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Deadset's All Characters Cheat Sheet & Endgame Guide Compendium, Season 22 Edition


Greetings, /Diablo!
The foreboding Season 22 announces the arrival of shadows - spectres of the past that grow ever thicker, clawing through the shrine and pylon beacons for another chance at fighting the demonic hordes. The Shades of Nephalem past stand by our side in the unrelenting fight against the minions of Hell, eager to spill the blood of our sworn enemies...
...Or level us up really quickly, at least. They're really good at that.
Season 22 is a curious crossbreed of past Seasonal endeavors, as it features both an "environmental" effect (the Shadow summons) and a "mechanical" effect (the 4th Kanai's Cube slot). While the latter ends up being more of a uniform buff than a truly build-shattering concoction, it introduces just enough of a theorycrafting tinge to the Season to make both ends of the spectrum - fans of the theory and fans of the spectacle - to maybe make us all happy for once. At very least, we won't be chasing snowballs.
As a personal takeaway, I think this Season prompted me to think about starting on more classes and builds than many previous Seasons have managed to. Maybe it's the need to consider the 4th Kanai's Cube slot that gave me pause at each and every concept? Regardless, I think we should all be glad for the confidence on display when it comes to Seasonal changes - this is the first time we see a dual theme, and on top of that both its aspects end up being important and impactful. Add a decent number of mechanical changes to items and sets, and even a paragon category change (who expected that to happen in 2020?), and this is one of the best Seasons we've had in a long, long while.
Have a great Season 22, and as always - happy hunting!


(No, really!)



Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Horde of the Ninety Savages
Wrath of the Wastes - Rend
Built from the ashes of a very old Rend/IK mixture, the Rend Wastes Barbarian truly shows the potential and terror of this DoT build. An unstoppable machine that whirls, cleaves and guts demons like Barbarians were always meant to do. With the newfound powers of Ambo's Pride, this build bleeds his enemies dry in an instant, turning what was once an unassuming bleed into a fearsome nuke that gets applied every second. Couple that with the savage elegance of Whirlwinding, and it's no wonder people will return to this build time and again when it comes to Barb progression.
Might of the Earth - Earthquake
Never the build at the forefront, Earthquake is nevertheless steady, extremely satisfying and a feast for the eyes. Couple its wholesome rotation with the newfound buffs and you really have a contender for Barb seasonal playtime. If you prefer to devastate a large area over precise shots, like to control the battlefield and gravitate toward rotations that just feel good to execute, Earthquake is your jam.
Might of the Earth - Seismic Slam
Always underappreciated, but always ready to pounce from the shadows and deliver, the Earthquake set has been quietly sitting very close to the leaderboard's top through a select few, but very devout Barbarian players. Ever since Season 19, we have Seismic Slam the way it should always have been - a thunderous mid-range devastator, the perfected counterpart of its older, pure Earthquake cousin. With the reworked Fjord Cutter, this build is quite the underrated powerhouse.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Aegis of Valor
Akkhan/Invoker - Thorns Bombardment
Say what now? The Thorn Bombsader is back with a vengeance, and is a force to be reckoned with in Season 22. Dropping barrels of pristine, unadulterated devastation from the skies, this will be one of the best soloing builds for the entire Season. Thorns Bombardment is a calculating, bursty, cooldown centric build that dishes out punishment in spectacular dollops that will take it all the way to GR150. Note that the build survived a hefty PTR nerf and emerged strong - a testament to its pure numbers.
Aegis of Valor - Heaven's Fury Shotgun
One of the two new sets from Season 20 ascended Crusaders to a whole new level, and evoked the times when the Holy Shotgun was considered OP, because it was the only Reaper of Souls build that demolished T6. Hundreds of millions of damage and health spikes later, this (un)holy amalgamation of items delivers a mixture of Fist of the Heavens and Heaven's Fury Shotgun shots with righteous ferocity that have earned this build the one rigthful nickname: the God Crusader.
Aegis of Valor - Fist of the Heavens
Not as strong as its counterpart, but just as satisfying - the Fist of the Heavens visuals are undeniable - and one of the best Crusader farming builds out there, again courtesy of the new Aegis of Valor Crusader. Mount up, descend into battle and demolish screens full of demons with violent, electrified arcs covering the entire battlefield? What more could you ask for? This build is stronger in Season 22, making it one of the top tier farmers in the entire game, and a pure pleasure to spread destruction with.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Gears of Dreadlands
Gears of Dreadlands - Hungering Arrow (and Bolas!)
Using the powers of the Gears of Dreadlands set, this Demon Hunter build combines the deadly precision of Hungering Arrow with the elegance of movement and battlefield maneuverability of Strafe. The end result is one of the most versatile, agile and honestly - just visually appealing playstyles in the game. Valla's Bequest lives on yet another Season, ensuring this will remain the top tier Demon Hunter build for yet another round of 150 clears.
Legacy of Dreams - Rapid Fire
The emergence of the Rapid Fire build finally brought the close range, Tommy gun-like fantasy of the Demon Hunter class to life - all in a destructive, methodical playstyle that isn't afraid to get into the thick of fights and chaingun-and-grenade its way out. If the strafing evasion of GoD is not for you, and the top of the leaderboard is not your primary concern, this remains one of the most fun ways to play Demon Hunter: right in the demons' faces, melting them off.
Gears of Dreadlands/Marauder - Support
Using the combined might of the Gears of Dreadlands and Marauder sets, this support Demon Hunter build combines the strong damage buffs and pulling utility from the Entangling Shot and Bolas barrage with the myriad utility and toughness buffs coming from the Companion synergy. I never thought I would include a support build as something to be excited about, but it has been so long since Demon Hunters were this desirable and this versatile in the meta, that I can't help but highlight it.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Patterns of Justice
Patterns of Justice - Tempest Rush
Rooting its powers firmly in the TR-dedicated Patterns of Justice set, this alternate take on Tempest Rushing gives its Sunwuko brother a run for his money. The set empowers Sweeping Wind to astronomical proportions, stacking all the runes and swelling the vortex of destruction to a veritable cyclone. The opportunity to include the Shenlong fists in the setup in Season 22 elevates it even further!
Inna - Wave of Light
Although not particularly exciting, this is a purposeful highlight; the ease of starting an Inna Wave of Light build can take you very far into the Season with relatively minor time investment. Inna WoL is a tried and tested build that combines the inherent screen-clearing AoE of Explosive Blasts with the forgiving, easy-to-play Inna set. If you're looking for something to breeze the Season with, this is a strong contender.
Raiment Shenlong - Generator The Monk bread and butter. There is nothing wrong with liking this spec, and if you haven't hopped onto Monk in a while, it's still a great choice. If you like to punch things hard and fast and don't fear managing survivability in the closest of melee combat, this build will still deliver.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Masquerade of the Burning Carnival
Masquerade - Bone Spear
Testing the full capabilities of the dedicated Masquerade of the Burning Carnival set, this Necromancer build focuses on a unique amalgamation of Simulacrums and Bone Spear to produce a crafty sniping playstyle that can take its time setting up fights due to its impressive endurance. Incredibly capable - likely one of the strongest builds this Season - and most importantly, Land of the Dead-independent (hurrah!), this is a build for all the CDR-weary Necromancers out there!
Legacy of Dreams - Corpse Explosion
Basing itself on the versatile and adaptable Legacy of Dreams power and stacking a bunch of empowering and synergistic legendary items, the Corpse Explosion Necromancer provides another supremely powerful and visually striking playstyle this Season - and this one relishes on exploding cadavers, which is about the coolest and most Necromance-y thing you could say. High contender for my second build this Season, I've wanted a top tier Corpse Explosion Necromancer ever since this class came into existence.
Legacy of Dreams - Poison Scythe
Emerging from a combination of the Season 21 changes to the build-defining Haunted Visions amulet, the adaptability of the Legacy of Dreams bonus, and the plethora of Poison-themed skills at the Necromancer's disposal, this Necromancer build offers a simple-yet-deadly playstyle that reaps enemies without a thought for cooldowns. Will this build tickle your fancy for mechanical mastery? Nah. Will it cause theorycrafters to break down build minutae in endless excel tables? Nah. Is it the strongest and laziest Necromancer thing since Bone Storm from ages ago? You betcha.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Mundunugu's Regalia
Mundunugu Spirit Barrage
The Mundunugu set empowers one of the most visually satisfying builds of Witch Doctors, Spirit Barrage, to a ridiculously powerful level that will (barring any unexpected changes) seal the WD's spot in group play for a long, long time. To top it all off, this build is very versatile across all game activities, and can be adapted to everything from bounties, through keyfarm and speeds, to high end solo and group pushing as the Trash Killer. Truly top tier value of a Headrig's Gift for Witch Doctors this time around!
Zunimassa - Carnevil DoD
The Carnevil Witch Doctor summons an army of swarming minions at his side, whose adorable mimicking of his blowdart attack - and positively horrifying attack speed - are a sight to behold. This has been a long time coming; Zunimassa has been building up in power over the course of a few patches, with set and item changes that slowly inched it up in viability. It has been overcome by Mundunugu Spirit Barrage for some time now, but remains one of the strongest - and most evocative - builds in the WD arsenal.
Helltooth - Zombie Bears
Honestly, if this didn't make you check the year of this post, I don't know what could. But yeah, ZOMBIEBAAHS have been buffed now; still nowhere near a contender build, but strong enough to raise an eyebrow and make you chuckle. Seriously, if you choose to run this for GR pushing and Arachyr Chicken for farming, you might be my favorite person on the Internet right now.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Typhon's Veil
Legacy of Dreams - Mammoth Hydra
The Mammoth Hydra playstyle brings the tankier - and more potent - version of the Hydra playstyle, and holds the reigning title of the top Wizard build in S22. If you are looking for a straightforward, durable and classic-feeling Wizard build, I would look no further than this one.
Legacy of Dreams - Frozen Orb
Leave it to Legacy of Dreams to put Frozen Orb back in the spotlight. Combine the Frozen Orb nostalgia of sorceresses past with the slew of synergistic buffs to items like Wizardspike (holy nostalgia indeed), and you have an awesome new playstyle that leaves enemies debilitated and helpless, watching their frozen death creep ever closer.
LoD Energy Twister
Alright, well, if the Zombie Bears didn't make you check the year of the post, then maybe this did. Yes, Twisters are back and no, you don't have to stack them in a corner. You can play a honest-to-Diablo spellslinger that drops down Tornados left and right and simply enjoys the obliterating vortex. And isn't that a nice thing indeed?


We can clearly see an influx of new and returning players - people looking for guidance and advice on early crafting, gambling, and character building foundations. This is my attempt to convey as much information as I can in a single thread.
At the very start of the Season, your first job is, naturally, to create a new seasonal hero. While this first choice does not lock you down too terribly, note that the Seasonal Journey rewards you once per Season - only for the character that completes the chapters first. Bearing that in mind, pick your character and go in game.
While in town, approach one of the followers that most closely matches your class (Templar for Barbarians, Monks and Crusaders, Scoundrel for Demon Hunters, and Enchantress for Witch Doctors, Necromancers and Wizards), select the "Inventory & Skills" option, take their weapon and equip it yourself - it is a significant upgrade over the base weapon that you start with.
Note that once you reach level 7, vendors in all towns - the ones with the nickname "the Fence" in their names - will start selling rings. Each of them has a chance to sell rings that increase your Average Damage (i.e. 2-4 Damage), which is a massive DPS boost early on.


This tactic is only available in Season 22, and relates to the Shadow Clones that you get after clicking any shrine or pylon. The clones are AI controlled, high damaging allies that persist for 1 minute before disappearing, but are able to comfortably carry you on difficulties up to Torment VI for extremely fast leveling (~40-50 minutes with some luck and a good route).
To execute this leveling strategy, all you need to do is check for shrines at specific waypoints in Adventure Mode — ones that are relatively safe and will not risk your character's life. Once you find the clone, simply run around the zone and let him wreak havoc, leveling you up with a tremendous speed in the process. Note that the Shadow Clones scale with your equipment, so you can check vendors to supplement their damage with some very basic equipment.
The following is a list of relevant waypoints (note that they are not fixed spawns, so move down the list if you do not find one):

Challenge Rift Completion and Kanai's Cube

After your character is created, head to the Game Settings menu, go into the Challenge Rifts and start the current weekly run. Note that you have to have completed at least one Greater Rift on your account (either in non-seasonal or previous seasons) to have Challenge Rifts unlocked. Challenge Rifts are a weekly challenge that provides a fixed character and a build (usually using quirky skills and/or heavily unoptimized stats and items), and challenges you to beat the Greater Rift completion time of its original owner.
The completion of the Challenge Rift is usually trivial and can be completed either solo or in a group, and will net you a Challenge Rift Reward cache. Open it up in-game with your brand new seasonal character and claim its contents: Death's Breaths, a couple hundred of each of the base crafting materials, Blood Shard, a couple million gold, and 15 each of the Act-specific bounty cache materials. With your newfound riches, upgrade both your Blacksmith and your Mystic craftsmen in town to their maximum rank.
Your next important step is to acquire Kanai's Cube. Kanai's Cube is found in The Ruins of Sescheron - the waypoint in the top right corner of the Act III map. From that waypoint, run left towards the city and make your way around the ruins; one of its far corners (typically upper right, lower right, or lower left) will have the entrance to the next zone, the Elder Sanctum. Once in the Elder Sanctum, make your way through the zone, practically to its other end. When you find the Cube and click it, it automatically transports itself back to town.
While you are at it, take a look at the Kanai's Cube guide for additional details on its use - it is an incredibly important part of your character progression at any point of the game, so make sure to acquaint yourself thoroughly with its properties.

Which Item to Craft and Extract in the Cube?

One of the strongest early game boosts that you can obtain while leveling is to craft a yellow (rare) level 70 item at the blacksmith, then try to upgrade it into a valuable legendary at Kanai's Cube, and finally extract its property for one of the Kanai's Cube legendary power slots. Note that this strategy is stronger for some classes over others, particularly favoring Demon Hunters, Necromancers, and somewhat Barbarians. The remaining classes can skip this step and directly go to gambling, sparing themselves some disappointment and saving some materials for level 70, since you can do this recipe exactly once at the Season's start (you only have so many Death's Breaths).
When choosing which rare item to craft, keep in mind that you are looking to upgrade them into a legendary that provides some form of skill damage multiplier that will skyrocket your leveling efficiency. Every class has a different set of valuable items to attempt for:





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:



Note that this part of the leveling strategy requires some amount of luck for non-DH and non-Necromancer players. Leveling in a group minimizes the risk of RNG screwing everyone over, but sometimes you will be unlucky; this is nothing to be bothered by, as leveling in Diablo is still a fairly easy and straightforward process.
If you are lucky, however, and obtain one of the items outlined above, you will have just about enough Death's Breaths to use the Extract Legendary Power recipe in Kanai's Cube. Do that, and then slot the (now maximized) legendary power of the item in the Cube, netting yourself a considerable leveling bonus. Needless to say, adjust your build accordingly to the legendary power, i.e. if you get Guard of Johanna as a Crusader, make Blessed Hammer your main damage dealing skill throughout leveling.

Spending the Challenge Rift Blood Shards

Your next step is to try and gamble for valuable items from Kadala at level 1. Since not every legendary is available right from the start, the legendary item pools for some classes are restricted in a beneficial way to obtain another strong damage multiplier right from the start. If you do not consider the legendaries listed for your class particularly attractive, you can always gamble for Helms for a considerable chance at obtaining Leoric's Crown; extracting its power and socketing rubies in your helmets throughout leveling will net you a hefty amount of extra experience.





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:




Crafting a High Level Rare and Reducing Level Requirement

Pick a two-handed weapon category of your choice (2h Axes, Maces, Swords...) and craft a level 70 weapon of the chosen type. Avoid class-specific weapons, since they add a class-specific roll to the secondary stat pool (i.e. Max Fury), making this strat harder. You are looking for a roll with:
If both these stats are present, you have eliminated a large part of the possible Secondary stats on the weapon. Thus, you can easily reroll the other Secondary stat (the one that is NOT the crowd control stat) into Reduced Level Requirement - making the item wearable up to 30 levels prior to level 70. This is a tremendous damage increase for a large chunk of your leveling process.
Of course, if you are very lucky, the Reduced Level Requirement can roll onto your crafted item outright.

Complete a Boss Bounty

An easy early boost to your character in Seasons is to check your bounties for any easily completed act boss killing bounties - the most famous examples being Zoltun Kulle (at the Archives of Zoltun Kulle waypoint) and Maghda (down from the Road to Alcarnus waypoint) in Act II. Another option is Azmodan at the very end of Act III. Simply run past the mobs and go straight for the boss kill.
The boss bounties reward you with a Diabolic Hoard chest that is guaranteed to drop you a couple of rare items; they will boost your overall character power nicely right at the beginning.


Torment VI Traps Method

Turn the difficulty up to Torment VI and go to the Halls of Agony Level 1. Run and dodge past monsters that come in your way until you reach the falling blades traps; there, lure the monsters towards these traps and watch as they get slaughtered, netting you tremendous experience.
This method, while extremely efficient time-wise, is also (arguably) quite unfun and counter-intuitive, not to mention prone to mishaps. Needless to say, this strategy is not Hardcore-friendly and will result in the (frequent) death of your character.

Via Massacre Bonus

You can also consider leveling via Massacre bonuses — a very potent strategy in solo play. The Massacre bonus XP system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for chaining kills of monsters. The caveat is this bonus only works in bounties - and not during Rifts.
To successfully pull of long chains of monster kills, pick highly populated zones - the Cathedral (Act I), Halls of Agony Level 3 (Act I), and, most notably, Fields of Misery (Act I). The tactic is to always be on the move, leading monsters into one another, abusing Cursed Chests for monster spawns, and generally using skills with DoTs or high AoE (Rend for Barbarian, Blessed Hammer for Crusader, Multishot for Demon Hunter, Wave of Light for Monk, Locust Swarm for Witch Doctors, Blizzard for Wizards).
While Massacre leveling will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), it will result in some of the fastest leveling in Diablo 3, clocking under the 2 hour mark when you get the hang of it. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to pull it off in a multiplayer game, leveling by Massacre bonuses can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; this is predominantly a solo leveling technique. It also has the considerable downside of losing the increased legendary drop rate and blood shards of rifting.

Via Cursed Chests

This is one of the faster methods, clocking in under the 1 hour mark with experienced groups that have a Necromancer with them. The reason for the inclusion of the Necromancer is the supremely strong class-specific legendaries that are able to be gambled from the get-go — namely, Grasp of Essence to amplify the damage of Corpse Explosion, and Bloodtide Blade to amplify the damage of Death Nova. Either of those lucky finds can carry an entire group on up to Torment VI difficulty. Ideally, the remaining teammates will support the DPS carry with buffs and as much crowd control as they can muster.
The preferred way to level through Cursed Chests is to have individual party members make their own games, and invite the rest of the group when they stumble upon one of the Cursed Chests from the list below. Note that Act IV has no suitable spots.

Via Rifting

For groups and players that do not stress losing an hour in the 1-70 race, the general recommendation is to stick to rifts for the 1-70 journey. Rifts grant you increased legendary drop rate, blood shards for gambling, and a hefty "hand-in" bonus at the end. While rifting has a higher degree of randomness than bounties (map layout, monster density and composition are all RNG), the removal of Rift Keystones as a requirement to open them allows you to simply remake if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift.

And this is it! Thank you so much for reading this megathread and my guides! Good luck and have a great Season 22!

submitted by the_deadset to Diablo [link] [comments]

GungHo Collab - My rating and opinion on each card!

Welcome back gang! Just thought I'd give my own take on each of the Gung-Ho collab rolls. There's so many cards in this collab, and each one is so unique, that I bet it can be hard for many players to figure out what's good or not.
I've given a rating and brief explanation as to some thoughts about the cards. I do keep an eye on what's coming out in the future, but I remind everyone that what's popular in Japan may not be popular here, due to access to different cards. So I base my opinions by what's going on here in the NA servers.
Like always I make changes based on community feedback. If anything is glaringly wrong I will make changes to prevent misinformation. If it's my opinion that you feel is wrong, leave a comment and we can discuss it below. No one ever fully agrees with a rating list so go easy on me, I don't get paid for this!
How I rated cards *not in any particular order* -
Guardian Goddess Minerva -
Gamayla -
Knight Kisaragi -
Loki, Wily God of Destruction -
Aoi Shikigami -
Luluna -
Lost Gear -
Bradamante -
Dazzling Beast Goddess, Tsukuyomi -
Healing Archangel Raphael -
Reginleif -
Lakshmi, Goddess of Fortune -
Great Witch of the Dark Flowers, Reeche -
Twin Stars of Purgatory, Belial -
God of Commerce, Mercury -
Shust -
Goddess of Purity, Artemis -
Kaguya, Princess of Tsukuyomi -
Goddess of the Past, Urd -
Goddess of the Present, Verdandi -
Goddess of the Future, Skuld -
5\ Chibis -* All 3 of the 5* Chibis are excellent leaders for new players.
submitted by KTO-Potato to PuzzleAndDragons [link] [comments]

Cogmind Beta 10.2 "Forbidden Lore: Cogmind the ARG"

Forbidden Lore: Cogmind the ARG
It's a special event for Halloween, and more!
Starting today and for the entire next month, playing Cogmind automatically enters a new mode built as part of a Cogmind/roguelike/tech-themed ARG. Unlike previous special modes, this one doesn't actually make sweeping gameplay changes, but instead challenges you to hunt for clues with help from, scouring the game and internet for passwords to special lore. More on that later...
As you'll see in the changelog, this release is clearly much bigger than just the event, scoping larger than planned as I started early on work to make some of the balance adjustments scheduled for Beta 11. There is still a lot more to come on that front, but a few items were either more urgent, or just things I felt like prioritizing a bit to see how they pan out as considerations regarding the bigger areas of the upcoming rebalance continue to get hashed out on Discord and the GSG forums.
Beta 10.2 also includes a bit of new content, but I'll be leaving that for players to discover.

Cogmind Beta 10.2 "Forbidden Lore: Cogmind the ARG" (201030) changelog:

(I didn't highlight "more important" entries in the changelog like I normally do, since the vast majority were being highlighted anyway when I went to do that :P)
Saves from earlier versions are incompatible with Beta 10.2, but even if you're on Steam and Cogmind automatically updates, Beta 10/10.1 is still available via its own legacy branch and you can roll back to finish a run in progress first if you like.
As with any other release, I might do quick unannounced hotfixes in the coming hours or days if players discovereport something new and urgent (the chance is somewhat higher with 10.2 because this release went without the usual prerelease playtesting by Patrons to keep it a surprise for everyone). We now have an even more specific version check system based on build number, so if you're playing and have the News feature active, it'll remind when you're playing without the most recent hotfix.

Let the ARG Begin!

Cogmind is pretty big on lore, creating a deeper world with its various factions, NPCs, and the stories they share. And there's so much more room out there! In the lore you can already find references to pieces of the world which don't currently exist, some of them likely to happen one day (some of them guaranteed :P), but reliable information is spotty. This Halloween event will fill a few gaps and also give glimpses of other locations and inhabitants of Tau Ceti IV.
Starting from the event's home page, at the bottom you'll see your first hint. Hints suggest where in the game world you'll find either a password or another clue as to how to obtain the password, and with that password you can follow the link on the event page to the next level, which will also reward you with FORBIDDEN LORE (and usually a bit of art to go with it). For simplicity the username at every level is always simply "cogmind", it's the password that will be unique each time and that's what you'll have to figure out. In-game clues can take a variety of forms, but are always presented as some sort of text, be it NPC dialogue, a special announcement, etc.
Although I know at least a few people who could definitely complete this entire challenge on their own, not everyone will be capable of figuring out every step alone. Don't be afraid to ask the community for tips or additional hints along the way at various levels where you need it. I'm sure there'll be plenty of discussion and help available on the Discord.
Working together with others to solve the mysteries would also make it easier to rise through the levels more quickly, since multiple runs will be required to follow every hint. I suggest using a new password on the site immediately after discovering it, in case the next hint is somewhere still within reach in your current run, in order to achieve it more quickly.
This being an ARG, most of the passwords are actually found outside the game itself.
Good luck :)

ARG Addendum

Shout out to PlasticHeart for putting together the CogFont based on fonts developed for the game, which came in quite handy when making the event website :D
Forbidden Lore mode will automatically activate for you on new runs started on or after 10/29 (through November), if you've played at least 10 runs before.
If you want to play beyond the end of the event, or regardless of your run count, you can still force it by adding a command line parameter when running COGMIND.EXE: "-forceMode:ForbiddenLore". Within Steam this is handled by going to Cogmind > Properties > Set Launch Options, like this example from Player2 mode earlier this year.
(Note that although the event mode will be accessible after the period is over, and likely also in future versions, but I can't 100% guarantee that it will be fully completable forever since, as an ARG, advancing relies on the presence of information found outside the game, elsewhere on the internet.)
If you want to play a regular run during the event, you can suppress date-based event triggering by adding the "-noSpecialMode" command line parameter.
If the event mode is active, you'll see a notice in your message log on startup.
*(though again this mode doesn't really affect much in the way of gameplay, even though runs in this mode will technically go to a separate leaderboard)


Beta 10.2 includes a fair number of nerfs, and the changelog itself isn't nearly as balanced as I like to keep it (an equal helping of both buffs and nerfs/new features is best), but we'll be getting plenty more buffs and fun stuff to play with in Beta 11, and in this release I just took advantage of the opportunity to prioritize responding to areas the community has been cheesing the hardest by moving up planned changes, or just increasing the overall challenge level of various parts of the game.
Also a number of the nerfed bits here were intentionally introduced as OP features with the intention of tweaking them after seeing how they were used.
On that note, against the trend there is a new potentially OP weapon you might be able to get your hands on ;)
To address some of the biggest changes here...
All those easily-hackable single-tile door terminals that were a major security liability for 0b10 are a thing of the past. They now do nothing more than open their door, as opposed to providing one after another weak backdoor into the mapwide system :P (i.e., no indirect hacks there). All such terminals now also have unique names so they're even more recognizable at a distance, the majority simply being called "Door Terminal," although this change also applies to the other instances of special-purpose terminals that control something nearby.
Prior to now, with assistance from door terminals a good hacker could very easily end up with far more terminal resources than they could reasonably need and exhaust, especially in certain branches with lots of blast doors. Now instead of simply running out of hacking target ideas, these builds may in some cases have to be a little more selective, or in some cases have a (slightly? xD) harder time getting access to a suitable Terminal on short notice.
This change does also negatively impact builds that could only effectively use low-level Terminals to begin with, but those builds have had numerous buffs over previous releases to begin with.
Another change related mostly to flight-hack builds is that alert is now also raised when enemies lose track of you! The primary hostile interaction for gaining alert has traditionally been through destruction, but if you're zipping all over the place frequently attracting attention then slipping away it makes sense that the Complex should respond to that, too.
I'm really interested to see the results of this change, which could add a bit of pressure to flight runs and make stealth approaches that much more enticing rather than simply outrunning everything but then safely remaining on the same map. The amount of alert involved here might be further tweaked, but we'll see how it pans out in the current release first.
Also the current result of high alert accrued via this method will be assault dispatches, as usual, but the response will be different in future versions--I just haven't gotten to that point and added this bit first.
Programmer allies were nerfed by making them unable to hack if disarmed, a sad loss because it was quite fun to have a disarmed hacker friend literally owning everything, when it happens naturally, but players were starting to intentionally create these OP allies so that behavior had to be removed and put them on par with hostile Programmers.
Master Thieves got a pretty significant overhaul. They've been in the game for a while now but no one was really taking advantage of them until much more recently. Even more changes are probably in order, but the related mechanics are no longer quite so abusable.
A range of individual parts were adjusted as per the changelog, mostly nerfs of various degrees, although you've also got single-slot Terrabombs now, which will make those a lot more enticing (technically that and a few other items on the list were modified as part of silent post-release 10.1 updates, but are included in the changelog this time around since they were otherwise not recorded or announced here).
There's not a ton of QoL like we usually have each release, but I did add Escape key support for recentering on Cogmind while cycling through multiple drone views with Enter:


Cogminder aoemica has built a wonderful tool, dubbed Cog-Minder, a very convenient site to filter and search through Cogmind's many items.
Notice the Spoiler button there which can be toggled on to include everything, even uniques and other special parts you'll only find in mid-/late-game branches or the extended game. You can leave that off if you're just starting out and want an unspoiled experience but would like to examine "regular" parts.
Over on my Twitch channel I streamed my first Beta 10 run, a hover run that eventually went on to obtain one of the new endings.
That's the first of five videos, a looooong run because 1) it hit a ton of locations and 2) there was a lot of discussion along the way :P. (More recently on the channel I'm trying out the space roguelike Prospector, which is pretty cool.)
Starting this week over on Patreon we're also voting for secondary QoL features that patrons want to prioritize for Beta 11, so the results from that should probably be known by the time the next announcement comes around.
We know what happened after a good year or more of players joking about the possibility of "Combat Swarmers" (TRACKERS!). Well, the long-running joke that followed that is "Combat Recyclers." Hmm...
submitted by Kyzrati to Cogmind [link] [comments]

Deadset's All Characters Cheat Sheet & Endgame Guide Compendium, Season 21 Edition


Greetings, /Diablo!
As the flavorful text of the Season ever so eloquently puts it, the air is thick with demonic stench, and Sanctuary crackles with elemental chaos - the Trial of the Tempests is nigh! This Season's power, as you might have already realized, evokes the S19 theme of devastating procs that dictate the flow of battle. Unlike S19 however, where those powerful effects were beholden to the mayhem of your own character, this time they answer to one thing only - the unrelenting flow of time itself!
Or, in short, it's a time-based proc. Of reasonable power, and quite a bit of RNG. We think. Its final version was never really shown on the PTR.
But I digress! It would be a lie to say I didn't have fun with S19's screen-obliterating procs, and if S21 manages to take me back to those blissful, post-D4 announcement BlizzCon days, I would be satisfied. Once again, we have two new sets to play with, and much like Season 20, it feels like one of them got the short end of the stick.
Necromancers got the Masquerade of the Burning Carnival set, a valiant attempt at freeing the class from the Land of the Dead, hyper-cooldown optimization tyranny. To the developer's credit, the playstyle is well constructed, and despite my early PTR gripes that "it's another Bone Spear thing, Pestilence exists, grr!", the interplay with Simulacrum provides just enough of a difference to really make it stand out. The changes to Simulacrum as a whole are one of the patch's highlights, and it finally stands toe to toe with other summoner options for Necros in terms of flavor, flexibility and enjoyment to play. And even though a considerable bump in damage would reaaaally be nice, I can't imagine Necromancers would be displeased by S21 - not after seeing how the new Legacy of Dreams-based Corpse Explosion and Poison Scythe builds trample the highest tiers of content.
Demon Hunters got the real sweet deal in my book though. I have long championed Strafe as the coolest skill in the class' arsenal (I might have watched the Matrix one too many times as a kid), and even though you could and maybe even did play a RoV Natalya's build with it back in the day... it just never really did it justice, did it? (No wonder Natalya DHs jumped ship to Rapid Fire first chance they got.) Now we have the real Strafe set in the face of Gears of Dreadlands, and I will be rocking this stylish 6-piece in order to style on demons and make pincushions out of them all Season long! I only wish Chakram got some love alongside Hungering Arrow and Bolas, but eh - there's always next Season.
Have a great Season 21, and as always - happy hunting!


(No, really!)



Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: The Shadow's Mantle
Gears of Dreadlands - Hungering Arrow (and Bolas!)
Using the powers of the Gears of Dreadlands set, this Demon Hunter build combines the deadly precision of Hungering Arrow with the elegance of movement and battlefield maneuverability of Strafe. The end result is one of the most versatile, agile and honestly - just visually appealing playstyles in the game. Whether the interactions with Valla's Bequest are intended or not remains to be seen, but this is a guaranteed contender for the most played build this upcoming Season, and with good reason!
Gears of Dreadlands/Marauder - Support
Using the combined might of the Gears of Dreadlands and Marauder sets, this support Demon Hunter build combines the strong damage buffs and pulling utility from the Entangling Shot and Bolas barrage with the myriad utility and toughness buffs coming from the Companion synergy. I never thought I would include a support build as something to be excited about, but it has been so long since Demon Hunters were this desirable and this versatile in the meta, that I can't help but highlight it. Now if only they made Calamity good again. Sigh.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Grace of Inarius
Masquerade - Bone Spear
Testing the full capabilities of the dedicated Masquerade of the Burning Carnival set, this Necromancer build focuses on a unique amalgamation of Simulacrums and Bone Spear to produce a crafty sniping playstyle that can take its time setting up fights due to its impressive endurance. While a tad underpowered for the highest of high endgame pushes, this is still a capable - and most importantly, Land of the Dead-independent (hurrah!) - build for all the CDR-weary Necromancers out there.
Legacy of Dreams - Corpse Explosion
Basing itself on the versatile and adaptable Legacy of Dreams power and stacking a bunch of empowering and synergistic legendary items, the Corpse Explosion Necromancer provides another supremely powerful and visually striking playstyle this Season - and this one relishes on exploding cadavers, which is about the coolest and most Necromance-y thing you could say. High contender for my second build this Season, I've wanted a top tier Corpse Explosion Necromancer ever since this class came into existence.
Legacy of Dreams - Poison Scythe
Emerging from a combination of the Season 21 changes to the build-defining Haunted Visions amulet, the adaptability of the Legacy of Dreams bonus, and the plethora of Poison-themed skills at the Necromancer's disposal, this Necromancer build offers a simple-yet-deadly playstyle that reaps enemies without a thought for cooldowns. Will this build tickle your fancy for mechanical mastery? Nah. Will it cause theorycrafters to break down build minutae in endless excel tables? Nah. Is it the strongest and laziest Necromancer thing since Bone Storm from ages ago? You betcha.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Might of the Earth
Suggested Top/Most Fun Build to Run: Wrath of the Wastes - Rend
Built from the ashes of a very old Rend/IK mixture, the Rend Wastes Barbarian truly shows the potential and terror of this DoT build. An unstoppable machine that whirls, cleaves and guts demons like Barbarians were always meant to do. With the newfound powers of Ambo's Pride, this build bleeds his enemies dry in an instant, turning what was once an unassuming bleed into a fearsome nuke that gets applied every second. Couple that with the savage elegance of Whirlwinding, and it's no wonder people will return to this build time and again when it comes to Barb progression.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Thorns of the Invoker
Suggested Top/Most Fun Build to Run: Aegis of Valor - Heaven's Fury Shotgun
One of the two new sets from Season 19 ascended Crusaders to a whole new level, and evoked the times when the Holy Shotgun was considered OP, because it was the only Reaper of Souls build that demolished T6. Hundreds of millions of damage and health spikes later, this (un)holy amalgamation of items delivers a mixture of Fist of the Heavens and Heaven's Fury Shotgun shots with righteous ferocity that have earned this build the one rigthful nickname: God Crusader. In short, it's still pretty damn OP, even with two Seasons in a row worth of nerfs.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Sunwuko
Suggested Top/Most Fun Build to Run: Patterns of Justice - Tempest Rush
Rooting its powers firmly in the TR-dedicated Patterns of Justice set, this alternate take on Tempest Rushing gives its Sunwuko brother an equal competitor. The set empowers Sweeping Wind to astronomical proportions, stacking all the runes and swelling the vortex of destruction to a veritable cyclone.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Jade Harvester
Suggested Top/Most Fun Build to Run: Mundunugu Spirit Barrage
The Mundunugu set empowers one of the most visually satisfying builds of Witch Doctors, Spirit Barrage, to a ridiculously powerful level that will (barring any unexpected changes) seal the WD's spot in group play for much longer than the flavor-of-month Poison Nova will for Necros. To top it all off, this build is very versatile across all game activities, and can be adapted to everything from bounties, through keyfarm and speeds, to high end solo and group pushing as the Trash Killer.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Firebird's Finery
Suggested Top/Most Fun Build to Run: Vyr - Archon
Transforming the Wizard into an unstoppable being of Arcane destruction, the Achon build simply has it all - power, mobility, versatility. For the modest investment of two relatively easy-to-obtain sets - Vyr and Chantodo - this build will take you into the highest of Greater Rifts, and with a relatively simple to grasp playstyle to boot. This remains one of the strongest builds you could go for on a Wizard, and has an excellent character power-to-time-invested ratio.


We can clearly see an influx of new and returning players - people looking for guidance and advice on early crafting, gambling, and character building foundations. This is my attempt to convey as much information as I can in a single thread.
At the very start of the Season, your first job is, naturally, to create a new seasonal hero. While this first choice does not lock you down too terribly, note that the Seasonal Journey rewards you once per Season - only for the character that completes the chapters first. Bearing that in mind, pick your character and go in game.
While in town, approach one of the followers that most closely matches your class (Templar for Barbarians, Monks and Crusaders, Scoundrel for Demon Hunters, and Enchantress for Witch Doctors, Necromancers and Wizards), select the "Inventory & Skills" option, take their weapon and equip it yourself - it is a significant upgrade over the base weapon that you start with.
Note that once you reach level 7, vendors in all towns - the ones with the nickname "the Fence" in their names - will start selling rings. Each of them has a chance to sell rings that increase your Average Damage (i.e. 2-4 Damage), which is a massive DPS boost early on.

Challenge Rift Completion and Kanai's Cube

After your character is created, head to the Game Settings menu, go into the Challenge Rifts and start the current weekly run. Note that you have to have completed at least one Greater Rift on your account (either in non-seasonal or previous seasons) to have Challenge Rifts unlocked. Challenge Rifts are a weekly challenge that provides a fixed character and a build (usually using quirky skills and/or heavily unoptimized stats and items), and challenges you to beat the Greater Rift completion time of its original owner.
The completion of the Challenge Rift is usually trivial and can be completed either solo or in a group, and will net you a Challenge Rift Reward cache. Open it up in-game with your brand new seasonal character and claim its contents: Death's Breaths, a couple hundred of each of the base crafting materials, Blood Shard, a couple million gold, and 15 each of the Act-specific bounty cache materials. With your newfound riches, upgrade both your Blacksmith and your Mystic craftsmen in town to their maximum rank.
Your next important step is to acquire Kanai's Cube. Kanai's Cube is found in The Ruins of Sescheron - the waypoint in the top right corner of the Act III map. From that waypoint, run left towards the city and make your way around the ruins; one of its far corners (typically upper right, lower right, or lower left) will have the entrance to the next zone, the Elder Sanctum. Once in the Elder Sanctum, make your way through the zone, practically to its other end. When you find the Cube and click it, it automatically transports itself back to town.
While you are at it, take a look at the Kanai's Cube guide for additional details on its use - it is an incredibly important part of your character progression at any point of the game, so make sure to acquaint yourself thoroughly with its properties.

Which Item to Craft and Extract in the Cube?

One of the strongest early game boosts that you can obtain while leveling is to craft a yellow (rare) level 70 item at the blacksmith, then try to upgrade it into a valuable legendary at Kanai's Cube, and finally extract its property for one of the Kanai's Cube legendary power slots. Note that this strategy is stronger for some classes over others, particularly favoring Demon Hunters, Necromancers, and somewhat Barbarians. The remaining classes can skip this step and directly go to gambling, sparing themselves some disappointment and saving some materials for level 70, since you can do this recipe exactly once at the Season's start (you only have so many Death's Breaths).
When choosing which rare item to craft, keep in mind that you are looking to upgrade them into a legendary that provides some form of skill damage multiplier that will skyrocket your leveling efficiency. Every class has a different set of valuable items to attempt for:





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:



Note that this part of the leveling strategy requires some amount of luck for non-DH and non-Necromancer players. Leveling in a group minimizes the risk of RNG screwing everyone over, but sometimes you will be unlucky; this is nothing to be bothered by, as leveling in Diablo is still a fairly easy and straightforward process.
If you are lucky, however, and obtain one of the items outlined above, you will have just about enough Death's Breaths to use the Extract Legendary Power recipe in Kanai's Cube. Do that, and then slot the (now maximized) legendary power of the item in the Cube, netting yourself a considerable leveling bonus. Needless to say, adjust your build accordingly to the legendary power, i.e. if you get Guard of Johanna as a Crusader, make Blessed Hammer your main damage dealing skill throughout leveling.

Spending the Challenge Rift Blood Shards

Your next step is to try and gamble for valuable items from Kadala at level 1. Since not every legendary is available right from the start, the legendary item pools for some classes are restricted in a beneficial way to obtain another strong damage multiplier right from the start. If you do not consider the legendaries listed for your class particularly attractive, you can always gamble for Helms for a considerable chance at obtaining Leoric's Crown; extracting its power and socketing rubies in your helmets throughout leveling will net you a hefty amount of extra experience.





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:




Crafting a High Level Rare and Reducing Level Requirement

Pick a two-handed weapon category of your choice (2h Axes, Maces, Swords...) and craft a level 70 weapon of the chosen type. Avoid class-specific weapons, since they add a class-specific roll to the secondary stat pool (i.e. Max Fury), making this strat harder. You are looking for a roll with:
If both these stats are present, you have eliminated a large part of the possible Secondary stats on the weapon. Thus, you can easily reroll the other Secondary stat (the one that is NOT the crowd control stat) into Reduced Level Requirement - making the item wearable up to 30 levels prior to level 70. This is a tremendous damage increase for a large chunk of your leveling process.
Of course, if you are very lucky, the Reduced Level Requirement can roll onto your crafted item outright.

Complete a Boss Bounty

An easy early boost to your character in Seasons is to check your bounties for any easily completed act boss killing bounties - the most famous examples being Zoltun Kulle (at the Archives of Zoltun Kulle waypoint) and Maghda (down from the Road to Alcarnus waypoint) in Act II. Another option is Azmodan at the very end of Act III. Simply run past the mobs and go straight for the boss kill.
The boss bounties reward you with a Diabolic Hoard chest that is guaranteed to drop you a couple of rare items; they will boost your overall character power nicely right at the beginning.


And this is it! You've made it to the actual leveling part! :) Outside the Cursed Chest strategy that requires Necromancer presence in the group, you have three major class-agnostic options:

Torment VI Traps Method

Turn the difficulty up to Torment VI and go to the Halls of Agony Level 1. Run and dodge past monsters that come in your way until you reach the falling blades traps; there, lure the monsters towards these traps and watch as they get slaughtered, netting you tremendous experience.
This method, while extremely efficient time-wise, is also (arguably) quite unfun and counter-intuitive, not to mention prone to mishaps. Needless to say, this strategy is not Hardcore-friendly and will result in the (frequent) death of your character.

Via Massacre Bonus

You can also consider leveling via Massacre bonuses — a very potent strategy in solo play. The Massacre bonus XP system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for chaining kills of monsters. The caveat is this bonus only works in bounties - and not during Rifts.
To successfully pull of long chains of monster kills, pick highly populated zones - the Cathedral (Act I), Halls of Agony Level 3 (Act I), and, most notably, Fields of Misery (Act I). The tactic is to always be on the move, leading monsters into one another, abusing Cursed Chests for monster spawns, and generally using skills with DoTs or high AoE (Rend for Barbarian, Blessed Hammer for Crusader, Multishot for Demon Hunter, Wave of Light for Monk, Locust Swarm for Witch Doctors, Blizzard for Wizards).
While Massacre leveling will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), it will result in some of the fastest leveling in Diablo 3, clocking under the 2 hour mark when you get the hang of it. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to pull it off in a multiplayer game, leveling by Massacre bonuses can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; this is predominantly a solo leveling technique. It also has the considerable downside of losing the increased legendary drop rate and blood shards of rifting.

Via Rifting

For groups and players that do not stress losing an hour in the 1-70 race, the general recommendation is to stick to rifts for the 1-70 journey. Rifts grant you increased legendary drop rate, blood shards for gambling, and a hefty "hand-in" bonus at the end. While rifting has a higher degree of randomness than bounties (map layout, monster density and composition are all RNG), the removal of Rift Keystones as a requirement to open them allows you to simply remake if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift.

And this is it! Thank you so much for reading this megathread and my guides! Good luck and have a great Season 21!

submitted by the_deadset to Diablo [link] [comments]

Cogmind Beta 10 "Warlord Forever!"

The full ambient soundscape is here, and it's not alone! Beta 10 also comes with expanded bothacking abilities, two more alternate endings, many more types of drones, and of course lots of other features to improve the overall experience.
Diving right in here...
(Note: Beta 10 is far too large to fit the entire release notes in a Reddit post, so I've had to share the changelog here as an image rather than text. For a normal view of the full release notes, see this same announcement on the forums!)
Saves from earlier versions are incompatible with Beta 10, but even if you're on Steam and Cogmind automatically updates, Beta 9.6 is still available via its own legacy branch and you can roll back to finish a run in progress first if you like.

Ambient Soundscape

You can now fully hear the world of Cogmind!
Cogmind has always had a ton of sound effects that help bring the world to life, but as far as continuous tracks go, for many years we've only had a few ambient sounds emitted by special machines and sample mapwide tracks in a couple maps as a test. Now all named machines have their own audio, as do all the maps!
Hear an array of Construction Platforms at work in the Factory, the rumble of a Megafabricator in the distance, Plasma Injectors down in the Mines, the hum of Power Conduits, busy Mainframes echoing throughout the Research branches, and so much more.
Aside from thematic mapwide drones that meld everything together, when you're not blasting robots and using the interface the audio experience is primarily defined by environmental factors, yet another new facet of Cogmind's emphasis on immersion.
I wrote an in-depth article about the content and process behind Building Cogmind’s Ambient Soundscape (visual overview).
Related to the expansion of Cogmind's audio content we have an important new advanced option, muteAudioOnFocusLoss, which you might want to turn on if you do a lot of Alt-Tabbing and prefer that Cogmind not continue playing its audio while you're in some other window. We might want that to be on by default, but it's off for now since I need to make sure it doesn't mess anything up first :P (it seems okay so far, anyway--I've been using it for a while now, but that's just me).
The soundscape is also fully accessible in text form as well, a new feature that will benefit both those who can't turn up the volume or simply want the extra visual reinforcement enabled by being able to also "read" all the audio sources. This is made possible via a new Audio Log, off by default but toggled in the options menu.
There's a summary of Audio Log features and behavior in the manual, or if you want an even more in-depth look at how the system was built you can check out the article I wrote on the topic: Audio Accessibility Features for Roguelikes (visual overview).
The install size of the game has definitely gone up as a result of all the new audio, by a whopping 50%! It wasn't exactly huge to begin with, but with Beta 10 we're going from 30MB to 45MB.

New Endings

We have two new endings, bringing us to a total of nine different ways to win! I won't spoil the new ones here except to say that they're both a part of the extended game, and to point out the obvious, that yes the "expanded Warlord arc" indicated in the changelog is what you've been waiting for if you're one of us Warlord fans. Warlord forever! (Hopefully...)
Each of the new endings presents new challenges beyond what was already in the game, and of course as with the other seven, they each come with their own unique animated ending sequence. A ton of work went into these endings as a whole, and based on initial feedback from patrons they seem to have turned out pretty well. I even had to add a whole new type of UI window to enable you to trigger access to one of the new endings--you'll know it when you see it ;)
On a related note, I've also expanded some NPC interactions that people have wanted to see over the years. Under the right circumstances it's been possible to get certain major NPCs to meet each other, but in the past they wouldn't take notice or otherwise react in any way. Now they do, usually with consequences :P

Drones and AI

There was a decent list of optional features to consider for Beta 10, and this time patrons voted to prioritize a drone mechanics rework together with a significant expansion of the types of drones available. It's turned out pretty nicely, resolving what I saw as some longstanding issues while adding fun new options at the same time.
Importantly, the new additions are not simply "drone with guns A, drone with guns B, etc.", or even drones using just standard tech, but instead come with unique features or behavior that can enable special strategies, or at least just be really fun to use--launch decoys, self-guided bombs, your own posse of thieves, drones that do your hacking for you, and more!
Drone Bay Basics
The most fundamental change with respect to drones is that you must have an attached and functional matching type of bay in order to use them. The bay does not actually need to be active, however (activating a bay is simply a way to launch drones). There are a number of implied changes connected to this one, including:
If you remove the necessary drone bay (or it's destroyed xD), all related drones will take on the new "Unconnected" status and shut down. You lose the FOV info, but can gain it back again immediately by attaching an appropriate bay.
This requirement really opened up the drone space for more possibilities and was pivotal in making the new drones much more interesting since the bay becomes a part of the requirement for using them, meaning we can get more powerful/numerous drones because the bay itself can be huge or heavy as a balancing factor to compensate :)
One surely welcome QoL under this new system is that if you have multiple matching drone bays and the attached one is full, drones can actually return to those which are currently in your inventory, as long as one has sufficient space.
Less Micro
Overall there'll be less micromanagement involved with drones, and in some cases other allies as well, with the biggest change being the complete removal of the GOTO order! That feature just encouraged a lot of micromanagement to get the most out of allies, especially drones which could then be carefully moved around to explore manually in some cases, and would often be optimal but tedious (i.e. not good). (Even after the removal you can technically still get them generally where you want by using a combination of movement, waiting, and STAY orders, though this incurs a time cost which can be prohibitive except when very important.)
This encouraged me to make some improvements to the AI as well, most importantly that unarmed followers will slightly trail behind rather than gathering around your current location. And they'll be smart about retreating ahead of you if you're retreating, too, generally keeping them out of the line of fire (unless you're suddenly ambushed from behind, or surrounded, in which case good luck :P).
Drones and all allies will also really do their best to avoid stepping on known traps now. It turns out that although they would never path through traps, they might sometimes decide to stand on one if you were hanging around near it long enough.
Fleeing drones will now always RETURN automatically, rather than running around wildly, so it'll be easier to get them back and they'll be much more likely to survive longer. By extension, any disarmed combat drones will also automatically return, possibly improving their lifespan as well. The potential drawback here is that they might lead enemies right back to your position! Of course if you're not there when the enemies finally arrive then it's all good anyway... (or you can choose to sacrifice the drone by removing the bay to disconnect it and then you'll be fine, too)
Drone QoL
One long-requested new feature is the ability to have the map view follow a drone as it moves. You can easily cycle through your drones using the normal Enter key (or center mouse button), which highlights them and their FOV. You can just use this to more easily check where they are, or even pass turns while focused on them and watch as they explore even distant areas.
The allies menu system got some upgrades, too:
Acquiring Drones
A majority of the new drone bays are available in the early game, although every single type except for one is a unique part, so you won't be seeing all of them in the same run. Less unique drones with similar mechanics might be available in the future (for example via Merchants!), but there's currently no good place to add them yet so I decided it would be better to make the bays unique so they could be especially useful or fun.
Many are available in the Mines via a new prefab encounter, and the rest are scattered about in other plot areas. One is a regular 0b10 prototype bay.

RIF Expansion

For all the Botlord builds out there, the pool of potential robot hacking abilities has been expanded from 9 to 15. Half of the new ones can be obtained multiple times to increase their effectiveness.
(Skip this section if you want to discover them on your own!)
Here's an overview of what's new...


You can ram walls and machines now! Doing this is will mess you up pretty bad and there are warnings against it, of course, to help prevent you from smashing your face into that adjacent nuclear reactor, although if you're getting really desperate and squads are gathering around, this might actually be a good idea ;)
So it's there if you need it. This also provides a last ditch way out of escaping situations in which you've accidentally allowed Engineers to entomb you without any weapons to escape :P
Ramming like this uses the same old force melee commands.
We also have a more controversial mechanical adjustment in terms of using melee weapons in dug out spaces. For a number of reasons being able to safely dig winding tunnels could be pretty cheesy, even more so using them to fight pursuers. Projectile weapons could cause instant cave-ins when used like this from within unstable areas, but not melee weapons. Now all weapons are treated the same in this regard. The chance of melee attacks causing a cave-in are lower than, say, a kinetic cannon, but it is no longer completely safe to do so.
In terms of tunnel combat I imagine the effect of this change is less of an issue for players since that practice probably wasn't as widespread, though this does also affect the ability to dig consecutively through multiple spaces with a melee weapon, which will no doubt cause concern for some stealth builds which will need to consider alternative options if they can't risk a cave-in.
In any case, we'll see how things turn out, but stealth is already super effective and melee digging in particular was only one small part of that effectiveness.


Trackers have been nerfed. See the multiple changelog lines regarding them :P
The changes essentially mean they'll be a bit slower to catch up to you, and also have to be within view before they can open fire. Technically this is also an indirect nerf to builds that liked to farm Trackers and take their OP gear to turn it agaist 0b10, but players who could do that were few and far in between (in Rogue mode, at least xD).
We also have some OP weapon nerfs, specifically the Firepult and Guided EMP Blaster. Both are still good, but were definitely way too good earlier. The Firepult nerf in particular was planned to happen eventually, but don't worry, it's still quite good, just can't be used indefinitely because the idea behind most EX-tech was that it's stuff which is fun and effective to play with through the early/mid-game rather than become something you stash away to help crush the extended game :P. Some other Exiles parts will likely be revisited in the next release for updating as well (they were intentionally made OP when first introduced basically just for fun, since you can't get them every run anyway).
Impact weapons got a situational buff across the board, since all walls and reinforced barriers are now weaker against them.
I made some changes to the Access garrison situation, namely removing the original extremely deadly result of visiting one, a nasty surprise for anyone doing it their first time that was probably not survivable for most builds. The origial effect (instant Max Security!), was my first reaction to Pimski trying to loop indefinitely since it was an easy way to use the game's existing content to mostly discourage or outright block that possibility. Now there's a much less deadly result specifically for that situation.
Going inside that garrison itself has gotten more dangerous, however--I mean it's Access, right?! :)


Our favorite three-letter combo around here!
We've got some useful new protective warnings, including most importantly a warning if you're attempting to attack from a position that might cause a cave-in as a result, since it can be easy to that accidentally in the heat of battle. (This warning also includes melee attacks, as per the earlier mechanical change mentioned earlier.) There's also a warning if your attempted line of fire is blocked by another robot, since a fair number of people don't seem to notice that as readily, especially if the situation is changing as a lot of bots are moving around during combat (note that the LOF indicator also changes color).
Previously used guided waypoints can now be recalled even if some were outside FOV (demo).
By request, as long as you have Tactical HUD mode active, parts that have been damaged for whatever reason (like... being shot :P) now retain a box around their integrity display in your parts list until your next action, so that you can more easily recall what has just taken damage (demo).
I've activated this behavior by default, but if it bothers you you can deactivate it in advanced.cfg using partDamageIndicatorsRetained.
Also by request, we now have the ability to add custom log notes!
Log notes could later be expanded in a number of ways depending on player needs, but the primary purpose behind its current form is to allow you to leave in-game notes about what you were doing at the end of a play session, making it easier to pick up where you left off next time.
This feature is currently only accessible via Shift-Alt-z, but we'll be later getting a new menu system for easier access to all Shift-Alt key combo features, including mouse accessibility.
And no, your notes do not appear in the final scoresheet at this time (they're excluded from log output and only appear in game).
I've updated any Mines reward encounters that required randomly visiting a hidden location, which encouraged the optimal tactic of scouring every inch of the Mines in search of them, especally in the hope of uncovering the famous early Exp. Sensor Array.
As you can see, the event is now triggered by rifling through some visible Scrap. The original behavior was meant as a placeholder until there was a better solution--now we have one :)
We've got a couple little special mode updates as well. First of all a dedicated indicator for when your built-in sensors are being jammed, since the normal indicator was attached to sensor parts, which you may not even need in RPGLIKE mode :P
Player 2 now displays their parts with raw integrity values rather than as percentages.


I've been doing a lot of streaming over the past months, about half of it Cogmind-related. In fact, we'll be starting a new run today, not long after Beta 10 is officially released here :)
Past streams are archived on my YouTube channel, including the relatively recent Magneto run where we go for that achievement, some RIF runs, and others checking out the new ambient audio, including one dev testing stream.
Many others have been streaming lately as well, including MTF, Tone, Valguris and other top players. The Discord is a good place to get a heads up on streams and when people are planning to go live.
For those of you out there interested in the latest flavor of cheese, Pimski has put together an Exiles Kill Guide demonstrating a new pastime among Cogmind's more brazen and greedy (and evil!) players.
As per the announcement last month, the leaderboards are back in action and better than ever. I'll be continuing to expand their features down the line.
The next leaderboard reset will come tomorrow now that Beta 10 is out! All the current scores are from the Beta 9 builds (although the separate patron leaderboards include some Beta 10 and prerelease runs).

The Road to More

Thanks to all patrons and players for your support!
We've still got that OP rating, so the next goal still stands. Keep the reviews coming :D
Reminder: There will eventually be a big free expansion happening that adds Merchants (in fact there are a growing number of references in the game foreshadowing their arrival, including more in this release ;)), though I haven't yet decided for sure whether it will be before or after 1.0.
Regardless, we've got lots and lots of plans, both small and large, still out there just waiting for some attention...
submitted by Kyzrati to Cogmind [link] [comments]

101 - Intro to the new latents

After today's maintenance, NA can finally get their new latents from the latest hell level dungeon, namely Alt Arena 4 (AA4) which is the hell version of A6 dungeon. These new latents are
I know there will be alot new threads coming asking about these new latents, so might as well i open it in here, and summarize what you need to know about these latents. All these latents are powerful in their own way, which makes sense why currently you can only get this from AA4.
These latents, as mentioned, is ONLY obtainable from AA4 currently (and Pad Pass for JP). No event or PEM (even in JP) that distributes such latents yet. So if you still cannot clear A6, then forget about these latents. These latents can be gotten from the latents floor which is the 12th floor. They have the same stats as the latents on A6, with 300k HP each, and comes with crazy 99% shield and 2 billion defense. Dont expect any dual 7c cards will kill them easily. No poison that i knew of works on them (as in can go beyond 300k damage without any extreme setup).
Five (but only 4 actual legit) ways to kill these latents are by using
  1. Guard break - Since they come with 99% shield, you need to be able to do at least 30m damage on card that has Guard Break in, which means you'll be doing 300k damage on both latents after 99% shield reduction.
  2. Laser - There are few multi hit lasers out there like King Bradley that can work with these latents. Popular one in JP would be UVO V that can deal 500k laser damage 3 times.
  3. AutoFUA - Get one that can deal 300k+ autoFUA damage. In NA, there should be few of these, but AA4 capable are very little, like Yugi.
  4. Extreme killer setup (lol) - Put maximum enhance killers on your best damager card, and use buff like Carat's buff to increase the damage beyond the fourth wall. By YamaP's luck, you might be able to kill these cutie pie.
  5. Using Rathian equip - Thanks to u/amrbel for suggesting this. With 3 turns delay, and equipped on card with ATK more than 2000, its possible to kill the latents in 3 turns, where each turn will deal 100k+ poison damage. (thanks to u/swng for correction)
These latents will occupy 6 slots on your latent slot. So think wisely if you wanna use it on your . For reincarnated / super reincarnated card which comes with maximum 8 slots, you can put the remaining 2 latent slots with killer latents or SDR, depending on your choice.
These latents are tradeable too, with any other 8* cards (namely the monster gems) of your choice.
Now as for these latents and what they can do..

Description : As the name suggest, this prevents monster from swapping your card with this latent on. Works ONLY if the card with this latent is on YOUR lead slot (not friend's lead slot) as monster always targeting on your lead slot as the swap victim. This is one of the 2 ways to prevent your lead from being swap inside dungeon (another way is to swap your lead to another one using swap card like Bonta-kun). To explain about swapping mechanism is that, it will swap ONLY your original lead that enters the dungeon. So if that original lead is replaced by someone else in your team using your own swapping skill, then monster's swapping will not work anymore on you.
Works best at : Anything that can swap your lead. In AA4 / A6, this will be Ishida Mitsunari. Other examples like Ras dungeon, and AA3's Rokks.
Best card to use at : Your most used lead. Seriously. Don't bother using this on lead that you will use as sub more. Prime candidate would be soon-to-come GH's Tsukuyomi.
Special note by u/fether : You can put anti swap on a sub too, and when that sub is targeted, the swap won’t happen.
This is a useful and niche team building strategy especially for a6/aa4 when only one of your sub has a very bad LS that you couldn’t survive after being swapped, leaving your lead 6 slots for a greater damage deal potential or SDR if your leads are transform for any other situations that you don’t want to destroy your team latent setup just for aa4.

Description : Eliminates any poison skyfall activated by monster immediately. Won't eliminate player's poison skyfall from skill or from poison awakening (thanks u/fether)
Works best at : Any dungeon that has the following monster - Hinomitsuha, Jormungandr, Awoken Freyja, Awoken Persephone, Antares. There are few more monsters that can put on poison skyfall which i couldnt remember.
Best card to use at : Your most used supporter and utils card for every endgame content. This latent is as good as having 6 SDR on your supporter. I put mine on Mickey and Friends.

Description : Eliminates any jammer skyfall activated by monster immediately. Won't eliminate player's jammer skyfall from skill or from jammer awakening (thanks u/fether). But seriously, its just jammer.. not a threat at all.
Works best at : Any dungeon that has the following monster - Hera Ur, Jormungandr. There are few more monsters that can put on jammer skyfall which i couldnt remember. According to u/Tsuchiev, this latent is good against the upcoming Chirin Dragon (needed as material to make Chinese gods equips) in AA2.
Best card to use at : Prolly anywhere you think this latent will be good at..? I never use one anyway.

Description : The card with this latent on will do VDP damage, that pierces damage shield when matching fire, water, wood, light, dark and heart.
Works best at : Anywhere that requires VDP awakening obviously. Arenas would be the prime candidates for this.
Best card to use at : Your most powerful sub. Currently on rank, Mega Aten is the strongest sub available that can make good use of this latent. With 7c SA, he can do 30x damage vs monster with single typing, 90x on dual typing, and 270x on triple typing. Nothing else come close to him, with added bonus of his active skill works perfectly with this latent. 2nd rank would be anyone with double 7c and 10c which is 20x damage vs every monster, like Dyer or Lucia (JP only for now). There are few cards with multiple killers and double 7c that works well with this latent too. In general, this latent works well on true rainbow team, and semi rainbow team (one that specialize in single main attribute, and rainbow subattribute).
Special note by u/fether : VDP latents requires 6 colors and does not give damage boost and applies only to one sub, and trust me even with Aten you won’t be doing the damage you’d expect. It still does damage and it’s not very good.

Description : The card with this latent on will do attribute ignore damage, that pierces attribute shield when matching fire, water, wood, light, dark and heart.
Works best at : Not as prominent as VDP latent tho, but still arenas would be the prime candidates for this. Kaminue and Izanagi for A6 / AA4, Reincarnated Yomidra on AA4, Hamal and Odins on AA3, Noah Dragon on AA1.. can't remember the rest. Also that one C9 not yet arriving in NA, where all floors use attribute shield.
Best card to use at : Same as VDP latent. But the kick is.. this is attribute absorb. If only one card ignores the shield while every other got absorbed, i still think its going to be useless. Might as well use actual void attribute shield skill for this. However if you still opt to use this latent, then put the sub with this latent on the last sub spot on your team.
Special note by u/fether : For attribute absorb you don’t put it on “last sub slots”. In fact you put it in last sub with last sub attribute being absorbed, making it very dedicated card targeting a certain spawn. It works fairly well until there are asshole spawns like Yomidra that does random absorbs ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If you use this unstrategically you want your helper to have this latent, that’s is others to put them on their lead or you put them on your leads to help others.

Now comes the part to answer all the possible (and may be stupid as well) questions in here

Anti poison skyfall and VDP latents obviously. Anti jammer skyfall will be the most least useful for now, until Gungho decided to make a gimmick like putting Hera Ur before awoken Lakshmi on A7 / AA5 lol. Anti swapping and void attribute shield have a niche use case.. so its up to your own discretion.

No.. even in JP to my best knowledge can only get this from Pad Pass outside of AA4 (thanks u/ShadyFigure). For NA its only AA4 that drops this for now.

In your dreams..

How i wish for this.. maybe in the next few months?

See above.. also depends on how you use it. If AA4 is like a playground to you, then you dont have to worry about which card is the best.. just use it as you see fit.

No. At most having poison skyfall and VDP latent on the correct card will be more than enough for any party.

... You can open a thread for that and ask for help from everyone else.

See above.

I'm not sure how to teach you... best way is to use it on your party and experience it yourself. Farm as many of these latents as possible (if you are AA4 capable) and use it to your heart content.

Of course. Anti poison skyfall only eliminates poison / jammers skyfall. They don't give you 100% immunity to poisons / jammers spawned directly onto the board. Even with these latents, you still need to have proper amount of resistance to poison / jammer on your team.


Yes. With another 8* of course.

How am i supposed to know.. ask Gungho NA for it.

Not really. If you ask me, both are 2 different methods to kill monsters with damage shield, and both are useful in their own way. VDP awakenings are more useful for mono color teams, while the latent one is useful for rainbow team. So VDP latent is not actually replacing VDP awakening or throwing mono color team to the trash bin. There are times where mono color teams with VDP awakening still rules over the latent.

Ugh no.. this is unlike the VDP counterpart. I don't find void attribute absorb latent being anywhere close to the actual skill in terms of usefulness. What you want is to prevent absorption from every card in your party, not just the card with the latent.

This one i can say yes. You have one extra slot of putting other more useful equip into your party.

It sure is. In DMC's 3P dungeon, its fun to use my Lucia with VDP latent killing the last boss when the other mono color VDP killer players keep spamming nice asking me to pass the turn to them.

According to u/zoopido, its a yes. Of course on AA4 capable team only, not that free Tyra Brachy and Plessie (thanks u/Riplore, sorry i just couldn't remember the water one lol) team you just got last 2 weeks ago.

I'm sure everyone else will think twice before putting VDP latent to Rajang. I didn't even think of using him as sub on any of my team..

That depends on where you're going to use that card at, your team, and its usefulness. Such card, despite can deal up to 36x damage on any matching dual typing monster, like Ciel, i cannot say if its worthy to put VDP latent on it or not. Worse even, if its a card that excels on mono color team only.

(Thanks to u/fether) For anti poison and anti jammer skyfall, these 2 latents will be shared just like the hazard resistance in 2P. Anti swap, VDP and void attribute are specific to the card that uses it.

(Thanks to u/ShadyFigure) For anti poison and anti jammer skyfall, any active team that has these 2 latents will proc it on their turn in 3P. Meaning that if the skyfall happens on the turn where the team doesn't have either of these 2 anti skyfall, the moment the turn goes to the team that has it, it will eliminate the skyfall immediately. Anti swap, VDP and void attribute are specific to the card that uses it.

Sure whatever you say bro.. Give it a try and let us know. All the best, and may the force of YamaP be with you.


submitted by acecorouna to PuzzleAndDragons [link] [comments]

Deadset's All Characters Cheat Sheet & Endgame Guide Compendium, Season 20 Edition


Greetings, /Diablo!
The time is nigh for yet another Season, this time themed as the Forbidden Archives. Its power, as many of you already know, allows you to use any Kanai's extracted power in any slot of the Cube, which can result in three weapon powers, three armor powers, three jewelry powers, or any combination or ratio of these that you can think of.
The seasonal theme for S20 is decently flavorful, but deceptive in its depth - in reality, most builds in Diablo 3 post-RoS and Kanai's addition are pre-designed with the addition of a specific weapon, armor and jewelry power in mind, which are not easy to deviate from - especially for solo players. (I'm not the only one who feels this way - you can hear wudijo's excellent thoughts on the subject here and here ). Interestingly, we are about to see a repeat of S19's case where the class without a new set (Barb back then) becomes the most played one due to other circumstances; this time around, it will be the Necromancer, due to their ability to stack weapon powers.
This naturally leaves the question for the current state of the new sets, and while not as overwhelmingly powerful as the ones introduced in S19 (Valor and Patterns), they still provide interesting options to build around, or at least have a break from the usual builds in S20. The Wizard's Typhon's Veil is the least desirable of the additions due to its lacking numbers and bare mechanics, to a point where it struggles to compete with its own LoD variant, let alone a GR pushing staple like the Vyr Archon. That being said, you can absolutely play a very appealing LoD Hydra build with the reworked legendary items.
The Horde of the Ninety Savages set is a solid addition to the Barbarian roster, and will see a lot of S20 play. A huge part of the reason is its 2-piece power necessitating its inclusion in Support setups, but used in its 6-piece entirety it also provides a very capable speed farming setup, a decent and easy-to-grasp non-competitive GR solo pushing setup, and an exotic, yet quite capable Rift Guardian Killer variant. I encourage you to look at Rob2628 's experimentation on the subject if you haven't - the build's wobbly survivability is not an issue when played in the right circumstances and tiers.
The Mundunugu Spirit Barrage Witch Doctor is the strongest of the new additions, and arguably one of the strongest builds in the game right now, especially for soloing. I definitely plan on dusting off my WD for the season despite the potential for Necro shenanigans, and if you are interested in delving deep into the Spirit Barrage mechanics I can only encourage you to look into fellow theorycrafter svr90 's reasearch on the topic; it's a fascinating read that shed much light on how Spirit Barrage is used to this day.
Have a great Season 20, and as always - happy hunting!


(No, really!)


To avoid the error that currently plagues the launcher (BLZBNTBNA00000005 error) and log into Diablo despite the ongoing issues, follow the steps below:
  1. Create a shortcut to your Diablo .exe file (not the launcher .exe). You should use the 64-bit version in /x64 if you normally use this version.
  2. Go into the properties of the .exe and edit the shortcut target.
  3. Add " -launch", including the space at the start, but without quotation marks. Save your changes and use the shortcut - Diablo 3 will start up shortly afterwards.
  4. You will need to log in with your account details and, if you have an Authenticator, you will need to enter the code manually.
  5. Make sure to double check the region you are logging into with the options menu on the log-in screen.


We can clearly see an influx of new and returning players - people looking for guidance and advice on early crafting, gambling, and character building foundations. This is my attempt to convey as much information as I can in a single thread.
At the very start of the Season, your first job is, naturally, to create a new seasonal hero. While this first choice does not lock you down too terribly, note that the Seasonal Journey rewards you once per Season - only for the character that completes the chapters first. Bearing that in mind, pick your character and go in game.
While in town, approach one of the followers that most closely matches your class (Templar for Barbarians, Monks and Crusaders, Scoundrel for Demon Hunters, and Enchantress for Witch Doctors, Necromancers and Wizards), select the "Inventory & Skills" option, take their weapon and equip it yourself - it is a significant upgrade over the base weapon that you start with.
Note that once you reach level 7, vendors in all towns - the ones with the nickname "the Fence" in their names - will start selling rings. Each of them has a chance to sell rings that increase your Average Damage (i.e. 2-4 Damage), which is a massive DPS boost early on.

Challenge Rift Completion and Kanai's Cube

After your character is created, head to the Game Settings menu, go into the Challenge Rifts and start the current weekly run. Note that you have to have completed at least one Greater Rift on your account (either in non-seasonal or previous seasons) to have Challenge Rifts unlocked. Challenge Rifts are a weekly challenge that provides a fixed character and a build (usually using quirky skills and/or heavily unoptimized stats and items), and challenges you to beat the Greater Rift completion time of its original owner.
The completion of the Challenge Rift is usually trivial and can be completed either solo or in a group, and will net you a Challenge Rift Reward cache. Open it up in-game with your brand new seasonal character and claim its contents: Death's Breaths, a couple hundred of each of the base crafting materials, Blood Shard, a couple million gold, and 15 each of the Act-specific bounty cache materials. With your newfound riches, upgrade both your Blacksmith and your Mystic craftsmen in town to their maximum rank.
Your next important step is to acquire Kanai's Cube. Kanai's Cube is found in The Ruins of Sescheron - the waypoint in the top right corner of the Act III map. From that waypoint, run left towards the city and make your way around the ruins; one of its far corners (typically upper right, lower right, or lower left) will have the entrance to the next zone, the Elder Sanctum. Once in the Elder Sanctum, make your way through the zone, practically to its other end. When you find the Cube and click it, it automatically transports itself back to town.
While you are at it, take a look at the Kanai's Cube guide for additional details on its use - it is an incredibly important part of your character progression at any point of the game, so make sure to acquaint yourself thoroughly with its properties.

Which Item to Craft and Extract in the Cube?

One of the strongest early game boosts that you can obtain while leveling is to craft a yellow (rare) level 70 item at the blacksmith, then try to upgrade it into a valuable legendary at Kanai's Cube, and finally extract its property for one of the Kanai's Cube legendary power slots. Note that this strategy is stronger for some classes over others, particularly favoring Demon Hunters, Necromancers, and somewhat Barbarians. The remaining classes can skip this step and directly go to gambling, sparing themselves some disappointment and saving some materials for level 70, since you can do this recipe exactly once at the Season's start (you only have so many Death's Breaths).
When choosing which rare item to craft, keep in mind that you are looking to upgrade them into a legendary that provides some form of skill damage multiplier that will skyrocket your leveling efficiency. Every class has a different set of valuable items to attempt for:





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:



Note that this part of the leveling strategy requires some amount of luck for non-DH and non-Necromancer players. Leveling in a group minimizes the risk of RNG screwing everyone over, but sometimes you will be unlucky; this is nothing to be bothered by, as leveling in Diablo is still a fairly easy and straightforward process.
If you are lucky, however, and obtain one of the items outlined above, you will have just about enough Death's Breaths to use the Extract Legendary Power recipe in Kanai's Cube. Do that, and then slot the (now maximized) legendary power of the item in the Cube, netting yourself a considerable leveling bonus. Needless to say, adjust your build accordingly to the legendary power, i.e. if you get Guard of Johanna as a Crusader, make Blessed Hammer your main damage dealing skill throughout leveling.

Spending the Challenge Rift Blood Shards

Your next step is to try and gamble for valuable items from Kadala at level 1. Since not every legendary is available right from the start, the legendary item pools for some classes are restricted in a beneficial way to obtain another strong damage multiplier right from the start. If you do not consider the legendaries listed for your class particularly attractive, you can always gamble for Helms for a considerable chance at obtaining Leoric's Crown; extracting its power and socketing rubies in your helmets throughout leveling will net you a hefty amount of extra experience.





Demon Hunter:






Witch Doctor:




Crafting a High Level Rare and Reducing Level Requirement

Pick a two-handed weapon category of your choice (2h Axes, Maces, Swords...) and craft a level 70 weapon of the chosen type. Avoid class-specific weapons, since they add a class-specific roll to the secondary stat pool (i.e. Max Fury), making this strat harder. You are looking for a roll with:
If both these stats are present, you have eliminated a large part of the possible Secondary stats on the weapon. Thus, you can easily reroll the other Secondary stat (the one that is NOT the crowd control stat) into Reduced Level Requirement - making the item wearable up to 30 levels prior to level 70. This is a tremendous damage increase for a large chunk of your leveling process.
Of course, if you are very lucky, the Reduced Level Requirement can roll onto your crafted item outright.

Complete a Boss Bounty

An easy early boost to your character in Seasons is to check your bounties for any easily completed act boss killing bounties - the most famous examples being Zoltun Kulle (at the Archives of Zoltun Kulle waypoint) and Maghda (down from the Road to Alcarnus waypoint) in Act II. Another option is Azmodan at the very end of Act III. Simply run past the mobs and go straight for the boss kill.
The boss bounties reward you with a Diabolic Hoard chest that is guaranteed to drop you a couple of rare items; they will boost your overall character power nicely right at the beginning.


And this is it! You've made it to the actual leveling part! :) You have three major options:

Torment VI Traps Method

Turn the difficulty up to Torment VI and go to the Halls of Agony Level 1. Run and dodge past monsters that come in your way until you reach the falling blades traps; there, lure the monsters towards these traps and watch as they get slaughtered, netting you tremendous experience.
This method, while extremely efficient time-wise, is also (arguably) quite unfun and counter-intuitive, not to mention prone to mishaps. Needless to say, this strategy is not Hardcore-friendly and will result in the (frequent) death of your character.

Via Massacre Bonus

You can also consider leveling via Massacre bonuses — a very potent strategy in solo play. The Massacre bonus XP system was revised in Patch 2.4.1 into a multiplicative experience bonus that rewards you for chaining kills of monsters. The caveat is this bonus only works in bounties - and not during Rifts.
To successfully pull of long chains of monster kills, pick highly populated zones - the Cathedral (Act I), Halls of Agony Level 3 (Act I), and, most notably, Fields of Misery (Act I). The tactic is to always be on the move, leading monsters into one another, abusing Cursed Chests for monster spawns, and generally using skills with DoTs or high AoE (Rend for Barbarian, Blessed Hammer for Crusader, Multishot for Demon Hunter, Wave of Light for Monk, Locust Swarm for Witch Doctors, Blizzard for Wizards).
While Massacre leveling will require frequent restarts of the game (every 5-10 minutes), it will result in some of the fastest leveling in Diablo 3, clocking under the 2 hour mark when you get the hang of it. Due to its individual nature and the level of coordination required to pull it off in a multiplayer game, leveling by Massacre bonuses can only be recommended for 2+ players if they are experienced and have voice communication; this is predominantly a solo leveling technique. It also has the considerable downside of losing the increased legendary drop rate and blood shards of rifting.

Via Rifting

For groups and players that do not stress losing an hour in the 1-70 race, the general recommendation is to stick to rifts for the 1-70 journey. Rifts grant you increased legendary drop rate, blood shards for gambling, and a hefty "hand-in" bonus at the end. While rifting has a higher degree of randomness than bounties (map layout, monster density and composition are all RNG), the removal of Rift Keystones as a requirement to open them allows you to simply remake if you get a bad (difficult or slow) rift.


Now that you have made it here, what do you have to look forward to? :)


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Immortal King's Call
A guide that will take you through the leveling process efficiently and optimize your seasonal Barbarian. Some of my personal endgame build highlights for this Season include:
Wrath of the Wastes - Rend
Built from the ashes of a very old Rend/IK mixture, the Rend Wastes Barbarian truly shows the potential and terror of this DoT build. An unstoppable machine that whirls, cleaves and guts demons like Barbarians were always meant to do. With the newfound powers of Ambo's Pride, this build bleeds his enemies dry in an instant, turning what was once an unassuming bleed into a fearsome nuke that gets applied every second. Couple that with the savage elegance of Whirlwinding, and it's no wonder people will return to this build time and again when it comes to Barb progression.
Might of the Earth - Seismic Slam
Always underappreciated, but always ready to pounce from the shadows and deliver, the Earthquake set has been quietly sitting very close to the leaderboard's top through a select few, but very devout Barbarian players. In Season 19, we finally have Seismic Slam the way it should always have been - a thunderous mid-range devastator, the perfected counterpart of its older EQ cousin. With the reworked Fjord Cutter, this build is quite the underrated powerhouse.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Seeker of the Light
A guide that will take you through the leveling process efficiently and optimize your seasonal Crusader. Some of my personal endgame build highlights for this Season include:
Aegis of Valor - Heaven's Fury Shotgun
One of the two new sets from Season 20 ascended Crusaders to a whole new level, and evoked the times when the Holy Shotgun was considered OP, because it was the only Reaper of Souls build that demolished T6. Hundreds of millions of damage and health spikes later, this (un)holy amalgamation of items delivers a mixture of Fist of the Heavens and Heaven's Fury Shotgun shots with righteous ferocity that have earned this build the one rigthful nickname: God Crusader. In short, it's pretty damn OP, even with the Season 20 nerfs.
Aegis of Valor - Fist of the Heavens
Not as strong as its counterpart, but just as satisfying - the Fist of the Heavens visuals are undeniable - and one of the best Crusader farming builds out there, again courtesy of the new Aegis of Valor Crusader. Mount up, descend into battle and demolish screens full of demons with violent, electrified arcs covering the entire battlefield? What more could you ask for?


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Natalya's Vengeance
A guide that will take you through the leveling process efficiently and optimize your seasonal Demon Hunter. Some of my personal endgame build highlights for this Season include:
Natalya - Rapid Fire
The emergence of the Rapid Fire build finally brought the close range, Tommy gun-like fantasy of the Demon Hunter class to life - all in a destructive, methodical playstyle that isn't afraid to get into the thick of fights and chaingun-and-grenade its way out. With its focus on channeled destruction, the Natalya set is the other perfect home for this build, aside from the traditional LoD take on it - and a very high performing build, too. With Natalya's Vengeance being the free set in Season 20, it's a good time to give this build... a whirl. ;)
Shadow - Impale
The ninja-like, assassin playstyle of Shadow Impale ramps up in power so fast, that it often sits at the top of the leaderboard for a week, waiting for slower builds to catch up. Impale DHs vault in, plant a dagger in an elite's back (usually ending its life outright), and then disappear in the shadows, onto their next target. The build has grown to include the Aughild set for additional elite devastation, making it one of the ultimate 'hunting' styles in the game.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Uliana's Stratagem
A guide that will take you through the leveling process efficiently and optimize your seasonal Monk. Some of my personal endgame build highlights for this Season include:
Patterns of Justice - Tempest Rush
Rooting its powers firmly in the TR-dedicated Patterns of Justice set, this alternate take on Tempest Rushing gives its Sunwuko brother an equal competitor. The set empowers Sweeping Wind to astronomical proportions, stacking all the runes and swelling the vortex of destruction to a veritable cyclone.
Sunwuko - Tempest Rush
Empowered by a slew of changes to its core items, the Tempest Rush Monk offers one of the most fluid, easy-to-grasp and satisfying endgame playstyles, one that draws monsters in helpless piles and alternates periods of sustain damage with carefully calculated bursts of cold destruction. I've been looking for a relaxing, chill Monk endgame build for a while, and this is their perfect answer to Whirlwind Barbs.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Trag'Oul's Avatar
A guide that will take you through the leveling process efficiently and optimize your seasonal Necromancer. Some of my personal endgame build highlights for this Season include:
Legacy of Dreams - Poison Nova
This folks, is the One You Get To Play Once. The existence and viability of this build relies entirely on the Season 20 bonus, and with the stack of weapon powers towering its burst damage to ridiculous proportions, this poisonous obliterator will lead to some of the most spectacular GR clears this Season, rest assured.
Legacy of Dreams - Singularity
Love them or hate them, you can't deny Singularity Necromancer is one of the most ruthlessly effective summoner builds in the game; cold, calculating and intensive to play (both in terms of resource management and, befitting of Necromancers, frailty of the character). Replacing The Legacy of Nightmares for that of Dreams, Singularity Necros stay at the peak of their offensive power through Convention of Elements, Krysbin and the Circle of Nailuj rings.
Legacy of Dreams - Coprse Lance
The Corpse Lance Necromancer is a highly mobile, bursty, timing-oriented spec that bides its time and Lances everything into oblivion once Land of the Dead reaches the lands of the living. This is certainly one of the more divisive playstyles in terms of enjoyment, but once its cooldowns line up, you cannot deny its power. It can also be adapted into a Poisonous variation for Rift Guardian killing for non-Crusader parties, which shouldn't be underestimated!


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Spirit of Arachyr
A guide that will take you through the leveling process efficiently and optimize your seasonal Witch Doctor. Some of my personal endgame build highlights for this Season include:
Mundunugu Spirit Barrage
The Mundunugu set empowers one of the most visually satisfying builds of Witch Doctors, Spirit Barrage, to a ridiculously powerful level that will (barring any unexpected changes) seal the WD's spot in group play for much longer than the flavor-of-month Poison Nova will for Necros. To top it all off, this build is very versatile across all game activities, and can be adapted to everything from bounties, through keyfarm and speeds, to high end solo and group pushing as the Trash Killer. My personal pick for S20.
Zunimassa - Carnevil DoD
The Carnevil Witch Doctor summons an army of swarming minions at his side, whose adorable mimicking of his blowdart attack - and positively horrifying attack speed - are a sight to behold. This has been a long time coming; Zunimassa has been building up in power over the course of a few patches, with set and item changes that slowly inched it up in viability. Season 19 will see the continued domination of this build, with the Zuni Fetishes empowered by the craftable Aughild set (fitting just right into the vacant slots of the setup) and the Attack Speed madness of Echoing Fury in the Cube.
Jade Harvester WD
With power to match his imposing name, the Jade Harvester is a force to be reckoned with - crippling the enemies with damage over time effects, and then recklessly diving in to 'consume' and apply their entire duration instantly with a well placed Soul Harvest. This build now benefits from the Captain Crimson craftable set, as well as The Flavor of Time amulet, keeping it high in the WD pantheon of builds.


Haedrig's Gift Beginner Build: Vyr's Amazing Arcana
A guide that will take you through the leveling process efficiently and optimize your seasonal Wizard. Some of my personal endgame build highlights for this Season include:
Legacy of Dreams - Mammoth Hydra
The Mammoth Hydra playstyle brings the tankier - and more potent - version of the Hydra playstyle in Season 20, as well as the triumphant return to viability for the summoner Wizard. If you are looking for a straightforward, durable and classic-feeling Wizard build for a change of pace from the hectic Archon staple, I would look no further than this one.
Typhon's Veil - Frost Hydra
Of course, the set-based version of Hydras is still a very capable build in its own right, just undertuned to where it should be if it aims to be a competitive Wizard playstyle. Don't let that discourage you for more casual play however, as it is more than capable of clearing the vast majority of Diablo content, and its multi-headed Hydra focus allows for more fun and experimentation to the Mammoth Hydra adherence of its LoD counterpart.
Vyr - Archon
Transforming the Wizard into an unstoppable being of Arcane destruction, the Achon build simply has it all - power, mobility, versatility. For the modest investment of two relatively easy-to-obtain sets - Vyr and Chantodo - this build will take you into the highest of Greater Rifts, and with a relatively simple to grasp playstyle to boot. This remains one of the strongest builds you could go for on a Wizard, and has an excellent character power-to-time-invested ratio.

Thank you so much for reading this and my guides! Good luck and have a great Season 20!

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