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Eye on the Right: Extremists in Congress

Welcome to a new feature called Eye on the Right, tracking right wing extremism and attempts to hold them accountable.

Threats and Security

The Department of Homeland Security released a warning that the nation continues to be threatened by “violent domestic extremists...emboldened” by the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. The bulletin is a noticeable departure from those issued by the Trump administration, which consistently sought to downplay the danger posed by right-wing agitators.
“Information suggests that some ideologically-motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence... Long-standing racial and ethnic tension—including opposition to immigration—has driven [domestic violent extremist] attacks, including a 2019 shooting in El Paso, Texas that killed 23 people. DHS is concerned these same drivers to violence will remain through early 2021…
Lawmakers have continued to face threats since Biden’s inauguration, mainly posted online and including plots to attack Congressional members during travel to and from the Capitol during the impeachment trial. A group of 32 lawmakers sent a letter to House Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader McCarthy on Wednesday requesting more flexibility for using their congressional allowances to further secure their district offices. The letter, led by Rep Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ) and Dean Phillips (D-MN), was also signed by Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan, one of the 10 Republicans who voted to impeach Trump a second time.
"Most Members spend the majority of their time in their Congressional Districts where security is often sparse," the lawmakers write. "Protecting Members in their District is much harder because local law enforcement agencies are stretched and limited, and often don’t have sufficient staffing or money to provide regular protection to Members."
  • On Friday, acting House Sergeant at Arms Timothy Blodgett advised lawmakers that he created an online portal for House members to make local law enforcement aware of their travel. The Capitol Police will also maintain an increased presence at D.C.-area airports and train stations during times lawmakers travel.
The Defense Department committed approximately 5,000 National Guard troops to remain in D.C. for the foreseeable future. Concurrently, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has requested 500 D.C. National Guard members remain through March 12 for the upcoming impeachment trial. She asked for the troops to be unarmed but equipped with crowd control measures like shields and batons.
  • Numerous states have ordered their state’s contingent of National Guard back from D.C., including those from Florida, Texas, and Utah. Gov. DeSantis (R-FL) and Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) complained that the troops were vetted prior to the inauguration, with the former calling it “totally inappropriate” and “disrespectful.”
Security officials are also concerned about potential unrest on or around March 4, which is when QAnon conspiracists believe Trump will be inaugurated again. “We are not going to allow any surprises again,” said one Guard member. Others are questioning why their deployments were extended, complaining about the lack of information and the unusual predicament of guarding the Capitol as military members.
Acting chief of the U.S. Capitol Police Yogananda Pittman testified before the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday, apologizing for the “failings” that contributed to the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. She cited miscommunication, a lack of less-than-lethal weapons, and insufficient manpower. Others who testified at the closed-door hearing included acting D.C. police chief Robert J. Contee III, former Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, D.C. National Guard Maj. Gen. William Walker, and various law enforcement representatives.
  • Contee estimated that 850 D.C. police officers were deployed to the Capitol, with 250 assigned to the surrounding area, costing about $8.8 million in the week after the insurrection.
  • Contee said he was “stunned at the tepid response from Department of the Army, which was reluctant to send the D.C. National Guard to the Capitol” that day.
  • McCarthy blamed the slow approval of National Guard backup on the lack of intelligence beforehand. “The response time and effectiveness could be greatly improved with a clear, predetermined command and control structure, authorities, rehearsals and integrated plans, and a shared understanding of intelligence assessments of the threat,” McCarthy said.
  • Acting House sergeant at arms Timothy Blodgett admitted that “there was a failure of preparation,” but strangely boasted that due to the actions of his office and Capitol Police, “every Member and House staff went home without death or serious injury.” Rep. Mike Quigley (D-IL) responded after the hearing, saying in an interview that no dead or maimed lawmakers was “a pretty low bar.”
In an interview earlier this week, D.C. National Guard Maj. Gen. William Walker said that Pentagon officials restricted his authority to act autonomously prior to the Jan. 6 attack. The restrictions placed on Walker delayed the arrival of troops to assist Capitol officers. Walker was unable to even call up the 40 soldiers on standby without approval from former Army secretary Ryan McCarthy and former acting defense secretary Christopher C. Miller.
Had he not been restricted, Walker said he could have dispatched members of the D.C. Guard sooner. Asked how quickly troops could have reached the Capitol, which is two miles from the D.C. Guard headquarters at the Armory, Walker said, “With all deliberate speed — I mean, they’re right down the street.”
However, Walker also stated that former Chief of Capitol Police Steven Sund failed to submit a formal request for assistance:
“All he said was, ‘If I call you, will you be able to help?’ ” Walker said. “And I said, ‘Yes, but I need permission. So send a formal request,’ and I never got it, until after the fact.”
The request came, but only at 1:49 p.m. the day of the attempted insurrection. Sund called Walker to say rioters were about to breach the building and the Capitol Police would soon request urgent backup.
“I told him I had to get permission from the secretary of the Army and I would send him all available guardsmen but as soon as I got permission to do so,” Walker said. “I sent a message to the leadership of the Army, letting them know the request that I had received from Chief Sund.”

Extremists involvement

Three members of the Oath Keepers were indicted on a multitude of charges including conspiracy, obstructing an official proceeding, destruction of government property, and unlawful entry on restricted building or grounds. The DOJ’s case is the first evidence of planning among a militia group ahead of the Jan. 6 attack to be filed in court.
Jessica Watkins, 38 from Ohio, Donovan Ray Crowl, 50 from Ohio, and Thomas Caldwell, 65 from Virginia, allegedly began soliciting recruits and coordinating the invasion of the Capitol in November. All three are former military. Caldwell, a retired Navy lieutenant commander, acted as a leader of the operation and organized most of the logistics involved in training and bussing dozens of recruits to D.C. According to the indictment, he recommended a particular hotel because it offered a good base to “hunt at night.”
In a 15-page indictment unsealed Wednesday, prosecutors revealed new allegations, accusing Watkins of contacting recruits on Nov. 9, six days after the election, for a “Basic Training” camp outside Columbus, Ohio, in early January so they would be “fighting fit by innaugeration [sic].” ...Crowl, a former Marine mechanic, attended a training camp in December in North Carolina, while Caldwell hosted Watkins in Northern Virginia
During the insurrection, the three joined other Oath Keepers in communicating on the walkie-talkie app Zello. The FBI obtained recordings of some of the transmissions, such as Watkins stating, “We have a good group. We have about 30-40 of us. We are sticking together and sticking to the plan.”
Watkins posted photos of herself, and with Crowl, on her Parler account and captioned a photo by stating, “Me before forcing entry into the Capitol Building. #stopthesteal2 #stormthecapitol #oathkeepers #ohiomilitia.” Subsequently, she posted a video of herself inside the Capitol captioned, “Yeah. We stormed the Capitol today. Teargassed, the whole, 9. Pushed our way into the Rotunda. Made it into the Senate even. The news is lying (even Fox) about the Historical Events we created today.”
  • A New York Times investigation has visually located ten other Oath Keepers who accompanied Crowl and Watkins into the Capitol building on Jan. 6. The group can be seen on video from the day marching up the stairs in a military-esque line. Furthermore, following the insurrection, all ten “gathered around the Oath Keepers’ leader, Stewart Rhodes, just 70 feet from the building.”
The Justice Department also indicted two Proud Boys members with conspiracy to interfere with law enforcement, civil disorder, unlawfully entering restricted buildings, and disorderly conduct. Unlike his co-defendant William Pepe (31 y.o. From NY), Dominic Pezzola (43 y.o. From NY) faces a slew of other charges including robbery of personal property of the United States, assaulting or resisting officers, destruction of government property, and physical violence.
It is alleged that Pezzola and Pepe took...actions to remove temporary metal barricades erected by the Capitol Police for the purpose of controlling access to the Capitol Grounds... It is further alleged that Pezzola confronted a Capitol Police officer attempting to control the crowd and ripped away the officer’s riot shield, while the officer was physically engaging with individuals who had gathered unlawfully in the west plaza of the Capitol. Pezzola can be seen on video that has been widely distributed, using that riot shield to smash a window at the U.S. Capitol.
After locating and arresting Pezzola, FBI agents searched his home. They found a thumb drive containing “detailed instructions for making homemade firearms, poisons, and/or explosives.” Prosecutors are asking the court to keep Pezzola in detention until trial, citing his “willingness to attempt to go off the grid” and the “serious danger” he poses to the community.
  • According to an analysis by CNN, at least eight rioters charged so far are affiliated with the Proud Boys. It is likely more will be charged as investigations develop.
  • Wall Street Journal Video Investigation: Proud Boys Were Key Instigators in Capitol Riot (not paywalled)

Republican connections

Republican members of Congress have their own links to extremist groups who took part in the insurrection.
According to the New York Times, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) visited a chapter of the Oath Keepers “a few years” ago and told the group that we’re already in the midst of a civil war, “we just haven’t started shooting at each other yet.” The leader of Stop the Steal claimed Gosar and fellow Arizona Republican Rep. Andy Biggs helped plan and organize Trump’s Jan. 6 rally. Both Gosar and Biggs reportedly sought pardons for their roles in the insurrection from Trump but did not receive them.
Freshman Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has a history of associating with the Three Percenters, which also had members present in the Capitol on Jan. 6. One of those charged last week, Robert Gieswein, runs a paramilitary training group in Boebert’s home state.
Before the attack, Gieswein gave a media interview in which he echoed anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, the affidavit said, and said his message to Congress was “that they need to get the corrupt politicians out of office. Pelosi, the Clintons . . . every single one of them, Biden, Kamala.”
Another Three Percenter from Texas, Guy Reffitt, was arrested for his part in storming the Capitol - after he allegedly threatened to shoot his children if they turned him in. “If you turn me in, you’re a traitor and you know what happens to traitors … traitors get shot,” his wife recounted to FBI agents.
In December 2019, Boebert posed with members of the Three Percenters in front of the Colorado state Capitol. The year before, Gieswein himself posed in front of Boebert’s Shooters Grill holding a rifle with others flashing the Three Percenters hand gesture. A Colorado chapter of the extremist group even provided security for a campaign event in July 2020, claiming her campaign invited them.
Following the assault on the Michigan capitol by in 2020, Boebert was asked about her thoughts on citizens carrying guns while protesting government actions:
Reporter: Gun-toting militia members in Michigan just stormed the state capitol (on April 30) and unsuccessfully demanded access to the floor of the legislature. Some lawmakers said they were intimidated by the show of firepower. Was that appropriate?
In a preview of events to come, Boebert replied “I don’t see why they’re not allowed to” enter a “public building like that with a firearm.”
More recently, Boebert and other Republicans have made a spectacle over the newly-installed metal detectors to enter the House floor. Some House Republicans threw temper tantrums and berated the very Capitol Police officers who had protected them during the insurrection just days earlier.
“Horse shit!” shouted Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.). “Bullshit!”
“You are creating a problem you do not understand the ramifications of!” Rep. Steve Womack (R-Ark.) warned Capitol Police officers.
“You can’t stop me, I’m on my way to a vote,” said Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), walking around the magnetometer outside the House chamber.
Rep. Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho) just pushed his way through. He went through the metal detector and set it off, shoved an officer out of his way and walked into the House.
Huffington Post’s Matt Fuller made note of the lawmakers who disregarded the new security measures: Reps. Randy Weber (Texas), Richard Hudson (N.C.), Ralph Norman (S.C.), Scott Perry (Pa.), Jeff Duncan (S.C.), Bob Gibbs (Ohio), Bob Latta (Ohio), Garret Graves (La.), Markwayne Mullin (Okla.), Virginia Foxx (N.C.), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Bill Huizenga (Mich.), Alex Mooney (W.Va.), Larry Bucshon (Ind.), Debbie Lesko (Ariz.), and Rep. Lauren Boebert (Colo.).
Boebert went a step farther than others, engineering a standoff with guards asking to check her handbag for weapons before entering the building. It is not clear if her bag was ultimately searched but she was allowed entry. She later tweeted: “I am legally permitted to carry my firearm in Washington, D.C., and within the Capitol complex. Metal detectors outside of the House would not have stopped the violence we saw last week — it’s just another political stunt by Speaker (Nancy) Pelosi.”
Following the Republican insubordination, Speaker Pelosi instituted a new rule to impose fines - $5,000 fine for a first offense and $10,000 fine for a second - on lawmakers who refuse to pass through the metal detectors.
While firearms are banned on the House floor, a 1967 regulation exempts members of Congress from a federal law prohibiting guns on the Capitol grounds. Boebert has vociferously objected to the House rule, declaring two days before the insurrection that she “will carry [her] firearm in D.C. and in Congress” to stand up for Second Amendment rights.
It is not known if she ever followed through with carrying a gun onto the House floor in violation of the rules. We do know, however, that at least one Republican member implied he was armed on the floor and at least one attempted to bring a gun through the metal detectors.
Freshman Rep. Madison Cawthorne (R-NC) told a local news outlet that he “was armed” during the insurrection while on the House floor. Hours earlier, Cawthorne spoke to the crowd that rioted in support of Donald Trump: "My friends, I encourage you, continue to make your voice heard, because, do we love Donald Trump?" Cawthorn said.
During the second day of metal detectors in the House, Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) set off the alarms while trying to enter with a concealed gun on his side. Capitol Police did not permit him entry, so Harris tried to persuade fellow Republica Rep. John Katko of New York to take the gun from him. Katko refused, telling Harris he didn’t have a license to carry a gun. Ultimately, Harris left and returned to successfully pass through the detectors.
  • The Capitol Police are investigating the incident. Additionally, government watchdog The Campaign for Accountability requested a federal investigation into whether Harris broke the law by possessing a weapon not registered in D.C. A spokesperson for Harris said the congressman has a Maryland handgun permit, but did not say if he has registered a gun in D.C.
On Thursday, Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA) and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) filed legislation to ban members from carrying guns on Capitol grounds, even in their offices. Speier said the No Congressional Gun Loophole Act is necessary because “the existing exemption for Representatives increases the risk of gun violence for Members, staff, and the public.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene

And now we get to freshman Rep. Majorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who really could take up an entire post. I’ll keep each point short and provide links for further information.
Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) announced that she is moving her office after a heated altercation with Marjorie Taylor Greene (hereafter referred to as “MTG”) apparently sparked by the latter’s refusal to wear a mask in the Capitol. "A maskless Marjorie Taylor Greene & her staff berated me in a hallway. She targeted me & others on social media. I'm moving my office away from hers for my team's safety" Bush tweeted Friday.
Bush: "I moved my office because I'm here to do a job for the people of St. Louis. They deserve that. And what I cannot do is continue to look over my shoulder wondering if a white supremacist in Congress by the name of Marjorie Taylor Greene or anyone else, cause there are others, that they are doing something or conspiring against us."
In videos published during her campaign - but recorded in years prior - MTG espouses a multitude of racist ideas:
[She] suggested that Muslims do not belong in government; thinks black people “are held slaves to the Democratic Party”; called George Soros, a Jewish Democratic megadonor, a Nazi; and said she would feel “proud” to see a Confederate monument if she were black because it symbolizes progress made since the Civil War.
In 2019, MTG promoted a conspiracy theory that Ruth Bader Ginsburg had been replaced by a body double in public - part of a QAnon conspiracy that RBG was secretly/dead or incapacitated.
In social media posts from 2018 and 2019, MTG interacted with others calling for the deaths of prominent Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. In Jan. 2019, she liked a Facebook comment that said "a bullet to the head would be quicker" to remove House Speaker Pelosi from office.
MTG wrote on Facebook that the Camp Fire - California’s deadliest and most destructive wildfire - was caused by “lasers” from “space solar generators” run by the Rothschilds.
In 2018, MTG endorsed a deranged conspiracy from the fringes of QAnon that Hillary Clinton murdered a child during a satanic ritual.
MTG called both the Parkland School shooting and Sandy Hook massacre “false flag” operations intended to tighten gun control. She later went on to attack Parkland survivor David Hogg, calling him a coward.
Within a month of the first Q post on 4chan in 2017, MTG began posting videos calling him a “patriot” and publishing articles endorsing the conspiracy.
In 2017, MTG wrote an article and posted a video explaining that she believed the Las Vegas mass shooting was a government-orchestrated plan to strip away Second Amendment rights.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

5 Weeks, 4 check-rides, The full write up, from Private to CFII

5 weeks, 7 written, 4 check rides the full write up IRA, FII, IGI, CAX, AGI, FOI, FIA
Also full podcast by @jplaviation if you don't wanna read
I began flying back in august 2011 in Christchurch New Zealand. I got super hooked and started flying as often as I could and as often as I could afford, pretty hard hobby for a chef. After sitting the 6 required written exams, the ICAO language test and passing the flight test I was ready to keep pushing my training towards a commercial ticket.
The last time that I flew was in September 2013 and not long after I moved to NYC. I came here in order to be with my now wife and also for a job opportunity in one of NYC Michelin restaurants. My job took most of my time and I ended up not flying and till a year later I started enquiring about converting my NZ PPL into an FAA and was severely misinformed and gave up going ahead with the process until I would become a US citizen.
Last year the itch to fly was too hard to avoid and I decided to dig deeper and find out on the process to get the ball rolling, interesting enough I was also in the process of getting a US driver’s license as after 5 years I was still using my New Zealand driver’s license, the driver’s license process was a pain in the butt, had to take a written, do a compulsory course and followed by a driving test which all costed me around $700 and took over 3 months with scheduling and etc. The week after that I was in touch with the FAA and sent them the necessary information and was sent a validation letter in 5 days, I contacted the FSDO and they appointed me to a DPE who processed my paperwork and issued me a temporary certificate. Before I went ahead with all of this, I met with an AME and got a class 2 medical.
The DPE told me that my validation would carry all restrictions of my NZ license, meaning I need a type rating for every single aircraft, if I fly a 172 I need a type rating, a pa28 is a another rating, a 152 is a whole new rating. with that it makes it quite inconvenient to fly around the US. The DPE suggested for me to get my commercial as at that point it would become an independent FAA license and I wouldn’t need to obey the NZ restrictions.
The last part required for me to be able to legally fly here was to go ahead and do a flight review. So in August 2019 I got my BFR done and the instructor that I flew with mentioned that for every year someone have not flown you’ll need an extra hour for the BFR. For the flight review we did 2 flights with a total of 2.9 hours and I was good to go and asked him about continuing my training and that’s when he put me in hold with AoA in HPN to start training towards my IR and Commercial and was given a quote of $19,188 as I had 145 hours at that point so I would need 105 hours to get to the 250 for the commercial. Plus another $7200 for CFI, $3700 for CFII, $3000 for ME and $6200 MEI. And on top of that I have DPE fees and since I live in NYC I would need to rent a car every time I go there. The total would be close to 50K That was way too much for my budget and I just kept flying on my own here and there and was able to log around 33 hours up to February on this year.
COVID hit and I am let go from my executive chef position and as I was in quarantine I started studying for the instrument rating, as I was doing that I decided to call around and see if I could find an airplane to lease and I spoke with 2 friends who were interested in going for a long X-country across the country so we could share the expense and I could time build towards the commercial. At that point I figured I should research the cost to get all my rating done while I have the time to finally do them. I called over 100 schools all over the country, from Florida to Alaska, California to Montana and as you would expect spoke with a lot of very dodgy schools and a lot of uninformed people, some wanted all money paid upfront and made some promises that we could get it all done in a couple of weeks and some quoted me a small fortune and some didn’t seem to have a clue about anything.
I finally found Hub City Aviation in Lubbock and spoke with the Chief instructor who seemed willing to help and gave me a lot of good information about their training and how they could assist me on getting my ratings, the price seemed great and I had a great connection with the Chief, I was given the following quote given I had 178TT hours:
15 Hours at $200.00 for PA28-180 or C172 with instructor wet at $200 an hour=$3000.00 25 hours of safety pilot time PA28-180 or C172 with other student wet at $75 an hour=$1875.00 Total IFR=$4875.00 20 hours of safety pilot time PA28-180 or C172 with other student wet at $75 an hour=$1500.00 12 hours of dual=$2400.00 Total Commercial SEL=3900.00 Total Cost for both IFR and Commercial=$8775.00
At that point I asked him how much longer it would take to become a CFI, CFII and possibly do a multi and MEI. He mentioned it was hard to say because it depends a lot on each person and wasn’t sure about my flying. This was on 5/13 and I started looking for a place to stay in Lubbock TX and how I would get there. I found some sublets on craigslist and messaged most of them, as well as trying to find the closest place to the airport. I looked up online for car rentals and rented a big car so I could take my electric bike from NYC with me so I would be able to get around. With an apartment organized, my electric bike coming with me and the car rental sorted I called up the school and told them I would be there by the first week of June.
On the week that I had before I left I went ahead and booked to sit the IRA,FII and IGI written, I took the IRA and FII on the Thursday and took the IGI in the morning before picking up the car and driving to Texas on the Friday. I arrived in Lubbock on Sunday and on Monday I started my IR training. I would wake up every morning and be the first person at the school and the last to leave most days. I was doing 2-3 flights daily or simulator with ground in between.
10 days after I began my training, I did the instrument checkride and I had 40.2 hours of instrument time, my whole training was done under part 61 as I had a few hours before beginning the whole training. When I prepared the material for the oral part I did it a way that it would be ready to go for a CFII checkride and in a way that I could use in the future to teach my students. During the time building process what helped me was flying with a safety pilot who was about to start their IFR training and I would fly a X-country under the foggles and try and explain to them everything that I was doing, from 6 pack checks, setting up the gps, briefing a plate and flying and intercepting a course. This helped me a lot with my own training and using the knowledge that I gained during my self-study by being in a position where I had to explain and teach someone with very limited instrument knowledge.
Once I was done with the IR i began training towards my commercial and I still had to sit the CAX, FIA, FOI and AGI written. I used sheppard air once again and after 3 days of study I went ahead and sat the CAX, AGI test in the same week. For the flight training part I told my instructors that for the commercial training I was going to do all the maneuvers from the right hand side and that I expected to be able to teach them everything that I learned. My rationale was that I needed 33 hours to complete the 250 for the commercial rating and I should use that time to become proficient and be able to teach. I would study all the maneuvers and the PTS and would start the lesson by teaching the instructor in the class room before the flight and demonstrating in the aircraft, any time I would make a mistake I would ask them to point it out show me the correction and I would try again until it was correct. I used all the commercial training to be trained for a CFI as I felt that if I prepared for a higher level, I would be fine for the commercial check ride. I sat the commercial check ride with 250.6 hours.
Once I was done with the commercial all I had to do was to be ready for the CFI checkride which I decided to make into a PowerPoint presentation covering every single topic in the PTS and breaking it all down to the areas required. I used this as a tool to keep me organized and be in charge of the oral by hitting all the requirements as per the PTS. But I also thought that by doing that I would be making something that I could use in the future if I want to teach a ground course or using it to teach my students areas that the PTS covers. I used a lot of material relevant to the checkride, adding videos from accident studies to articles about flight safety, a lot of great material sourced from AOPA safety institute and some videos on youtube showing what not do do.
The oral for the CFI was intense, we began at 7am and the DPE was pretty happy with hiw I was presenting the material and how I was using videos of accidents to relate to the topic that we were talking, showing correlations of decision making, flight planning, hazardous attitudes, weather briefing to FOI and a lot more. I also used the white board to explain maneuvers so he could see that I had the knowledge and was able to utilize other methods of teaching. We took a lunch break at 1pm and we did the flying part around 2:30pm, it was by far the most fun I’ve ever had in a chekride, I wanted the DPE to feel like I was making him excited about flying, and showing corrections where needed and explaining everything that I was doing. We did maneuvers from private to commercial, emergency procedures and a few landings. He gave me a very detailed debrief and gave me notes on areas that I needed to improve on and how I could make my slides better so I could use it with my future students.
The CFII was a different beast, I took the same approach as the CFI and made a new presentation covering the material, I combined the material I had in my binder that I used for the IR checkride and added more materials to it, its interesting to note that the CFI covers such a vast area of knowledge and I had this expectation that the CFII would have less material but boy was I wrong! I was pretty close to having the same amount of slides for the CFII, I tried to cover everything in as much detail as possible and tried making it easy to understand so once again I would be able to use it for my future students.
The day of the check ride came and I was at the school bright and early to get myself ready for the checkride which was supposed to start at 2pm, the DPE messaged me saying he would be running late as he had a flat tire in his plane and we would get started once he got there. He finally arrived but we got pushed back and the checkride was going to be cancelled and he wasn’t sure when he would be able to do it next in the upcoming week, we spoke and he decided that was best if we got it started if I still wanted given it was pretty late at that point, we finally got started at 6pm, the oral lasted around 3 hours and we went flying at 9:30pm, at that point it was getting pretty dark so I made sure to take my flashlight and ready to be in the air for a couple of hours.
We took off and did a VOR circling approach and went missed right away, we went to the published missed and at that point we were ready to do the ILS with quite a bit of x-wind, we went missed from there and we got vectors to the RNAV, on the way there I was asked to demonstrate unusual attitudes and he was really making me stay on top of him for maintaining altitude and heading. I had to teach the 2 first approaches, holding and how he should be reading the approach plates, after I demonstrated the unusual attitudes, he told me I had control and he wanted me to fly the final approach. It all worked out and I was exhausted by the end of it, being at the school from 7am and finishing our flight after 11pm.
I was supposed to be doing the MEL and MEI training the following day but unfortunately the twin was still down and waiting on parts. The goal was supposed to have it all done in that week and finishing my ratings saga, but this will be for another time and hopefully a time where I can afford more training. Sorry for the long post and I hope that this will answer all the questions about how I got it done. Otherwise feel free to send me a message or email me directly on [email protected] . thank you all of you for following my journey and for the amazing support!
Huge shoutout to u/Nessieeee9
submitted by Dpiva to flying [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update May 19, 2020

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update May 19, 2020
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Note: We may need to paraphrase, but the notes are accurate
Watch here:
Full Notes
The rest of the questions and the final word are in a stickied comment
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]

Regarding serving alcohol, here's a thought: due to COVID-19, people's drivers' license (DL) renewals have legally, by states, been put on hold for 3-4 months up to one year, so the DLs are 'technically' not expired even though the date is past. People usually use their DL for ID.

What do you do? What CAN you do?
Allow the 'hold' for renewal window per your or your guests' state's renewal rules? Allow the ID if they have the hard physical expired DL plus the paper renewal? Check your state's law they came from? Go get more Xanax?
Example-my husband had a May birthday and May mandatory in-person DL renewal. I made him an April appointment but due to the COVID-19 and California DMV closing their offices, he was not able to go to DMV to renew for that appointment. His birthday passes. He was eventually given a date of August 6 to go in and renew. Did so, yay, BUT currently just has a paper temporary DL plus his old expired photo DL.
Through some states such as California, "The extensions are automatic, but eligible drivers will not receive a new card or paper extension in the mail. As an option, these drivers can request a free temporary paper extension online through DMV’s Virtual Field Office to document their extension, though one is not needed to drive."
Your thoughts? Has anyone had any issues with this? If not, I predict you MAY!
submitted by aquainst1 to TalesFromYourServer [link] [comments]

Real ID experience

Thought this might be helpful info for anyone thinking about getting their real ID - location: Southern California - my driver’s license expires in October so I thought I would go and get my real ID - submitted my paperwork online and received a code (early July) but at the time none of the DMVs were open - went to the DMV today without a appointment, but I was told to stand in the appointment line - one of the employees checked my temperature and asked me some questions before I was able to talk to another employee - the second employee gave me a number and told me to wait inside (so far the process only took 10 minutes) - inside I waited for a little bit, signed some forms, took my picture and got my eye sight checked I did not need to take a test Also I wore contacts so at the end when I was getting my temporary license, I had my eye sight checked again using a machine that required me to put my forehead on the machine, so if any of y’all are uncomfortable with that maybe you can bring a napkin or something to put it between your forehead and the machine. I also didn’t go to the DMV that is on my confirmation page.
submitted by MangoPieces to DMV [link] [comments]

I bought an SUV through Carvana, here's my review!

I love my AWD Mercedes and its air suspension, it works wonderfully well in the New England mountains where I live. But this isn't a review of my Benz, it's a review of the Audi SUV that I bought through Carvana late last year (2019), my very first SUV. This is an in-depth review so if you want to skip to my recommendation, here it is: I definitely recommend buying a vehicle through Carvana. Now here's the long version:

The Ordering Process

I found an Audi Q5 3.0T Prestige for sale on Carvana with reasonably low miles and decided to take the plunge and give their online car buying service a try. I've never bought a car online. I've always purchased in person at a local dealer. I've bought brand new and I've bought used. This time, I figured I'd go with a used vehicle because the roads and weather in New England are rough on vehicles, especially where I live. Looking at the Q5, I decided that I'd rather avoid any issues with repairs so I purchased the extended warranty through SilverRock. I am really glad that I purchased the extended warranty because I've already received a considerable amount of reimbursement for repairs, putting me close to the total cost of the warranty itself. In other words, it's just about paid for itself and I still have thousands of miles to go before it runs out.

The Delivery

So after placing my order, I was told that I could pick it up at a vending machine, which wasn't very close, or have it delivered to me. I chose delivery, however, I ended up being outside of their in-house delivery range, which meant I'd have to pay an extra $500 to have it shipped to me through a third-party handling the transport. As it turned out, there was a third option. The third option and the one I chose was to have it delivered to a local Walmart parking lot about an hour away. I figured I could drive an hour to save $500 on delivery and so that's what I did. I'd heard about issues with delivery and hoped that it wouldn't happen to me because I was looking to get the vehicle before Christmas. Unfortunately, delivery was delayed. After rescheduling, I crossed my fingers and hoped that it would make it on time. Fortunately, this time around they managed to deliver it right on time. I pulled into the parking lot of the Walmart and as I did I saw the Carvana trailer pull in right in front of me and so I followed it and parked closeby.
The driver was extremely friendly, a nice young man out of Boston, and he congratulated me on the purchase, walked me through everything, and after doing a quick inspection I noticed that the tread on the tires seemed low so he checked it for me, told me it was within their spec, and so I figured that was that. It wasn't, but I'll get to that in a moment. The other thing that I noticed was a lack of floormats in the front. He said they could either send me new ones or a check in the mail so that I could buy my own. I ended up choosing the latter so I could buy some WeatherTech mats, and that's exactly what I did. In case you're wondering, WeatherTech makes amazing mats that fit perfectly and protect against virtually everything. I highly recommend them.
Happy with everything, I signed the paperwork, said thanks to the driver, and took off on my way back home. Unfortunately, I got caught in a nasty snowstorm driving back and what should have been an hour drive was about three hours. I probably could have made it back faster but I wasn't overly comfortable with the tires given that they were summer tires and their tread was low, plus I was unfamiliar with the vehicle so I didn't want to push it.

Issues & Resolutions

So I did have some issues. The day after I received the vehicle, I took it into the closest Audi dealership to have them perform an inspection. They noted that the tire tread was very low and that the summer tires with low tread were potentially dangerous given that it was the middle of winter and it snows a lot here. The tires would be fine somewhere like Southern California, but in the mountains of New England they just weren't going to cut it. They also noted that the brake pads were really low and that the fronts basically needed to be changed now and the backs would need to be changed soon. So brakes and tires, what to do? I called Carvana and told them what Audi told me. I forwarded them the paperwork from Audi's inspection and they got back to me soon, letting me know that they were going to pay for the new front brakes and give me a credit towards new tires. As a result, they ended up paying for around 90% of the cost of new winter-oriented all-season tires on all four wheels and the entire repair job, both parts and labor, for the front brakes, which included new rotors and pads. Awesome. This was above and beyond what I expected. Their customer service is excellent. I did, however, have to pay for new rear breaks a while later but that was entirely reasonable as they lasted a while before I had to replace them.
Then, after Carvana's grace period was over and my SilverRock warranty kicked in, the front left headlight went out. These are expensive lights, for reference. I called Carvana, they put me in touch with SilverRock. Working together we got the headlight fixed, full reimbursement. Yet again, I was left impressed.
I should note, I opted for expensive tires. The amount that they sent me would have easily covered the cost of cheaper tires in their entirety, but I don't mind paying more to get some good tires, especially given how difficult the roads here can be in the winter.

The Christmas Discount

So at some point during the ordering process, well, technically after I'd already placed my order, I noticed that Carvana was running a holiday sale. Because I'd had a delay in my delivery and was calling them anyways to reschedule, I asked if I could get in on the savings. To my surprise, they said yes. However, since I'd already placed my order, they couldn't apply the savings to my order without redoing the entire order, but they could send me a check in the mail. I opted for the check in the mail just to keep things simple, although it would have been better to redo the order because I would have ended up paying less interest on my loan.

The Registration

My registration got screwed up. I sent them a copy of the temporary driver's license that I had received from the DMV when I bought the vehicle, and then later I sent them the permanent driver's license. Unfortunately, the permanent version I uploaded to them was overlooked and their registration team didn't have it on file when it came time to begin the registration process on my behalf. As a result, my registration was delayed. My temporary plates were set to expire before the registration would be completed so I reached out to the DMV and to Carvana and was able to get an extension on my temporary plates from the DMV at a cost that Carvana covered. A bit of extra driving and some time on the phone, but no actual downtime in my ability to legally drive the vehicle. In the end, my plates and tags showed up in the mail before the extension expired and everything was fine. This could have been smoother, but it really wasn't an issue, just a little annoying to deal with.

My Final Thoughts

First, let me just say that I absolutely love the vehicle. A fully loaded supercharged Audi SUV, what's not to love? As for Carvana, I absolutely love their staff. They were extremely accommodating, very easy to talk to and work with, and they were more than reasonable at every turn. Two thumbs up. The process was generally smooth, although there were some hiccups but nothing that would make me think twice about buying through Carvana again. I highly recommend them. As for SilverRock, they're a bit more difficult to work with, for sure, but they've resolved all of my concerns and for that, I'm quite pleased. So all said and done, I highly recommend Carvana for used cars and I also recommend buying an extended warranty through SilverRock if you think you need it. Would I go back and do it all over again? Absolutely.
P.S. I have a few discount codes for $500 off your purchase that Carvana sent me so let me know if you need one!
submitted by fourseasonwolf to carvana [link] [comments]

Apr/27/2020 -- News Summary -- Armenian mafia in US / App to find street parking, CCTVs / Aid for startups / Officials busted with bribery / Foreign aid to ARM and Artsakh / Neighborhood news / Wages up / Trade & Services down / Prosecutors investigate report against Yerevan mayor / 15% had COVID

Armenian mafia / Former FBI agent arrested

US prosecutors and a report says:
Babak Broumand, now a retired FBI agent, took a $200,000 bribe to provide classified information to a lawyer representing Armenian mafia, one of whose infamous members was the former Glendale police chief John Balian, who got sentenced to 21 months in prison earlier.
Babak used his FBI database access to get insider info on the mafia's prospective partners to see if they are under FBI watchlist, to let the mafia know how safe it is to do business with them.
One such prospective partner was Levon Termendzhyan, from LA, who got convicted later with $1bln biodiesel tax fraud.
Gucci, cars, and cigars (I made it rhyme). Read the articles for full story:

App to find available street parking in Yerevan Center / Parking restrictions / CCTVs

QP MPs are working on a bill to modify paid street parking in Yerevan. Some districts have special Red Lines on the streets that mark the area where you park.
Under the proposed rules:
1) Red parking areas will be required to have CCTV cameras to detesolve crime.
2) The CCTV will also catch nearby businesses that illegally block parking areas with bootleg "no parking" signs.
3) The CCTV will be attached to an app that will find where the unused parking spots are. The driver could log in and find parking in the Center district.
4) When a cop gives a parking ticket, he will be required to record the illegally parked car for 15 minutes as proof, instead of taking a single picture. This is because parking for less than 15 minutes is free, and drivers often go to court to challenge their tickets by claiming they parked for less than 15 minutes.
5) Parked cars will be required to have visible license plates.
6) Drivers complain that they can't park in Center because people pay a small fee and park for an entire year. Yerevan municipality will be given more powers to further regulate this.
7) If a parked car does commercial activities, they'll pay more.
8) Parking fees won't increase until Yerevan reforms the public transport system.
9) Yerevan may prohibit "For Sale" car parking on the busiest streets.
10) "For Sale" cars won't be allowed to park long-term.
11) They're discussing whether to change the demarkation color red to yellow because internationally red is associated with prohibited parking (sigh...)
12) In the beginning, these Red parking areas will be removed except in the busy Center and Arabkir districts.
The draft bill will be discussed in Parliament this summer.
Tag: #YerevanParking #ParkingRestriction

Armenian startups to get 10mln loans from govt

"Successful Startup" program launches soon. You can apply for a loan if you're just starting now or have been operating for <3 years.
Applicants undergo month-long training. The graduates develop a business plan. Some of them get picked and funded by the Ministry of Economy.
Loan terms are being tweaked. It's 10mln with TBD interest rate but it'll be <10%.

National Institute of Standards and Metrology...

...employees are busted by NSS for alleged bribery. "High ranking officials colluded and took bribes, in exchange for closing the eye on the fact that some companies broke the law while measuring some things in 2019-2020. Officials got caught while delivering the bribe to the boss," says NSS.
The officials are arrested. They confessed. A felony case is launched.

Foreign aid from EU / HHK's record

EU has a "Team Europe" initiative to give money to EU partners. It's done as Macro Economic Aid (MFA), COVID aid, etc.
HHK MP Ashotyan accused Pashinyan administration of failing foreign policy for not being able to secure MFA aid from EU.
10 Team Europe partners will receive MFA aid. Georgia gets $150mln.
Ashotyan: "In 2011, HHK secured $100mln MFA aid from Team Europe after the 2008 economic crisis."
FIP outlet tried to find out details:
In 2011 Armenia got Team Europe's MFA aid. At the time, HHK was negotiating with the EU about the tight economic cooperation with the EU (DCFTA).
In 2013, however, HHK suddenly rejected the EU and joined Russia's EAEU trade bloc. FIP writes that the EU's later 2013 document, about MFA aid assessment, mentions this sudden political shift.
As it turns out, the EU plans to give Armenia $100mln in COVID aid now, as part of the same Team Europe initiative.
EU aid:

US Congress & Artsakh aid

30 US Senators and 75 Representatives joined an initiative to provide $1.5mln de-mining and disability aid to the Artsakh Republic in 2021. (Update: this is an ongoing negotiation. It's not a done deal yet.)
De-mining aid was suspended recently, party due to the US concluding that the mission was successful, citing no recent mine-related deaths at the time of suspension.

HHK criticizes Justice Minister's hiring

Team-Serj accused Justice Minister Badasyan of hiring his godfather and a friend as high ranking officials in the Ministry.
Justice Ministry responded: >5 people applied at random times for two of the aforementioned jobs. They went through job interviews and competitions as regulated by law, observed by special committees, without a conflict of interest.

2016 Artsakh Defense Minister testifies about battles

The Parliamentary Committee continues its investigation to see if officials and army did their job properly during the April 2016 battles.
Artsakh's 2016 Defense Minister Levon Mnatsakanyan testified. He repeated Serj's claim that the Armenian land losses were twice smaller than initially believed. "Obviously, there were problems and I had my share in it, but the army did its job at preventing enemy's advancements, and won."
The chief investigator was satisfied with the Q&A. It lasted for 4 hours. The story will conclude this summer, after a few more interviews.

COVID hit economy hard, but wages are up

Economic Activity Index in March 2020 vs March 2019 was -4.9%. (or +4% if we compare Q1 YoY instead of just the COVID period)
Construction -26%, Trade -10%, Foreign trade -16%, Export -17%, Imports -15%, Services volume -5%, Industrial output -2%, Electricity production -1%, Consumer prices -0.1%, Industrial product prices -2%.
Average monthly nominal salary + 8.6% (192.5k or $401)
This was March vs March.

border tensions escalated...

...last week after Azeris fired 3,500 times. "I don't remember the last time I saw so many peace violations," said Artsakh official.
Artsakh army shot down an Azeri drone last week, around the time when AM and AZ Foreign Ministries were holding talks. Azeris have been flying drones more frequently.
Reminder: Armenia occupies 100% of Artsakh lands since 1993 war.

Azeri banks collapse / Oil situation

Central Bank of Azerbaijan had to take control of 4 major commercial banks (all on the Top-15 list). The banks are facing liquidity and financial sustainability problems.
Azer oil is $19. It probably won't reach $40 in 2020. Yet Azerbaijan needs $55 oil to balance its budget because 40% of its GDP comes from oil.
Since the oil won't reach $55 this year, experts predict another Manat currency devaluation soon. Last time it resulted in massive savings losses and protests.
Azeri govt has been spending $90mln/day to deal with COVID impact.

RIP all-inclusive hotels

Turkish tourism is hit hard by COVID. Turkish govt says the big hotels will no longer offer all-inclusive packages and Swedish Table, and the overall prices will rise.

Famous lawyer Seda Safaryan's family beaten

Safaryan says 6 men were making loud noises on Saturday night. Safaryan's son-in-law asked them not to disturb the peace. An argument ensued. Son-in-law's family member and Safaryan's daughter were also beaten.
"They attacked for nothing, and even beat the women who weren't doing anything other than trying to broke up the fight. Neighbors intervened. Neighbors were also assaulted," said Safaryan.
The police found 2 suspects. They appeared at a police station and testified, before being released. 1 is still wanted.
Prosecutors will press hooliganism charges.
Safaryan represents March 1st victims who are suing Kocharyan & Co.
Human Rights Ombudsman: since Seda Safaryan believes the attack on her family could be related to the work she does, it needs to be examined.
Safaryan and several NGOs believe it's related to her legal activities against the Kocharyan & Co. Safaryan's brother Styopa was mugged several months ago under suspicious circumstances. At the time, Styopa said he hired private investigators who tracked down the muggers and found that Kocharyan's son visited the home belonging to one of the muggers.

Human Rights Ombudsman went to Parliament... discuss a few problems related to police brutality, inappropriate arrests or handling of the situation, domestic violence against men and women, rampant toxic environment and hate speech on social media, ways the journalists can post content that doesn't incite extra hate. Some suggestions were made.

Felony case around Old Yerevan construction

Yerevan council's Luys opposition suggested arresting Yerevan mayor Marutyan for allowing "Old Yerevan" project to do "illegal construction for a duration of a year".
Prosecutors launched an examination and said:
In 2013, the govt declared several pieces of land as of special public importance and authorized "Old Yerevan"'s construction on them.
From 2015-2019, several firms were authorized to do the design and construction work, after consulting with legal agencies.
One of the construction firms, however, broke the agreement and build an illegal floor. Yerevan municipality issued a penalty twice.
The firm ignored the penalties and continued its work. Yerevan mayor asked the prosecutors to intervene, aka the mayor didn't ignore and let it slide, therefor the mayor didn't break the law.
A felony case is launched to investigate the construction firm.

COVID situation

18.5k tested. 1746 infected. 848 healed. 29 dead.

3rd aid package expands / relaxed requirements

3rd COVID aid package passed by govt gave the small and medium businesses loan aid. 5.2bln paid so far.
Today they decided to expand the types of businesses that'll qualify for this aid: education field, sports, construction, etc.
Further tweaks were made to allow more tourist agencies to qualify.
Under old rules, a business was disqualified from a loan if it had a bad credit incident in 2019. Under new rules, the late payments are ignored as long as the business paid back the debt by the end of 2019.

15% of arrivals have COVID / Hospitals / Conspiracies

Minister Torosyan said:
Some doctors in Maralik and Vardenis (cities) hospitals didn't follow safety so the staff got infected. The buildings are closed. A group of experts will travel around and train doctors on how to use PPE.
~15% of Armenians who returned from abroad and went to quarantine had COVID. We made a mistake by initially allowing people to leave quarantine and attend a family member's funeral. One COVID incident happened like this. We stopped allowing funeral attendance.
Every mandatory quarantine building is guarded by 10 cops. 2200 are quarantined, 3000 self-quarantined, 2000 left quarantine.
The infamous Ejmiatsin wedding spread is officially contained due to identify & isolate. No new cases. One day, however, one of the other active hotspots could get out of hand.
1-in-11.4 tests come positive. Same as in Japan. Tests must be done only if necessary.
Recovered patients could possibly develop a temporary immunity against COVID for 1-2 years, just because they recently fought it off, but we don't know yet what exactly will happen.
Some people don't believe COVID is real. They believe in conspiracy theories about world leaders lying about it to control the world. Vaccinations face the same issue. The best way to combat this is through education.
Some still believe that HIV is also fake. If I didn't have a sense of responsibility, I'd tell those people to get infected and see for themselves if it's real (bruh lol). Come, I'll give you a tour through a hospital so you'll see if it's real.

Church candle seller got COVID

His 26 fellows at Holy Seven Wounds church in Gyumri tested negative. They had to take a day off and were unable the ring the bells on April 23rd. They're back to work now.

This church is straight out of Blade Runner 2049

A new St. Sarkis Church is being built near Dallas, Texas.
Aerial view:
Inside pics:
Church website:

Armenia is the number-one EAEU state...

... with developing democratic values, per Freedom House 2020 report. The only other "partly free" state in the CSTO/EAEU bloc is Kyrgyzstan.
Armenian internet is freer than Italian and Japan. Equal to France.
Armenia is the only EAEU/CSTO state where the internet got freer.

Education Minister gives you the latest

No final exams in schools and colleges. The daily grades as of March 13th will be used to substitute an exam score.
Graduating students will be able to use their last semester's exam scores. If it's too low, they can use the avg of pre-March 13th grades.
As for universities, the university admins will decide each for their own how the final exams are handled.
No prom, Last Bell, and drama this year. Celebrations will happen once the epidemic ends.

a single social media post turns into...

a big campaign to help poor families during COVID.
A group of friends decided to chip-in and "help a family who didn't qualify for govt-aid". They posted online asking for others to help. Soon, 100 volunteers joined. 1,000 families will receive aid.
Organizer Hamlet Khnkoyan says the volunteers usually come in with boxes of food and other stuff.

82-year-old grandpa Artush didn't know...

...that Tsitsernakaberd Genocide Memorial was closed for public on April 24th. He showed up in the morning to march with flowers but was turned away. Later Pashinyan asked the police to make an exception for him and to accompany him to the Memorial.
Then it turns out Artush papi is very poor and needs help. A group of volunteers went to his home to create a plan of action to renovate his apartment.
Artush walks:
Artush home:

Genocide survivor's grandson...

... Artyom Tonoyan is a researcher at the Holocaust and Genocide Studies Center of the University of Minnesota.
Tonoyan says:
Grandpa Grigor was born in 1909 in Marza, Kars, Western Armenia. He never liked talking about Genocide because he saw his sister and parents murdered in the barn. His aunt told us everything.
He escaped and ended up in an Alexandrapol (Gyumri) orphanage, where he grew up with his future wife (grandma) who escaped from Erzrum.
He took nothing with him while escaping. No personal items. Last year we teamed up to find other families of survivors in Minnesota. They showed us personal items their grandparents managed to take with them. Those photos are now in museums.
Because of our efforts, many Minnesota University graduates are aware of the Genocide, but knowledge varies from state to state.
Photos and story:Ցեղասպանությունից-վերապրած-պապի-թոռն-այսօր-Մինեսոտա-համալսարանում-«Հայոց-ցեղասպանություն»-է-դասավանդ/230950

SOAD's Serj Tankian performed a song "Hayastane"...

...based on a poem written by Pashinyan in 2019.
The proceeds from the song will be donated to the 1st lady's My Step and City of Smile charity foundations to help kids with illnesses.

UAE sends aid

President Armen Sarkissian called his sheikh bros in UAE and asked for medical supplies. Today a plane arrived with aid.

Armen Sarkissian: Il est fondamental d’avoir la mémoire des épreuves passées

French Le Monde outlet published an article by President Armen Sarkissian. It's about the Genocide.
French (paywall): https://www.lemonde.fidees/article/2020/04/24/armen-sarkissian-il-est-fondamental-d-avoir-la-memoire-des-epreuves-passees_6037685_3232.html

Friday News

In case you missed it:


1) The accused are innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, even if they sound guilty.
2) Currency in Armenian ֏ unless specified otherwise. NSS/SIS/SOC = law enforcement agencies. QP = Civil Contract Party. LHK = Bright Armenia Party. BHK = Prosperous Armenia Party.
3) ARCHIVE of older posts by Idontknowmuch: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 ; PART 5.
4) ARCHIVE of older posts by Armeniapedia.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Growing up with an Insane, Entitled mother - Extended - Part 2

In mid February my grandfather died, and my mom shut down contact with us for 2-3 months.
She opened a custody case from a [Different State]( ) and sued my dad for custody of myself and my sisters. You can imagine how well this went over once the two judges did connect. She did manage to argue for getting visitation for holidays during the summer and over Christmas.
The visit over the summer was very strange, and I am sorry to say I don't remember much of it. By this point I was still on the dosage schedule, and was taking 100mg morning/night. Dr. Moreau was still pushing for me to follow the increased dosage, and seeing me each week. A new therapist, Dr. Stupid, documented in her notes that I wasn't acting like a normal 12 year old, and was clearly depressed in some serious way. This only fueled Dr. Moreau further.
8th grade was kinda .... strange, and once a different doctor saw the dosages I was on, he was astonished that I hadn't had either suffered a psychotic break, or died of liver failure. Being on 5 times the adult dosage shocked him, and it took me almost 2 months to clear it from my system, where he discovered: Surprise! I wasn't depressed at all.... Dr. Moreau had his license pulled when my dad found out he was giving me 5-6 times the ADULT dosage, the resulting investigation also sent him to prison, but for other reasons (yet again, a separate story).
Unfortunately my mom was able to use this as an attack on my dad, since he had had custody of me while I was on the highest dosage, and Dr. Stupid was, well, Stupid..... Thus she was able to successfully petition to regain custody of me, but only after a trial period where I lived with a consenting neutral party: My mom's eldest brother, let's call him Dave.
I lived with Dave, Dave's wife, and Dave's son for a year and a half, and then my mom was able to get me to move in with her. During that time my mom decided to embark on a new career as a truck driver.
My mom rented a three bedroom house in the small town she grew up in, and I moved in. The house was a decent size, two stories, and wasn't anything particularly special honestly. My mom converted one of the second floor bedrooms into a fabric storage room, and the other became her bedroom. I got the bedroom on the first floor.
I lived with Dave's family for the last half of 8th grade and 9th grade. I started living with my mom just before 10th grade. This resulted in a rather significant shift in my routine, but I coped.
My mom's job at the time had her on the road 12 days out of every 15, and had her home for maybe 50-60 hours consecutively. This resulted in my mom not really being around for 10th grade, and coincidentally, a rather important period in my life. Remember the Paxil? Yeah, it had more side effects that just placing me in a stupor for nearly a year, it also delayed puberty by nearly 2 years, which hit the summer before 10th grade. Around this time I also started to realize that I wasn't really attracted to girls, and had a rather serious crush on Dave's Son's best friend. With my mom not around however, and another brother of my mom's having a huge blowup argument with his wife over his son coming out gay and my uncle doing something VERY MUCH NOT OKAY(this is a totally separate story), I decided to hide everything from my family, for fear of the same reaction.
Nevertheless, I was a fairly reserved high school kid, but I am BIG. By 10th grade I was 6'1" and over 220lbs, I drew attention from a football coach and the wrestling coach, both of which pushed for me to tryout. I have little interest in team sports, and even less interest in proving that I am "the best" just for the sake of it, thus I decline their offers every time, but they were persistent. This attracted attention from several prominent members of those teams, who saw me as either competition, or more likely, the favorite of their coach. I tried to explain this to my mom, and even to Dave's wife who was a teacher at the high school, but no one seemed to get my disinterest, all refused to help. I won't go into all the details, but I got into a few fights, ruined the sports career of 3-4 guys, and this only compounded to the stress I was under.
The school I went to was Very homophobic. Anyone who was even suspected of being gay was harassed, bullied, and often assaulted. This came to a head in November of 10th grade, when I had to forcefully reject a girl. I claimed my mom didn't want me dating, and cited some of the "rules" she had tried to influence Becky with when she was in high school(basically abstinence). This didn't work as intended, and the next day I was in another fight, only this time because "why would you not want a blonde for a girlfriend?" This was the first fight that a teacher got involved in, and he walked in right after I yanked a guy's arm out of it's socket. My mom was called, I got screamed at(not for fighting, but for seriously injuring someone???), but a witness confirmed that it had been the other guy who instigated it, while his 2 buds tried to keep me from leaving. I still was grounded for the rest of the month.
Now, my mom was strange when it came to discipline when I was in high school. Since she wasn't around much, she wanted me to call her daily, and to write a journal of what I did. Okay, I didn't do much. But what the REAL punishment was her not coming home from work for nearly 3 weeks. The house was running low on food as a result, and I was spending my own money for lunches at school. My mom however, proceeded to sleep for nearly 24 hours straight, then play solitaire for another whole day, before sleeping and leaving again. I mentioned over the phone several times, and in person, that the house needed groceries but she always responded with "when I've slept/finished this game/finished my coffee/etc." After she left, I took an inventory of the house, and called my aunt, Dave's wife. She showed up 2 hours later with a load of groceries and said she had called my mom, tried to explain my situation, and my mom had hung up on her. I also repaid her for the groceries with my own money.
I'd like to say that my mom got the message, but unfortunately, she didn't. I had to call my Aunt twice more before 10th grade ended for similar reasons. I'd have gone to the store myself, but it was nearly 5 miles away in a straight line, and in the middle of December in the Midwest, in a small town with no bus services, no taxis.
Since I didn't do any extracurricular activities though the school, I instead volunteered at the library a few blocks from my house. This rolled into a part time job, mostly re-shelving, helping maintain the meeting/learning room schedules, and fixing the computers. This was pretty much on a "whenever needed" basis, or whenever they called, but usually 10-15 hours a week. My mom HATED this. She felt it harmed my school work(it didn't), and was only making me less responsible. She would steal my paychecks if she found them, but fortunately there was a way to get direct deposit going. (Unfortunately, this didn't stop her)
My mom continued to work roughly 12 days out of 15 for the rest of the 10th grade. That summer I had a summer job as a lifeguard for the high school aquatic center, and actually made a decent amount of money from this.
11th grade was a mess, and I've posted about why I left previously, but what made that possible was the nice little nest egg I'd saved up to that point. When I dropped out of high school, got my GED and started community college courses, my mom completely lost it. So I moved out, with the help of my best friend's dad (retired career US Navy NCO) who took no nonsense from anyone, liked me, and instantly hated my mom. I bought a fixer upper house a few miles away from hers(actually it was a short sale, and had been a meth lab, vacant for over a year, but it was fun to fix up) and never told her where I lived for a couple of years. I significantly cut off interacting with her in person, and only ever really spoke with her on the phone for much of that time. Fast forward almost 2 years.
In that time, Brother was now engaged, and getting married. It's a few months before my 18th birthday, and I decide to go along. My mom books the plane tickets, and insists I ride with her. Not 10 minutes into the car ride she blurts out "so, no girlfriend. I always knew you were gay." Thus ensued one of the SINGLE most UNCOMFORTABLE car rides anyone could have imagined, as my mom began to try giving me intimate advice, including details about my own father. This turned out to be my mom's way of extending an olive branch. Unfortunately, it wasn't real. Brother met us at the airport back in California, and mom just casually drops that I'm gay to him while he's driving, and then to his future wife when at the house, and then again to Lisa and her husband in the hotel lobby, and then to Rebecca in the hotel room...... Finally Donna walks up to her, uses one of her no-nonsense, deadpan flat tones, and says "hey mom, perhaps you shouldn't go around announcing someone's private details like a town gossip."
It was downright Hilarious to watch my mom's head go through realization that she's been talked back to, put in her place, delivered sage advice from a 16 year old, and called out in front of all 6 of her kids. The short circuit in her head was audible to everyone in the hotel room. Her logic, thought process, insanity, temporary loss or otherwise, it doesn't matter. The next thing she does is grab her hard shell carry on bag and swing it around at Donna.
Funnily enough, she missed. Donna was maybe 4 feet away, and mom somehow missed her completely. The bag swung past Donna's chest, then the handle slipped, and it went flying right into my groin.
And that is how I missed Brother's wedding, sitting on the bed in the hotel room, with ice in my lap. My mom didn't know, but I had a staph infection at the time(thanks Acne), with a sore in my groin, she popped it..... My mom was ushered out of the hotel room by Lisa and Becky, and somehow managed to "blackout" the 10-15 minutes or so involving the conversation in the hotel room. Then she tried to talk her way past Donna into the room, but that wasn't going to happen. I changed my flight and flew back separately from my mom, that scene was the last straw for me.
I continued living as I had been and communicating very little with my mom at all. I knew that she was trying to get a job working as a contractor in Iraq. She closed her house, and put everything into storage, the week of my 18th Birthday. Up until that point, I had only been attending classes online and part time, but with my 18th birthday approaching, I started to look into options for expanding my school opportunities. Chief among them was a college fund my grandfather, my mom's father, had set up for me when I was born. He very Strongly believed in education, and for each of his grandchildren he put together a modest college fund. By the time I was 18 mine was a little over $20,000. I had intended to use it for covering some tuition so I'd have to open smallefewer student loans. My 18th Birthday rolls around, I walk to the bank that managed the fund, and am informed that it has been cashed out already. I am also informed that the two student credit cards I'd applied for were already maxed out. I was stunned, and demanded to know how all of these things had happened.
Three guesses how? Yeah..... She did. My mom had cleared out the college fund, and used a funds transfer to move the balance on the two cards over to another card in her name. She had done all of this the day before my birthday, and had used MY personal information to do it over the phone. I was understandably pissed. I confronted her in my grandmother's living room, and the shouting match we had very nearly leveled the house. Her justification included many platitudes that, honestly, are some of the most entitled things that I have ever year anyone ever say:
I finally left, walking until about midnight to get home. I spoke with the bank the next day, and did everything I could to file fraud claims against my mom's actions. This unfortunately didn't do much, as when they issued a determination, my mom was already out of the country.
I moved on, got a more steady job, and began saving up. My mom may have screwed me with my short term plans, but I was still determined to continue forward.
A year and a half later, I'm playing World of Warcraft in my house, and take a break to make some food. I go into the kitchen, start making some pasta, when I heard the front door open. Now, I had that door locked, but it opened, then clicked closed, just like someone had used a key. I saw my normal key on it's hook by the back door, and the only other key was in the false bottom of the hanging pot on the front porch. My best friend knew it was there, and his wife, so I figured it was them and I'd just missed their call. I walk into the living room and stop dead, it's my mom.
She had "invited" herself to stay with me while she looked around to find a new house. I tried to refuse, but then my grandmother walked in. Now everything clicked, I had shared my address with my grandmother, and that there was a spare key, just not where it was. My grandmother said my mom couldn't stay with her, and since I had a spare bedroom, it shouldn't be a problem for my mom to stay with me for a few weeks. I was livid, but I also knew that my grandmother couldn't have her stay at her house, a tree had smashed the roof earlier in the year and it was still being repaired. I grudgingly agreed, but only if she paid 100$ a week to rent the room. She agreed, and wrote me a check for the first 4 weeks.
She ended up staying only 3 weeks however, and while I was out riding my bike, I saw smoke from around where my house was, and started riding home. She had been sleeping when I left, but that had been hours earlier. I rounded the block just in time to see the fire department pulling the roof off my house as the entire structure collapsed, to keep it from damaging my neighbors house.
Standing around watching were my neighbors, including Martha, the super amazing retired woman across the street. Martha saw me and instantly began saying she was glad I was safe, that they had thought I was inside. I asked what had happened, barely controlling myself, and Martha said she had seen smoke coming from my roof and called 911. A member of the fire department arrived, and informed me that they had removed a woman from the house, who insisted she could put the fire out herself .... with a mixing bowl filled with water. I just stared. They had transported my mom to the hospital.
I went to the hospital (thanks to Dave's wife giving me a ride) and found my mom in the ER in restraints, waiting for a psych consult. She had some smoke inhalation, and a BAC of 0.19. The psych consult came by, had her sedated and admitted for a 72hr watch, because she was so severely intoxicated. I got my moms part of the story from the Psych doctor(I needed a statement for the fire dept.):
The fire department had determined that the fire had spread very quickly through the dry roof, and if my mom had returned to the room, she likely would have found it entirely on fire.
PSA: Seriously, fire is no freaking joke! Don't mess with that Sh!t.
Its at this point I refused to see my mom ever again. I opened up a PO Box, I used what few funds I had to move to a nearby city, and stayed closer to school. I also explored some legal options, but that wasn't going to get me anywhere. The best legal advice I had was that I shouldn't have ever let my mom stay with me to begin with.
I continued to argue with her about the fire and money and everything for about 8 months, before just throwing my hands up and blocking her.
I'd moved back to California, and was living with my dad while finishing off my degree, and Rebecca was graduating high school. My mom was invited, and because of the bad blood, I didn't see her the entire ceremony, however what she did I heard via my father:
I did go to the restaurant however, but I sat with Brother.
My mom's scene at dinner kinda ruined the mood, but Rebecca has always had a .... rose tinted view of my mom, and brushed it off. Stepmom and Dad were PISSED however.
Mom drove down with Brother afterwards, and stayed with him for a week or so. This would become a semi-regular occurrence for about 2 years.
At this time my mom was sharing a house with Donna. Donna has her own list of complaints about this, but suffice to say, mom acted like the house was Hers, and drove Donna up the wall. Donna eventually kicked her out after about a year.
I didn't see her until last year. Rebecca was getting married, and all but Becky managed to attend. I intentionally didn't want to interact with her, but she wasn't going to have that.
I haven't seen my mom since Rebecca's wedding, and honestly, I've long since reached my limit with her.
submitted by Lukemage to u/Lukemage [link] [comments]

With a Week to Go, Here's a Timeline of Kemp

Hey /Atlanta. Today marks the one-week countdown for the 2018 Midterm elections. My ballot has already been filled out, and I know many of yours have been too, but I also know there are many around here who have not yet voted. I also know that there are some here who have yet to make up their mind, or are open to having their mind changed, with regards to the Governor's race. That's the reason for this whole post.
My real name is not Killroy200, and, quite frankly, my endorsement mean's shit-all.
That said, I have been assembling this timeline for a while now, and have become increasingly worried and stressed over the image its contents paint. I've even down-played some of the issues at hand in favor of presenting just the relevant facts, and I'm still horrified by some of the decisions and outcomes from Brian Kemp's tenure as Georgia's Secretary of State. I have no faith in his ability to run the state as much more than a sham. At best, nothing really changes for the state, and all of its problems are maintained. At worst, he joins forces with a sympathetic state legislature hell-bent on driving Georgia into the ground under the banner of failed economic policy, and horrendous social ideals.
Like I said, though, my personal feelings on the matter aren't particularly worth anything, and I firmly believe in letting the data do the talking. So, without further ado, here's the data:
In 2002, the Kennesaw State University’s Center for Election Systems is established and takes over most election records tasking from the Secretary of State's office. Georgia also becomes the first state to launch electronic voting, with the Diebold Election Systems, under then Secretary of State Cathy Cox. The switch was made in direct response to the 2000 election issues in Florida dealing with 'hanging chads' on paper ballots.
March 2004, after investigating the Diebold Election Systems that Georgia had purchased, then Senator Tom Price concludes that the machines could be compromised, as well as inaccurate. He drafted a bill that would require the machines to be equipped with printers that would produce a paper confirmation for voters. The bill had bipartisan support in the State Senate, yet stalled in the House. Then State Senator Brian Kemp voted in favor of paper ballot verification.
January 13, 2007, Cathy Cox leaves the Secretary of State position. Karen Handel takes over the position after a successful election the previous year.
In 2008, the first version of the 'Exact Match' policy is proposed. It is submitted for judicial review as per the Voting Rights Act's Section 5, which required Georgia, among other states detailed by Section 4 of the same act, to submit election changes to federal court for approval. This first version does not pass the review process.
December 30, 2009, Karen Handel resigns from her position as secretary of state to run for Governor.
In 2010, Brian Kemp is appointed as the Georgia Secretary of State by then Governor Sonny Perdue. Kemp goes on to win the 2010 election for a full term as Georgia Secretary of State. He succeeds in passing a second version of the Exact Match' policy through federal review. This version has new safeguards that were not included in the 2008 version. A future lawsuit will claim that “it is not apparent that the Secretary of State ever followed the safeguards”.
In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court rules that Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act is no longer valid. Section 4 listed the states that Section 5 applied to, which meant that Georgia no longer needed to submit its election process changes to federal review for approval.
In July 2013, the Georgia Secretary of State's Office begins using a new 'Exact Match' voter registration policy, this time not reviewed by a federal court.
In 2014, Brian Kemp is reelected as the Georgia Secretary of State.
In November 2015, personal information for all 6 Million voters in the state of Georgia is leaked from the Secretary of State's office to media and political groups.
During the Spring and Summer 2016, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) detects Russian activities, and later received reports of cyber probing of election infrastructures in 21 states. Georgia is not included in this list. That number later grew to 39 states targeted by Russian hacking. At least seven states (Alaska, Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Texas and Wisconsin) were compromised in some way by Russian hacking.
In August of 2016, during an NPR interview with Zeynep Tufekci, a professor at the University of North Carolina's School of Information and Library Science, Georgia is specifically called out for its lack of a paper-ballot trail, as well as using outdated operating systems (Windows 2000) on its voting machines. Nine days after the interview, Kemp makes it clear that the State of Georgia will not accept federal aid in determining the condition of the state's election machines, claiming that the Obama Administration is attempting a federal take-over of state systems after the DNC hacks, making it the only state to refuse assistance. This was later painted as the DHS, at the time, being overly vague.
In August of 2016, a local Georgia security researcher named Logan Lamb accidentally discovered a vulnerability in Kennesaw State University’s Center for Election Systems' website, that allowed him to download registration records for the state’s 6.7 million voters; multiple PDFs with instructions and passwords for election workers to sign in to a central server on Election Day; and software files for the state’s ExpressPoll pollbooks — electronic devices used by poll-workers to verify that a voter is registered before allowing them to cast a ballot. There also appeared to be databases for the so-called GEMS servers. These Global Election Management Systems are used to prepare paper and electronic ballots, tabulate votes and produce summaries of vote totals. The center was made aware of the vulnerability, and internal emails show as much. A report produced by the university’s IT department after the Lamb breach found numerous other security problems as well.
In September 2016, a coalition of voting rights groups file a lawsuit in federal court alleging that Georgia’s exact-match voter registration verification scheme violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and denies eligible Georgians of their fundamental right to vote under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. Specifically, they claim that nearly 35,000 registrations were canceled since the policy was implemented in 2013. Of those, roughly 84 percent were from self-identifying minorities.
In October 2016, Anatoliy Sergeyevich Kovalev and Aleksandr Vladimirovich Osadchuk, both officers in the Russian military assigned to Unit 74455, allegedly conspire with others to hack into computers involved in U.S. election administration. This includes scoping out the websites of unidentified counties in Iowa, Florida and Georgia to identify vulnerabilities they could use to access back-end servers. The indictment doesn’t state directly, but implies, that the servers were part of infrastructure for county election offices.
In October 2016 Georgia Attorney General Sam Olens is announced as the next president of Kennesaw State University even though the University System of Georgia did not conduct a nationwide search.
In December of 2016, Kemp accuses DHS of hacking into the state's election systems.
In February 2017, an agreement is reached between the state of Georgia and a coalition of civil rights organizations to help ensure that eligible Georgia voters would no longer be denied access to state voting rolls due to clerical errors. This initially ends the 'Exact Match' policy.
In March of 2017 Chris Grayson, a security colleague of Logan Lamb, discovered that although the center had addressed the Drupal vulnerability for the encrypted https version of its website, the unencrypted http version was still vulnerable. Grayson could still access all the same files Lamb had downloaded months earlier. Grayson contacts another colleague who worked at KSU, who then notified the campus’ chief information security officer at the University Information Technology Services (UITS) office, which oversees the university’s networks. The Center for Election Systems finally makes public that it experienced a breach of its system, with 7.5 Million voter records potentially compromised. Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp said, “This matter is deeply concerning, but I am confident the FBI working with KSU will track down the perpetrator.” This is despite Kemp's earlier worry about Obama-administration tampering, and Comey being a hold-over from that administration. The perpetrator was actually Lamb the previous August, who had told the Center for Election Systems of the problem. Kennesaw State University had not informed the Secretary of State about the breach. The FBI was investigating Lamb and Grayson.
In March of 2017, activists file motion against Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp and other election officials seeking an injunction to prevent the three counties casting ballots in the 6th Congressional District race—Fulton, DeKalb and Cobb—from using their touch-screen machines and use paper ballots instead. In court filings and a hearing, they cited Lamb’s breach of the center’s server as one reason the machines, and the center’s oversight of them, cannot be trusted. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Kimberly Esmond Adams ruled against the activists seeking an injunction, but she did so on a legal technicality. The judge also cited the lateness with which they brought the case—early voting for the June 20 runoff was already underway when the hearing began. Internal emails show that Kennesaw State had not yet fixed its security failures.
March 31, 2017, Brian Kemp officially announces his campaign for Governor of Georgia, without resigning from his position as Secretary of State.
April 05, 2017, Georgia's 'Exact Match' policy, which was previously halted after the start of a lawsuit over the policy's effects of disproportionately hurting minority persons registering to vote, is signed into state law.
In early April, 2017, ExpressPoll units are stolen from a Cobb County precinct manager’s car. They contained state-wide voter information, including drivers’ license numbers, and addresses.
In May 2017, The FBI officially gives KSU clearance to delete the data on the server used during the investigation. However, the FBI took less than a month in its cursory investigation to see if anyone besides Lamb and Grayson had gained access to the system prior to the Presidential election. In a letter to Kemp, a dozen computer-security researchers from, among other institutions, Yale, Stanford, M.I.T., Berkeley, Brown, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, point out that “a truly comprehensive, thorough and meaningful forensic computer security investigation likely would not be completed in just a few weeks, and it could take many months to know the extent of all vulnerabilities at KSU, if any have been exploited and if those exploits extended to the voting systems. Time and again cyber breaches are found to have been far more extensive than initially reported.”
In June 2017, DHS refutes previous allegations of hacking into the Georgia voter system after through investigations by the DHS inspector general, which operates independently from the DHS chain of command.
In June 2017, a runoff for a previous special election is held in GA's 6th congressional district.
In July 2017, A suit is filed in the Fulton County Superior Court by the Coalition for Good Governance alleging that the security issues involved with the Center for Election Systems were known, and that, in light of the breach, the Georgia 6th Special Election results should be held in question. Four days later, the database retaining the voter records is wiped completely clean, including the backup records. This is despite the Georgia Archives, which oversees the record retention process for all state agencies and local governments, having a retention schedule on election records of at least 2-years. It is later revealed that the FBI made a copy of the server from their investigation into Lamb's unintentional intrusion. It is currently unknown if that copy still exists, and if it contains the necessary data to verify a breach, or lack thereof. This copy would not contain data from the 2017 special election. Kemp states that the Secretary of State's office will end its relationship with the Center for Election Systems. Though a contract was signed for services through June 2018, there is provision for an October 2017 separation.
July 31, 2017, 591,548 Georgia voters who are on the inactive list have their registration canceled as part of ongoing efforts to clean up the state's records.
In December 2017 Kennesaw State University President Sam Olens steps down, and leaves the position.
In March 2018, Georgia passes S.B.315, a piece of anti-infosec legislation. It effectively outlaws independent security research, and opens up prosecution and jail time for those who carry it out. Security activists feel that the bill is retaliation against Lamb and Grayson's discoveries of KSU vulnerabilities. Georgia Governor Nathan Deal ultimately vetos the bill.
April 13th, 2018, Kemp creates a commission to review a new voting system, finally investigating the potential use of paper trails in Georgia's voting system. Kemp says the changes will take place ahead of the 2020 elections, but not in time for the midterm (Governor) elections in November 2018. This is despite his voting in favor of paper records in 2004, when the machines were first purchased.
April 18th 2018, University of Michigan Professor Alex Halderman demonstrates how to change votes on an electronic voting machine similar to Georgia's in front of a live audience at Georgia Tech. He installed a program on a rectangular memory card that fits into the side of the machine, allowing the card to infect the machine. "If a hacker penetrated the state’s computer servers, a similar malicious program could be copied to memory cards used for each of the 27,000 voting machines across the state", Halderman said. "No one would ever know the results had been changed if the hacker wrote the program to erase itself after the election."
May 22nd, 2018, Brian Kemp and Casey Cagle are selected to proceed to a run-off primary. Brian Kemp has not yet resigned as Secretary of State.
July 24th, 2018, Brian Kemp wins the primary runoff for Republican Gubernatorial Candidate. He has not yet resigned from his position as Secretary of State.
August 2nd, 2018 the Secretary of State's a smartphone app, which is designed to help voters register to vote and to track their registration status, is found to have social media links that redirect to pages that promote Kemp's campaign for Governor.
In August 2018, the Coalition for Good Governance states they have collected "scores of known system malfunctions and irregularities" from Georgia's May primary. This includes at least two precincts who reported over 100% turnout, as well as machine freezes, and inconsistent polling place records for voters. The precincts with over 100% turnout were later corrected, in some cases 12 weeks after the election, but are cited as evidence of an error-prone system that is hard to keep accurate due to the lack of an auditable paper trail.
In August 2018, Brian Kemp states he will neither step down, nor recuse himself from his position as Secretary of State during his campaign.
In August 2018 the ACLU of Georgia begins fighting back against a plan to close some 7 of 9 voting precincts in Randolph County, a predominantly poor county with a significant percent of persons lacking access to reliable transportation for long distances. The ACLU claims there is evidence that this was done with intent to make it harder for African Americans to vote, even though the official reason supplied is a combination of ADA compliance and funding issues. Brian Kemp’s office releases a statement against the plan. Consultant Mike Malone, who created the plan and who was hired by Randolph County at the recommendation of the Secretary of State’s office, then made the statement that “Consolidation has come highly recommended by the Secretary of State and is already being adopted by several counties and is being seriously considered and being worked on by many more.” Brian Kemp, and his office, refutes that statement, claiming that the Secretary of State did not advise “counties to do anything”. Malone now agrees with that, stating “I don’t recall ever hearing anything from the secretary of state that said they recommend this.” He offered no explanation as to why he made a statement to the contrary earlier. Malone is fired soon after his comments, by Randolph County Attorney Tommy Coleman, who stated that “[t]hat wasn’t what he was hired to do”. Roughly 10 days after the New York Times article about the ACLU’s pushback, Randolph County rejects the plan to close its polling places.
In August 2018, county election officials across Georgia say it’s too late to switch to paper ballots for the upcoming election. This comes in preparation of U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg anticipated ruling on the same topic from the now year-old suit by the Coalition for Good Governance. Lawyers for Secretary of State Brian Kemp say things will get chaotic if Totenberg orders a statewide shift to paper. Such a last-minute change would not be unprecedented, however. In September 2017, Virginia’s electronic voting machines were decertified, and more than 20 counties acquired and established a new system in time for the November election.
In September 2018, A federal judge hears nearly 9 hours in oral arguments that alleges Georgia's current electronic elections system is too insecure. Cyber-security experts actually show, in court how, you would hack a Georgia voting machine and change the totals, even without physical access and without the machines being online. Michael Barnes, an official in the Secretary of State's office admits that the USB he uses to connect to GEMS, Georgia's central election database, and the one which Logan Lamb found vulnerable to the internet in March 2016, is also used on his work computer connected to the internet. Through that connection, the memory cards, or USB memory, could be contaminated From there the server could be contaminated, and then all 27,000 voting machines have the potential to be contaminated. Furthermore, two Secretary of State officials admitted that there has been no forensic audit of the system, even looking for malicious hacking, despite the past breaches, known vulnerabilities, and known foreign targeting. Ultimately, the ruling is that Georgia did not have to switch to a new system despite its existing system being shown to be highly vulnerable.
October 11, 2018, several civil rights organizations sue Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp to stop the state from enforcing the 'Exact Match' voting law, which has put more than 53,000 voter registrations on hold. 38,000 of those on the list submitted their registration before the 2016 presidential election, and nearly a quarter of the list tried to register before the November 2014 midterms. About 80 percent of applications put on pending status were submitted by minority groups, according to the lawsuit.
October 19, 2018, the Georgia Secretary of State's office is sued to obtain records of the over 300,000 voters which have been removed from Georgia's rolls over the past two years. This data is made public for review.
October 24, 2018, a federal judge issues a temporary order to block Georgia's election officials from rejecting any absentee ballots under Georgia’s Voter Signature Match Law, otherwise known as 'Exact Match', without giving voters the opportunity to confirm their identity.
October 26, 2018, CohereOne, an analytics consultant, makes public their review of nearly 531,000 voters who were moved from "inactive to cancelled" within the state's records. This change is status is supposed to come after a voter does not vote in an election for a number of years. After that, a postcard is sent to the voter requesting updated information. As per a Supreme Court ruling, the state can remove voters only if elections are missed, the postcard is not returned, and if the state has reasonable indication that the voter has moved. Of the 531,000 voters' records reviewed, the study found that over 340,000 did not actually move, and thus had their registration removed incorrectly. Thousands more were incorrectly removed for moving within their county, which does not require a person to reregister.
November 2, 2018 David Cross, an attorney with the Coalition for Good Governance, states that the person who originally noticed the vulnerability approached one of his clients. Together they discussed the issues, then notified the FBI and Kemp's outside counsel the next day.
Novemer 3, 2018, Who.What.Why. receives an email from the Democratic Party of Georgia, who are passing on research from a third party that highlights “massive” vulnerabilities within the state’s My Voter Page and its online voter registration system. Several additional researchers, at Who.What.Why's request, confirmed the vulnerabilities themselves.
Novemer 4, 2018, the Secretary of State's office releases a statement that it has directed "Federal partners, including the Department of Homeland Security and Federal Bureau of Investigation", to investigate "the Democratic Party of Georgia for possible cyber crimes", alleging a attempted hacking of the state's voter registration system. No evidence is provided nor discussed,
November 6, 2018, you go to the polls to vote.
submitted by killroy200 to Atlanta [link] [comments]

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