92 ICE card proves that EA likes him. Only one other defenseman has a 92 ICE card ans this guy is Karlsson, that gives you a good idea. His card is not amazing though with below average accuracy, but he's fast and very capable defensively. 260K right now for him is a good deal, I'm confident he'll get better. The competition on the right side of the blue line is so fierce though, that's what hurt his value a bit.
RW - V. Tarasenko - 92OVR - 275K - 8/10
I love Tarasenko, I'm a huge Blues fan and this card is killer. He's on pace to have the best year of his career and he got a team of the year nod for less than that last year. The Blues have a hard time right now, so his productions is not as great, but it's still there. When Schwartz will be back though... I could see him being snobbed, but I believe. I'm biased though, him being my favourite player.
C - Claude Giroux - 92OVR - 650K - 5/10
Claude is an amazing card. But his price is ridiculous. But like Bergeron, if you want to wait and get a stronge centerman at the dot, you won't be disapointed but you will pay the price. If investing is what you're looking for, it could be an interesting option, I see that card gaining value, but again, it's very expensive.
C - A. Kopitar - 92OVR - 290K - 6/10
Kopitar is having a killer year. This card is a cheaper version of Tavares and could see a similar increase in rate and price. But like Tavares, Kopitar is very slow and because of that, I could see him not gaining that much value. But at 270K, it's definitely worth it, I don't see him losing value anytime soon. But if you only have 350K to invest, Kopitar is not the first card I would work on.
C - J. Eichel - 92OVR - 180K - 9/10
Eichel's card is money, litteraly and figuratively. Such a great card. He's so cheap, it's ridicoulus. Playing on the Sabres roster, his stats are suffering. But it's almost a miracle that he's almost a point-per-game player right now. I can't say I'm 100% sure he'll be on a team of the year roster, but he's young, so we never know. At that price, I don't see why you wouldn't take this tiny chance. Also, he's right handed... you never have enough of those.
C - E. Malkin - 92OVR - 260K - 5/10
Ah, Malkin. I wanted to get him since he's released. But he kind of has a weird season. Right now, he's over a point-per-game and he's usually a lock for offensive team of the year, but I'm still not convinced. But it's Malkin... the guy can get a 5 points game anytime soon. He just got an upgrade and his price actually got lower... Crosby and Kessel have more chance at a TOTY, will they put three Penguins on those team ? We never know, he's still over a point-per-game. It's a gamble, but the price is right. But if what you're looking for is making money out of him, think again, it's unlikely in a near future.
RD - J. Klingberg - 92OVR - 375K - 7/10
He's the best pointer at the blue line, he seems to be a lock for offensive team of the year. 375K, while it's a lot, could give you way more enventually because that card will get better, much better. The thing that hurts his value is that there is so many good RD EVO, but none of them are leading the league in points for defensemen.
LW - J. Benn - 91OVR - 190K - 7/10
Benn is a good card, well-rounded. Also, he received his fair share of love from EA with some team of the week informs here and there. I don't know if he'll receive other informs in the future, but he already received two DTOTW cards so it wouldn't suprise me if he would get on the DTOTY. No guaratee, but at that price, could be interesting to invest.
C - A. Barkov - 91OVR - 130K - 8/10
Barkov is almost a point-per-game, he's only 22 and a really gifted player offensively and defensively. I have a lot of faith in that card for all those reasons. Not so long ago, he was under 100k, his price got higher recently... I'd go for it.
RW - B. Schenn - 91OVR - 125K - 4/10
I'm a Blues fan and I can't still believe his season. Since Schwartz injury, he slowed down. He was comfortably over a point-per-game no so long ago and now, he's dangerously declining. The price is defintely appealing but I see him having a hard second part of the year. He's not the first one I would invest in, but you never know.
C - L. Draisaitl - 91OVR - 100K - 4/10
It all depends on how EA will decide Young Guns Team Of The Year. Two years ago, it was U23. Last year, it was entry-level contract (which explains Panarin). Draisailt is young, but he's at his second professional contract. The Oilers are having a bad time and I'm afraid Draisaitl won't get that much love for the rest of the year and trust me, I wish I am wrong. He's the kind of card that you can hold onto if you already have it, but don't bother buying him if you don't have him.
C - A. Matthews - 91OVR - 225K - 8/10
Matthews can explode at any giving time. He's almost a lock for a team of the year. He could be cheaper I presume, but unless he gets injured again, I see a lot of potential in that card. A little tip for Matthews... monitor his price on a daily basis. His value is so volatile, if you have the capital, you could make a 50K profit here and there once in a while.
LW - T. Hall - 91OVR - 180K - 8/10
What a card! He doesn't feel like a 90OVR at all. He's fast and can shoot from everywhere! Also, he's leading the Devils in points over a point-per-game, on pace to have his best season. Some players are doing better than him but I still believe that if he continue like this, he'll get on a team of the year. At this price, there is not much to lose.
RW - P. Laine - 91OVR - 180K - 6/10
I'm getting insecure about that card. There's too many good players on the Jets roster, they won't be able to all get a spot on a team of the year. He's not having a bad season, but not the one we were expecting and last time I checked, he doesn't play with the best linemates. But he's crazy young on an entry-level contract so he's not a bad bet and like Matthews, he can have a crazy night that will help him a lot. His upsides are bigger than his downside, hold onto this card if you have it and considere acquiring it if you already have all the other cards I suggested.
RW - J. Voracek - 91OVR - 190K - 2/10
ASG MSP 97 Voracek is really crippling EVO Voracek. Voracek is having a wonderful year, but will his EVO reach 97? And if so, that card will still have less swagger than his MSP counter part that has mor synergies. Value is still stable... for now. But if it doesn't drasticaly go down, it won't go up either. Also, I think EA will upgrade Giroux and won't give much love to Voracek.
LD - R. Josi - 90OVR - 150K - 2/10
Who doesn't like Josi? He's a great defenseman. EA always liked Josi. But right now, it's not his best season and I think Subban will get most of the love. I don't see so many infors for him, maybe for defensive team of the year? I don't know. I sold mine recently because I was not confident. There is so much better options out there.
C - W. Karlsson - 90OVR - 160K - 4/10
I still have to pinch myself when I look at the Golden Knights and the standing. Same goes with Karlsson. He's on pace for 72 points, way more than what I would have expecting him to get. But this pace, while being amazing for him and the Knights, is not that amazing compared to other players. Team of the year is not like the all-star games, they don't need one person from every team and if it was the case, it would be Marchessault. I could see him getting some Prime Time here and there, but starting at 90 is not that amazing. He's cheap though, but wouldn't be my priority.
C - N. Backstrom - 90OVR - 200K - 4/10
I love Backstrom, such an underated player. Statisticly though, he's having a sub-par season. I could see him getting a nod for defensive team of the year, but maybe not... 200K is too much to pay for so little "guarantee".
C - D. Larkin - 89OVR - 90K - 8/10
Larkin is having a pretty decent year and if he keeps the pace, I could see him making the YTOTY being only 21 on a entry-level contract. Only six "eligible" forwards are doing better than him, so you never know. At 90K, it's worth the gamble.
LD - S. Gostisbehere - 89OVR - 90K - 9/10
You don't have Ghost? Buy him now. And then, buy him again. And if you can, buy him three times. The guy is second in point-per-game ratio on the blue line and doesn't show any signs of fatigue. If he doesn't slow down significantly, he's a lock for Offensive Team Of The Year. Seriously, get him, at least once, for this price, it really is a joke.
LD - O. Ekman-Larsson - 89OVR - 90K - 0/10
What a sad season for the Coyotes, and that included Ekman-Larsson. He doesn't even crack the top 40 when it comes for point by defensmen. I don't see anything coming for him.
C - S. Monahan - 89OVR - 90K - 7/10
Monahan is the definition of an average card. And by that, I mean he's aswome at nothing and bad at nothing as well. To me, that is very interesting because it means that his stats can't be maxed out easily and therefore, will get better than other players... if he upgrades a lot. Monahan is having a career year, but he's being overshadowed by Gaudreau. Almost a point-per-game, he normally could get a nod on OTOTY and I don't follow the Flames enough to know if he could be considered on a DTOTY. But EA doesn't show a lot of love for Monahan so far, so that worries me a bit. That being said, 90K is a joke, I feel like the upside are way bigger than the downside. Worst case scenario is that you sell him back on the market and might lose maximum 30K. That's a gamble I'm ready to make.
RW - J. Marchessault - 88OVR - 90K - 6/10
Marchessault is definitely an intriguing option. Over a point-per-game, he could be Vegas representative on a team of the year... even if there is not such a thing. The only thing I worry about when it comes to Marchessault is his consistency. Will he be able to keep the pace? I doubt it. But if he does, good things will happend to this card and for 90K, it's not a big gamble.
C - J. Toews - 88OVR - 60K - 3/10
Toews is cheap, but is not having a very convincing season. But Toews being Toews and EA being EA, I could be on the DTOTY and I wouldn't be suprised (but I would be disapointed).
RW - B. Boeser - 88OVR - 280K - 10/10
Boeser is the front runner for the Calder. Of course, there is still a lot of hockey to play, but he seems to be a lock for Young Guns Team Of The Year. He's also a well-rounded card, although not especially strong defensively. Nonetheless, if you get one, I think you'll be very happy.
C - R. Getzlaf - 88OVR - 90K - 4/10
Back from injury, Getzlaf is dominating, over a point-per-game and I don't see him slowing down. His price indicates that I'm not the only one noticing this, pretty expensive for a 87. The only problem, is that he starting from far at 87 and will need a lot of upgrades to be relevant. Because his price was already at 80K for a 87OVR and that he is super slow, I don't think you can make so much profit out of him or you have to wait a very long time to do so. And again, with that speed, I don't see him playing on your squad. He got an upgrade recently and his price didn't really change.
C - M. Marner - 88OVR - 90K - 3/10
Marner doesn't have the best season. Yes, he's under 23 years old AND is still playing on an entry-level contract, which pretty much makes him eligible for a YTOTY stint. But so many youngsters are doing better right now... including his teamates Matthews, who doesn't have a strong enough season to be on OTOTY but is pretty much a lock for YTOTY. Yes, he's cheap, and yes, he could have a killer end of the season, but it's unlikely he'll upgrade that much... and he's only 88.
D - Z. Werenski - 88OVR - 45K - 7/10
A sophomore slump for Werenski? Hmm, maybe a little bit, but he's still the best goal scorer at the blue line! Under 23 years old, he's defintely amongst the top 10. That could not be enough to be on the Young Guns Team Of The Year, but I'm willing to take the bet for only 50K.
C - R. Rakell - 88OVR - 30K - 0/10
Not much to say... good player, but not good enough to get significant upgrades, and he'll need a lof of them to be relevent. 45K might not be a lot, but there is not enough upside to even care.
LD - R. McDonagh - 87OVR - 25K - 1/10
This card is not worth much for a reason. I don't see a lot of upsides. McDonagh is still very capable defensively so I guess he could be on a Defensive Team Of The Year? It's a long shot though.
LW - S. Aho - 87OVR - 16K - 3/10
It's a shame, Aho was having a great season, especially those last few weeks. I has been diagnosed with a concussion AND a lower body injury and even though there is no update, it doesn't look good. The reason he's given a 3 is because he might come back soon enough to rack up some points and that EA would still put him on YTOTY, but it's unlikely. But at this price, if you have any spare change... why not?
LW - J. Drouin - 87OVR - 20K - 0/10
The Habs are having a terrible year and so is Drouin. He won't be good enough to have a stint at Young Guns Team Of The Year, don't waste your money.
C - W. Nylander - 87OVR - 55K - 3/10
I think it won't be a popular opinion because people love Nylander, but I don't think Nylander has a lot of upsides. Sure, he's young and he's having good moments right now, but I doubt he will have so many upgrades and like Getzlaf, he starting from 87 so it will take a lot of upgrades to become worth it.
C - J. Guentzel - 86OVR - 20K - 0/10
Underwhelming season for Guentzel to say the least. Only one upgrade and it was during pre-season if I recall... hey... don't bother.
submitted by Thierry98 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

The EVO Guide - Jan 26th

Note that I'll try to comment in the thread the best I can but I have a big family weekend coming up so I won't have as much time.
Which EVO card I should acquire? How's that EVO card? Those are questions we see a lot, and I decided to create a little guide that could help you. In this guide, I will attribute a grade on 10. The higher the grade is, better the card is investment wise.
I warn you, I'm pretty hard on cards that are higher than 350K. I can't see those card being good investment. They might me safe investment, but you invest a lot of your capital in one card when you could invest it in 2-3-4 cards with similar upsides.
I evaluate the investment grade on the money you could get by re-selling the card AND on the potential of the card as a usable player on your squade.
I will try to update the list once a week, but I won't update all the EVO. The updates will be written in bold. Because of that, some cards like Ovechkin or Guentzel might have the same description for months... and there is a reason for that.
For the price of the cards, I'm using brianstormed Auction House Prices, a pretty usefull tool if you don't already use it. Take a look at his youtube channel, it's simply the best.
I'm not an expert, I took bad decision in the past when it comes to EVO. You will probably disagree with a lot of things, don't hesitate to comment so we can have a discussion, I will try to help you the best I can. I use those discussions to update the list.
Also, I didn't bother doing the goaltender. The Vezina race for me is not clear and I'm an awful analyst for goaltenders... maybe later... but here's a tip: never spend too much money on a goaltender.
LW - A. Ovechkin - 98OVR - 1M - 3/10
Ovechkin is already 98 of overall with most of his important stats maxed out. If you need his synergies, I could see why you would aquire him, but there is definitely better options out there. His informs are way cheaper and will give you a similar result. That being said, I think he's not done getting informs, which need that even if his overall won't go higher, stats that are not maxed out will continue to upgrade. He might become one of the best, of not the best 99OVR player outside of Broder, Iginla and Jagr and they apparently cost close to 2M. Something to think about.
C - C. McDavid - 96OVR - 1.2M - 0/10
The poster boy will reach 99OVR eventually and he's already a beast of a card. But like Ovi, his auction house price is way too high to get a great return if you sell him back. If what you want is investing on a potential 99OVR player, he could be an option, but there is cheaper options out there, although more risky.
C - N. MacKinnon - 96OVR - 750K - 0/10
Nathan MacKinnon woke up and he's tearing everything up! If he continues like that, the potential of him getting 99OVR is real... but 700K is a lot to invest in one player. Personnaly, I still believe it's still too expensive. MacKinnon is a very good card, but he's also very tiny, I don't see him getting so much more in value. If you love the guy, invest in informs.
C - S. Crosby - 950VR - 950K - 2/10
I could write almost the same thing I wrote for McDavid, the exception being he's a little bit cheaper. Also, because his stats are a little bit more well distributed, he's an all-around better player so he's potentially the best option for an 99OVR outside of Brodeur, Iginla and Jagr. And that's coming from a big hater of the guy. So I guess, if you're rich... it's okay to acquire him but again, very expensive, informs will always be cheaper.
RD - E. Karlsson - 95OVR - 780K - 0/10
Karlsson will definitely be the best defenseman in the game, he's physicality being the only point where he won't be awsome, but still higher than average. His price is too expensive though to make a profit when you re-sell and informs are way cheaper for a similar result.
RW - N. Kucherov - 95OVR - 1M - 0/10
Kucherov already has most of his important stats maxed out. In fact, his 94 ICE card is already overpowered for a fraction of the price. And it goes without saying that 950k is too expensive to make any profit on re-selling the card.
C - S. Stamkos - 95OVR - 800K - 0/10
Even if Stamkos is almost a lock for a team of the year and therefore, will probably be 99OVR, like Kucherov, most of his important stats are maxed out. In fact, his 94 ICE card is already overpowered for a fraction of the price. And opposed to MacKinnon situation, his price is too expensive to make any significant profit on re-selling the card.
RW - P. Kane - 95OVR - 650K - 0/10
I know that I'm repeating myself, but his price is too expensive to make any significant profit on re-selling the card. Informs will do.
LW - J. Gaudreau - 95OVR - 375K - 7/10
Gaudreau is currently a top scorer in the league and going at it recently. A player like Gaudreau can get a Prime Time card every game, you just never know. The reason why he's not a 10/10 is that he can get destroyed quite easily because of his size and because of that, his price will never be that high. Also, his ICE card has most of his important stats maxed up so it's a cheap alternative if all you're looking for is a good winger. But 375K for a 95 EVO? That's quite cheap. He'll get better, just don't expect to make a big profit out of him.
LD - V. Hedman - 94OVR - 600K - 4/10
After a week, Hedman's injury didn't affect his value yet. His price is a lot to pay for an injured player. Hedman is a beast defensively and a very capable offensive defenseman if needed. Even by missing 6 weeks, I'm confident he'll have upgrades and he's already a fantastic player at 94, so if his price goes down to around 500K, I'd jump on him.
C - J. Tavares - 94OVR - 400K - 6/10
Tavares just got an upgrade and his price still dropped. 400K is not that expensive for one of the league leader in points and an almost lock for OTOTY. He's on a good pace and if he continues like this, this card will be very interesting. The reason why this card is so cheap is probably due to Tavares' speed. 89 of speed and acceleration is pretty sad for a high end card. So if he reached a high overall, don't expect his card to gain that much value. The problem is that the card is not that awsome and depending of your team, he will probably sit on your 3rd or 4th line for now, so it's still a lot of money for a bottom six center. Like Geaudreau, don't expect to make a big profit out of him.
LW - B. Marchand - 94OVR - 380K - 9/10
Marchand is a polarizing player, everyone loves him... or loves to hate him. And because of his relatively small size, his price is not expensive. Even if I agree is no Wheeler when it comes to size, he's no Gaudreau either and is a very well-rounded player. After two upgrades, his price started to stabilize, so don't except to make a huge profit out of him, but I could see a possible profit. And if you simply want to have a good player, it works too. He's a well rounded player, a lock on a team of the year... no, really, Marchand is a pretty good card.
RD - J. Klingberg - 94OVR - 500K - 5/10
He's the best pointer at the blue line, he seems to be a lock for offensive team of the year. I told you last week to get him, he was 175K cheaper, so that hurts his rating. I think there is still profit to make enventually because that card will get better. The thing that hurts his value is that there is so many good RD EVO, but none of them are leading the league in points for defensemen.
RW - B. Wheeler - 93OVR - 350K - 10/10
Again, a head scrather here. Like Marchand, jump on the auction house and buy him as soon as possible. He's amongsts the point leaders right now, if he continues like this, I don't see him not getting a team of the year nod. The only explanations I have for his low price is the fact he didn't receive an inform since his ICE card and that his stats don't look that sexy. But Wheeler is a well-rounder player and everytime he'll upgrade, he'll become and even more complete player. Also, he's a huge guy, flawless defensively... again, if you have the money, it's a no brainer.
RD - B. Burns - 93OVR - 550K - 5/10
Burns is roaring back, EA loves him, he's getting more informs now... this guy is going nowhere but up. He got an upgrade recently which makes him qui pricy. The problem is that the other EVO RD are quite good as well. Karlsson, Subban, Doughty, Klingberg and Pietrangelo... they all have a shot at a TOTY, and some of them are cheaper than Burns.
RW - P. Kessel - 93OVR - 425K - 4/10
Kessel's price dropped a bit. He's a popular player but like Marchand, I don't see him gaining that much more value. Kessel won't stop gettting better, but at that price, informs are actually more interesting. But if you're a fan, he'll get better for sure and that price is not that bad.
C - Tyler Seguin - 93OVR - 550K - 3/10
God, was I wrong... I said I didn't see a lot of upside and then BANG, prime time and 150K increase in price. Seguin is a killer card, is decent at the dot... but his "real life" stats are not that groundbreaking, which make his 550K price quite expensive for a player that might live on informs without a shot at a TOTY. But hey, I've been wrong about him before...
C - P. Bergeron - 93OVR - 550K - 6/10
He is a lock for the defensive team of the year. Also, his stats are well distributed which means that his advanced stats are juicy and makes him a well-rounder player. But even more importantly, he's a centerman with a killer faceoff rating. 610K starts to be a lot to pay for an EVO though, but you'll get what your paying for. Not a so good investment to re-sell in a near future, sold investment for your squad in the long run.
C - J. Eichel - 93OVR - 280K - 8/10
Eichel's card is money, litteraly and figuratively. Such a great card. He got an upgrade recently and his price went up, which makes him not as attractive as two weeks ago. He's so cheap, it's ridicoulus. Playing on the Sabres roster, his stats are suffering. But it's almost a miracle that he's a point-per-game player right now. I can't say I'm 100% sure he'll be on a team of the year roster, but he's young, so we never know. At that price, I don't see why you wouldn't take this tiny chance. Also, he's right handed... you never have enough of those.
RD - P.K. Subban - 93OVR - 425K - 7/10
Subban is a popular player, if you don't act soon, his price will raise significantly. After a slow start, Subban is amongst the best pointer on the blue line. With his popularity, I could see him getting a nod for offensive team of the year. He's not the best defenseman, but his stats are well rounded so he has the potential to be unstoppable. If you have the money, I think it's a safe bet!
C - M. Scheifele - 92OVR - 170K - 4/10
Interesting case here. Sheifele was a point-per-game player before his injury, which is good. But because of his injury, his price dramaticaly dropped. 180K for a 92 EVO card is pretty good. He's suppose to come back in February where he could rack some points but with Wheeler getting a team of the year nod and Ehlers potentially getting a young guns team of the year, I don't see Scheifeler increasing a lot. That being said, he could receive special cards during the playoffs and Prime Time is not out of question, after all, the price is cheap! But you will have to wait a lot.
C - J. Thornton - 92OVR - 200K - 5/10
The Milestone fest is not over for Thorton. But is his season is ? After this injury, hopefully, he'll get back on time to get a bunch of Milestone. Personnaly, I would wait his price drop a little but more before acquiring him, but I still believe it's a good investment. Keep in mind that Thornton is pretty slow, which tend to hit a player's value but I can't see him getting some at 96.
RD - D. Doughty - 92OVR - 570K - 5/10
Doughty is having a good season and his card is really good, so it explains the price. That being said, it's pretty expensive. Profit can be made out of this, but it's a lot of money. But if you want to keep him in your line-up, he's a beast, so it won't hurt you to be patient. If what you are looking for is a RD, maybe there is cheaper options with similar upsides on the market, like Subban, Klingberg and Pietrangelo
RD - A. Pietrangelo - 92OVR - 240K - 7/10
Pietrangelo is having a career year. In fact, at the begining of the year, people were even talking about the Norris trophy. Since then, Klingber, Burns and Subban woke up and are having killer seasons as well. They have something else in common with Pietrangelo... they are all RD EVO players. Nevertheless, Pietrangelo is consistant right now and if he's not on the OTOTY, I could easily see him on the DTOTY. His 92 ICE card proves that EA likes him. Only one other defenseman has a 92 ICE card ans this guy is Karlsson, that gives you a good idea. His card is not amazing though with below average accuracy, but he's fast and very capable defensively. 240K right now for him is a good deal, I'm confident he'll get better. The competition on the right side of the blue line is so fierce though, that's what hurt his value a bit.
RW - V. Tarasenko - 92OVR - 260K - 8/10
I love Tarasenko, I'm a huge Blues fan and this card is killer. He's on pace to have the best year of his career and he got a team of the year nod for less than that last year. The Blues have a hard time right now, so his productions is not as great, but it's still there. Schwartz is back though... I could see him being snobbed, but I believe. I'm biased though, him being my favourite player.
C - Claude Giroux - 92OVR - 600K - 5/10
Claude is an amazing card. But his price is expensive. But like Bergeron, if you want to wait and get a stronge centerman at the dot, you won't be disapointed but you will pay the price. If investing is what you're looking for, it could be an interesting option, I see that card gaining value, but again, it's very expensive.
C - A. Kopitar - 92OVR - 290K - 6/10
Kopitar is having a killer year. This card is a cheaper version of Tavares and could see a similar increase in rate and price. But like Tavares, Kopitar is very slow and because of that, I could see him not gaining that much value. But at 290K, it's definitely worth it, I don't see him losing value anytime soon. But if you only have 350K to invest, Kopitar is not the first card I would work on.
C - E. Malkin - 92OVR - 240K - 5/10
Ah, Malkin. I wanted to get him since he's released. But he kind of has a weird season. Right now, he's over a point-per-game and he's usually a lock for offensive team of the year, but I'm still not convinced. But it's Malkin... the guy can get a 5 points game anytime soon. He just got an upgrade and his price actually got lower... Crosby and Kessel have more chance at a TOTY, will they put three Penguins on those team ? We never know, he's still over a point-per-game. It's a gamble, but the price is right. But if what you're looking for is making money out of him, think again, it's unlikely in a near future.
G - A. Vasilevskiy - 92OVR - 280K - 7/10
So TSN did a survey with all the NHL coaches out there. 26 of them voted for Vasilevskiy for the best goaltender in the league. Of course, it's worth what it's worth, but it's a fun indactor. He's also the goaltender who has the most wins and playing for Tampa Bay, let's simply say he'll probably keep the pace. From the goaltender who played more than 30 games, he also has the best save percentage. I don't usually rate goaltender, but I'll buy this one and I think you also should. Why only 7/10 then ? Well, goaltender price tend to not get that high and all goaltenders basically suck so... All I'm saying is that if there is ONE EVO goaltender you should invest in, it's him.
C - A. Matthews - 92OVR - 280K - 8/10
Matthews can explode at any giving time. He's almost a lock for a team of the year. He could be cheaper I presume, but unless he gets injured again, I see a lot of potential in that card. A little tip for Matthews... monitor his price on a daily basis. His value is so volatile, if you have the capital, you could make a 50K profit here and there once in a while.
LW - J. Benn - 92OVR - 220K - 7/10
Benn is a good card, well-rounded. Also, he received his fair share of love from EA with some team of the week informs here and there. I don't know if he'll receive other informs in the future, but he already received two DTOTW cards so it wouldn't suprise me if he would get on the DTOTY. No guaratee, but at that price, could be interesting to invest.
C - A. Barkov - 91OVR - 100K - 8/10
Barkov is almost a point-per-game, he's only 22 and a really gifted player offensively and defensively. I have a lot of faith in that card for all those reasons. Not so long ago, he was under 100k, his price got higher recently... I'd go for it.
RW - B. Schenn - 91OVR - 140K - 4/10
I'm a Blues fan and I can't still believe his season. Since Schwartz injury, he slowed down. He was comfortably over a point-per-game no so long ago and now, he's dangerously declining. The price is defintely appealing but I see him having a hard second part of the year. He's not the first one I would invest in, but you never know.
C - L. Draisaitl - 91OVR - 90K - 2/10
It all depends on how EA will decide Young Guns Team Of The Year. Two years ago, it was U23. Last year, it was entry-level contract (which explains Panarin). Draisailt is young, but he's at his second professional contract. The Oilers are having a bad time and I'm afraid Draisaitl won't get that much love for the rest of the year and trust me, I wish I am wrong. He's the kind of card that you can hold onto if you already have it, but don't bother buying him if you don't have him. I personnaly got rid of him two weeks ago, I don't think he'll qualify for YTOTY.
LW - A. Panarin - 91OVR - 280K - 2/10
Panarin sure is a fun card. But he's having a sub-par season right now and I don't see him getting much more upgrades. Can he get to 95? Maybe. But I wouldn't bet on more than that. At that price, if you have the money, I would invest somewhere else.
LW - T. Hall - 91OVR - 180K - 8/10
What a card! He doesn't feel like a 90OVR at all. He's fast and can shoot from everywhere! Also, he's leading the Devils in points over a point-per-game, on pace to have his best season. Some players are doing better than him but I still believe that if he continue like this, he'll get on a team of the year. At this price, there is not much to lose.
RW - P. Laine - 91OVR - 170K - 6/10
I'm getting insecure about that card. There's too many good players on the Jets roster, they won't be able to all get a spot on a team of the year. He's not having a bad season, but not the one we were expecting and last time I checked, he doesn't play with the best linemates. But he's crazy young on an entry-level contract so he's not a bad bet and like Matthews, he can have a crazy night that will help him a lot. His upsides are bigger than his downside, hold onto this card if you have it and considere acquiring it if you already have all the other cards I suggested.
RW - J. Voracek - 91OVR - 190K - 2/10
ASG MSP 97 Voracek is really crippling EVO Voracek. Voracek is having a wonderful year, but will his EVO reach 97? And if so, that card will still have less swagger than his MSP counter part that has mor synergies. Value is still stable... for now. But if it doesn't drasticaly go down, it won't go up either. Also, I think EA will upgrade Giroux and won't give much love to Voracek.
LD - R. Josi - 90OVR - 150K - 2/10
Who doesn't like Josi? He's a great defenseman. EA always liked Josi. But right now, it's not his best season and I think Subban will get most of the love. I don't see so many infors for him, maybe for defensive team of the year? I don't know. I sold mine recently because I was not confident. There is so much better options out there.
C - W. Karlsson - 90OVR - 160K - 4/10
I still have to pinch myself when I look at the Golden Knights and the standing. Same goes with Karlsson. He's on pace for 72 points, way more than what I would have expecting him to get. But this pace, while being amazing for him and the Knights, is not that amazing compared to other players. Team of the year is not like the all-star games, they don't need one person from every team and if it was the case, it would be Marchessault. I could see him getting some Prime Time here and there, but starting at 90 is not that amazing. He's cheap though, but wouldn't be my priority.
C - E. Kuznetsov - 90OVR - 130k - 2/10
His base card did amazing thing for me, I really like the guy. That being said, a bit like Radulov, he's having a good season but outshadow by teamates. He doesn't even crack the top 30 in scoring and being small also hurt his value. I don't see a lot of upside.
LD - O. Ekman-Larsson - 90OVR - 80K - 0/10
What a sad season for the Coyotes, and that included Ekman-Larsson. He doesn't even crack the top 40 when it comes for point by defensmen. I don't see anything coming for him. Even worst, he just got a TOTW nod, which makes him uneligible for a CTOTY.
C - N. Backstrom - 90OVR - 200K - 4/10
I love Backstrom, such an underated player. Statisticly though, he's having a sub-par season. I could see him getting a nod for defensive team of the year, but maybe not... 200K is too much to pay for so little "guarantee".
C - D. Larkin - 89OVR - 90K - 8/10
Larkin is having a pretty decent year and if he keeps the pace, I could see him making the YTOTY being only 21 on a entry-level contract. Only six "eligible" forwards are doing better than him, so you never know. At 90K, it's worth the gamble.
RW - A. Radulov - 89OVR - 85K - 4/10
Radulov is a great player and a very decent card. He's currently in the top 30 in scoring which is good, but I think he will be outshadow by Seguin and Benn. EA didn't give him a lot of love so far. Not a great investment, go with informs if you like him.
C - S. Monahan - 90OVR - 55K - 6/10
Monahan is the definition of an average card. And by that, I mean he's aswome at nothing and bad at nothing as well. To me, that is very interesting because it means that his stats can't be maxed out easily and therefore, will get better than other players... if he upgrades a lot. Monahan is having a career year, but he's being overshadowed by Gaudreau. Almost a point-per-game, he normally could get a nod on OTOTY and I don't follow the Flames enough to know if he could be considered on a DTOTY. But EA doesn't show a lot of love for Monahan so far, so that worries me a bit. That being said, 55K is a joke, I feel like the upside are way bigger than the downside. Worst case scenario is that you sell him back on the market and might lose maximum 30K. That's a gamble I'm ready to make.
LD - S. Gostisbehere - 89OVR - 75K - 6/10
People could get mad because I strongly suggest to acquire him... I still believe something good could happend and to the price you paid, nothing is that wrong. I just hope you onlu got one of him. Gostisbehere distanced himself from Klingberg, Burns, Carlsson and Subban in term of point. If he doesn't get better soon, he could miss OTOTY. The season is still young though and Ghost is cheap! Let's cross our fingers together.
LD - M. Sergachev - 89OVR - 150K - 9/10
Finally, another interesting LD EVO ! Sure, Sergachev's second part of the season is harder than the first, he was a healthy scrath not so long ago, but he's a lock for YTOTY. Just pray for two or three other informs and that guy will be a solid card when TOTY cards are release. And at this price... I don't know what you're waiting for.
RW - B. Boeser - 89OVR - 260K - 8/10
Boeser is the front runner for a Calder nomination. Of course, there is still a lot of hockey to play, but he seems to be a lock for Young Guns Team Of The Year. He's also a well-rounded card, although not especially strong defensively. Nonetheless, if you get one, I think you'll be very happy. The only downside is that his price is expensive and if his TOTY card only give him +5, he will have to get some other informs to be really interesting.
C - M. Marner - 88OVR - 110K - 3/10
Marner doesn't have the best season. Yes, he's under 23 years old AND is still playing on an entry-level contract, which pretty much makes him eligible for a YTOTY stint. But so many youngsters are doing better right now... including his teamates Matthews, who doesn't have a strong enough season to be on OTOTY but is pretty much a lock for YTOTY. Yes, he's cheap, and yes, he could have a killer end of season, but it's unlikely he'll upgrade that much... and he's only 89.
RW - J. Marchessault - 88OVR - 80K - 6/10
Marchessault is definitely an intriguing option. Over a point-per-game, he could be Vegas representative on a team of the year... even if there is not such a thing. The only thing I worry about when it comes to Marchessault is his consistency. Will he be able to keep the pace? I doubt it. But if he does, good things will happend to this card and for 90K, it's not a big gamble.
C - J. Toews - 88OVR - 65K - 3/10
Toews is cheap, but is not having a very convincing season. But Toews being Toews and EA being EA, I could be on the DTOTY and I wouldn't be suprised (but I would be disapointed).
C - R. Getzlaf - 88OVR - 80K - 4/10
Back from injury, Getzlaf is dominating, over a point-per-game and I don't see him slowing down. His price indicates that I'm not the only one noticing this, pretty expensive for a 87. The only problem, is that he starting from far at 87 and will need a lot of upgrades to be relevant. Because his price was already at 80K for a 87OVR and that he is super slow, I don't think you can make so much profit out of him or you have to wait a very long time to do so. And again, with that speed, I don't see him playing on your squad. He got an upgrade recently and his price didn't really change.
D - Z. Werenski - 88OVR - 40K - 6/10
A sophomore slump for Werenski? Hmm, maybe a little bit, but he's still the best goal scorer at the blue line! Under 23 years old, he's defintely amongst the top 10. That could not be enough to be on the Young Guns Team Of The Year, but I'm willing to take the bet for only 40K.
C - R. Rakell - 88OVR - 30K - 0/10
Not much to say... good player, but not good enough to get significant upgrades, and he'll need a lot of them to be relevent. 45K might not be a lot, but there is not enough upside to even care.
C - W. Nylander - 88OVR - 60K - 6/10
Nylander is at 88, which is pretty low. But if another Leafs get on the YTOTY and I have to chose between Marner and Nylander, I say Nylander makes the cut. He's cheaper as well.
LD - R. McDonagh - 87OVR - 25K - 1/10
This card is not worth much for a reason. I don't see a lot of upsides. McDonagh is still very capable defensively so I guess he could be on a Defensive Team Of The Year? It's a long shot though.
LW - S. Aho - 87OVR - 20K - 7/10
News says Aho is back skating. He's not getting back right away, but maybe after the All-Star break? One can dream... but if he does come back and he picks where he left off, he'll be on the YTOTY for sure. But we never know for players coming back from injuries... but 20K is a small price to gamble on such a good player.
LW - J. Drouin - 87OVR - 20K - 0/10
The Habs are having a terrible year and so is Drouin. He won't be good enough to have a stint at Young Guns Team Of The Year, don't waste your money.
C - J. Guentzel - 86OVR - 20K - 0/10
Underwhelming season for Guentzel to say the least. Only one upgrade and it was during pre-season if I recall... hey... don't bother.
submitted by Thierry98 to NHLHUT [link] [comments]

The 'greatest' Serbian derby is being played today!

So, as some of you might already know, Red Star and Partizan are two of the biggest and strongest clubs in Serbia at the moment. Today, their match-up is more significant than it has been for a long time. Whoever wins today will almost surely have their hands on the league trophy.
As someone who's been following these two teams for quite some time now, I have some tips for you guys.
Firstly, I should say that it's 100% impossible to correctly predict anything in this match. Our national league is known for being heavily impacted by the politics. If you take a look at the highlights from the most recent derby, which happened not so long ago, you could see that the Red Star have scored a goal which any normal ref would have disallowed instantly.
Knowing all this, my tips are (I won't post exact odds, as they are prone to fluctating, but you can easily predict them):
~1st goal to be scored after 28th minute~ @ 2.1 L Well, it was somewhat close, I guess. That free kick banger hasn't worked out in my favour on this one.
Reasoning: Take a look at the history. More than evens on this one screams value.
~U. Djurdjevic to score anytime~ @ 2.6 L Bad call on my side. He wasn't as good today as I expected him to be.
Reasoning: Partizan's absolute top scorer (leading the league as well). If someone is to score for Partizan (which I would say is likely, as they are taking an agressive approach, tie wouldn't be enough to fill the void), I'd say it's him.
~Goal to be scored after 80:00~ @ idk, I think this is available at some bookies though. L The last goal came at exactly 80 minutes. I don't even know if this is a loss! It happened before 80:00 though.
Reasoning: Again, just take a look at the history.
Overall, I feel like going with DC 12 @1.3 W is a good shout as well, because Partizan will attack, and that will either bring them the win, or make them vulnerable enough for RS to take everything.
Bonus tip: I fancy Cukaricki-Radnik Surdulica 1 @1.5
Disclaimer: I have given some ballsy and some value bets as well. I don't recommend staking too much on higher odds. I will update this thread post game, to see how I (we) have done.
submitted by jovansa to SoccerBetting [link] [comments]

Tips on Playing Online Sports

Tips on Playing Online Sports
The Way to Succeed betting in 10 Simple steps the bookies do Not want you to know
It is about finding the very best value for the money. Whether that is the ideal rates, the typical markets or the very best time to set your stake on, follow these tips from an ex-betting store employee and see whether it is possible to make the most out of your gaming experience.
Know your game inside out
It isn't just about which football team has won their past six video games however well they've played offensively and defensively. Were they great at maintaining ownership or were they blessed?
That golfer may have won two majors this year but just how much experience does he be on a links course?
These are the sorts of details which will inform your gambling and also can prepare you for seeing those good-value markets.
The favorite does not always win
This sounds obvious to point out however it's hard for any punter to dismiss the cost bookies have contributed.
A fantastic example? After Rafael Nadal took on Fabio Fognini in the Barcelona Open back in April, bookmakers Nadal since the heavy favorite. He had been as brief as 1/10 using a few. เว็บแทงบอล
Precisely what the bookmakers had missed was that Fognini had conquered Nadal on clay just a couple of months before in Rio De Janeiro. Blend this with Fognini's listing of knocking out high seeds and abruptly his 8/1 cost is looking appealing.
Do not just stick to a bookmaker -- shop about
There's a significant focus on brand loyalty in the gambling business. As it is such a competitive industry, the company tries and lure you to wager with them and them.
Whether this can be through different loyalty schemes or special in-shop provides, the aim is the same. Do not let them make you believe that should not shop around. Utilize https://www.databet88.com to determine which bookmaker gets the best cost for your market you desire.
Assess the supplies out there for particular bets. The very first goalscorer marketplace is among the most well-known stakes in soccer, and consequently, bookies have their particular spin on it.
Betfred will double check the chances if your player scores double and treble the possibilities when he strikes a third time.
Ladbrokes, on the other hand, will double check the chances if he scores over 25 minutes and you'll likely discover that many other bookies have their very own version to attempt to catch you through their doors rather than someone else.
Your study must let you know which of those offers will suit you for any specific match. Be flexible and be ready to spend the leg function.
The fewer choices, the higher the chance of winning
That is something which, although it looks like common sense, punters overlook all of the time. The fewer options you put in your wager, the higher the chance you stand of winning.
If you are gambling to earn money, think little, not significant. One team or choice if you may wager enough. Four or three maximum. When you end up placing that 20-fold accumulator on, you are on cloud cuckoo land.
Bookies shed the majority of their cash from singles. An extreme example would be a high-roller coming to some store and placing #10,000 onto a 4/6 shot.
Only one at an odds-on cost but the store would need to turnover #6,666 to pay which payout alone.
However, trebles usually offer you an adequate return if you genuinely do need a higher payout.
Should you find yourself desperately trying that long-shot wager on a Saturday afternoon, don't pad out of your accumulator using odds-on selections. You are decreasing your odds of winning next to no additional money.
This is simple to do in tennis. It is the opening week of a Grand Slam, and you also find the very best players are all attracted against relative unknowns.
It might look to be a fantastic idea to lump them entirely at a multiple to attempt to win some easy cash. However, this could be an error.
Tennis is notorious for supplying horrible costs on match-betting, and thus you can place the entire world's elite at a ten-fold and only manage to scratch returns at 3/1.
Is it genuinely worth #10 to encode your cash if any single reduction at the cost of 1/8 (such as ) would lead to your total wager going down? Probably not.
It might make more sense to do a bit of research and discover an up-and-coming participant that has a favorable draw and rear them in a higher cost.
Consider the obvious markets
Again, as soon as you've completed enough study, you need to know you are game well enough to find better value in the many different niches that the bookies offer.
It's arguably a means for those bookies to supply you with additional ways to lose, however, it is possible to discover the decent deals if you look hard enough.
By way of instance, you may not feel safe placing Leicester City to beat Man City on your accumulator.
They are higher than those in the league but does this mean they are a stronger group? That is for the soccer pages to talk.
However, only a minimum quantity of research indicates that Jamie Vardy is the league's leading scorer. So gambling on him to score anytime is as secure as stakes come. Moreover, in 7/5, it is not a bad price.
Ensure You Realize the markets
As we are writing on the public markets, even should you select an obscure one, be sure that you look at the conditions together with the betting shop team.
A standard error is that the half-time/ full-time wager vs. to acquire both halves. If you set an HT/FT bet, your staff only must be winning at half an hour and win the game.
If you back your group to win the two halves, you're betting on them to win the first half of the second half individually. The staff has to score more goals than the opposition in the two halves that you earn your wager.
It is a subtle difference but bothersome for punters who are looking to accumulate winnings when they are staff was leading 2-1 at halftime and won the game 2-1. The second-half score should have been 0-0, and thus the wager goes down.
Do not bet with your heart
You may want your staff to acquire. You need it so poorly you start to convince yourself it is possible. Before you know it, you think it that you have set your cash on it.
Moreover, bookies enjoy it since every week they will rake it from all of the home fans prepared their soon-to-be relegated team to win against the dining leaders.
Swansea participant Ashley Williams allure to the linesman after a punishment appeal is turned down through the Barclays Premier League game between Swansea City and West Ham United
Try not to back your team
Likewise, avoid significant events such as derby video games. The random component is magnified because there's more at stake and gamers can elevate themselves to get that excess amount of honor and pride.
For those who have to wager on such occasions, consider another niche. They likely won't conquer the table leaders but can they get a target? Result and both groups to score may be a much more sensible wager.
Select your second
It is hard to pinpoint the ideal time to put your stake as, unlike with horse racing, so it is not'best odds guaranteed' online sports stakes, but it's generally better to get it done daily.
However, most bookies will improve prices or possess special offers before a favorite occasion.
A few will do so for the complete day of the event. Others are going to boost a cost for a specified period randomly points significance unless you spend the day at the store, you will encounter these by opportunity.
If it is a particularly common event, the bookies will almost surely be boosting it with supplies made to convince you to part with your money.
It might mean cash back as a free bet in the event the preferred scores in a soccer fixture. เว็บบอล
It may also signify a store may raise the purchase price of a participant to score everywhere from EVS to 6/5 involving 12pm-3pm, for instance.
As bookmakers attempt to provide an increasing number of ways for individuals to deliver our money, they're eternally expanding the list of markets and sports they cover.
This means they are covering sports that they may not understand as much about as they'd like.
submitted by DonnaRRiddick to thefootballtips [link] [comments]

Betting odds for GW5 goalscorers.

Because of the nature of the business, bookmakers are the best people for getting your FF tips from. Although (sadly) they don't offer lines for the top FF performer of the week, they do offer odds on markets which influence FPL scores.
Over the last few years one of the major metrics I have used to to refine captaincy selection is the goalscorer market. Often they will be as expected, but sometimes they throw up a few surprises, because the bookmakers have picked up on something I have not.
Here are the goalscoring lines for this week:
Player Anytime 2 or more Hat Trick
Jelevic 6/1 14/1 80/1
Graham 7/1 17/1 80/1
Michu 15/2 19/1 90/1
Torres Evs 9/2 12/1
Hazard 6/4 8/1 33/1
Suarez 21/10 16/1 80/1
RVP 11/10 13/2 25/1
Tevez Evs 5/1 18/1
Podolski 5/2 18/1 90/1
Cisse Evs 5/1 18/1
Ba 6/5 13/2 25/1
As you can see Torres is joint favourite for 1 scorer and a slight favourite for multiple goal scoring. This does not mean he will be the best choice however.
Tevez has a much tougher fixture (although Stoke are a resilient team) but, the bookermakers have decided that his superior goalscoring form almost evens this out. Worth noting for Tevez though; it looks as if Aguero may get some minutes; this could mean him starting along side Tevez, or coming on later in the game for him either reducing his playtime or putting another goalscorer up there who will be feeding off the balls from midfield.
Cisse and Ba are the bargain choices, with Suarez, Jelevic and Podolski probably best avoided.
Hazard however presents a tasty option. Good odds for goalscoring (especially when you factor in the additional point per goal he gets for being a midfielder), in addition to his amazing assist ability; if Mata is in the team I feel that Hazard may be back to lighting the world up.
Worth noting: Tevez has 6 bonus points and 2 assists. Torres has 4 and 1 assist and Hazard has 3 bonuses and 6 assists.
My personal hunch is that Hazard is the top prospect for captain, reinforced by his betting odds. It is very tight though between him Torres and Tevez.
submitted by layendecker to FantasyPL [link] [comments]

anytime goal scorer bet tips video

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Anytime Goalscorer Tips As the name suggests, in this particular betting market you are banking on a player to score a goal at any time during a football duel. An important thing to mention that extra-time period does not count towards this bet, unless bookmaker specifies otherwise. An Anytime Goalscorer bet is a bet placed on a player to score within the 90 minutes (plus injury time) of a match. The benefit of Anytime Goal scorer betting is that your bet can be alive for the whole game. It doesn’t matter if your player scores the 1st or the 10th goal – just as long as they score! As alluded to, anytime goalscorer is one of the most popular markets football punters go for. This is because of the nature of the bet, where bettors are consistently engaged and can land their winnings at any moment. Regardless of who you have as the anytime goalscorer, as long as they score within 90 minutes of football, you’re a winner! The time in the 90 minutes, how they score (besides an own goal), how many they score, how long they are on the pitch; none of this matters, as long as ... The Anytime Scorer bet works in a similar way to the First Scorer market. The main difference being that your bet is still live even if your selected player doesn’t score the first goal. Your player can score anytime in the 90 minutes (including injury time) and you’ll still win. Enhance your chances of winning by selecting players who regularly take part in set pieces and picking a team’s default penalty taker can pay dividends (especially if that player is not a striker). Free kick Anytime Goalscorer. Anytime goalscorer betting is another similar bet, although the anytime goalscorer odds will be significantly shorter than when betting on what order the goals are scored. This is because, with an anytime goalscorer bet, bettors are putting their money on a player to get a goal at absolutely any point in a 90 minute match of ... This Anytime Goalscorer Betting Tips page is your best source if you're looking for a player scoring anytime in a soccer game. So who will score in today's game? Find out with our predictions Anytime Goalscorer Tips Away from match results and outcomes, betting on goalscorers in football matches remains a popular way to bet on football matches. You can bet on the first goalscorer, last goalscorer and number of goals one player will score, but the safest option is anytime goalscorer – while the odds will be slightly lower, you have more chance of the bet winning. Anytime Goalscorer. The market involves predicting a player to score one or more goals at any stage of a match. Different bookmakers have alternate rules about substituted players and players who don’t start a match, or if there are no goals. The odds for an anytime goalscorer are generally about one third the odds for the first or last scorer. Tipsters who publish any time goalscorer tips consider team and player scoring records. In most cases, the bet is only valid during the first 90 minutes. If your player scores outside this period, the bet won’t go through. The bet doesn’t tend to include extra time or penalty takers. Understanding Anytime Goalscorer Odds. When it comes to anytime scorer odds, they generally tend to be lower due to market’s predictability. The chances of a goal being scored in the match is high, therefore rewards can be less. The idea of an anytime goalscorer bet is simple. You just pick a player from either team who you think will score a goal in that specific match. It doesn’t matter whether your player scores in the first minute or the last minute – as long as he gets his name on the scoresheet the bet will be a winning one.

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anytime goal scorer bet tips

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