Online Gambling Licenses and Laws in the Philippines

is poker illegal in philippines

is poker illegal in philippines - win

Poker Restrictions

Hey I've been playing red dead online for quite awhile now and I've always wondered why I was never able to play poker even though it is not illegal in my country (Philippines) can anyone tell me why or does rock star just not care?
submitted by NorseMonte to reddeadredemption [link] [comments]

After quarantine, I'm attacking. Any help is appreciated.

Copy-pasted from a forum: (thus far did not receive any reply - but I haven't spammed this everywhere either)
I've been released back and forth for 5 years in a psychiatric ward.
There has been no consistent reason and that's why my parents and my relatives could gang up on me because all they have to do is misplace the records and not one psychiatrist ever asked for a genogram. It took a person named Angelo Subida who the local ambulance doesn't consider an authority to keep me from being sent inside to even suggest these words to my parents.
The evidence for my entrance is so thin that each of my medications were changed everytime.
Psychiatrists would tell me I would never be sent back in. They don't believe me the first time, the second time and so on and so forth.
I was forced to contact the Commission of Human Rights but as I would discover when I did this for a friend who was inside - they would never update me.
I'm monitored right now and this latest psych ward suggested I have a regular companion. A companion that would prevent me from seeking an attorney.
I couldn't amass a large enough money to file a suit but more importantly no matter who I sought whether it's the Philippines Ethics Commission or the Department of Social Welfare and Development, only one name pops up: A Miss Janice Cambri.
On the surface the name is so appealing. The only person to argue for psych ward involuntary incarceration to be torture during the Mental Health Act hearing.
In truth, she didn't protect me during 2018 when I think I last posted here. I was inside a psychiatric ward for 1 year and 3 months after that.
Her advises were replays of her old advice when I was helping my friend. Seek the CHR. When I mentioned it didn't work, she replied and revered to a relative of hers that works at a PAO...except there was no address on where to seek that relative.
She even insisted that she was burnt out from the hearing (which I can understand) but she laid it out on me by saying she's not my counselor despite the urgency of my circumstances.
When the inevitable came...just as every year before that, I was sent inside: No one came. One policeman couldn't arrest me so told me to just sit on a chair and I did and that's why I have no record,
...but that's also why the ambulance staff under the hospital Trans-med could abduct later on. Because I was sitting on a chair and not moving until they arrived and I argued for my human rights to which I was told flat out: I don't care about your human rights.
Then that's when things slid and I fought. While I was showing them Angelo Subida's appearance on UNTV they would take advantage, 4-6 ppl and lift me up. One body part at a time. They broke discussion and so I fought and inside that place, even as I have swollen body parts and the doctor inside says put a warm compress to it: the nurses never did.
I am on temporary discharge. These words came specifically from the mouth of the head nurse.
As soon as CoVid lockdown is over. I am at risk of being sent back in immediately.
Even when I'm not, I have history of being sent back in every year.
My time is running. I need a lawyer but no lawyer wants to listen to me because I cannot pay online.
My parents have always held me hostage. I have only freed myself slowly.
After my second psych ward, I went into gambling. I didn't accumulate loans but I wasn't great.
Around the same time, I was starting an independent film which allowed me to not only utilize most of my allowance but later on know how to convince the psychiatrist to allow me to live away from my parents except Saturday and Sunday.
In the meantime, online I offered to do something back then for the topic of productivity and I still haven't moved the money from my account here.
In my PokerStars account, I similarly went for broke. My parents did not allow me to have credit cards but they allow me to use theirs.
That got cancelled later on because they sent me at precisely the moment I used those cards to ask for help via Patreon.
This meant that I was at risk of being labelled a gambling addict and other things but I was in a psych ward back then that I rushed to recommend.
It meant my stay went from:
  1. Their halfway house - 1 year and a half inside
  2. My recommended psych ward - 4 months voluntary for ECT
  3. Same psych ward - 6 months.
  4. Same psych ward - 2 months.
...but this time they changed the place. The family therapist and my parents insisted it was because the psych was expensive but this psych ward costs 45,000 php per month.
How long was I there thus far?
1 year and 3 months counting...until CoVid.
After I got discharged, Janice Cambri doesn't reply.
No one does (but I didn't have much before either).
She did tell me, when you get sent to a psych ward after the Mental Health Act you can apply for torture. I wasn't sure if she was serious but this fifth fits the bill.
I don't know how I will take advantage of the situation though.
Police has historically helped parents so I don't even know how to call 9-11. The way I was sent back to their home, they looted the place I was renting and made sure I have no identification cards that are enough to even get out during quarantine.
Every form from the money the government will give is handed to me and made for me to sign and thumb mark.
Same pattern with every government ID I had before. They have control. I only have money.
Money from gambling enough to put me on the red but also to hire a lawyer but I don't know how I will reach said lawyer because I tried contacting some and trust me they are not willing to give even free consultation for my situation and my past experience with free consultation has been bad.
I have only one chance and that's to be able to withdraw money from my bank account and pay a person face to face and yet that's talking money.
I don't know how to escape my room. I'm not the fittest of person. They can use this against me permanently and I'm living off the sentencing for a guard dog not yet being authorized by the family therapist.
I'm in a really tough spot. I'm using my real name. Fuck everything right now. I'm even going to post this to every celebrity's Twitter account. -Marvin Lu Hui
I used to be a former hikikomori. I didn't try to learn these things called social media nor did I focus on things like setting up businesses and getting employed.
I wouldn't have gotten out if my grandmother did not one day went missing and I've been told she was in a hospital.
I wouldn't have interfered if I didn't see that same grandmother fall down as she was being lifted off the bed because the relative doctor had discharged her even when she wasn't ok.
Everyone from relatives to psychiatric staff have tried changing this story. There was clear malpractice but as far as my parents are concerned even if there wasn't anything wrong apparently it's morally right to send your only son to a psychiatric ward until their grandmother dies.
Before I got temporarily discharged the fifth time, I was playing whack-a-mole with the resident family therapist who told me my desire to visit Israel was part of my illness. (Mainly because of lack of money.)
So I told her I would start a fish ball food cart business and despite not knowing how to cook, never setting up a fish ball cart before, having a history of chronic fatigue where I laid down on the side walks - this was a saner option to her.
If this sounds too weird, I'm sharing a link where I've written my business model on the bathroom walls. This may make me sound insane but I'm desperate.
You know that situation where you need money, you need security and you need legal help and nobody is there? Not just nobody during CoVid, nobody 1 year and 3 months ago?
I don't even need urgent money. This 30k php in this picture:
Proof that I'm a real person
is filled in. It's my own money. From gambling.
This isn't my parents'. This isn't from loans. This isn't from illegal gambling dens.
Even with it, there's no way out. way out. I've posted something (I think) before in this sub-reddit. I've been rejected by Mad in Asia. I've tried Facebook. I've tried hiring someone in Twitter who sent me a legal document back in the day. It's not.
But if I don't stand up and say something then nothing changes. Speeches aren't my forte so if anyone of you can rephrase this in social media or have this linked in a different partner. Or even talk money. Talk legality. I, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
submitted by Foolness to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

[EVENT] Portus Ostium

Macau since 1949:

Since the end of the Chinese Civil War, Macau has grown tremendously in regional significance, shifting from a valuable entrepôt to one of the largest hubs in the Far East. The vast majority of refugees who fled to the territory have been allowed to stay, with 150,000 having already secured territorial residency (the closest thing to citizenship for non-ethnic Portuguese in the overseas territories at present), bringing the total resident population up to 350,000 (the remaining 150,000 have ten-year work permits). Of the 300,000 residents who have arrived since 1939, approximately 100,000 have settled on the Macau Peninsula, 50,000 on Colaone Island, and 150,000 on the previously under-populated Taipa Island (see map as attached). This has left much of the territory covered in slums, although a central government-supported programme to provide interest-free mortgages to refugees and new residents has led to the establishment of medium-quality, high-density housing across much of Taipa Island and the Peninsula. Small scale industry and locally-owned businesses have also taken off across the territory, as migrants attempt to start a new life in the bustling city.
The Macau of 1957, therefore, finds itself with an affluent centre of business on the Peninsula, flanked by emerging neighbourhoods and slums in the south and east, a highly-populated emerging cityscape on Taipa Island, with a central nucleus of emerging neighbourhoods (predominately featuring high-density, apartment-style housing) surrounded on all sides by slums and small scale factories, and a still under-populated Coloane Island, which presently boasts some slums, farms, factories and traditional villages.
The vast majority of small scale industry in Macau consists of textiles manufacturing in factories set up by the migrants. That said, larger-scale industry has also emerged, including a major bicycle factory near the border with China and a rifle manufactory on the southern tip of the Peninsula. This is emblematic of the territory’s economic ascendance, as is the arrival of new waves of ethnic Portuguese, who have brought the European population of the territory up to 13,000 since 1949.

Commercial opportunities:

The signing of the Sino-Portuguese Free Trade Agreement (SPFTA) in 1956 has dramatically improved the economic prospects of Macau. Indeed, the near-complete removal of Chinese import tariffs on Portuguese luxury goods has resulted in the establishment of a number of luxury goods production facilities on the Peninsula, as well as the proliferation of dozens of prestigious vendors in the affluent portions of the isthmus. In addition to the basic textile manufactories set up by the migrants, a number of fashion outlets have also been established for upper-class visitors, and for deliveries to customers in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Australia and Southeast Asia. Jewellers, shoemakers, watchmakers, tailors, cordwainers and bag markers have all set themselves up in the territory, where they create their products, sell them to visitors and also export them abroad. Distilleries have also become popular, with the territory developing a positive reputation for its fine, locally-distilled whiskey, rum, gin and baijiu. An emerging brand of dark rum, known as ”Ventos Orientais”, has grown particularly popular. The rum is recognised for its distinctive flavour, being the only major rum brand to use Timorese sugar. Tobacco companies have also established high-end stores on the Peninsula, where they sell a number of recognisable international cigarette and cigar brands.
Otherwise, with the significant reduction of Chinese tariffs on precision-made products, a number of manufactories have popped up on Coloane Island, producing measuring equipment, precision medical supplies and levelling tools.
The Banco de Macau, meanwhile, has left a permanent mark on the territory by becoming the first enterprise to construct a ‘skyscraper’ (as they’re being called) in Macau, building its new corporate headquarters on the western side of the Peninsula. It has been joined by the Macau-Beijing Investment Bank and the Banco Afro-Eurásia, which have also begun construction on smaller, albeit impressive skyscrapers. Regrettably for the Banco Português do Continente e Ilhas and Montepio Geral Bank, who do not have enough capital for a skyscraper, three-storey office buildings have had to suffice.
In many cases, these banks have been instrumental in financing the recent expansion of the Macanese economy. The Banco de Macau and the Banco Afro-Eurásia, however, have sought to increase their regional presence even further by expanding into Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, Singapore and Indonesia. The Banco de Macau, in particular, is expected to make major investments in Japan, Thailand and Indonesia in the coming years.

Tourism and entertainment opportunities:

The recent introduction of Western gambling to Macau, along with the Banco de Macau’s heavy investment in new casinos, has led to a proliferation of the gambling industry across the territory. Dozens of small to medium, high-end, Western casinos now dot the Peninsula, while a number of traditional casinos have emerged on Taipa Island. Along with the emergence of a luxury shopping culture, the new casinos have proven extremely popular with affluent visitors from China, Hong Kong, Japan, the West and Southeast Asia. Many new hotels are being founded on the Peninsula to meet this demand, as well as a new, game-changing casino known as Casino Lisboa, which shall open its doors in 1960. Quite expectedly, the proliferation of gambling across the territory has only poured fuel on the metaphorical fire that is the gambling syndicate rivalry. New syndicates are now competing for an increased market share as outside factions interfere with the rivalry (see: the banks and Triads) and older syndicates desperately battle to preserve their local hegemony. Already, this rivalry has been given a morbid monicker, becoming known as the ”Bloody Game (残忍赛)”. This name is quite deserved, given that syndicates of all sizes have gained a reputation for sabotage, death threats, murder and murky alliances with the Triads as their deadly rivalry spirals out of control.
Beyond the casinos, new bars, restaurants and nightclubs have been established across the territory, catering almost exclusively to high-end visitors and the Macanese elite. The combination of modern, dimly-lit bars, domestically-made liquor, prestigious fashion brands, international visitors and high-stakes games of poker have given Macau a distinct flavour, with the city increasingly being known as the ”City of Jazz (爵士城)”. Regular ferry trips between Hong Kong and Macau, coupled with daily/weekly flights to Tokyo, Beijing, Singapore, Manila, Shanghai and Bangkok are only improving this reputation.

Future infrastructure:

The huge population increase on the Taipa and Coloane islands have put immense strain on the intra-Macau ferry service. Hoping to alleviate this strain, the Macanese territorial government has announced a new project to connect Taipa Island to the Peninsula with a new bridge. Inspired by the Ponte de Liberdade in Lisbon, and designed by the same engineers, the bridge is expected to be completed by 1965 (marked in red on the map). The bridge is to be named in honour of the territory’s outgoing Governor, Joaquim Marques Esparteiro, being called the Ponte da Esparteiro.
Otherwise, recognising the strain which Macau’s rapidly-increasing population has had on the geography of the territory, a major land reclamation project is to be undertaken on both the Peninsula and Taipa Island. Zoning will take place ahead of time for the planned land, allowing preemptive property sales to help fund the project. Dutch engineers will be brought on for the project as a result of their vast land reclamation experience. Additionally, the Portuguese Navy is to assist with the project by providing auxiliary vessels where relevant. The new Peninsula-Taipa bridge will only extend across the stretch of water between the reclaimed land, with the connecting road that passes over the reclaimed land simply being raised several metres above the ground. (Land reclamation areas are marked in blue on the map, along with their planned year of completion).
Finally, in order to prevent a potential bottleneck of manufactured goods produced on Taipa Island from blocking Macau harbour and the Ponte da Esparteiro, a new industrial dock is to be constructed on the island, to be completed by 1964 (marked in orange on the map).

Vice and crime:

As previously noted, the expansion of the gambling industry has also spawned an intense rivalry between the syndicates. Indeed, the increased prevalence of vice across Macau has created an opportunity for the Triads, who already enjoyed a strong Macanese presence before the territory’s expansion, particularly on Taipa Island, the Peninsula casinos and in the slums/emerging neighbourhoods in the north. As the "Four Major Gangs (四大黑幫)” of Shui Fong, Wo Shing Yee, 14K and the Big Circle Gang have grown in importance, they have gained large footholds in the new neighbourhoods, where they run extortion rackets and loan shark operations, targetting small businesses, nightclubs and traditional gambling dens. Human trafficking has also emerged as a dangerous front, as the Triads seek to smuggle in illegal workers and, in the case of the nightclub sector, “waitresses”. Finally, the counterfeiting of patacas (Macau’s currency) has increased prolifically, as the Triads seek to use fake currency to make large bets in the casinos.
Though Indonesia’s provision of detailed intelligence on Triad drug smuggling operations in Macau has resulted in a massive crackdown on that particular area of organised crime activity, the Triads appear to be gaining ground on almost every other front, creating a complex interplay between Macanese businesses, rival gambling syndicates, law enforcement, local politicians and the Four Major Gangs. Hoping to assist the struggling territorial police in eradicating bribery, human trafficking, extortion, loan sharking, murder and counterfeiting, the SIS (basically the Portuguese FBI/secret police) and the Customs and Finance Intelligence Service (CFIS) have created a joint task force known as Operation Varrer Profundo (Deep Sweep). This operation will see the two agencies create large, permanent offices across the territory, cracking down on the Triads and illegal gambling syndicate activity by sending in hundreds of agents. Thus begins what many expect to be a years-long cat and mouse game between Portuguese authorities, the Triads, the gambling syndicates, corrupt politicians and the business sector
submitted by hughmcf to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

The Week In Review: Suburban News of the Past Week (7/31/16)

· 1. Antioch police locate man injured in car crash 12 hours after incident following tip from friend (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 2. Oak Grove School in Green Oaks to open Aug. 19 after 5-year, $14.1 million renovation (Daily Herald)
· 3. Saturday (July 23) storms cause extensive flooding in northern suburbs (WGN TV)
· 4. Winnetka residents want village to resolve problems causing flooding (CBS 2)
· 5. Lightning-sparked fire at Skokie apartment building displaces tenants in two units (CBS 2)
· 6. Windy City Bulls unveil new basketball court, logo at Sears Centre Arena in Hoffman Estates (Daily Herald)
· 7. Lisle-based Respite Endowment Organization expanding services to help parents of adults with disabilities (Daily Herald)
· 8. Sunnybrook School District 171 hires new principal for Heritage Middle School (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 9. Lansing Elementary School District 158 authorizes $200,000 purchase of technology (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 9. Porter County Sheriff's Department, production company film dramatized active-shooter situation at Portage High School for instructional video (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 10. Longtime Crown Point tea spot, Tiffany's Tea Room, to reopen in downtown Highland (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 11. Portage Christian School to break ground for 10,700-square-foot addition (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 12. Golf courses in the area have tried video gaming, with mixed outcomes (Chicago Sun-Times/Better Government Association)
· 13. Volo Bog State Natural Area celebrates International Bog Day (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 14. Six New Yorkers charged in 'organized criminal enterprise' to defraud Apple store in Deer Park (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 15. Buffalo Grove teen killed when driver of the car she was in runs stop sign, gets struck by semi truck in Richmond Township (McHenry County) (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 16. Survivor, A Flock of Seagulls, John Waite to perform Oct. 29, at Waukegan's Genesee Theatre (Daily Herald)
· 17. After her car being struck from behind in Long Grove, driver leaves scene, crashes into four other vehicles in Buffalo Grove (Daily Herald)
· 18. Carpentersville, firefighters union reach agreement on contract running through 2019 (Daily Herald)
· 19. Lombard man sentenced to 4 years in prison, boot camp for stealing $4,000 in cash and merchandise from Schaumburg businesses (Daily Herald)
· 20. Two men end up in Des Plaines River after the car they were in crashed through a guard rail on River Road in Schiller Park (Chicago Tribune)
· 21. Oswego woman suffers broken nose in road-rage incident on Aurora's northwest side (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 22. Wheaton man Tasered after creating disturbance during child-custody hearing at DuPage County Courthouse (Daily Herald)
· 23. Carol Stream firefighters, fire district tentatively agree to 3-year contract (Daily Herald)
· 24. Oakbrook Terrace-based Redbox's parent company, Washington-based Outerwall Inc., to merge with New York investment group (Daily Herald)
· 25. Researchers looking into Zika virus protein makeup at Lemont-based Argonne National Laboratory (WGN TV)
· 26. New York-based real-estate group buys Homewood's Washington Park Plaza for $32 million, averting loan default (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 27. Person shot to death in 2000 block of McKinley Street in Gary (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 28. Northwest Indiana charity makes dream come true for 5-year-old with sickle-cell disease (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 29. Lake County investigates St. John Township Assessor's Office in wake of assessor's resignation who made 'offensive' comments to staff (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 30. Hobart faces refunding $414,000 if tax-assessment appeals by big-box stores are successful (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 31. Aggressive Michigan driver blamed for chain-reaction crash on I-94 near LaPorte that sent four people to the hospital (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 32. Valparaiso woman charged with stealing rabbit from Porter County Fair after tweeting about its 'rescue' (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 33. Valparaiso officials express interest in downtown water feature (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 34. Man stabbed to death outside Zion gas station (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 35. Evanston man charged with filming underage girl in shower at his home (Chicago Tribune/Evanston Review)
· 36. Community High School District 128 unveils $98.3 million budget, which includes $8 million for new swimming pool at Libertyville High and second gym at Vernon Hills High (Daily Herald)
· 37. Gurnee-based Lake County Children's Advocacy Center breaks ground for new healing garden (Daily Herald)
· 38. Des Plaines Chamber of Commerce director dies from lung cancer at 68 (Daily Herald)
· 39. Orbit Skate Center in Palatine seeks to raise $85,000 to fix wooden roller-rink floor warped by flooding (Daily Herald)
· 40. Barrington Hills native to perform in Cirque du Soleil show 'Toruk' from Aug. 3-7 in Chicago (Daily Herald)
· 41. Stormwater blamed for partial building collapse that has closed Palatine 7-Eleven (Daily Herald)
· 42. Schaumburg toddler with aplastic anemia gets life-saving bone-marrow transplant (NBC 5)
· 43. Iowa boy killed, two people injured in rollover crash involving two vehicles on I-88 in North Aurora (FOX 32)
· 44. Glen Ellyn/Lombard wastewater treatment body seeks $16.72 million loan to replace aging, outdated equipment (Daily Herald)
· 45. City of St. Charles, park district, River Corridor Foundation to fund study for recreational uses of Fox River (Daily Herald)
· 46. Geneva City Council establishes TIF district, rejecting Geneva Unit School District 302 board's proposal for tax break (Daily Herald)
· 47. Cicero teen held on $800,000 bond for helping gunman fatally shoot aspiring rapper in Chicago (Chicago Tribune)
· 48. Lombard woman charged with aggravated battery, domestic battery after hitting, critically injuring her boyfriend with a car following an argument (Chicago Tribune)
· 49. Glen Ellyn Park District opts to pay off tax-backed loans rather than refinance them, meaning lower tax rate for property owners (Daily Herald)
· 50. Man in custody after punching another man in drive-through lane at Oak Lawn restaurant after driver accidentally pulled into exit (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 51. E-commerce giant Amazon to open third Illinois order-fulfillment center in Romeoville (Chicago Tribune)
· 52. [One year since developmentally disabled woman, 2-year-old nephew disappeared from Gary]( (ABC 7)
· 53. Hammond Redevelopment Commission OKs feasibility study for sports complex at former Woodmar Mall site (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 54. LaPorte landlord fined $14,625 for illegally bringing pesticide not registered for use in Indiana in from China, spraying apartments (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 55. Unemployment rate in Northwest Indiana rises to 6.1 percent in June (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 56. 10 people arrested for scheme using stolen credit card information to post bail at LaPorte County Jail (WBBM AM 780)
· 57. Gary man held in Cook County Jail on rape charges accused of sexual assault of cellmate (FOX 32)
· 58. Man suffers gunshot wound to head in Gary (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 59. Gary police investigate two armed robberies along McKinley Street, near scene of a recent homicide (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 60. U.S. Attorney's Office indicts 36 Latin Kings gang members in greater Chicago area on racketeering conspiracy and firearms charges (NBC 5)
· 61. Simon Cowell: Northbrook teen opera singer 'is why we made' 'America's Got Talent' (Chicago Tribune)
· 62. Mundelein sex offender sentenced to 8 years in prison for possession of child porn (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 63. Part-time firefighter charged with installing a video-recording device in shower to record another employee at the Northfield Fire Department (Chicago Tribune)
· 64. Students get education and pay in Youth Conservation Corps summer program in Lake County Forest Preserve District (Daily Herald)
· 65. Evanston High School graduate to compete for Nigeria in 2016 Olympic Games (CBS 2)
· 66. Zion cop shoots man who fled traffic stop, crashed into parked car and patrol car (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 66. Lawsuit claims staff of Niles senior-living facility allowed harassment of lesbian resident (Chicago Tribune/Niles Herald-Spectator)
· 67. Manager of Schaumburg-based Suburban Home Physicians sentenced to 6 years in jail, $15.6 million in restitution (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 68. Gilberts cancer survivor walks 40 miles in two days, partly for cancer research foundation (Daily Herald)
· 69. Barrington Village Board asks neighbors, developer to come up with compromise over disputed 21-townhouse development (Daily Herald)
· 70. Elgin man sentenced to 10 years in prison for aggravated battery with firearm, drug possession stemming from separate 2015 shooting, traffic stop (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 71. Crystal Lake woman held on $40,000 bond for stealing ex-roommate's PlayStation, pawning it (Daily Herald)
· 72. Coombs Road bridge in Elgin Township reopened after structural repairs completed (Daily Herald)
· 73. Barrington Area Council of Government plans private-well water testing on Oct. 5 (Daily Herald)
· 74. Two firefighters hospitalized after battling blaze at Crystal Lake Central High School (Daily Herald)
· 75. Eight-bedroom, 30,214-square-foot Moorish-style Burr Ridge mansion once known as 'Villa Taj' renamed, relisted for $10.25 million (Chicago Tribune)
· 76. Uber driver returns wallet containing $3,000 to Ukrainian immigrant staying with his sister in River Grove (ABC 7)
· 77. Chicago teen arrested in connection with 5 car thefts, 30 vehicle burglaries in Lombard (Chicago Tribune/Naperville Sun)
· 78. Former Quality Inn in Elk Grove Village reopens following renovation as Best Western O'Hare North/Elk Grove (Daily Herald)
· 79. Oak Park native, co-owner of Mars Inc. Forrest Mars Jr. passes away at 84 (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 80. Rockler Woodworking and Hardware opens in Bolingbrook, its second Illinois location (Daily Herald)
· 81. Orland Park police chief, who took a bullet for President Ronald Reagan, uncertain about wisdom of releasing assassin (CBS 2)
· 82. Cyclist struck, killed on Indiana 421 near Purdue North Central campus in Westville (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 83. East Chicago man indicted on drug-trafficking, firearm-possession charges (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 84. Woman, man found stabbed to death in Gary home (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 85. Five correctional officers suspended for 15 days after investigation shows a female inmate was placed with male inmates in medical wing of Lake County Jail (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 86. Bishop Noll Catholic High School hires alumna/teacher as new principal (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 87. Hammond, Hobart council members resign following judge's ruling against city employees also holding elective positions in same town (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 88. St. John resident chosen principal of Chicago's De La Salle Institute (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 89. Gary police get arrest warrant for parents of 3-year-old who died of dehydration, malnutrition on July 5 (FOX 32)
· 90. North Shore communities team up to battle sand drifts along Lake Michigan with help from Illinois Department of Natural Resources (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 91. Mundelein ends 53-year ban on ice cream trucks on village streets (Daily Herald)
· 92. U.S. Secretary of Defense promotes new recruitment initiative, talks about transgender-personnel issues at Great Lakes Naval Center in North Chicago (Chicago Tribune/Lake County News-Sun)
· 93. Seventh suspect arrested in credit-card fraud scheme at Deer Park Apple store (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 94. Park Ridge residents react to possibility of Hillary Clinton becoming first female U.S. president (FOX 32)
· 95. Mount Prospect-based River Trails Elementary District 26 considers referendum to pay for new $29 million early-learning center (Daily Herald)
· 96. Streets flooded, trees uprooted in Palatine after afternoon storms (Daily Herald)
· 97. Carol Stream Village Board to vote on construction/renovation project that may require moving employees to temporary facility outside Village Hall (Daily Herald)
· 98. Naperville Running Company plans to open store in downtown Wheaton (Daily Herald)
· 99. Actor Harrison Ford takes Westchester teen on flight during Oshkosh, Wis., air show (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 100. Berwyn woman apparently struck by lightning while walking in Bolingbrook (CBS 2)
· 101. Man in court for DUI hearing now charged with aggravated battery, resisting arrest following fight, attempt to flee from Bridgeview courthouse (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 102. Homewood man killed in crash on I-80 in Lansing (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 103. Two bison calves born this week at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie near Wilmington (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 104. East Chicago city officials: Residents of West Calumet Housing Complex would be safer elsewhere, away from lead-contaminated soil (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 105. East Chicago police investigate two separate shootings that injured three people (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 106. Big Ten Conference finds new ticket vendor after federal fraud charges leveled against Lake Forest-based Forward Market Media (Crain's Chicago Business)
· 107. Highland Park woman charged with leaving 13-month-old child in hot car while shopping in Northbrook (CBS 2)
· 108. Illinois First Appellate Court dismisses Woodlawn Elementary District 50's lawsuit to shutter Grayslake charter school (Daily Herald)
· 109. Buffalo Grove heroin-overdose victim becomes namesake for national law to increase access to opioid-overdose rescue drug (Daily Herald)
· 110. Grand Victoria Casino, WTMX team up to bring Food Truck Fest to Elgin on Friday, Aug. 5 (Daily Herald)
· 111. Schaumburg resident challenges village over treehouse regulations, village's requirement that ash trees be removed (Daily Herald)
· 112. Rolling Meadows residents upset with proposal for former Dominick's property (Daily Herald)
· 113. Prospect High School graduate sues Northwest Suburban High School District 214, alleging he was bullied, harassed and unfairly punished by students, teachers because he's black (Daily Herald)
· 114. Rehab work begins on Lake in the Hills Airport runway, hangars (Daily Herald)
· 115. Elgin woman, sister, friends launch 'upscale club for adults' at former unemployment office location (Daily Herald)
· 116. Gail Borden Public Library opens South Elgin branch (Daily Herald)
· 117. St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 projecting $1 million budget surplus for 2016-17 budget year (Daily Herald)
· 118. DuPage Election Commission pulls Constitution Party candidate for County Board District 2 seat from ballot, citing problems with nominating petition (Daily Herald)
· 119. Aurora man given 6-year sentence in jail for selling drugs in parking lot near Aurora park (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 120. St. Charles Community Unit School District 303 begins testing its buildings for lead in water (Daily Herald)
· 121. West Chicago Elementary School District 33 to start mariachi-band program (Daily Herald)
· 122. Ex-Bolingbrook cop Drew Peterson sentenced to additional 40 years in prison for attempting to hire hitman to kill Will County state's attorney (ABC 7)
· 123. Beecher-based Settlers Pond one of last places that cares for exotic, domestic animals (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 124. Lake County E-911 center director leaves post; deputy director to fill position (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 125. Man shot in lower body outside party near Hammond City Hall (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 126. Merrillville Board of Zoning Appeals sends proposed self-storage facility to Town Council with no recommendation (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 127. Gary police looking for shooting suspect after seizing guns, marijuana and cash from his home (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 128. East Chicago Housing Authority now seeking to demolish apartment complex where lead-contaminated dirt was found (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 129. Lake County Court House Foundation kicking Crown Point city court out of historic building (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 130. DuPage, Will, Grundy counties issue warrants for arrest of Joliet contractor, wanted for fraud, theft (ABC 7)
· 131. Denver cable startup Layer3 TV to roll out service throughout Chicago area by Labor Day (Chicago Tribune)
· 132. West, southwest suburbs, northwest Indiana see heavy rains, some localized flooding from Friday storms (NBC 5)
· 133. Highland Park begins 'pay as you throw' garbage collection where trash receptacles are scanned, no more garbage stickers needed (Daily Herald)
· 134. Philippine fast-food chain Jollibee opens first Midwest store in Skokie (NBC 5)
· 135. Big Timber Road, McLean Boulevard in Elgin closed because of large fire (Daily Herald)
· 136. Butera Market scheduled to open in Des Plaines in January, but owners couldn't work out lease deal to keep Caputo & Sons open until then (Daily Herald)
· 137. Glen Ellyn police seek man who groped a female pedestrian on a walking path near Hill Avenue (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 138. Man wearing surgical mask, cowboy hat robs TCF Bank branch in Glendale Heights (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 139. Armed robber wearing Darth Vader mask robs First American Bank in Geneva (Chicago Tribune/Aurora Beacon-News)
· 140. Downers Grove Village Commissioner, College of DuPage Trustee David Olsen chosen to replace State Rep. Ronald Sandack, who resigned over 'Internet scam' (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 141. Tinley Park police search cornfield near village after arresting three people for call about attempted fraud at Sam's Club (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 142. Remains of Marine killed in Pacific during World War II buried in Blue Island (Chicago Sun-Times)
· 143. Homewood-Flossmoor High School District 223 won't explain principal's firing, but records show past conflicts with superintendent (Chicago Tribune/Daily Southtown)
· 144. Lansing police hope to build bridges with community through National Night Out on Tuesday, Aug. 2 (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 145. South Holland still cleaning up after being hit hard in latest round of storms (WGN TV)
· 146. ArcelorMittal retirees hit by increased out-of-pocket payments for health care, prescriptions (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 147. BP to invest $12.5 million in new firefighting building at Hammond facility (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 148. Lake Station expecting 2017 budget to be $700,000 less than current fiscal year's (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 149. Portage buys, plans to demolish city's original fire station (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 150. Demolition of Crown Point Public Works building uncovers old underground tank (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 151. Twincade bar to bring blend of classic arcade games, craft beer to Griffith (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 152. Valparaiso native Jared Arambula named to U.S. Paralympic basketball team (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 153. Locked In brings escape game to real life in Crown Point (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 154. Hammond Board of Sanitary Commissioners preparing plan to combat sewer overflows from affecting residents' basements (Northwest Indiana Times)
· 155. Owner of Highland dog-grooming service upset that town won't let her locate to former hardware store, a site slated for arts-related business (Northwest Indiana Times)
submitted by emememaker73 to ChicagoSuburbs [link] [comments]

Bodog offices, BUSTED!!!???

Bodog offices in the Philippines have been busted recently by CIDG. With that, expats are now leaving and going back to their countries, as well as, employees are resigning. Currently, they are working remotely, to still initiate the operations, but using an illegal server. It has been in radar of the CIDG, but needed more proof to execute the raid. Furthermore, upon doing the search, more and more evidence of their illegal operations popped out. The owner Calvin Ayre, is now charge after another (not to mention the rape accusation against him). So whats next for them? Are the remaining offices in other parts of the world next? This is one helluva of series.

‎BodogPoker‬ ‪#‎Poker‬ ‪#‎FrequentPlayer‬ ‪#‎Extreme‬ ‪#‎Samurai‬

submitted by Babe1111 to poker [link] [comments]

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5pm Sat 12 May 2012 - /r/worldnews

  1. The Dutch judge who ordered The Pirate Bay links censored, Chris Hensen, has been found to be textbook corrupt - he had commercial ventures with the plaintiffs in previous anti-piracy cases comments worldnews
  2. A new law in Argentina allows everybody, even children, to choose and change their gender without having to justify it. comments worldnews
  3. 86 Year Old man lives on his own Tropical Island in the Middle of Indian Ocean with over a hundred Giant Tortoises (Video Included) comments worldnews
  4. Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him comments worldnews
  5. Six leaders from South Korea's biggest Buddhist order have quit after secret video footage showed some supposedly serene monks raising hell, playing high-stakes poker, drinking and smoking comments worldnews
  6. Falkvinge: Just days before the elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s largest and most populous state, the Piratenpartei‘s website has been censored in schools - specifically the election program of the German Pirate Party is being actively censored under the category “illegal drugs" comments worldnews
  7. Scientologists push anti-drug classes in schools: "An group with ties to the Church of Scientology has been selling lectures about drug abuse to Swedish schools that contain significant factual errors, according to an investigation carried out by a Swedish newspaper" comments worldnews
  8. Iceland considers Canadian dollar instead of euro: "The choice is between surrendering the sovereignty of Iceland in monetary policy by unilaterally adopting the currency of another country, or becoming a member of the EU," says PM comments worldnews
  9. Man killed by illegal cockfighting bird comments worldnews
  10. Germany plans to go nuclear free within a decade | comments worldnews
  11. A public schoolgirl who died from a brain hemorrhage at 13 has saved eight lives by donating her organs. comments worldnews
  12. Occupy London: Hundreds march for global change (PHOTOS) comments worldnews
  13. China denies preparing for war over South China Sea comments worldnews
  14. Britain's involvement in the government and the security of Bahrain. comments worldnews
  15. Italian anarchists kneecap nuclear executive and threaten more shootings: Group named after Greek anarchist warns it will strike seven more times at nuclear firm's parent company, Finmeccanica comments worldnews
  16. Israel's military looks to the sea: Israel buys a sixth German-made submarine. A navy officer explains why Israel's military is looking increasingly to the seas. comments worldnews
  17. Leftists' 'shot nuclear boss Roberto Adinolfi' (Italy) comments worldnews
  18. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments worldnews
  19. EU central bankers ponder Greece euro exit comments worldnews
  20. Outrage as two journalists found dead in Mexico on World Press Day comments worldnews
  21. 'Goodbye to China, country of contradictions' - Features - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  22. More pain in Greece: Unemployment hits record 22% comments worldnews
  23. A major blast is reported to have ripped through Aleppo, Syria’s largest city. The bomb allegedly targeted the headquarters of Syria’s ruling Ba'ath Party. comments worldnews
  24. Filipinos Rally Against China's Claim to Shoal comments worldnews
  25. US resumes weapons sale to Bahrain comments worldnews
  26. Sarkozy faces a slew of probes after immunity ends comments worldnews
  27. US partially resumes arms sales to Bahrain - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  28. Distressing human toll of Greece's Euro meltdown. comments worldnews
  29. Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks has told the British inquiry into media ethics that she discussed phone hacking with British prime minister David Cameron at a party in 2010. comments worldnews
  30. Ricardo Seppia: Paedophile priest jailed for abusing altar boys and supplying cocaine comments worldnews
  31. Egypt holds first ever presidential debate - Middle East - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  32. Monsanto and the Gates Foundation claim genetically modified crops will revolutionize agriculture in Kenya, but critics warn the technology is ill-suited to the needs of farmers comments worldnews
  33. Chilean Earthquake Restores Beaches - A recent powerful earthquake reversed years worth of coastal erosion at beaches in Chile. comments worldnews
submitted by frontbot to frontworldnews [link] [comments]

6pm Sat 12 May 2012 - /r/worldnews

  1. The Dutch judge who ordered The Pirate Bay links censored, Chris Hensen, has been found to be textbook corrupt - he had commercial ventures with the plaintiffs in previous anti-piracy cases comments worldnews
  2. A new law in Argentina allows everybody, even children, to choose and change their gender without having to justify it. comments worldnews
  3. Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him comments worldnews
  4. Six leaders from South Korea's biggest Buddhist order have quit after secret video footage showed some supposedly serene monks raising hell, playing high-stakes poker, drinking and smoking comments worldnews
  5. 86 Year Old man lives on his own Tropical Island in the Middle of Indian Ocean with over a hundred Giant Tortoises (Video Included) comments worldnews
  6. Falkvinge: Just days before the elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s largest and most populous state, the Piratenpartei‘s website has been censored in schools - specifically the election program of the German Pirate Party is being actively censored under the category “illegal drugs" comments worldnews
  7. Scientologists push anti-drug classes in schools: "An group with ties to the Church of Scientology has been selling lectures about drug abuse to Swedish schools that contain significant factual errors, according to an investigation carried out by a Swedish newspaper" comments worldnews
  8. Occupy London: Hundreds march for global change (PHOTOS) comments worldnews
  9. Man killed by illegal cockfighting bird comments worldnews
  10. Sarkozy faces a slew of probes after immunity ends comments worldnews
  11. Iceland considers Canadian dollar instead of euro: "The choice is between surrendering the sovereignty of Iceland in monetary policy by unilaterally adopting the currency of another country, or becoming a member of the EU," says PM comments worldnews
  12. Italian anarchists kneecap nuclear executive and threaten more shootings: Group named after Greek anarchist warns it will strike seven more times at nuclear firm's parent company, Finmeccanica comments worldnews
  13. Germany plans to go nuclear free within a decade | comments worldnews
  14. Caught on camera: Shocking moment Turkish police beat handcuffed woman... and now SHE faces jail for 'reckless behaviour' comments worldnews
  15. China denies preparing for war over South China Sea comments worldnews
  16. A public schoolgirl who died from a brain hemorrhage at 13 has saved eight lives by donating her organs. comments worldnews
  17. Britain's involvement in the government and the security of Bahrain. comments worldnews
  18. British Firm Suspends Funding for Chinese Foie Gras Factory - Says it'll look into animal welfare concerns raised public. Production of foie gras, which is made by force-feeding geese or ducks until their livers are enlarged, is banned in the UK & most of Europe, except France, where it's prized. comments worldnews
  19. Israel's military looks to the sea: Israel buys a sixth German-made submarine. A navy officer explains why Israel's military is looking increasingly to the seas. comments worldnews
  20. Australian Labor Unions Call for Buffett-Style Tax on Millionaires - Calling on government to introduce a millionaires’ tax similar to US President Barack Obama’s so-called “Buffett Rule.” Wants to ensure mining billionaires pay a minimum tax on their incomes regardless of how they're derived. comments worldnews
  21. 'Goodbye to China, country of contradictions' - Features - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  22. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments worldnews
  23. EU central bankers ponder Greece euro exit comments worldnews
  24. Outrage as two journalists found dead in Mexico on World Press Day comments worldnews
  25. Leftists' 'shot nuclear boss Roberto Adinolfi' (Italy) comments worldnews
  26. Filipinos Rally Against China's Claim to Shoal comments worldnews
  27. A major blast is reported to have ripped through Aleppo, Syria’s largest city. The bomb allegedly targeted the headquarters of Syria’s ruling Ba'ath Party. comments worldnews
  28. More pain in Greece: Unemployment hits record 22% comments worldnews
  29. On the knife's edge in Ethiopia: A vortex of climate change and rising population threatens Ethiopia’s gains in feeding itself comments worldnews
  30. Around World, Obama's Presidency A Disappointment comments worldnews
  31. US partially resumes arms sales to Bahrain - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  32. Toronto’s new tourist attraction: Come see the Rob Ford Follies comments worldnews
submitted by frontbot to frontworldnews [link] [comments]

2pm Sat 12 May 2012 - /r/worldnews

  1. A new law in Argentina allows everybody, even children, to choose and change their gender without having to justify it. comments worldnews
  2. 86 Year Old man lives on his own Tropical Island in the Middle of Indian Ocean with over a hundred Giant Tortoises (Video Included) comments worldnews
  3. Falkvinge: Just days before the elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany’s largest and most populous state, the Piratenpartei‘s website has been censored in schools - specifically the election program of the German Pirate Party is being actively censored under the category “illegal drugs" comments worldnews
  4. Scientologists push anti-drug classes in schools: "An group with ties to the Church of Scientology has been selling lectures about drug abuse to Swedish schools that contain significant factual errors, according to an investigation carried out by a Swedish newspaper" comments worldnews
  5. Iceland considers Canadian dollar instead of euro: "The choice is between surrendering the sovereignty of Iceland in monetary policy by unilaterally adopting the currency of another country, or becoming a member of the EU," says PM comments worldnews
  6. The Dutch judge who ordered The Pirate Bay links censored, Chris Hensen, has been found to be textbook corrupt - he had commercial ventures with the plaintiffs in previous anti-piracy cases comments worldnews
  7. A public schoolgirl who died from a brain hemorrhage at 13 has saved eight lives by donating her organs. comments worldnews
  8. Dalai Lama reveals warning of Chinese plot to kill him comments worldnews
  9. Six leaders from South Korea's biggest Buddhist order have quit after secret video footage showed some supposedly serene monks raising hell, playing high-stakes poker, drinking and smoking comments worldnews
  10. U.S. Military Taught Officers: Use 'Hiroshima' Tactics for 'Total War' on Islam comments worldnews
  11. China denies preparing for war over South China Sea comments worldnews
  12. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments worldnews
  13. Israel's military looks to the sea: Israel buys a sixth German-made submarine. A navy officer explains why Israel's military is looking increasingly to the seas. comments worldnews
  14. Leftists' 'shot nuclear boss Roberto Adinolfi' (Italy) comments worldnews
  15. 'Goodbye to China, country of contradictions' - Features - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  16. More pain in Greece: Unemployment hits record 22% comments worldnews
  17. Man killed by illegal cockfighting bird comments worldnews
  18. A major blast is reported to have ripped through Aleppo, Syria’s largest city. The bomb allegedly targeted the headquarters of Syria’s ruling Ba'ath Party. comments worldnews
  19. Filipinos Rally Against China's Claim to Shoal comments worldnews
  20. Germany plans to go nuclear free within a decade | comments worldnews
  21. Italian anarchists kneecap nuclear executive and threaten more shootings: Group named after Greek anarchist warns it will strike seven more times at nuclear firm's parent company, Finmeccanica comments worldnews
  22. Former News International chief executive Rebekah Brooks has told the British inquiry into media ethics that she discussed phone hacking with British prime minister David Cameron at a party in 2010. comments worldnews
  23. US partially resumes arms sales to Bahrain - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  24. Egypt holds first ever presidential debate - Middle East - Al Jazeera English comments worldnews
  25. Spain's anti-austerity movement to return to streets comments worldnews
  26. Monsanto and the Gates Foundation claim genetically modified crops will revolutionize agriculture in Kenya, but critics warn the technology is ill-suited to the needs of farmers comments worldnews
  27. Chilean Earthquake Restores Beaches - A recent powerful earthquake reversed years worth of coastal erosion at beaches in Chile. comments worldnews
  28. Ricardo Seppia: Paedophile priest jailed for abusing altar boys and supplying cocaine comments worldnews
  29. Game Over for the Climate: Canada’s tar sands contain twice the amount of carbon dioxide emitted by global oil use in our entire history. comments worldnews
  30. NATO has announced that Israel will not be invited to its May 20-21 summit in Chicago comments worldnews
  31. 'Sonic weapon' deployed in London during Olympics comments worldnews
  32. Under-performing UK civil servants will be identified and fired under plans to rank all government officials in order of ability comments worldnews
  33. Al Qaida 'underwear bomber' was British spy comments worldnews
submitted by frontbot to frontworldnews [link] [comments]

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Legally sanctioned offshore gambling sites that are available to Filipino players include legal Philippines online poker sites and legal Philippines online sports betting sites. The same rules apply to offshore poker sites and sportsbooks, so as long as the gambling sites are not operated within the Philippines, then there is nothing illegal about enjoying real money gambling at these destinations. However, it’s not illegal for offshore operators to serve players within the Philippines. So, if you live there or are planning a vacation, you should be able to access all the major poker sites, including PokerStars and Partypoker. Alternatively, if you’d prefer to play live, the Philippines has 22 poker rooms housing more than 100 tables! Columbia is another country where poker is popular. There are about 15 legal casinos in Columbia. Also, online poker is completely legal in Columbia. Philippines. This is the last country that I want to mention where poker is pretty famous and is gaining a lot of popularity. There are about 18 casinos in the Philippines. Philippines Government Threatens Illegal Online Gambling Operations with Prosecution. Posted on: July 1, 2020, 07:33h. Last updated on: July 1, 2020, 11:48h. In both regions of the Philippines, it’s illegal for any independent operator to offer online betting to locals. However, offshore providers with no connection to the Philippines may offer their services to the Philippines. In short, there are two different sets of laws (or lack of laws) in play here. Citizens of the Philippines are not subject Fighting against illegal gambling. PAGCOR has been fighting against illegal offshore companies targeting players in the Philippines for some time. In the space of just a few years, the number of operators without licenses operating in the country fell from 30,000 to fewer than 200 operators. No it is not illegal to play online poker in the Philippines. Gambling is legal here and there are many casinos. Online is fine as well. Photo via the Asian Poker Tour, Cebu – Advice on playing live poker in the Philippines? There are a few places to play live poker in the Philippines but if you want to play for decent stakes you will need to be in Manila. China is taking illegal online gambling sites emanating from the Philippines extremely seriously.. How seriously? The Chinese embassy in the nearby country issued a formal statement, and it’s expected to come up in a meeting this month between the country’s presidents.. It’s an interesting pushback on illegal gambling involving the highest levels of government.

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Illegal Philippine casino

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is poker illegal in philippines

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